#also can't wait to hear more abt the vampire au
newtdrawz ยท 8 months
you opened requests for the WRONG FANDOM!!
-Darry getting reading glasses (a common hc I find cute)
-Dallys appearance from the book
-the Curtis bros as vampires (an au I thought of ๐Ÿ˜‡)
-Twobit in Disneyland
First Darry and his reading glasses + Book Dally
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What a silly guy,, he's so father mother brother ๐Ÿ˜ญ I hope I did Dally justice, I'll try to draw more Book accurate Dally soon ๐Ÿ™
CURTIS BRO VAMPIRES,,, I'm so obsessed with this already,, I did draw them in their normal clothes but I definitely wanna draw more of this au (with ur permission ofc ๐Ÿ™) I literally can't wait to hear more about this au I love it ๐Ÿ˜ญ
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AND THEN,, Two-bit,, my love,, light of our lives ๐Ÿซถ (ft. Darry w/ Pony and Dally being leash kids lol)
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I HOPE THESE ARE GOOD sorry they kinda suck ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ I'm trying to pull myself out of an art block rn but these helped a ton!!! They were so fun to do!!!! Thank you for the prompts/requests!!! (Also can't wait to hear/see more vampire au content ๐Ÿ‘€๐Ÿ‘€) (Also!! I will try and get to more requests soon!! Feel free to ask me stuff or send your own HC's in the ask box thingy!!!)
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yaksha-lover ยท 3 months
Hello! I just wanted to say first off that I absolutely adore your work, especially the Vamp au. I've literally read all ur stuff on that twice. (Also pls make more diasomnia fics on that I'm begging you)
Anyways, I just wanted to ask on what Ortho's role in this au is because I dont think he's been mentioned before(?). I've imagined him as some abnormal vampire or maybe he's a reason that Idia wanted to be turned into a vampire in the first place. Pretty raw ideas. Can't wait to hear your opinion abt it!
hey! svshsjsj that makes me so happy to hear <33 (more diasomnia to come for sure).
iโ€™ve replied to an ask about him and his role, but it was a long time ago!
tldr, unfortunately, โ€˜realโ€™ ortho died by the time idia had the opportunity to be turned (or for ortho to be turned). so yes, heโ€™s the reason idia became a vampire, to be able to build, and then stay with robot ortho forever.
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