#also don't attempt to translate it since it'll probably
scri--bble · 6 months
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41 notes · View notes
2chopsticks2eyes · 2 years
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2chopsticks2eyes - Masterlist
Pairing: Lee Minho/Lee Know x Han Jisung/Han
Themes: Smut, Pining, Fluff
Word Count: ~9k | AO3
Warnings: Smut, Explicit Sexual Content, Cussing, Oral Sex, Hand Jobs, Blow Jobs, Anal Sex, Creampie, Unprotected Sex (but, for real, wrap that shit up)
Summary: Minho has been longing for Jisung since the first time he met him and (with help from Bang Chan and Changbin) Jisung starts to catch on from the new song his best friend wrote.
Author's Note: I am delulu for Minsung. Just for fun guys (and for my own personal guilty pleasure). I have linked platforms with AO3 and Twitter too. Hope you enjoy!
(Lyric translation by GENIUS)
“Our story was beautiful
You left me with a memory
Please don't forget that it means more than this
Wander through a long day
The night begins again
There are many things that I can't say, yeah
I don't get sick in my dreams
I want to call you quietly
The moment I wish I couldn't forget
Will it go back the way we used to be?
I know it'll change with just one word
The words I couldn't tell you
Lock me in this dream, please don't let me go”
-Limbo by Lee Know (Lee Minho)
- - - - - NOW - - - - -
Chan was attentive. Changbin was absorbed. And Jisung was absolutely gobsmacked. 3RACHA was more than eager once the other member’s songs came to them to listen to and they quickly went down the list, starting with - you guessed it - Lee Minho.
Not a single one of them had expected such a unique rock-ballad to be chosen by the lead dancer, moreso expecting a hip-hop vibe that would have some sick choreo potential.
To say the three of them were surprised would be an understatement. Of course they were mildly both confused and amused by the ending of the song, but it switched to endearment as Chan pointed out that ‘that is definitely Lee Know’s style’. They listened once again to the encapsulating melody and Chan and Changbin gave each other a knowing look when they focused on the lyrics.
Minho was in a hopeless battle of his probable unrequited love for Jisung and only Chan and Changbin had the eyes to notice it. They also noticed that a certain quokka was still speechless from the captivating track they were dissecting.
“You okay there Sung?” Changbin tried to hold back his amusement as he tried to bring the youngest producer back to earth.
“Huh, what? Yeah. I agree. Totally…” Jisung said as he shook himself to consciousness and scratched the back of his neck. Chan and Changbin couldn’t hide their choked back laughter as Jisung was still in la la land.
“So, Han-ah.” Chan blurted to grab the boy’s attention. “How do you feel about the lyrics? What do you think he was referring to? Hm?” Chan’s dimples betrayed his hidden smirk.
Jisung inexplicably widened his eyes as he looked at his smiling hyungs. “Oh… um…” He huffed out a half laugh, half scoff and ran his fingers through his hair as he stood up. “I dunno, man. No one can figure out what’s in that guy’s head. Right?” He nervously chuckled.
“Oh I don’t know about that. I think he can be very transparent sometimes. Don’t you think, Channie-hyung?” Changbin wasn’t even attempting to hide his giddy smile as he turned back to his leader.
“I agree! I think you should go ask Minho about it if you can’t interpret it yourself.” His smile grew wicked. “Besides…” He patted Changbin’s shoulder. “What kind of producers would we be if we couldn’t even understand our own songs?”
Jisung looked like a deer in the headlights, but quickly regained his forced confident composure. “For sure! Yeah… I’ll, uh. I’ll go do that… now? I guess I'll catch up with you guys on the rest tomorrow…”
“Oh absolutely! Let us know what he says!” Changbin jovially shouted at Jisung’s quickly retreating form before the door closed. “I think we are finally done dragging the chain hyung.” Changbin said with a coy look and a high five with Chan.
“And it’s about damned time too! You would think that Jisung would have pulled his head out of his ass four years ago!” Chan guffawed.
