#also charlie has a revolver infused with cosmic horror magic curse energy and it's also purple and shit
monster-noises · 1 year
7. Favorite actor of the year?
25. Did you create any characters (in games, art, or writing) this year? Describe one
From your 🎃
7: Oh, harvey guillen absolutely. Him or matt berry. But i side more with harvey cause.. it.. i just.. he........... v////v
25. i did! I did i did, plenty for Andromadis, my ttrpg campaign, many of whom I adore but would be kinda lost without context, and Montgomery but ya'll've heard at least a bit about him so.. hm.
I suppose this was the year that i really Solidified Charlie and Ulysses, who were just kinda floating around amorphous in the brain meats before hand, and i talk about them probably the least! So a Quick Introduction to my bad bad backwater cowboy cosmic horror boys! ( I know the ask is describe One but frankly they cannot be seperated v-v)
Ulysses is a very short and slender man, with close cut reddish hair, small wire glasses, and a clean face (he's trans but that's not really a big talking point here) at one point in time he desired to be a preist and a teacher, but somewhere along the way those dreams fell off. There's some rather... uncharitable rumours as to why but most just chalk it up to his short temper and unnerving disposition being not a good fit for the feild.
He disappeared from town some time ago, just walked into the brush and never came back. He found a book out there, A special book, A living book. A book that contained within its pages all time and all things and all possibilities, and it spoke to him, it called itself 'the fabric of time both woven and unravelled' he introduces it in his sermons as 'the book of ulysses'. He made a deal with the book, feed it; and it will grant you life and freedom and a peak into the unknowable.
So Ulysses marches out across the land, seeking out the smallest most isolated places, to speak the truth written in the books pages, and let it have the spoils of the congregation.
He is not sure if the deal he has made is in anyway a Good one.
Charlie is a ghost.
Kind of.
Charlie Was a man, this is certain, and that man Did die, but his spirit remains and so he must be a ghost? Right? But see, it is unclear if the spirit that takes his apperance and calls itself charlie is fully or even partially the man that once was or just a new unexpected extension of the eternal entity that contains itself within the book.
Charlie was the books previous owner, a tall and sturdy man with a thick beard and long black hair. He was a loner and a wanderer, with a cheerful and disarming personality, the kind of person you would trust at your campfire without really thinking about whether you Should. He remains the only of the only of the books acolytes to ever feed it with his own flesh and time. This caused something of a feedback loop, and resulted in his spirits long entrapment within the entity of the book, and his manifesting as a ghost after ulysses took over as the books keeper.
The two do not make fast friends, but they are coming along, dealing with the horrible business they must attended to definitely brings them together, and though neither would readily admit it, the company is nice to have....
Thank you pumpkin!!!
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