#also characters may switch out and feel a bit off at first it's bc they're all voice by like 2 people (recently 3)
unnamed-idi0t 9 months
I feel like I鈥檓 gonna get dragged into the hole of tsam
I can feel the hyper fixation happening
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rubra-wav 7 months
how do you think Hazbin Hotel characters would react to a demon with butterfly wings?
The main Hazbin cast x Butterfly demon reader
Part 2 >
A/N: This wasn't really specific with what charas specifically, so I'm just doing the main cast. I'll do a part 2 with more characters, though, if it's wanted (sorry)
Reader's wings are written as colourful and proportionate to their body, so they are pretty big.
Realised there's a 10 image limit per post, which is bs. Isn't how i normally would have liked it to be aesthetically bc of that 馃憥
Cw: Sfw, slightly suggestive stuff in Angel's, reference to decapitation and cannibalism 馃拃, kinda a bit angsty in Angel's and Vaggie's, gn! Reader
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- Charlie would be absolutely delighted by you, no doubt about it.
- She wants nothing more than to be in a place that's vividly colourful and (assuming reader is a somewhat colourful butterfly demon) you'd be that for her.
- She also probably just really really likes butterflies in general though, let's be real.
- I can imagine her just staring at your wings with absolutely starry eyes while complimenting them.
- "They're so pretty ohhh my gosh!"
- I imagine her being lightly jealous, she'd love to have wings like a butterfly.
- Would probably ask if she can touch, and look somewhat sad when told no due to how it would cause your scales to come off. (Assuming reader's wings are the same as normal butterfly wings)
- It may get somewhat uncomfortable if you don't like attention, she would definitely fixate heavily on them. Tell her to stop though and it's making you feel weird and she will tone it down though.
- If not, though, enjoy the attention you're gonna be getting from Charlie over them.
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- Vaggie would likely be a bit uncomfortable about seeing demons with wings in general due to her history - let alone you with beautiful, delicate ones.
- I think she'd secretly be hiding some angst and jealously about your wings ngl.
- When she sees Charlie fawning over them though oh boy.
- Yeah she's not gonna be happy about them then. She doesn't blame you or anything for how she's feeling as it's her issue and she knows that, but it still hurts quite a bit - especially in the beginning.
- It gets less and less bad though the more she gets used to it, she kind of just becomes 'meh' about it - especially if you ask Charlie to stop being so gaga about them.
- When she gets her wings back, though, I think she'd come to think they are cool. A normal level appreciation though.
- I can half see you two helping each other out with your wings down the line if you two get closer though.
- There are some things that come with upkeep so wings don't become damaged and stuff, so the people who also have wings? Allies 100%.
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- I'm gonna be fr, the first time your wings come out he's probably gonna be panicked due to his baggage.
- Especially if it happens when you're angry.
- He's probably gonna need reassurance you aren't gonna try hurt him tbh.
- As sad as it is, his trauma would definitely play a part in his initial perception of them.
- After he recovers a bit and stops immediately going into fight or flight and seeing you =/= Val though, the switch up is insane.
- He would be all over you about them.
- I can imagine him calling you a bunch of butterfly related petnames.
- If you remember the 'make those wings flap' comments he made about Husk, its gonna be that on a hundred.
- Even if it's just joking flirting about them, it's gonna be constant because he thinks they are beautiful and it's a lot of material considering you're a butterfly and he's a spider.
- I feel like he would touch them at some point without really thinking and pull his hand back to see your scales have rubbed off onto his hand and go ''oh shit.''
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- I don't think he'd have much of a reaction to it at all - at least not initially.
- Of course he acknowledges that they are very pretty, but he won't comment upon it much at all unlike the others.
- Possibly may make reference to it when crafting bitter statements directed towards you, though.
- Down the line, if you grow closer to him, I can see him as actually being concerned about your wings.
- They are extremely eye-catching and unique for a being in hell, and due to that, it could lead demons to actively target you
- Whether with overt aggressive intentions to take your wings and sell them, or with more covert problems like you being scouted for modelling (ie. By Velvette)
- I can see Vaggie and you trying to set up a wing maintenance group and trying to include him in it. Him being vehemently against it to a level that's almost comedic.
- You eventually convince him even though he's complaining the whole way through it. (He is lying and actually enjoys it).
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- He wouldn't like them at all in the beginning.
- They're big and bulky and get in the way of everything, including him.
- The amount of times he's accidentally fallen due to 'tripping' on your giant ass wings is greatly irritating and embarrassing to him.
- Possibly thinks you keep trying to kill him by tripping him.
- Could also see his 'hair' (idk how to properly refer to it, haha), accidentally brushing up against your wings with how expressive it is and getting your scales all over him.
- Basically, he doesn't like them because he's clumsy but will take it out on you.
- I also get the vibe he'd be jealous because of how eye-catching they are.
- In his mind, if he had wings like that, then he'd surely have been acknowledged by the Vees in some way.
- If you change your habits with your wings to be conscious of him not being able to walk normally and start getting onto better terms, though, he will likely become appreciative of them and stop being so pissy about them.
- They are very cool looking to him, and once his poor attitude wears off about them, he'll come to admit that.
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- He'd actually be somewhat weary of you in the beginning.
- It's nature's law that creatures that do not bother to hide themselves are not to be messed with - especially in a place like hell of all places.
- When he sees that you just happen to be particularly colourful, he drops that, though.
- He'd honestly probably be thinking of what it would be like to eat a demon like you after confirming you are, in fact, not poisonous or dangerous at all.
- He doesn't much care all that much for the intrinsic beauty of things as long as they aren't utterly ugly, and as long as they aren't obnoxious and in your face.
- Depending on how bright and vibrant they are and how much attention you bring to them, he may actually dislike them.