“You know him. Jisung prefers to stay blissfully ignorant.”
- - - - - THEN - - - - -
Minho denied it at first. He convinced himself that sure, he knew Jisung was closer to him than the others, but that’s because they were best friends. He knew that he would die for him in a heartbeat and have no regrets about it. 
When Jisung was happy, he was happy. When Jisung was sad, he was sad. And when the younger one looked at him with a smile, Minho didn’t care about anything else in the whole world.
He slowly started to notice that his feelings were probably somewhat deeper. Like when people started calling them “soulmates” he would get an indescribable jolt of glee run up his spine. He wanted to be special to Han because Han had always been special to him.
Sometimes, when Jisung was having a particularly bad day or he was feeling overwhelmed, he would crawl into bed with Minho at night so he could cry into his hyung’s warm embrace as he drifted off to sleep. Minho would never not be there for him. The thought of his Hannie being anything but happy made him want to hold him even tighter and never let go.
Minho knew for sure that he loved Jisung only a year after their debut. The realization came to him at the most random time, too. All he was doing was hanging out with the group backstage before a concert. He was on his phone on the sofa and he heard the beautiful sound of his Hannie's laugh. Jovial and contagious.
He looked up at him and he was suddenly frozen in place. There was nothing particularly different from normal circumstances. The younger man was still in his regular clothes, sitting next to Hyunjin as he laughed at the tall dancer’s dramatics. He didn’t even have his hair or makeup done yet.
But that is what stunned Minho. He was just so perfectly… Jisung.
The way his legs always turned in like an anime character when he sat down. How his waist was so small that it rivaled only one of Minho’s thighs. How he could look like the most precious and adorable being one moment, and then the sexiest motherfucker on the planet the next. And most of all, the way his smile, laugh, or face in general lit up the whole room when he walked in.
He was beautiful.
He was so beautiful. And Minho loved him. Minho loved his band member, best friend, and soulmate… and that scared the shit out of him.
No matter how hard he tried to distance himself after his revelation, Jisung always dragged him back into his orbit by not letting the elder hide for too long. And, if he was honest with himself, it pained him to be away from his soulmate for any length of time. Both mentally and physically. The amount of times that the elder had to “choke the chicken” to the thought of Han was almost embarrassing to him.
On a night just like any other, the young quokka unexpectedly crawled into bed with Minho again. However, Jisung didn’t say a word. He just pulled back the covers once Minho made room for him and snuggled himself in, stuffing his head into Minho’s chest and under his chin while they wrapped their arms around each other.
“Hannie?” Minho quietly whispered after a while, trying not to disturb his roommates.
“Hm?” He could hear that the boy was already being pulled into dreamland.
“Are you alright, jagi?” Minho ran his hand up and down the boy’s back as the younger squeezed him tighter.
“Mhm…” Jisung yawned. “I just wanted to snuggle tonight.” Minho’s heart ached and the boy looked up at him. “Is that okay, hyung?”
Minho was hypnotized by the round doe eyes that peered back at him and he had to remind himself that he needed to answer. His face softened and a warm smile grew on his face. He caressed the back of Han’s head and daringly pressed a small kiss on his forehead. As much as it pained him to say it, he relented. “Of course Hannie. Any time.”
The boy hummed with content as he buried himself back into his hyung’s chest and quickly drifted off to sleep when the elder pulled him closer.
Minho’s voice was barely a whisper as he buried his cheek in the boy’s soft, brown hair. “I love you so much, Hannie…” A single tear rolled off the side of his face and onto the pillow beneath him, quickly seeping into the fabric to minutely hide the evidence.
- - - - - - - - - -
Minho felt like his whole world came crashing down when he discovered that they were about to live separately. YEARS of pining, longing, and torturing himself by gluing himself to Jisung was about to end, and Minho HATED it.
Endless amounts of pent up frustration exploded like a match to oil and the members were taking the blow. They had to deal with Minho’s wrath from even the tiniest of triggers.
