#also Wahlberg's hate crimes were towards both Black and Asian people on different accounts at different times
neechees · 2 years
User Lammatichama: Mark Wahlberg openly admitted and plead guilty to several racially motivated hate crimes.
User Joseytewa: this is actually true and relevant to Natives for a really specific reason. Um, Mark Wahlberg has been hoarding tribal gaming associations and um tribal casinos, trying to establish a Wahlburgers or some restaraunt in a casino. That's because he can't get a liquor license as the owner of Wahlburgers because he has a hate crime on his record. Um, but if he co-sponsors, Wahlburgers can establish in a tribal casino, which is allowed to serve liquor adjacent to the Walburgers, which would circumvent the ban. Um, he's not interested in us for any pro Native reasons, he's trying to get around the consequences of his racism.
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