#also bc tiny details are my jam I like to think resistance and peggies don't know peggie!nadine as anything other than Dean–
derelictdumbass · 3 years
"you... remembered that?" or "I heard what you said... no one's ever talked about me that way before?" + Jonn Seed?
ilu fren thank u again (am I going to thank u on every one of these yes I am fight me)
Title: Not a Diva
Ship: The Angels Baptist
Words: 1,244
Nadine walked swiftly down the bunkers corridors, past crates and boxes of supplies. Any members or chosen in the way basically flung themselves to the walls to make room as he passed by, none of them wanting to be in the way of Eden Gate's guard dog. his brown eyes stayed focused ahead of him, not giving any of them a glance as he made his way to one of the main rooms of John's bunker. He was taking stock today and he'd checked all the others except for this one, when he was done he planned to go to Faith's bunker and then Jacob's after that.
He wasn't pleased to see three chosen meandering in the large room, they glanced at him as he entered but quickly turned away when they saw it was him. Nadine ignored them, beginning to pick up lists sat atop the crates and taking note of the supplies. The children's loud talking became hushed as they spoke among themself and Nadine ignored it as he went on with his work.
Their hushed talking grew clearer as Nadine walked closer, trying to focus on the lists of inventory and not the chosen's words. He caught whispers of John's name and not so flattering words that made his jaw clench, a year ago he would have broken their jaw already but Joseph hadn't been too fond of them putting members of their project into the infirmary. So he held himself back and walked onto the next crate.
"He can be a bit of a Diva, don't know why the father let's him act like that, he makes us look like a joke,"
Oh. Oh, That was it.
"Do you want to repeat that?" Nadine asked, slamming the paper down on the crate and sharply turning around to face the three men. Anger burned clearly in his eyes and the men collectively straightened their backs and looked at him with wide eyes.
"Brother Dean–"
"John is not a diva that walks around with his head up his ass, he's smart, he's fucking brilliant. Everything he does has a meaning. Did you forget none of this would be possible without him, everyone here in this project owes John everything. Joseph wouldn't have gotten this off of the ground without him," Nadine nearly snarled, stalking towards them and stopping in front of the one they took as the main instigator. He shook his head uselessly, mouth opening and closing as the others looked on anxiously.
"I didn't mean anything by it—" He croaked out, shrinking under Nadine's intense gaze and looming figure. Nadine doesn't let him finish, not caring for their excuses.
"You did. You all think he can't hear you but he can and he doesn't deserve to listen to all the shit that comes out of your mouths. He gave away everything to be here, to make this happen. He deserves a little more gratitude than he's getting so maybe next time show a little fucking respect." He growls and the men all nod in unison. They looked like sad excuses for men standing there, cowering with their tails between their legs. It only served to make Dean angrier.
"We're sorry brother Dean," They all sputtered, but the apology fell on the wrong ears and Dean shook his head in disgust at their use of 'brother'. They weren't his family, not if they spoke about John like that.
"Get out of here, maybe do your job instead of gossiping like teenagers," Nadine snapped, glaring the men down as they scurried away from him with fearful eyes. Maybe they'd go to their actual posts and get some work done. Useless idiots.
With a sigh heavier than Saturn Nadine turns and stalks towards the wall, grabbing the overall stock clipboard and angrily scrawling down the supplies he noted. Footsteps alert him to someone entering the large room and he turns, ready to bark at any underlings that came in but stopping short at the sight of a familiar coat and vulnerable blue eyes.
Nadine gives an acknowledging nod to the youngest Seed, the man giving a slower more tentative one in return. His eyes were swimming with something Nadine couldn't place this far away so he simply turned back to the wall and returned the clipboard to its place.
"How was Joseph?" He asks, knowing John had gone to see his brother an hour prior.
"... He was fine," John's voice is soft, thoughtful. It makes Dean turn and watch as the Herald walked further into the room, looking off down the corridor the three chosen had left. Nadine's stomach dropped, he really hoped John hadn't heard that conversation, or anything the three idiots had said about him. But with the upturned curve of his brow Nadine could tell he most likely had.
"Are you alright?" He asks gently, John nodding softly and turning to meet his gaze.
"I heard what you said…" John paused, searching Nadine's eyes for something before a pained smile stretched across his face, "No one's ever talked about me that way before," He laughed humourlessly, avoiding Nadine's eyes and turning to inspect one of the crates. It made Nadine's heart twist painfully to see him in such a state.
"I'm sure Joseph–"
Nadine bit his tongue, the flat and sharp way John replied making him regret his words. He wanted nothing more than to reach out and hold the Herald of Holland Valley, to soothe that look on his face and ease the pain swimming underneath his cracking facade. 
"I'm sorry," Nadine murmured instead, stepping forward so they were side by side but not daring to move any closer.
"Why are you sorry?" John asked with another dry laugh, looking over at the other man who stared down at the crate with bubbling anger in his eyes.
"You don't get enough credit,"
"I'm not doing any of this for credit Nadine, I'm doing it for Joseph,"
"I know,"
More silence. John sighed, leaning closer and resting his temple against Nadine's shoulder. Nadine gently resting his head against his, letting him know the touch was welcomed. Nadine took that moment to take hold of John's hand, interlocking their fingers and giving a reassuring squeeze. John smiled faintly, eyes squeezing shut for a moment and just soaking up the warmth and the unspoken understanding.
Nadine hoped he knew even if no one else was, he was grateful for everything John did and that he would be there for him no matter what happened. He'd follow John to the ends of hell and back if that's where his path took him, he'd turn his back on Joseph and the project in an instance for the Baptist and he felt no shame for it. Everything Joseph gave him could not compare to the peace John gave him every day.
"Are you done for today?" John's voice is quiet when he speaks, not wanting to disrupt the calmness in the air. 
"If you want me to be I am," Nadine answers without hesitation and John chuckles, this time it's a genuine sound and Nadine smiles. John removes his head from Nadine's shoulder but keeps their hands intertwined, looking down at them and gently caressing Nadine's knuckles with his thumb.
"I think we both deserve some rest," John murmurs, blue eyes meeting Nadine's soft brown ones with a tiredness Nadine could feel in his own bones.
"I think so too,"
"Let's go home."
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