“Jisung, go fucking talk to him.”
“What?! Why do I have to go?!” The young rapper responded to his leader, exasperated.
“Because this is all because of you!” Changbin threw his hands in the air, pissed about just having been the most recent victim of one of Minho’s tantrums.
“What?! How?!” 
“Ji, think about it. You are his best friend. His literal soulmate. You can’t tell us that you aren’t equally as pissed about the news.”
He just crossed his arms and looked down to avoid the scrutiny of his hyungs.
“Please talk to him. You’re the only one he will listen to.” Chan put a consoling hand on Jisung’s shoulder and the younger one pitifully nodded.
Jisung knew the only way to make his hyung happy, and that was through his stomach.
He peeked his head behind the curtain to Minho’s bunk with a convincing grin and Minho just looked up from his phone to glare daggers back at him, still frustrated from his squabble with the boy’s fellow RACHA member.
“Hey hyuuuung.” Jisung took it upon himself to swoop in and jump on top of Minho, making the elder grunt from the weight on his chest.
“Jisung, what the fuck?” The man choked out.
“Lino-hyung come eat with me!” The boy looked up at him from where he had plopped down on his stomach with a cheeky grin.
“No.” Minho blatantly said as he returned his attention to his phone.
Jisung pouted his lip and propped his chin up on the device between them. “Oh c’mon, hyung. Don’t be like that!”
“I’m not being like anything. I just don’t want to get out.” Lies.
Jisung huffed and scooted up further on Minho’s chest, promptly squishing the phone between their bodies as the younger wrapped his arms around the other’s neck. Minho was sure his face must have been impossibly red from their proximity and it took everything in his power not to pop a boner as Jisung laid down the length of his body.
“Fine.” Jisung huffed, hugging the man tighter. “Then can I just lay here and cuddle with you? You haven’t let me in ages!” Jisung pouted and Minho felt the sharp pain of guilt in his chest.
He stayed quiet as he turned his head away. The silence dragged on between them until Jisung laid his head down on Minho’s chest, startling the elder.
“You know I didn’t want this either, right?” His voice was slightly muffled from where it was buried in Minho’s chest. “I really don’t want to live without you hyung. Y-you’re my best friend. I ca– I can’t…”
That’s when Minho felt the hot liquid of tears seep through his clothing onto his skin and he instantly panicked. “H-Hannie…” He tried to pull the boy’s head up to look at him, but Han kept his face glued to the soaked shirt.
“P-please h-hyung… d-don’t hate me!” He sobbed the last few words and Minho felt like his heart had broken into a million pieces.
“No! No! Hannie. Please look at me, jagi…” Minho cupped the boy’s cheeks as he looked up at him with red eyes and a quivering lip. “Listen to me. I could never, NEVER, hate you. You hear me? There is nothing you could do to make me love you any less.”
It seemed like both of the boy’s ears perked up at the same time at the unexpected word, but neither one decided to address it. Instead, Jisung wiggled up even further to properly hug Minho with his face buried in the crook of his neck.
“Promise you’ll come visit?”
- - - - - - - - - -
“Do you still think I’m your soulmate?” Minho didn’t even think that topic was even in question. It had always been established, why was Han questioning it now? YEARS had gone by, but Minho’s desires for the boy never wavered. His love burned just as bright.
Minho felt a dark cloud over him that day as he realized that he might be drifting apart from the love of his life. He felt like the world was crashing down on him because while Han was everything to Minho, Minho was steadily becoming nothing to Han…
Han had said he wanted to hear Lee Know sing a ballad in that same 2 Kids Room shoot. Fine. Minho would tell him everything he wanted to say… just not directly…
- - - - - NOW - - - - -
Jisung took a deep breath as he stared at the door to Minho’s room. He had given himself a mental pep talk when the last inhabitant of the dorm, Seungmin, hastily left with a wide smile when he saw Jisung enter, leaving Jisung alone in the dorm with Minho…
Minho had been especially distant lately and Jisung had been more and more depressed that his hyung no longer adored him as much as he adored his hyung. Minho had always been the warmth that Jisung needed in his life. And although he was terrified to confront him, scared to know that he was moving on, Han was resolute in his quest to talk to his best friend, his soulmate, about his deep and complex lyrics.
