#also chengcheng :")
add1ctedt0you · 5 months
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The Untamed
Hearing this, he spat, "Fooling around again! Your sect leader, I, has already poured you a bowl and put it outside. Kneel for me to express your gratitude and go drinking your soup outside."
Wei Wuxian skipped outside before he turned around and came back, "What do you mean by this, Jiang Cheng? Where's the meat?"
Jiang Cheng, "Finished it. There're only lotus roots left. Don't eat them if you don't want to."
Wei Wuxian attacked with his elbow, "Spit out the meat!"
Jiang Cheng, "No objections. I'll spit them out and let's see if you'll eat them!"
Seeing that they started to argue again, Jiang Yanli quickly interrupted, "Okay, okay. How old are you two, fighting over some meat? I'll just make another jar..."
The lotus pork rib soup that Jiang Yanli made was Wei Wuxian's favorite.
Aside from how it was really delicious, it was also because he'd always recall what happened the first time, he had it.
Having stayed up for almost half of the night, the two had grown hungry as well. And so, Jiang Yanli went to the kitchen and busied herself for a while, standing on tiptoe. She warned up a bowl of lotus pork rib soup for each of them. The aroma wrapped itself around his heart, lingering.
The Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation - Chapter 71-Departure - Part 3
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yustinamishka · 2 years
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[Like petal, like flame] It’s time for the jiujiu protection squad 
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saebaragi · 2 months
happy 6th nine percent's anniversary!
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cremebrulee666 · 10 months
helphelphelp i've fallen back into the rabbit hole idol producer and nine percent and now im rewatching idol producer late and night and just overall being infatuated im dying i keep trying to find blogs for idol producr fics but its been 5 years so ofc theres like hardly anything and most of the fics are already long gone bcs ppl deactivate their acc bcs, once again, its been 5 years 🥲
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Lord Rong Hao you duplicitous bastard
All Lord Rong Hao had to tell Chengchang that the little Orchid fairy could be a reincarnation of Goddess Xilian and our poor Demon Lord wouldn't have gotten a chance.
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gardensofthemoon · 9 days
chengxian, 40 for the ask game!
40 - because the world is ending. prompt list here
this got a little out of hand, i took it in a different direction. sorry 🫣 tw mcd
When Wei Wuxian was young, he had the habit of scaring Jiang Cheng by plunging unexpectedly into the lake, splashing Jiang Cheng who watched from the pier. Jiang Cheng sulked miserably in his drenched robes, and his face would twist in the frown that Wei Wuxian knew meant Jiang Cheng was close to bursting into tears.
But then Wei Wuxian emerged from the water, grinning. The midday sun looked up white and scorching from the shimmering surface of the lake. “Won’t you join me,” he wheedled Jiang Cheng when he was feeling courteous, or simply pulled him down when he was not.
He remembers the soft gasp caught in Jiang Cheng’s mouth, how his heartbeat stuttered as a frightened foal before Jiang Cheng gave in and fell into the summer-warm water.
Jiang Cheng used to need little convincing; he went along with whatever whims struck Wei Wuxian. To know how long would that blind faith last—
“I don’t understand you,” Jiang Cheng would say afterwards. He looked askance at Wei Wuxian, wringing his hair dry. Floating by the pier, Wei Wuxian pretended he didn’t spy the slant of his shoulders goldened by sunspots, or the water dribbling from Jiang Cheng’s hair like tears, wetting the already soaked linens. “I know you can swim. Why do you like to play at drowning?”
The thing about Jiang Cheng was that he always sought answers. Could not let any challenge undisputed or any question unresolved. He’d hammer at the issue, subtle as a kick to the teeth, and prod at it until it either untangled or strangled him instead. The only way over was through.
Wei Wuxian only flashed him a crooked smile and turned over on his back. The water was lapping gently around him. He felt the nascent sunburn spreading on his cheeks.
He didn’t know how to explain it to Jiang Cheng. It had nothing to do with drowning. He found he had no words for it—or if he did, Jiang Cheng would not understand. He was pragmatic and serious, a sweet, conscientious little sect heir. Couldn’t relate to the strange yearning that tugged at Wei Wuxian during torpid summers, air heavy and humid as a stifling shroud.
Perhaps he did not wholly understand it himself, back then. He thinks he never got it, not truly, not even now.
Once, before Jiang Cheng became his second shadow, Wei Wuxian had fallen from a tree; the branch had snapped and he tumbled down, from a height about twice of a grown man’s. He’d sprained his ankle, so he had to be carried on shijie’s back, and Jiang Cheng had brought him spare lotus buns from the kitchens for months, even after the joint healed and Wei Wuxian thought the flimsy excuse wouldn’t hold. One would think that’d put him off falling.
It was the world-tilting drop that Wei Wuxian chased, the abrupt dive. The plummet and the splash. How his heart trembled ecstatic in his chest as for one infinitely stretching moment he felt weightless, untethered. The cloudless, endless sky lit by sunshine; the welcoming depths. The tension bleeding from his body preparing for the impact, and the cold clutch of water robbing his lungs of breath. The morning light mirrored into the lake.
He would hunt for the tallest trees, with sturdy arms leaning over the pier. He’d jump.
Jiang Cheng’s gaze danced upon his skin like a caress, and a tendril of something hot and shivery curled low inside him. He ducked underwater, his lungs burning, watching the shifting rays shining through from beyond the water’s edge. The urge to breathe in, to gulp tickled down his spine.
Then he hauled himself up on the docks and sprawled at Jiang Cheng’s feet and laughed, and then Jiang Cheng would laugh also. Grinning so broadly it hurt, he slung a dripping arm around those shoulders he’d glimpsed bare for but a moment before the sight branded itself in his memory. “See, Chengcheng? I was right, isn’t this fun?” he whispered, so close to Jiang Cheng’s neck his breath wafted around the short hairs at his nape. As expected, Jiang Cheng grouched. But he didn’t pull away from Wei Wuxian.
It used to be easy between them. Wei Wuxian led, and Jiang Cheng followed. Whether he ran too fast or dived too deep, Wei Wuxian knew Jiang Cheng would always be behind him, or above him, watching him with sun-bright eyes.
It is easy now, too, though the circumstances have changed; he flees, but Jiang Cheng still follows.
Tears are dribbling down Jiang Cheng’s face, and his garments are soaked in red. Shijie, Wei Wuxian thinks despairingly. He crumbles to his knees. Curls his dirt-smeared, blood-stained fingers around Jiang Cheng’s wrist, the one bearing Zidian, and dares to press his lips on the metal. Barely a breath. His own skin is ashen. The colour of the dead or dying.
“Who shall release us?” the voices are crying.
The sky is dim now, dark. Illuminated only by the ghostly white light of spectres. Screams are tearing through the night; the army of corpses eats mercilessly, effortlessly through the lines. Chaos unleashes on the battlefield, gory and futile.
He’s expectant, waiting for Jiang Cheng to summon the lightning, to reach inside him and cast out the smoke shadowing the hidden hollow.
The blow doesn’t come. So be it, Jiang Cheng is still soft-hearted. Maybe someday he’ll learn how to dispel ghosts, even the ones haunting their own corpses.
He remembers being unmoored, the heavy knot dropping in his pit. The elation of the plunge, the dark water opening. The white sun, the endless sky. The summer he fell for Jiang Cheng.
He looks skyward; stormclouds are stirring on the backdrop of Jiang Cheng’s steel-sharp glare feeling like a fulfilled promise. He can only wonder at it, the sky-wide vastness, the fall without fear, the dive into darkness dappled with starlight.
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jiangwanyinscatmom · 1 year
Can't understand how chengcheng fans has always been the first who started to disgust people and start a war in the fandom.
Let me tell you a story. In China itself, modao once was a peaceful fandom on Lofter or Weibo during 2016-18, because the fans are all coming from reading the novel. At most they like the friendship of young Shuangjie but not UwU-ing so bad while scolding WangXian.
