#also didn't realize my queen's thief posting would make top 5
daisywords · 2 years
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I posted 1,703 times in 2022
That's 1,350 more posts than 2021!
382 posts created (22%)
1,321 posts reblogged (78%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,208 of my posts in 2022
Only 29% of my posts had no tags
#art - 221 posts
#second chance wip - 90 posts
#other's writing - 86 posts
#ask game - 59 posts
#other's wip - 42 posts
#boost - 36 posts
#my art - 33 posts
#my writing - 23 posts
#other's art - 19 posts
#writing process - 18 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#i have one black turtleneck and it looks sooooo good on me literally it's like my first date outfit but also i cannot wear it for that long
My Top Posts in 2022:
Kk just finished A Conspiracy of Kings
Sophos my beloved
the boy is back <3
I just loved Sophos as a narrator! His voice really came through ugh he's just so honest
the shifts between first person to omniscient were interesting I don't think I've ever seen it done in quite that way
bunny :)
"If my affections weren't otherwise engaged" oof
love how the middle section is just King of Attolia pt 2
"that Sophos held Gen's heart in his hand" + "He would have given Eugenides his heart on a toothpick, if asked" ok cool cool
we still stan Eddis Helen
I want to know more about Sophos's sisters they seem cool
uM did he just—yes he did ok he went there
"You shot the ambassador?" my Lord Attolis you gave me the gun
It's all just about how they all love each other but it's so much more complicated than that, except that in the end it isn't
Wow this book is so...heartfelt idk
Sophos my beloved
and here's the complementary doodle of Eddis and our boy Sophos ofc
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140 notes - Posted March 14, 2022
Ok so read The King of Attolia yesterday and wow ok
Costis is one of those characters that's just some guy but like. he's my guy
Also I love his friendship with Aris? just like aww look they're friends
just because no one ever sees the king visit the queen doesn't mean he's not you idiots did you forget everything you ever knew about the guy?
I feel like the narrative distance between the reader and Gen has to get further and further away lest we know what he is up to
What did Relius actually do wrong? was kinda confused there tbh
I guess Gen being mortally wounded is just a staple for this series like jeez give the guy a break
And yup there we go
Costis the whole time like "get a room" except they have a room he's just. also there
Aww Sejanus and Dite really did love each other <3
Also Sophos is missing??? Someone better go find him right now
This book was just straight character dynamics and I was riveted
I feel like Megan Whalen Turner Understands Something About Intimacy
This book is so incredibly spicy you guys
ok anyway here's the king and queen themselves and of course our boy Costis
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156 notes - Posted March 11, 2022
minimum page counts really coming for those of us who are concise
332 notes - Posted October 4, 2022
can't believe it's 2022 and we still have posts around about not overusing "said" like seriously? Imagine if I made a list of words to use instead of "and." wouldn't that be stupid?
1,162 notes - Posted September 29, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Conlanging for cheaters
quick tips for creating fantasy language(s) that look believable if you squint
Pick a few rules about what letter/sound combinations can and cannot exist (or are common/uncommon). For example, in English, "sp" or "st" can begin a word, but in Spanish they can't. The "ng" sound (or the voiced velar nasal if you want to get technical), can't appear at the beginning of a syllable in English, but it can in at least of third of languages around the world. English allows for consonant clusters (more than one consonant together without a vowel), but some languages, such as Hawaiian, don't. Picking a few distinctive rules that are different from English or the language you are writing in, and sticking to them, will yield a lot better results than just keysmashing.
Assign meaning to a few suffixes, prefixes, or roots. A simple and useful example of this is making up a particle that means -land or -city or -town, and tacking it onto your appropriate place names. You could also have a particle with a similar meaning to the "er/or one we have in English, such as in "baker," "singer," or "operator," and then incorporate it in your fantasy titles or professions. It's like an Easter egg for careful readers to figure out, and it will make your language/world feel more cohesive.
Focus on places and names. You usually don't need to write full sentences/paragraphs in your conlang. What you might want to do with it is name things. The flavor of your language will seep in from the background, with the added benefit of giving readers some hints on background lore. For example, you could have a conlang that corresponds to a certain group of people, and a character with a corresponding name could then be coded as being from that group without having to specify. A human-inhabited city with an elven-sounding name might imply that it was previously inhabited by elves.
You don't have to know what everything means. Unless you are Linguistics Georg R. R. Tolkien, you probably don't want to (and shouldn't!) actually make up a whole language. So stick some letters together (following your linguistic rules, of course) and save fretting over grammar and definitions for the important stuff.
(Bonus) This isn't technically conlanging, but it can be fun to make up an idiom or two for your fantasy culture (just in English or whatevs) and sprinkle that in a few times. The right made-up idiom can allude to much larger cultural elements without you having to actually explain it.
Congrats! You now have a conlang you can dust over your wip like an appropriate amount of glitter. Conlangs can be intimidating, just because there's so much you can do, but that doesn't mean you have to do it all. So yeah anyway here's what I would recommend; hope y'all have fun :D
5,598 notes - Posted May 12, 2022
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