Three knocks. “Fuck off, Seungmin. I told you I’m not going to talk to him.” Jisung’s heart ached because he knew exactly who his elder was referring to.
He slightly cleared his throat. “U-um. It’s Jisung… Can I come in?” Silence…
A bit of shuffling was heard followed by a bit more silence…
The door swung open and there was Minho, in all of his bed-headed glory, staring down at the quokka as if he had been caught with his pants down. “H-hey Jisungie! I-I wasn’t expecting you…” Minho was clad in nothing but a pair of sweatpants and blood rushed to Jisung’s face.
He could tell that Minho had definitely been working on his fitness.
Jisung couldn’t look him in the eye, but the only other place his eyes would involuntarily drift to was the elder’s impressive pecs. He started to shoot his eyes every which way as he panicked. “U-um y-yeah… I uh…” His eyes flickered to Minho’s equally flushed face. “I wanted to chill with you, can I– uhm… can I come in?”
What the fuck? Why was he being so weird? He usually just waltzed on in and made himself at home, even ignoring his hyung’s protests if there ever were any. “What? Oh. Yeah, sure!” Minho looked like he had just pulled his mind out of the void when he responded and stepped to the side.
Jisung didn’t plop down on the bed like he always did. He didn’t go grab Minho’s laptop to pull up a movie for them to watch. In fact, once he was standing in the middle of the room, he didn’t even move a muscle. 
When Jisung heard the door shut behind them, he couldn’t even find the courage to look at his beloved Lino. “Hannie?...” Minho’s melodic voice rang from behind him, but he still couldn’t move a muscle, his head dipped down and his eyes stayed glued to the floor. 
Why was he being like this? This was his best friend in the whole world, but why was his heart hurting so much? This awkward tension, the distancing, the fact that he hadn’t gone out with Minho anywhere where it was just the two of them like they always do. Well… like they used to do…
Jisung always wanted to address it with him, but when they were together, Minho would always find something to distract himself. All Jisung was able to do was sit there and stare at his beautiful hyung, the most handsome person in the world…
Why did he feel this way?
“Hey… Sungie?” While Jisung had zoned out, Minho had apparently walked around him to face him. The boy only snapped his head up when the elder gently placed his hands on Jisung’s shoulders, sending an exhilarating jolt through his nerves. “Are you okay, jagi? Do you need us to lay down?”
That’s right… they used to cuddle when something bothered Jisung. How could he have forgotten such an important detail? The idea of Minho even thinking of that in this moment had Jisung slumping in pain from the pressure on his chest. Minho didn’t even realize how kind he was. How much Jisung needed him. How much Jisung loved him.
Yes, of course Jisung loved him. He knew for sure that no one could ever be more important in his life than Minho was. That was surely love. And he hated how much it hurt that it wasn’t returned. His hyung was just looking out for his best friend. Nothing more.
Jisung felt like he was knocked over the head with a cinderblock at this revelation and the only thing he could do was stare back at the two black pools of Minho’s irises.
That was when Jisung felt the first salty drop of a tear fall down his face, completely unbidden. Minho’s face morphed into panic. He instantly wrapped the now sobbing quokka in his arms and quickly picked him up and carried him over to the bed. He pulled down the covers, guided Jisung to lay down, and went to grab the warmest blankets they had.
Once he had the boy fully covered and cozy, he slipped in beside him and pulled him tightly against his chest. Jisung was sobbing uncontrollably now as memories of the old days flooded his brain. How did he not see that he always loved his hyung?
The boy dug his face deep into the elders chest. Minho didn’t say anything. He never did when this happened and Jisung was thankful for it. All he needed was to know that he had Minho in his arms until he could think coherently again.