It was Not until late 2018-19 when donghua and CQL came out. A lot of JC stans spread like moss, either baby-ing JC or breaking WangXian by saying ChengXian originally is the official pair but because LWJ got popular mxtx give it to him (simply daydreaming😒 Even before writing, mxtx has said she first constructed what kind of protagonist she'd write and what kind of Husband he'd get thus WangXian are canon even before the making of MDZS).
At first the pairing of JC with LXC originally came due to the coincidence of Shuangjie and Shuangbi, but afterward, they literally recruit almost every character in MDZS to love their chengcheng. Such as ChengNing, ChengQing, ChengJingyi, RuohanCheng, ChengYao, SangCheng, even incest ChengYanli! etc, because chengcheng is pitiful being alone and he needs much love, lol. And finally, they simply insult both WangXian for betraying JC for love, or wen sibling for whatever sin they said to be guilty of, insulting Jin Guangyao for the third party between XiCheng (almost every XiCheng fanfic must hate and step on JGY to dregs to make JC look so much better, which is funny because XiYao is kinda popular in China much earlier, so this is a tense war, poor Xichen though🤣).
The even funnier thing is that they started to protest "why can't official pairing be broken?". In China, fans are pretty strict to official pairing (even the role of top/bottom, so this is really getting on a lot of people's nerves). If previously they robbed WWX and hate LWJ, now they started to rob LWJ and hate WWX. Yes. They think why did WWX get all the best thing? Why can't LWJ love and pamper their chengcheng? (Oh they already forgot about pairing LXC with JC in order to pamper him in the early days, can't get enough and want more).
There is even a party of DuWei or HeiMXTX(smth like antiwwx and antimxtx here), distorting canon facts (practically the so called canon they say is by ignoring 80℅ of facts itself), distorting every good intention of WWX into sinful and wrong things, even stepping on mxtx and slander her for neglecting her character just to make way for wangxian. The funny thing is that not even JGY Stan are as hardworking as them in slandering WWX and mxtx, when JGY literally got butchered in the end compared to the alive and kicking JC.
Naturally, WangXian fans get disgusted so bad they retaliated hard😂 around 2019 and intensified around 2020-21 (now the fandom has cooled down a bit). All kinds of meta and fanfic to slap awake those daydreaming ChengDu (literally mean Poisonous Cheng) are made. We can find tens of thousands articles (there are different tags, so rounding them up, it is more than 100k articles) has been written to refute the weird logic-brainwashing from JC stans on Lofter or Weibo.
This. At this point, came another problem.
Some of them simply hated JC but think that JFM and JYL are good people (which I also think so, they are just simply normal people who treat WWX just like how normal people in their shoes would be, without particular malice or hidden conspiracy). Some of them got angry for ChengDu remarks who said WWX owe YMJ for life, so they feel disdain even to JFM and JYL because those 2's kindness arent so great, if they were replaced by someone else WWX could even be treated better, yet why did it got said WWX owe them so much? Small portion of them even turn to dislike JYL so bad for being an ignorant and almost love brain Mary Sue girl, in retaliation of ChengDu who practically insult all kind of shits about WWX and Wen Qing while putting the saint family YunmengJiang onto the pedestal (including JYL), lol.
Anyway, there are all kind of different sides even for those who hated JC and his poisonous fanatic. But each one of them came due to JC Stan brainless remarks in the first place, lmao.
But what I want to say is, no matter what country, no matter what fandom, whether local or international, why is it always those JC stan who started to first disgust people and provoking a fight? Like, is this really hereditary? Those who worshipped JC are destined to distort the canon facts, refuse to accept reality, must insult and slander other characters to whitewash their own idol?
That has always been a mystery to me🙃
I think my largest frustration with the English side of the base is, that I never had to defend the fact that the Ancestral Hall fight, was never in the wrong for Wangxian and Wen Ning when it came to Chinese fans. This is completely on the side of mostly American fans.
I remember the mess of Jiang Cheng fans while the novel was being written only to have been replaced by nastier Xue Yang fans that were the ones to chase MXTX finally off of weibo, which is honestly as notoriously gross to creators as twitter is on the western side of things. It stopped once they didn't get what they wanted, and at least JC stans there stay in their corner because they know they will be mocked to hell and back for claiming distorted canon is actually true (trust me bro).
I can very much deal with Chinese mainland and Taiwan fans as they are well aware what fanon and canon separation is. What I am shocked about is how heavily I still get insulting anons and slurs from his base specifically that do only speak English and use some distorted meta that argues about "cultural sensitivity" yet they don't have anything other than some weak argument about their own personal life as proof of it all to try to shut me down when I speak about the abuse Wei Wuxian did face from Jiang Cheng's actions.
I don't mind fanon, I ship Xicheng as I have said multiple times. I can deal with a softer Jiang Cheng as long as there is acknowledgment of his past actions being shit and him having to work damn hard to be a better person for the people he supposedly loves so much. Yet I am still being told "personal experience is always different so that means this behavior from him is actually okay", when no, because the author of the work makes it textually aware that it is not at all ever meant to be a reason to take Jiang Cheng's side. Just because you, personally, relate to a character does not mean the text of them being meant as an antagonist changes suddenly. Your unhappiness of that does not change the story that is shown and what we are meant to generally pull from each of his interactions with Wei Wuxian.
I am tired of being told to accept that people want to make a hateful homophobic, selfish rich man, as something else and demanded to accept that people want to project that instead of what he is. I don't need to accept that because my rejection of that "hurt feelings." I am not here to say all interpretations are valid, because it is not truthful to the story text or the author's further clarifications of how she meant for him to be perceived.
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ddthebreadboy · 1 year
Someone said: "Everyone only know how WWX gave his golden core to chengcheng, but they don't know how JC sacrificed his life to lead the Wen away from WWX!"
This, however, ... The only ones who know the golden core transfer are only WangXian, Wen Ning, and perhaps the dead Jin Guangyao...?
Post-canon WangXian did not and would not make a conference, shed some tears, and tearfully announce the golden core transfer to get people's sympathy.
Neither did Wen Ning has the possibility, ability, or reason, to announce the golden core.
So, who is this "everyone knows"?
The readers?
But the readers also know about your chengcheng sacrifice. It is fair and square. Nobody ever got shaded.
Oh, you feel indignant because WWX didn't feel surprised and touched by chengcheng's sacrifice? Feeling indignant because WWX didn't feel grateful for chengcheng sacrifice?
But even if JC were to say this secret, the ending of MDZS will not change. Because the harm has been done. If anything, it would sound like a cold joke, an utter irony.
Even your chengcheng already know this in his heart:
Just like how the past Wei Wuxian couldn't tell him the truth about giving him the golden core, there's no way for the current Jiang Cheng to tell the truth either.
MDZS Ch 110
That was referring to WWX's reason:
In the beginning, it was precisely because he didn't want to see such a Jiang Cheng that he decided not to tell him.
Afterwards, it was because Jin ZiXuan and Jiang YanLi died for him that he had no face to let others know.
To tell Jiang Cheng after what happened then would be like shirking responsibility, hurrying to demonstrate that he'd contributed as well. It'd be like telling Jiang Cheng, don't hate me, look, I've also contributed to YunmengJiang Sect too.
MDZS Ch 102
Telling WWX that he lost his golden core due to leading the Wen away would sound really ironic at this point, because not only he didn't save WWX at all, but instead causing a bigger trouble and misery to him.
If WWX didn't have the face to say, "don't hate me, I have also contributed to YMJ~" (Which is the truth, whether XuanLi died or alive.)
Does JC have the face to say, "don't be complacent, I lost my core because I wanted to save you!" ? (But WWX got a lot of trouble instead of being saved at all)
It's like how Su She wanted to shoot Xuanwu but due to his poor skill, shot WWX's arm instead.
Does Su She have the face to say, "don't hate me, I originally wanted to help you!" ?