- If not, though, he acknowledges they are nice to look at, but again, doesn't really care about them outside of theorising how they would be to eat.
- Would probably make comments about how he could "just eat your wings up," or ask you about how you taste just to try to freak you out.
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- When she sees them, her eyes grow wide in a mixture of surprise and awe. At the exact same time, an unhinged smirk spreads across her face.
- She then proceeds to leap at you, scissors or whatever sharp object is closest to her raised at your wings.
- She'd be absolutely trying to take a piece out of them for her 'collection' 馃拃
- You're gonna need medical attention after she's done with you because she's hellbent.
- Her obsessiveness over your wings would vary depending on your gender but either way, she'd be trying to get a piece of them for herself.
- Definitely abnormal level of appreciation of them in the absolute worst way.
- If you can get her to stop instantly trying to cut off parts of them, she's still constantly trying to touch them. You need to complain about your scales every damn time she tries to reach out to touch it without fail.
- it's like your wings are a beacon, and she's the insect gunning for it ironically.
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icharchivist 1 year
i think it was a really missed opportunity for Orologia to have multiple forms (one for each of the "standard" skyfarer races, and all done more "correctly" compared to the other dragons to demonstrate that they're older and know what they're doing, with maybe one towards the end of the event that was more of a mishmash like the others just to demonstrate how they were falling apart?) and i like the idea in theory but yeah the human "masculine" Orologia just generally communicates their character way better in the design aspect
On a concept level yeah i think it would have been cool for Logia to have multiple forms by race as well as by gender, but i feel like it could have been a bit confusing to put into motion in the game, considering it would come with each version having a working design and their sprites and managing to equally divide time for them.
As much as the binary of f!Logia and m!Logia is a bit limiting compared to what they can do, i think it pulls more effectively its punches because you really have one Logia at the begining and one at the end (not to mention that the one you get is affected by your MC's gender), which anchors them as like... there's the parent's face and there's the stranger's face, but the stranger is just as much a parent as the one of the simulation yaknow?
And in the middle point where Logia goes back and forth between genders especially when they spiral, i think it would have been really difficult to pull it off effectively if Logia had more than two forms.
As for the mishmash, it could have worked, but yeah it should have commited for multiple version first and personally i think it wouldn't have hold up to scrutiny / would end up having the designs too spread out toward the event rather than trying to make us care for two steady ones with an equal-ish screentime.
The genderfluid idea and everything was fucking cool though and i do like the idea of having a different Logia depending on your settings, it was so fun to see people realize when the event came out that we didn't??? have the same screenshots??? for some scenes??? bc some people didn't see granblue_en mention that the gender of Logia would change depending on the settings.
(also i feel like it works wonder in actually having people stick to Logia being genderfluid because since you can't say "well they were a woman in the simulation but a man in real life so clearly they're actually a man!" because that's not true, that's not how it went, and that depends on your settings, you're forced to acknowledge Logia's fluidity, and that's something i think that is interesting for a gacha to enforce, like "no you're not ignoring this, face the genderweird parent >:(". it's a weird moment where the binary actually works to its advantage in term of how to execute it in a way the fanbase cannot hoop around it.)
But yeah, m!Logia's design is vastly superior. Probably also because it was made ways before f!Logia? m!Logia first appeared in Wamdus's FE, so it has been in the game for a while before And You and before we knew Logia was genderfluid to start with. I feel like F!Logia might have been a late-in-development addition to Logia's gimmicks and it may be why they sound less polished imo, and really more trying to "secure" the horny fanbase into caring for their new chara because the whole center of the anni will rest on if you like this chara or not and everything.
They mentioned in interviews that they are interested with eventually making alt for the dragons where they would switch genders and possibly race later on, like they teased with this:
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which would at least imply that even Logia could end up getting more forms eventually. I think they'll stick to the original designs as their "base forms" (and i'm sure Ewiyar will Refuse to try to toy around with other races. She remains a Cat.) but there's always a possibility to see more even if the event stuck to 2, so we may see in the future at least!
but yeah m!Logia best design, for sure. Hopefully one day we'll get to see more!
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aqvarius 4 years
MSB in Love365 is kind of mess, tbh... Play the PSD guys and they feel like they're airdropped out of nowhere. The additional guys (like Makabe, Eiji) also have that sudden feel to them? It feels like MSB is originally made for gree, I think, that's why the transition doesn't feel as smooth in the paid version. As for kbtbb, it's because they're mostly cashgrabs, imo :o (don't kill me kbtbb fans)
so true!! goto鈥檚 only makes sense after you鈥檝e already read his gree route (and fallen in love with him lol). tbh sometimes i find the pacing of some of ishigami鈥檚 hlitf routes almost have that skippy msb feel. i never ended up playing makabe but played eiji recently and i was like ???? am i missing something?聽
even hayase鈥檚 is weird which is so strange to me bc it鈥檚 literally a reboot that i think happened after the love 365 switch and hayase is part of gen 1 of the reboot so ??? my theory is that his character may have been introduced halfway through another main story (e.g. subaru鈥檚) with you already getting to know him a bit, which is when his own route would then kick in? after the first couple of chapters it was fine, but yeah the opening was really confusing and i wish it had carried on straight from the prologue.聽
also i agree, kbtbb is voltage intl鈥檚 biggest cashcow (also why they keep getting vip room events lol) but like... they have so much content already that no longer contributes at all to the main timeline or even the same UNIVERSE as the og title, and i would argue it barely even contributes to relationship development bc honestly most of the relationships and characters maxed out already in terms of development so it鈥檚 just repetition of the same dynamics... like how many times can we see eisuke get jealous and/or pissy and then drag her off to have sex and then secretly be all soft about her internally... please let this title have a break haha (don鈥檛 kill me either pls fans)
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