One of Minho’s hands was wrapped around him tightly to slowly rub his back, the other was gliding his fingers through the boy’s hair. They stayed like that for a while, letting Jisung release all of his sorrows into Minho’s naked chest.
“P-please h-hyung! Why are you being like this?!” Jisung lamented as he clenched his fists against the tan skin. “W-why won’t you t-talk to me anymore?! Why do you hate m-me?! I can’t live without you hyung. I ca– I can’t–” Jisung instantly was thrown back to when he said those exact words in this exact type of situation when they were forced to live separately. All Minho responded with was soothing shushes and soft reassurances to calm him down. He knew it was a bad idea to converse when Jisung was in that mindstate.
Slowly, oh so slowly, Jisung’s sobs finally subsided and Minho waited. He always let Jisung break the silence first. It felt like hours of silence and small sniffles from Jisung before he said anything. “H-hyung… what did I do?” While still holding his hyung impossibly tight, Jisung looked up at him with glossy eyes and a quivering lip.
“Oh, my Hannie…” Minho pulled his hand back to wipe away one of Han’s stray tears. “You did absolutely nothing. I’m the one to blame. I’ve been the coward…” Jisung was completely lost. What did he mean by ‘coward’? 
Jisung sniffled. “Coward?”
Minho bit his lip and fixed his gaze away from Han’s probing eyes. “I, uh… I’ve just been…” He looked back to lock eyes with Jisung, seemingly debating on saying something. What it was, Jisung had no clue. He eventually looked down with a sigh. “I dunno Hannie, this isn’t about me. I’m just here for you okay? I’m sorry I caused all this.”
But why? Jisung thought. Minho caressed Jisung’s face again and the boy closed his eyes and leaned into it. 
More silence.
Jisung thought ‘to hell with it’. “Hyung?” He asked with his eyes still closed. All he got in response was a small hum from the elder while he used his thumb to repeatedly glide over the smooth skin of Jisung’s cheek. “What was your song about?”
Minho instantly froze. His hand went rigid and it seemed like he stopped breathing. After a moment, Han opened his eyes to see a red faced and abashed Minho.
“Lino?” Jisung’s eyebrows drew together almost pleadingly as his balled up fists relaxed and pressed themselves against the dancer’s pecs. Jisung always knew Minho would let him drop honorifics in situations like these.
Minho cleared his throat. “Um…uh, why?” His voice shakily cracked. “I-it’s just a song Sungie…”
Jisung felt like he could cry all over again, but he was mostly frustrated at this point. “That’s bullshit and you know it.” Minho slightly pulled back, aghast at the younger’s outburst, but Jisung wouldn’t let him get far. The younger tangled his legs with the other’s and wrapped his arms around the elder’s neck. “Please, Min. I need to know…”
Jisung was desperate and Minho was at a loss for words.
- - - - - - - - - -
What did he mean he ‘needs to know’? Had he caught on? Minho didn’t know whether he should be terrified or relieved at the thought of Jisung finding out. Of course he wrote the song about him. For him. Anyone with eyes (especially the other RACHA members) would be able to see that. Anyone but Jisung.
Or so he thought.
But why did Jisung pull him closer? Even closer than before? Their faces were merely inches apart and Minho could see every beautiful, microscopic blemish on the boy’s face. He was dazzled by the proximity and at that very moment, he wanted to tell him.
Minho wanted to tell him and everyone else that he was indubitably head over heels in love with Han Jisung, he always was and always will be. He wasn’t afraid to admit it anymore. Fuck the subtlety of the song. If Jisung wanted to know, then he would tell him. Damn the consequences.
That’s all he needed to say. The song was about Han Jisung and now that it had left his mouth, it was out in the open for the boy to take as he pleased.
Minho felt like he could breathe for the first time in his life, tens of tons of weight lifted from his chest with just one word. Jisung looked like he had been hit with a realization of a lifetime with the astonished look on his face and Minho wanted to fill the silence for once.