"...." *speechless* I really thank you for your help!
Someone wanted to help a person, but forgot to measure his own ability, causing him to give more problem to the person he wanted to save....
What does it called?
Baby, it is called Heroic Disease :) yes, the exact thing JC often said to WWX.
JC (toxic ones) Stan: why didn't everyone know chengcheng sacrifice??
JC throughout MDZS: "It's me~! Hi~! I'm the problem, it's me~!
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truly-morgan · 9 months
[Possessive & jealouse LXC, feat. Wen brothers]
XiCheng | Mo Dao Zu Shi Modern AU 29-08-2021
[#xicheng, modern cultivation, possessive and jealous lxc]
Set where Lan Xichen and Jiang Cheng have been turning around each other for a certain time now (believing they are discreet when everyone knows about it). It takes months before they finally start officially courting (of course two sect heir cannot just start dating like that without following traditions! Who do you think they are?)
things are going great, his courting goes smoothly and it is even close to an end! They can soon start an "official" relationship! But then jc is sent to one of the lectures given in qishan, where he will stay for at least three months. This makes lxc a bit sad because it will make it hard for them to meet, but jc does sound rather excited to go study over in qishan so he will support his choice to do so. ("The wens might have enormous egos and be arrogant, but they are still strong, plus they are not as bad as centuries ago," jc told him).
Plus! He will go with nhs, wwx and lwj, he knows he will be in good hands anyway. He is a bit nervous because it is the first time in months that they won't really be able to meet as often as they did (although they can still Facetime, call and text each other.) and well even if the wen are not as bad as they were in the past, jfm didn't have the best of relationship with wrh in the latest years. He simply hopes everything will go alright for his boyfriend.
The three months session starts, and everything goes well, jc let him know how everything is going and he is reassured. Then he notices nhs socmed post. He knows the young man is rather active on them (contrary to lwj and jc), so he isn't surprised to see him post about what happens (he is even happy to see jc happy with his friends.) but then he notices that wrh boys are often around in the latest updates. He is a bit surprised and curious because he knows wc can be a bit to handle sometimes.
"Wen heir showing us around Nightless City, this boy is not as bad as we first thought 😜 even my best friend agrees for once"
accompanied to the post is a picture of the group at a restaurant, nhs and wwx making peace signs to the camera, lwj drinking tea on the side while wx seems to be showing something on the menu to jc. They are rather close, even for the small booth they have, although he tries to let anything bad come from it.
"A-cheng is having a good time trying qishan specialities, it alright," he tells himself. after all, who's better to suggest good qishan dishes other than someone who grew up there?
He thought it would be a one-time thing, yet as the days go by, more and more posts made by nhs include either or both of wrh sons. and the more it goes, the closest they seem to be to jc too.
He tries not to care, not to let that possessiveness in him make him fly all the way to qishan so he can kidnap his boyfriend. "I think you need to stop stalking a-sang account" jgy suggest when he met up wth his best friends, "I doubt jc will suddenly decide to marry one of the wen".
"All I see is nhs not studying enough" nmj mentioned (although he takes note to ask his didi not to post as much maybe, it would be bad to have to deal with lxc if he loses it fully because of his post).
yet, after that dinner, nhs seems to post even more!?
"Training is nearly as strict as back home 😩😭 though chengcheng seems happy to train with wen xu"
added to this a video of jc and wx fighting "Finally the weekend, out with our new friend for good food and drinks😋🫕"
added to this is a group picture, jc sitting between wc and nhs while wc has an arm around jc.
(Also are they letting a-cheng drink?!?)
"poor wen, believing they had a chance against chengcheng in a swimming competition 🤭"
added is a video of them swimming showing jc win, joined soon after by wx and wc who mess around a bit with him in the water and it goes on and on like this, where he sees his boyfriend slowly getting closer and closer to wrh sons. Even when jc talks about his days it drives him crazy how much they seem to be around him so suddenly (obviously this is all internally, he couldn't force jc to stop hanging out with friends because of his own issue).
but the more it goes, the harder he can channel out this jealousy and possessiveness. things are going great with jc, but he wishes he could share all these more /with/ jc too. He doubts any of the wen would even try to get jc after the news of their courtship went around the cultivation world.
but the three months are coming to a close soon and lxc suggests being the one to go get lwj (lqr doesn't object as he assumed it will give him a small break from lxc acting weird all the time). So he goes to go get lwj, although the first person he goes looking for is jc. He finds him walking outside the wen residence with wx helping him carry his bags.
he doesn't hesitate when he walked quickly to him, calling out to him so jc will turn in his direction, hugging him and lifting him. he is happy that his arms quickly reciprocates the hug and to hear jc calling to him happily surprised. when he finally puts him back down he keeps an arm around his waist, keeping his boyfriend close to him (he missed that so much).
he doesn't miss the smirk on wx lips, as though the young man knows what he is doing.
lxc is quick to fully kidnap jc, helping him with his bags. he won't leave jc side for a good while for now. He catches up with jc, the man happily telling him how the last days went by (also lots of kissing, which jc is happy to give).
they do eventually join wwx and lwj, ready to take jc back home with him even after wwx protest (thankfully jc agrees to it so the head disciple cannot say anything 😌).
jc somewhat already know why lxc seems so needy suddenly and he will happily indulge in erasing all his jealousy and possessiveness by letting lxc do everything with him too as he stays a bit in cloud recess.
also, a 100% nhs was trying to tease lxc to see if the man would run back to his beloved after seeing all this (he is impressed by lxc self-control).
also, a 100% wx was in it and was a bit more touchy on camera than he would be normally, just to annoy the lan heir
I don't why, I just like the idea of the wen boys not being /that/ bad and friendly once you get past all the arrogance and ego they might have.
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theuntamedaus · 1 year
School for Good and Evil AU (finally)
So, a little premise is due: I have only seen the movie, but the book is in my to-read list, so don't crucify me.
Also, I have seen the poll results and we really are a hivemind fandom lol
Love y'all who voted, I am sending hearts to you all!
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So, AU under the cut!
As said, JC and WWX live in LP a quiet, boring life. Yanli is there as well as their elder sister and it's okay, except it's not. Somehow NHS, the local librarian (?), mentions the existence of the School for Good and Evil, because WWX spots one of the books marked with the school's logo and he is like "WHAT IS THAT?"
And NHS is more than happy to explain.
Now, because I want to keep the wuxia/xianxia elements, I will say that the School for Good is where all of the classic heroes/heroines in wuxia/xianxia are trained, with good cultivation and righteous paths and all, and the School for Evil is where the wuxia/xianxia villains, with like demonic cultivation, crooked path and all, are trained.
So, WWX is hellbent on going to this School for Good and Evil out of curiosity, boredom and all - "you mean, I will be able to invent stuff, fight villains, be someone everyone can be proud of, and also, ChengCheng, Aunt Yu will not be scolding me all the time! It's a win"
"Yeah, sure, but how do you think I-, I mean, a-jie will take it? Also, did you not promise me we'd be together as sworn brothers?"
"... Yeah, I did... You know, forget I said it, I'll go wherever you will go!"
And then WWX breaks his promise and JC goes to find him, just to discover that he is going to the School for Good and Evil leaving everyone behind and JC in particular behind and JC is not thrilled.
Their conversation is cut short by the humongous bird coming down and grabbing them both and then flying all the way to the school.
Now, WWX is really a tad too much arrogant, which is usually toned down by his massive caring heart, but it's there nonetheless and he is so sure he will be in the Good school.
JC, on the other side, really just wants to go back home dragging back WWX and wants to have nothing to do with any school.
And WWX sees the Good school, high in the sky, full of nice trees and all like
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And then he sees the Evil School, all shrouded in darkness and smoke like
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and WWX smiles until the aforementioned bird drops him off in the Evil school, much to WWX's disappointment and JC's distress.
JC gets dropped off at the Good School.
And both WWX and JC hate it.
They both raise hell, but it is useless. WWX gets draped in wuxia villain red and black robes and given the Red Eyeliner of Evilness, whilst JC gets draped in the fanciest wuxia hero robes and given the Righteous Sword to Smite Evilness.
Neither of them are thrilled.
Cue WWX angry-pouting and JC sarcastically frowning.
There is the whole parade thing and here we meet the Perfect Hero Lan Wangji, all draped in white and light blue, sword in one hand and guqin floating in front of him.
WWX sees him and he is smitten, completely fallen in love.
On the other hand, LWJ and JC immediately hate each other's guts.
Soon after we meet Rector LQR, followed by Good School's professor LXC and Evil School's professor WC.
Once again WWX and JC try to present their case, that there has been a mistake, but it seems that "the School has not made any mistakes".
End of part 1 - I will elaborate more in other posts.
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ibijau · 11 months
Fake dating to real Marriage pt6 / On AO3
in which lxc is not at all struggling with feelings for the guy who only fake dated him as revenge against their ex :)
Nie Mingjue arrived while Nie Huaisang was still in the shower, and immediately shoved a little velvet box into Lan Xichen's hand. 
"Hide it well," he said with a wide grin. "If he sees it, it's over."
Lan Xichen nodded and put away the small box, tucked away somewhere he was confident Nie Huaisang wouldn’t have reason to snoop.
“How are things, now that he’s back?” Nie Mingjue asked.
“I’m not sure,” Lan Xichen confessed, glancing toward the bathroom. “It’s almost like normal, but… not quite. It just feels off.”
Things had certainly felt tense when Nie Huaisang had arrived home the previous night, but they had hardly spoken then. After travelling and working so much, Huaisang had barely managed to eat a few biscuits before crashing on the sofa and passing out for twelve hours. In the morning they’d had breakfast together, as they had been doing every day since they'd started living together, but Huaisang had been less chatty, and Xichen less attentive to what little was shared about that week-long adventure with Wei Wuxian, too preoccupied with his plans for the afternoon. Nie Huaisang must have felt something was wrong and he’d started asking who was coming and whether Lan Xichen would really not give him any hints about Nie Mingjue’s big announcement.
It had taken all of Lan Xichen’s self control not to point out that Nie Huaisang was supposed to always guess these things. He hadn’t wanted to risk an argument.
“Can you at least tell me who’s coming?” Nie Huaisang had insisted, trying to sound playful as he spread too much jam on a toast.
“Just the usual. Wangji, Wuxian, Jiang Cheng... not Yanli though. Something came up last minute, but she’s sending Zixuan.”
Nie Huaisang had nodded wisely, and bitten half his toast.
“She’s probably pregnant and getting it checked formally,” he had said. “She’ll want to surprise Zixuan about it, da-ge offered the perfect distraction. That explains why she’s refused to go dress shopping with ChengCheng… she’ll be so pregnant at the wedding if they keep the current date, she’ll need a special dress. And she’ll…” He had paused then and looked at Lan Xichen who had been staring while he explained his theory. “Well, at least it’s one possibility,” Huaisang had quickly muttered, before shoving the rest of his toast in his mouth.
He’d excused himself from the kitchen after that, and found ways to avoid Lan Xichen until the need to get ready gave him a good excuse to lock himself in the bathroom.
“Maybe this is a bad idea after all,” Lan Xichen told Nie Mingjue. “I should just end things and let him get his life back.”
“And let him win?” Nie Mingjue protested. “You can’t let him win!”
Lan Xichen’s lips contorted into a half smile. Huaisang had said pretty much the same thing to convince him to give in to his fake dating plans, some months before. He’d given in then, and he gave in again that day. Mostly out of amusement that the two half brothers really were more alike than people realised, but also because he just wasn't ready to lose Nie Huaisang yet, and everything that could prolong their time together was welcome.
“If this goes wrong, you’ll have to take responsibility,” he warned Mingjue.
“It’s fine, as long as I get his shocked face on camera. I’m going to film it all and replay it to myself next time he tries to predict everything going on in my life.”
Nie Mingjue beamed at the thought, enough so that Lan Xichen found himself laughing, his scruples assuaged once more.
To avoid being overheard by Nie Huaisang if he finished getting ready faster than usual, they dropped the topic of their little joke to instead chat about safer things. They were busy speculating about whether Lan Wangji might soon try again to communicate to Wei Wuxian that he was romantically interested in him, when at last Nie Huaisang left the bathroom.
“Da-ge, you’re here early!” he exclaimed, running to force a hug on his brother who didn’t protest. “And why are you here anyway? Hm? Won’t you tell me? Doesn’t the world's best didi deserve to hear it before everyone else?”
“I’m sure he does,” Nie Mingjue replied, “but I’m also sure Wangji won’t mind waiting to hear it at the same time as everyone else.”
Nie Huaisang stuck out his tong at his brother, and dramatically ended the hug before taking a step back to show off his outfit.
“Can you at least tell me if I’m dressed appropriately?” he asked. “It’s so hard to pick something when I have no idea at all that you’ve been promised a promotion this year, you know?”
Nie Mingjue grinned and after a cursory glance assured him that he looked fine for the occasion, while Lan Xichen…
Lan Xichen stared.
Nie Huaisang was handsome, he knew it well. Even just after waking up he was handsome. Even after pulling an all-nighter, when his eyes were bloodshot and his hands trembled from exhaustion. Nie Huaisang always looked good. But when he put in the effort, when he tied his hair and put on his best clothes, Nie Huaisang was breathtaking. 
He had definitely made an effort that afternoon.
His hair was done in a half ponytail, and he'd put on a hint of make up, some dark eyeliner and a touch of gold at the corner of his eyes. He had put on tight jeans and a dark green tank top under a transparent tulle shirt decorated with colourful birds and flowers. 
Lan Xichen couldn't stop staring. 
If any of this had been real, if Nie Huaisang and him had been in love, Lan Xichen would have cancelled their plans just so he could drag Nie Huaisang in bed and see what he'd look like wearing only that transparent shirt, find out how warm his skin was under, what sort of noise he’d make when…
"Yeah, I'd say Xichen likes it," Nie Mingjue remarked, with the same grin on his face as when he'd given Lan Xichen the ring.
Lan Xichen's face heated up, embarrassed to have been caught staring. It was made worse by the oddly smug grin on Nie Mingjue's face, by the spot of red that had appeared on Nie Huaisang’s cheek. He must have been pleased with having such an effect, nothing more.
Because the universe was not without mercy, the intercom chose that moment to ring, offering Lan Xichen a chance to retreat with some dignity so he could pretend none of that had happened. Jiang Cheng was the first to arrive, because he always was, but Zixuan joined them soon after. Lan Xichen offered them drinks and all five of them chatted for a while, knowing that Wei Wuxian would be late if Lan Wangji dropped by his place to pick him up, and later still if Lan Wangji didn’t. At least that gave Jiang Cheng and Jin Zixuan a chance to be in each other’s presence without Wei Wuxian, and to Lan Xichen’s surprise they were perfectly civil, though not warm by any means. Planning for a wedding together must have given them the common ground they'd always desperately needed.
It took half an hour for Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji to finally arrive, and naturally they showed up together, with an improbable story to explain why Wei Wuxian had been delayed this time. The story was heard and commented on for a while, as always. Then, when that had lost its novelty, everyone started looking expectantly at Nie Mingjue, waiting for him to make his announcement so they could have something to celebrate.
“I’ll go grab some ice cubes,” Lan Xichen announced, and quickly got up.
He went to the kitchen for the sake of keeping the illusion and even opened the freezer, but took nothing from it. Instead he retrieved the little velvet box Nie Mingjue had given him, walked back to the living room and without warning, dropped on one knee in front of Nie Huaisang. 
“Huaisang, I have a question for you,” Lan Xichen said, ignoring the gasps both shocked and excited of their friends. “I know it might seem fast, but… I know this is the right choice. Since the moment we've started dating my life has been changed, all for the better. Our time together is the happiest I’ve ever been, and I don’t want it to end. Will you marry me?”
For a split second, Nie Huaisang's expression turned into something hopeful, his eyes wide and shiny, his cheeks flushed. It looked sincere, for lack of a better word. Lan Xichen couldn't remember when he'd seen such an earnest expression on the other man, but he liked it. To see a crack in Nie Huaisang’s careful mask made him wish once again that this was all real, that they were in love and thinking of marriage, that happiness was something achievable for both of them. 
But Lan Xichen opened the box, and Nie Huaisang saw the ring inside it. He recognised it, of course, and must have understood that it meant none of this was real. Any trace of vulnerability vanished, replaced by an elated smile that would look perfect on the video Nie Mingjue was filming.
“Xichen… of course I will!” Nie Huaisang cried out as he let himself fall into Lan Xichen’s arms with a genuineness so perfectly imitated that it was sure to fool anyone who hadn’t been his accomplice in a con. Even Lan Xichen himself was almost fooled when Nie Huaisang kissed him with more passion than he usually did, but he must have wanted to convince the others that his emotions were genuine.
Once the initial surprise had faded, everyone rushed to congratulate them, and to assure them that they made a great couple, that they were so happy for them. It quickly got awkward for Lan Xichen, though Nie Huaisang soaked up the attention the same way he always did, and looked the perfect picture of happiness.
Nie Huaisang laughed it up when Wei Wuxian remarked he’d never have expected him to be capable of settling down, and he laughed when Nie Mingjue asked if that meant he could start turning his old room into an office now. For someone who was meant to be the butt of the joke, he was holding on better than Lan Xichen, who didn’t quite know what to say when Jiang Cheng asked if they had a date in mind, or when Jin Zixuan suggested they could trade tips and addresses.
"And if you throw a bouquet, aim at Wei Wuxian’s face," Jin Zixuan requested. "If he catches it, maybe your brother will finally have the guts to make a move."
"Some people like to wait for the right moment to confess their feelings," Lan Xichen replied, though he grinned when he saw his brother closely watching Wei Wuxian, as always. "There's nothing wrong with taking your time." 
"Of course you'd say that, in your situation," Jin Zixuan grumbled. “Huaisang and you were just as bad.”
That remark surprised Lan Xichen, but before he what was meant by that, Jin Zixuan's phone buzzed. He urgently isolated himself to take the call. When he returned he was grinning from ear to ear, and announced that he had to leave to go deal with something. 
Maybe Nie Huaisang was right about Jiang Yanli being pregnant. 
Almost right after Jin Zixuan left, Nie Mingjue too had to go when he was asked to go to work to cover someone else’s shift in a pinch. With him gone, the others too started talking of heading home. Lan Xichen half wished he could have convinced at least one of them to stay, just so he wouldn’t find himself alone with Nie Huaisang. But Lan Wangji had apparently just agreed to follow Wei Wuxian on one of his impromptu adventures, and Jiang Cheng explicitly stated he had no interest in being anyone’s third wheel.
When the door closed on the last of their guests, Lan Xichen returned to the living room where Nie Huaisang was waiting. He was lazily picking up everything that needed to be cleaned, but stopped and burst out laughing when Lan Xichen came in.
“Well, you did it!” he said. “You managed to surprise me, congratulations! And I guess you got Da-ge to help, right? I can’t believe you two teamed up against me!”
“I wasn’t sure it’d work,” Lan Xichen replied, a little taken aback that Nie Huaisang was taking things so well. “After all, you always know what everyone is going to do, so I figured you must have expected I’d try something.”
Nie Huaisang laughed again. “I did. I thought you’d just announce we had broken up and let me adjust my acting to that,” he said with a shrug. “It would have made more sense. Something like this… well, that was a good prank, that’s certain! But you didn’t really think about what comes after, eh?”
In fact, Lan Xichen had thought a lot about what might come after. He’d thought, mostly, that Nie Huaisang would be upset about that little joke, angry enough to put an end to this comedy they’d been playing. He’d never agreed to something as involved as a fake engagement, and his behaviour in the past week seemed to indicate he wasn’t inclined to waste time with Lan Xichen anymore.
Lan Xichen had planned for an argument, and maybe the loss of a friendship he’d come to value dearly. It would have hurt, but it might also have helped him get over that ridiculous crush he'd developed lately.
Having prepared for anger, he wasn’t quite sure how to react to Nie Huaisang taking things in stride.
“It’s going to be so hard for you to break up with me now,” Nie Huaisang clarified with a grin. “You looked so emotional, I would totally have fallen for it, if I hadn’t known better! It’s going to be so hard, selling the idea that you just changed your mind!”
Lan Xichen hadn’t thought he’d been particularly emotional in his proposal. He’d kept things simple on purpose and tried to just keep things sincere regarding how he'd felt about their time together. The proposal would probably have felt a little dry without Nie Huaisang’s enthusiastic reaction.
Nie Huaisang, who had looked so hopeful until the moment he’d recognised the ring, and realised it was just a joke.
“Really, we’ll have to be super clever to convince everyone,” Nie Huaisang said. “Well, planning a wedding is stressful, or maybe I can take on more work and you decide you can’t handle my lifestyle after all, or… Xichen-ge, are you even listening?”
“Then help me out!” Nie Huaisang demanded with a frustrated chuckle. “You’ve put us in this situation, help me figure out how you’ll break up with me!”
Nie Huaisang blinked a few times.
“No? What do you mean, no?”
“I mean I don’t want to break up with you,” Lan Xichen said.
He hadn’t lied when he’d proposed. His time with Nie Huaisang had been… unbelievably happy. Not just in contrast to the misery that had been his relationship with Meng Yao toward the end, but even compared to his early days with Meng Yao, or to any other period of his life.
Nie Huaisang made him happy in so many ways and Lan Xichen could not, would not pretend that it wasn’t the case.
He wasn’t sure how to explain it, nor if it mattered that he felt that way. For Nie Huaisang it had never been more than a way to get revenge on Meng Yao, so why should he care that for Lan Xichen it had become so much more?
“Xichen, I’ve already told you why I can’t be the one breaking up,” Nie Huaisang protested, still smiling but without much joy. “It’s too unbelievable. Who would ever believe that I get to date you, and now be engaged to you, and I would choose to throw it away? Please, let’s be realistic here, you’ll have to be the bad guy in this, sorry.”
“Wei Wuxian has been joking since day one that you can’t last in something serious,” Lan Xichen retorted, feeling disappointed that Nie Huaisang only cared who’d be blamed for things ending between them, instead of being curious why Lan Xichen wasn't cooperating. “In fact, everyone keeps being surprised you changed your stance on dating, so they’d probably accept it if you decided relationships aren’t for you after all.”
Caught by surprise by that argument, Nie Huaisang glared, his cheeks quickly turning red. He looked so embarrassed that Lan Xichen almost felt guilty, though he wasn’t sure why. He’d said nothing that wasn’t true.
“It’s different,” Nie Huaisang grumbled, almost pouting as he pushed a strand of hair behind his ear. “You’re different. Nobody would believe I’d leave you, trust me. And what does Wei Wuxian know about dating, anyway?” he added, a little more confidently. “Your brother has tried asking him out three times already, and that idiot still thinks they’re just friends who hang out a lot! Wei Wuxian wouldn’t know someone’s in love with them even if they made a public proposal, so his opinion is irrelevant.”
“You may think that, but I think he has a point,” Lan Xichen countered, “and so I won’t break up with you. If you want to get rid of me, do it yourself.”
“Xichen-ge, you can’t start dating again while people think we’re engaged,” Nie Huaisang pointed out as he pinched the bridge of his nose. “Have you considered that?”
“I’ve considered it. I still don't want to break up with you.”
Hearing this had a greater effect than Lan Xichen had expected. Nie Huaisang’s mouth went slack with surprise, giving him something of a pitiful air that made Lan Xichen’s heart hurt. If they had been truly dating, if Nie Huaisang had been his partner, Lan Xichen couldn’t have borne to see him like that. He’d have pulled him in his arms and kissed him until Nie Huaisang stopped looking so miserable.
Even with things being what they were, the temptation was there.
Without really thinking Lan Xichen took a step closer. If he dared to touch Nie Huaisang, if he could find the courage to tell him that none of this needed to be fake, that he wanted to give things between them the chance to be more than a mere comedy…
But before Lan Xichen could find the right words, Nie Huaisang had recovered from that moment of weakness and was laughing again.
"Xichen-ge, if you're going to be like that, let's at least have some fun with it,” Nie Huaisang suggested with a smile too sharp to look truly amused. “You think I should be the one breaking up. I think it should be you. So…let’s both be trying to push the other to take the plunge! And how's this: whoever breaks up with the other will have to treat the other to a spa day."
"You want to bet on this?"
"I've bet on worse," Nie Huaisang said with a grin that looked even more forced now. “And I always win.”
That was something Lan Xichen was somewhat aware of. Nie Mingjue had warned him a few times against ever betting with his brother. And Lan Wangji had more than once told stories of Wei Wuxian foolishly letting himself bet against Nie Huaisang, which never ended well because neither of them liked losing.  It always got them into improbably situations, until either Wei Wuxian lost or he found ways to render the bet void.
It was true that Nie Huaisang never bet unless victory was certain.
But not so long ago he’d been equally sure that nobody could ever surprise him, hadn’t he? And Lan Xichen, desperate to keep Nie Huaisang close a little longer, even when it was clear that Nie Huaisang was not interested in a romantic relationship, decided that he'd made enough stupid decision to allow himself one more.
“Fine, let’s do this,” Lan Xichen said, holding out his hand. "It'll be interesting, seeing you lose for once."
Nie Huaisang took his hand and shook it, laughing again. 
"You managed to get me this time, but don't get overconfident!" he teasingly scolded. "Wait until you see what I'm capable of. Oh you’ll be getting rid of me so quick!"
It was no small threat, considering what Nie Mingjue had said about what his brother could do when he wanted to get out of something he didn’t like.
But it would be good for Lan Xichen, too. Once he saw how much Nie Huaisang was fighting to get out of their fake relationship, he could stop clinging to a man who didn’t like him.
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rage0fphoenix · 2 years
The Crimson At Dusk Will Always Lead To The Crimson At Dawn
MDZS What if - Aftermath of the First Siege of the Burial Mounds
What Happened after JWY stabbed WWX during the Siege.
Jiang Wanyin stared at the Yiling Patriarch as the harsh sound of steel stabs through flesh. A mission well done. He should be happy. A-Jie, this is how it should have been, who were you trying to save?
He looked up.
A burst of happiness should have filled him; a bit of color after being drenched in black, shadows within his vision everytime he wakes up. These last few years has been suffering after suffering after suffering. The hands of the ones who used to hold him whenever he needed it, wanted it or just because they can are long gone. They left him and the only who was still here became someone he couldn't recognize.
Or maybe he just pretended because he needed something from us. We were convenient.
A demon that murdered someone who only wanted to protect him despite everything. A beast that takes and takes and-
But this isn't a night hunt. What he hurt isn't a fierce corpse or a vengeful spirit. He glanced up and opened his eyes halfway, scared to realize what he was looking at. Terrified to the bone to know what he had done.
This isn't the monster who took everything away from him. This is his brother.
His brother who always looked at him with pride whenever he did something good. The first one to always praise him whenever he did something good and takes him away before he does something unforgivable.
The one that was always with him. The one that promised to always be with him.
If only you stayed with us. This never would have happened. This is all you fault.
He wanted to blame him. Tell him that he should have chose better. You should have chosen us, he wanted to say.
But all the words got stuck on his throat. He felt like a petulant child that has gotten caught sneaking out at night. You liar, he wanted to say.
His brother was looking at him with those familiar eyes. The ones that he had always seen whenever his brother saw the progress Lotus Pier had after the war. A look of utmost pride for him.
For a moment, he felt a burst of delight filling his chest, just like it always had, until it all bursted away with the sight of dark crimson blood.
He thought of the red ribbon that his brother always wore. It was worn and used but was taken care of. The only thing that his brother kept and wore throughout everything. His sword and bell, long forgotten.
He thought of the robes A-Jie wore during her wedding, the dusk that his brother always loved seeing and the dawn Jiang Cheng always thought was more beautiful.
Then he thought of the floors Lotus Pier bore during the massacre. The walls and the liquid that dripped into the lakes that surrounded his home. Of the color that filled his vision upon the sight of it.
What is the difference between love and suffering, if both are covered in red?
His brother looked at him as if he wanted to pat his head and he can almost hear his voice.
ChengCheng really is the best! This Da-Shixiong is so proud!
Can almost see him try to wipe away his imaginary tears and-
He can almost see himself yelling and punching him in the gut just like what he deserves-
He looked down.
His sword that he once used to protect his brother, now deeply embedded into him. Instead of his fist, it's the sword he used to kill the Wens that destroyed his home, murdered his parents, took his brother -- his brother who was killed by him.
No. I didn't hit anything important. With his core, he could heal this in a few days, a week at most. I didn't kill him. I didn't. A-jie believe me I didn't-
Dozens of corpses surrounded them, for a split second he felt betrayal. A feeling that disappeared after he saw the corpses go after Wei Wuxian and he disappeared under the mass of bodies he knows in his heart that his brother commanded.
The sight left him confused. This is familiar. His A-Jie died surrounded by corpses but this is also his brother, he was still there. The only one still here, he thought.
He didn't know whether to kill the corpses attacking his brother or leave it, controlled by grief.
His confusion left him grounded, his feet planted mere centimeters away from the soil that was stained by his brother's blood, blood that he himself spilled.
His only consolation is the knowledge that his brother can control corpses as easy as breathing. His mind going to the last conversation they had, the last time that there are still three of them.
I thought you said you can control it!
I can! It's not me! I already stopped!
He found that a bit hard to believe. If there's anything he can put his trust on, its his brother's strength. The strength that always made him second in his father's eyes, he bitterly thought. Who could ever be stronger than his brother?
He turned around and declared "The Yiling Patriarch has been hunted down!" That's right, the Yiling Patriarch is gone, he'll make sure of it. There were cheers around him but he can't seem to join them and he fears he knows the answer why.
A few hours passed and it was way past midnight. He looked around and made sure no one is following him, that no one is watching him.
Jiang Cheng went to the place he last saw his brother in and called out his name, disdain almost solid in his voice.
"Wei Wuxian!"
"Wei Wuxian! Think about all the troubles you already caused me and show yourself!"
"You have to pay for what you did to A-Jie! Your face would be a nice payment! We will burn it until you could no longer even recognize yourself in the mirror"
"Wei Wuxian you-"
All the words that he wanted to say died in his throat the second time during the day.
Chenqing is in the middle of a puddle of blood, right where his brother got buried under the army he once commanded with ease.
His brother is strong, he's not dead and if he thinks he can hide from me then-
He shouted and cursed until his voice is sore, his core healing him despite the damage he purposely kept doing to himself and it filled him with warmth.
Warmth like an embrace but, as he looked back, there's no one there anymore. The last one slipped right through his fingers, right in front of his eyes.
But Wei Wuxian is not dead. The next time he see him he will break his legs so that idiot won't be able to run away anymore.
He grabbed Chenqing and refused to hand it over to the Jins who demanded it like a trophy. They took Suibian, but that's fine. That sword that his brother refused to carry is not the one Wei Wuxian will want to take. He would want Chenqing and when he comes for it, he will make sure he won't ever leave Lotus Pier again.
"I killed him, this is mine"
He lied through his teeth. Despite knowing that he didn't hit anything vital to kill, that this is just Wei Wuxian's ploy to escape. Despite knowing that his brother is not dead, he's alive.
Years passed and his brother never came for Chenqing. Maybe he abandoned it. Just like he abandoned me.
If Wei Wuxian isn't coming, then he'll hunt him down.
Before he knew it, more than a decade passed, thirteen years to be exact. Jin Ling was night hunting in Dafan, when he heard Wen Ning is still around and he was called by this person who doesn't look like his brother but with eyes so familiar.
All the grief he pretended that doesn't exist transformed into anger far more than he thought he could ever feel.
You chose him over me again? Were you together this whole time while I was all alone searching all over for you?
He hates Wen Ning. His brother left them for him and the other Wens despite knowing that he will be forsaken by the world, knowing that the Wens are the ones to destroy their home.
His brother always loved saving people but he never thought that he will leave them for a couple of strangers.
Is he your brother now? Why do you keep choosing him over me? Twin Prides of Yunmeng? How laughable. I'm always lacking in your eyes, just like how my father and mother kept telling me.
He learned that his brother actually died that night thirteen years ago after being stabbed by Jiang Cheng. He was told it was not him who killed him.
He knew that already.
Wei Wuxian that's only fear is to be bitten by dogs.
And Wei Wuxian who was bitten to death by the corpses he commanded.
Wei Ying that was found alone in Yiling.
And Wei Ying who died alone in Yiling.
His brother who killed himself right in front of him , who looked at him with pride before everything ended.
The Jiang Sect gained a lot from the Siege. Recognition and funds came easy until it doesn't seem like he was rebuilding a dying sect anymore.
Is that why you let me come close? So I could get the honor of killing you? Did you know what will happen after that?
It felt too much like a last gift. The refusal to dodge and the look of pride before he killed himself in front of me.
They settled on a new relationship, an awkward closeness and distance between them. Lan Wangji is his brother's new partner now. His brother? Can he even call him that?
After the events at Guanyin Temple, he learned the answer. Wei Wuxian who never chose him, or so he thought.
It was Jiang Cheng who he thought of the most after all. Who he chose above all others. It was him all along.
His brother died thirteen years ago, because Jiang Cheng did nothing; killed himself thirteen years ago, because Jiang Cheng did nothing.
He thought of the what-ifs, if only he killed the corpses attacking his brother like he considered back then, yet he stared until there's not even a body to give a proper burial to, refused to give a proper burial to.
He could only laugh as tears joined the water he and his brother used to swin in when they were kids. His brother that he doesn't deserve.
His mind went to the night he called his to brother until he could no longer utter words. He wasn't imagining that warmth.
He touched his chest where his, no Wei Wuxian's core is. His brother never left him, he was always with him all along. Twin Prides of Yunmeng. His brother who helped him achieve everything he had these past thirteen years, without asking for recognition. His brother who loved him so deeply to give him every cultivator's greatest treasure.
His brother who starved in the mounds asking him to abandon him despite knowing that if he just told Jiang Cheng everything, he would help him and protect the people he wanted to protect so much.
But he didn't, because he did not want to cause Jiang Cheng trouble. This secret that he carried to the grave just to spare his feelings.
He wanted to laugh but it came out as a sob. There was never any monster, never any beast. It was always just his brother all along. His brother who wanted to carry all the sufferings for him if he could.
When his brother and Lan Wangji wore red together. He remembered the question he once asked himself.
What is the difference between love and suffering, if both are covered in red.
The answer is nothing but also everything.
He saw his brother at his worst wrapped in red, and now he is seeing his brother at his happiest surrounded and enveloped by red.
His face is different but is also exactly as he remembered at the same time.
If red is both suffering and love, then it was not the world that was cruel, it was you who loved me so much to wish the best for me.
He and his brother were never the same as before anymore. Way too many words and regretful actions have been said done between them. But blood or not, he is still his brother. He doesn't quite live in Lotus Pier, not even in Yunmeng unlike his time in Yiling. He was way up into the mountains in the place with more rules than words spoken a day. In the place he said he hated.
He told Wei Wuxian he hated him right before he stabbed thirteen years ago. It turns out they really are brothers, throwing words they never meant.
Wei Wuxian drags Lan Wangji, Lan Sizhui and the too noisy brat to be called a Lan every holiday and birthday to Lotus Pier late at night, past the Lan bedtime to celebrate with him and Jin Ling.
How he could convince to old man to let them go, Jiang Cheng doesn’t know nor does he want to know. Looking at Lan Wangji, maybe his brother isn't the one responsible for it. And how Wei Wuxian convinced the walking rules to do his bidding is something Jiang Cheng doesn’t even want to think about.
If he asks the servants in the house to start the preparations for the celebrations late in the afternoon and to absolutely have the finest wine Yunmeng currenty has on the table, that is none of Wei Wuxian's business.
Jiang Cheng slept easier that night. Way easier than the times he slept all these thirteen years.
I was writing a prompt then it turned into this lolol
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ofteasandinks · 11 months
I've really enjoyed the cast of Keep Running this season. I enjoyed the past casts too, but I think this season just somehow appeals most to me in terms of cast dynamics.
Li Chen, Zheng Kai, and Angelababy are, of course, perfect as always. I cannot imagine the show without them, and I think all 3 were the best choices to retain from the original cast. While they're competitive, I think the three also set a great tone for keeping things playful and also aren't shy to show concern or care for other members and guests. They're really a trio of strength, speed, and luck/charm.
Sha Yi has always been an amazing addition ever since his first appearance back in season 8. He's the perfect mix of teasing and caring. I love his old man jokes, and how he and Chen go back and forth about who is going to be the one to tease "the kids" and who is going to be the one to try to defend them.
Bai Lu - I honestly just love her. I love when she gets amused by something and laughs so hard. I love how she throws herself into things. (I really love when she and Angelababy have their little alliances or joke around with inside jokes, and I need more of them being on the same team together)
Zhou Shen I think brings one of the most unique "personalities" out of all the men Keep Running has had. I love his willingness to try things even when he knows it's unlikely he can do them. I love how he's always quietly caring for people in the background and how his love for singing sometimes just breaks out and we're all treated to spontaneous performances.
Fan ChengCheng surprised me with how good of a fit he became. I was interested to see where he would fit in, and I love what he has brought. He's so devious but also so unlucky. He's really a great addition to variety. I hope he continues to play up being the devious youngest member. In the last episode when he and Angelababy "exploded" together against the staff, it was so hilarious. They played off each other so well.
Every single pairing works so well. I'm excited no matter how the teams are divided because everyone has such great chemistry. I honestly hope to see more of this cast in the future seasons, and I'd love for them to last for several more seasons and specials.
(Also, if Dylan Wang were to somehow join as a permanent member, I'd love to see how the cast handled his and Adam's combined chaos on a regular basis. )
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saebaragi · 1 year
this is sick these men are supposed to be on the same group but instead they got us acting like yizhan shippers
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solariswrites · 2 years
Your Lover to your Nightmare
The weight that Jiang Cheng felt on his shoulders was almost unbearable but who else could take it from him? What about the ache in his chest? He didn’t dare close his eyes; he knew that he would cry and there was no way in hell he was going to cry in front of the stylists and people that worked for the tv network. One drop and they’d be asking him a million questions. Besides, he wouldn't be surprised if there were several questions about Wei Wuxian. 
It was like Wei Wuxian had taken a whip and cracked his chest open all with one fucking photo. The post was going viral and Jiang Cheng had seen it when one of the other stylists began talking about how Wei Wuxian had updated his instagram with a photo of his new tattoo of a sun on fire on his chest. Which of course hadn’t been the issue, there were two reasons the post  was currently on fire: the first being the angle which was obviously taken by someone that was in Wei Wuxian’s lap and the second was the hand on the other side of his chest. Jiang Cheng personally knew the owner of that hand due to a shading tattoo that appeared to look like cracks in the skin. 
Just a friend. That’d been what Wei Wuxian had told him. Right, he should have known but he was so used to Wei Wuxian fussing about his jealousy that he’d ultimately blamed himself.
Come on over, Come on over baa-bbby . His phone sung and he let out a deep sigh. It was Nie Huaisang and he couldn’t not answer the phone. His best friend had to be truly upset and worried for him. “One sec.” He politely asked the makeup artist to give him a second. His assistant happily ushered them out when Jiang Cheng went to answer the phone. 
“A-Sang - “ 
“That asshole. He’s dead to me now. How could he do this to you Jiang Cheng?! I told him what would happen if he hurt you!” Nie Huaisang cursed Wei Wuxian. Trust his best friend to get the knives out. 
“He’s not worth it and it’s not like I -” Jiang Cheng tried to calm him. 
“No. Absolutely not ChengCheng, he doesn’t get a pass on this and this is the whole damn reason you didn’t agree to post couples pictures. It’s because he does shit like this when he’s jealous. It’s not acceptable! And you know what damn corpse boy for agreeing. And why am I the only one angry here? You should be angry! You’ve done everything to reassure him that you’re not with Lan Wangji and the whole time he’s cheating on you with that corpse!” 
“A-Sang, he’s not jealous and stop calling him that. I am angry but I’m just exhausted and hurt. This is his way of telling me he’s done without having to actually break up with me.” Jiang Cheng said his peace even though it hurt. Besides it wasn’t Wen Ning’s fault he was in love with Wei Wuxian. Jiang Cheng wasn’t an idiot. He could see the heart eyes even if Wei Wuxian saw it as idol admiration. Well until now. He also hadn’t missed the naked thigh that’d been in the lower corner. 
They’d been struggling for a long time because of scheduling and Jiang Cheng being protective of his public life while Wei Wuxian didn’t care about the world seeing the inside of their relationship. Wei Wuxian was ready to be open but there wasn’t trust. It was the little things that he did that made Jiang Cheng keep him at arm's length. He knew that once he gave Wei Wuxian an inch the man would go halfway across the damned country. So he wouldn’t budge. Evidently Wen Ning was willing.
“He’s a bastard and I am sorry.’ Nie Huaisang finally deflated a bit so that he could focus on comforting his friend. “Want to come over instead of going to dinner with the cast? I’ve got very berry bunny ice cream.’ His tone changed immediately. 
“I will let you know, A-Sang.’ Jiang Cheng found it in himself to smile. Before he could say his goodbye there was a knock on the door. Jiang Cheng jumped, twisting in his seat when the door opened.
“Jiang Cheng? Are you alright? They are ready for us.” Lan Wangji asked as he poked his head inside. A comforting warm smile on his face. 
“I..I..I am. I’m coming.” Jiang Cheng stumbled to get out. That smile seemed to distract his mind enough that the ache wasn’t so bad. Now he understood how Nie Huaisang's obsession with Mo Xuanyu's smile and claiming it brightens his soul to see it. “Sorry.” 
“There’s nothing to apologize for. I’ll be waiting for you.” Lan Wangji nodded before ducking back out. 
“Right.’ Jiang Cheng stuttered before returning to his call. “I will let you know about dinner.’ Before his friend could launch into an interrogation about how he’d sputtered. Jiang Cheng put his phone on airplane mode and stuffed it in the pocket. He gave himself a look over. The silvery iridescent violet silk button down looked good with his black trousers that fit him well. He’d recently cut his hair with an undercut for the movie he’d filmed with Lan Wangji.The artist had completed her look so he was ready. He let out a soft sigh then headed out. 
“That color looks good on you.” Lan Wangji complimented him the moment he stepped out and Jiang Cheng couldn’t help but flush. Lan Wangji stood up straight 
“Thanks. You clean up well yourself.” Jiang Cheng cleared his throat as he moved to walk along with him. 
“You have nothing to clean up, Jiang Cheng.” Lan Wangji murmured and Jiang Cheng felt didn’t know what to say to that so he just stayed quiet. His heart however skipped a beat. He knew from their time together working on Cut & Run , that Lan Wangji wasn’t like his character. Lan Wangji saw him as a friend and a colleague. Nothing more. They were both damn good actors. 
Jiang Cheng took a deep breath and pushed all other thoughts aside for now.  And to be fair, that truly worked until after the break and an assistant brought the interviewer new cards. It was the sideways glance that they failed to hide that let him know it was going to talk about Wei Wuxian. He always got at least one since Wei Wuxian sniff kissed him during that tiktok live their company made them do while filming the web series Where You Hurt the Most  two years ago. 
“This question is for Jiang Cheng since we are on a personal topic.” The interviewer beamed and Jiang Cheng felt that invisible weight settle once again on his chest. “How is yours and Wei Wuxian’s relationship going with you being here in the states and him in Shanghai?” 
Jiang Cheng was desperate to be done with this interview. He was about to open his mouth when he felt Lan Wangji’s hand slip into his own. He looked up to see Lan Wangji smiling but his gaze told him that his friend was going to help. Jiang Cheng was still in a state of shock that he just nodded to him. He had no idea what was going to happen but it was better than the hell of answering those questions with that picture floating around.
“It’s alright, I’ve got this one. It’s gone on long enough.”  Lan Wangji responded, refocusing on the interviewer that was practically vibrating in her leather chair. 
“What I think you meant to ask is how are we doing, Rachel? Because you’re wanting to know about his relationship with his boyfriend? Jiang Cheng and I are doing just fine. He and I have healthy boundaries when coming to the workload versus our personal time. As for his friendship with Wei Wuxian is solid and I am sure you can look on his instagram to see him and his boyfriend are enjoying the quiet life between jobs.” 
“Exactly and right now we are enjoying ours.” Jiang Cheng couldn’t believe how assured those words sounded as they spilled from his lips but he was glad that he’d gone to acting school. However his poor heart was threatening to pound right out of his chest as Lan Wangji lifted their hands and kissed the back of his palm. He swallowed hard and kept the smile on his face as their interviewer decided on a new line of questions. Jiang Cheng glanced over at Lan Wangji and hoped that the man didn’t expect to get away with this. They were going to talk. Of all the things he thought Lan Wangji would say to get him out of the desperate situation this hadn’t been this. 
M/M Book RECS: (Both are so good :D ) * Cut and Run by Abigail Roux * Where You Hurt the Most by Anne Brooke AU Notes: ♥ Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji are rivals since acting school behind the cameras. This is unknown to Jiang Cheng and thinks of Lan Wangji as a friend. He caught on that Lan Wangji liked Jiang Cheng and the jealousy has forever stuck. ♥ Wen Ning is a musician that worked on a project with Wei Wuxian for a movie that Wei Wuxian was the lead and he fell in love with him from the start. He respected Wei Wuxian and Jiang Cheng's relationship and only started dating him after Wei Wuxian told him that he'd broken up with Jiang Cheng when Jiang Cheng went to the United States. ♥ Mo Xuanyu is a singer and Nie Huaisang has a huge crush on him. As a fan and photographer he operates the singer's fansite under thename YuViewFinder. P.S. Might do a second chapter for Lan Wangji's side. Maybe if that's wanted (>‿◠)✌
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ellsieee · 1 year
Sometimes the best cure for a long stressful day is to watch idols/celebs make fools out of themselves.
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Ahhhh poor shenshen! 🤣 It pains me to see him faceplant but I'm also extremely amused. Thank you shenshen for subjecting yourself to this for our entertainment.
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Oh the faceplants! 😂😂😂 Fiona's is the funniest. She just faceplanted and stayed there, no movement. 🤣
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LOL. Same boys, same. Fan Chengcheng's expression is the best. 😅I don't feel bad for them at all. 😆 Hey they get paid big bucks for this.
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