“I dream of you almost every fucking night, Jisungie. I dream of how we used to be. How we could be. And I never want it to end. All I have ever wanted was you and it drives me absolutely fucking batshit crazy how I can’t have that one fucking wish.” He almost sounded pissed with the amount of agony that was behind the words.
Once Minho had got it off his chest, he couldn’t shut his mouth and Jisung just layed there next to him looking like he was shitting bricks.
“I wish I could stay asleep for the rest of my life if that meant I could live that life with you and never have to worry about forgetting it all when I wake. I’ve been acting like a piece of shit because, everytime I see you, I’m reminded that you could never love me as much as I love yo–”
Minho’s ranting was brought to a halt when a pair of soft, pouty lips abruptly collided with his. Minho’s whole body shook like he had just been electrocuted and he was stunned into the stillness of a literal statue. 
Jisung’s lips. HAN JISUNG’S LIPS were on his! There was no way this was right. It had to be just some hyper realistic dream, right?
He soon realized that he hadn’t kissed back once he felt the warmth leave his lips. He almost whined at the loss.
“I… I love you too Lino…” Minho’s wide eyes stared down at Jisung’s brown irises. His rosy quokka cheeks. His plump, red lips. Then his face altogether, which looked almost as terrified as he felt only moments before.
“Hannie…” It was barely a whisper, but it didn’t really matter because Minho quickly closed the distance again as he cupped the boy’s cheek with one hand. Now they both were both moving in tandem, their lips sliding against each other gracefully as they tried to pull each other suffocatingly closer.
Years of pent up frustration and longing for the boy had finally been set free and Minho could almost cry from the relief. There’s no way this was real. He pulled away from the kiss and Jisung whimpered, making Minho feel something stir in his core.
“God, please tell me this is real…” Minho’s eyes buzzed around every detail of the boy’s face to ensure that wasn’t the case as his fingers grazed across the skin of the boy’s round cheeks.
What was once a pout on the boy’s face quickly turned into an amused one as he giggled. Without any words, the boy nodded in amusement and then pulled his hyung back in to lock lips once more.
Minho couldn’t hold back anymore. He gently ran his tongue along the boy’s lips between kisses and Jisung gasped when their tongues collided soon thereafter. With his hand still caressing Jisung’s cheek, Minho maneuvered them to an easier position as he laid Han on his back so he could halfway lean over him.
Jisung’s hands slid down from his shoulders and coincidentally brushed over Minho’s nipples on their way to wrap around his back. Minho wanted the earth to swallow him whole when an embarrassing moan escaped his mouth. Goddamn, the sexual frustration he has had to endure must have vamped his sensitivity. He just knew his face was beet red when Jisung pulled back to stare at him in amazement.
However, he didn’t have to suffer much longer because the quokka then decided to pull him back down for a bruising kiss with LOTS of tongue, subtly wandering his hands back to the man’s naked chest again. Of all the times to have him been caught without a shirt on…
He had to hold back his next pathetic moan when he felt another tentative brush of the boy’s thumb against his sensitive bud. He was growing hard embarrassingly quickly and he would die on sight if Jisung caught him with a boner. But the question was whether to stop or keep going…
Jisung apparently decided for the both of them when he pushed his hyung on his back, detaching their lips and moving to straddle him. “Wait! Jisung don’t–!” Shit… it was too late. Minho grunted when Jisung sat right on top of his fully erect cock and both of them wore shocked expressions. “I… I…” Minho was at a loss for words because there was no way in hell to talk himself out of this one.
That was until a glint flashed across Jisung’s eyes and he daringly rolled his hips down. “Ngh!” Minho sounded like he had gotten punched in the gut and his hands flew to Jisung’s tiny waist with a bruising grip. He glared up at the quokka who was sporting a cocky grin. He tried to do it again, but Minho’s hands stilled him. “Han fucking Jisung…”
His breath was shaky and when Jisung leaned closer to hover over him, he could feel that the boy was also sporting a raging boner, and that did NOT help Minho’s predicament. They looked into each other’s eyes as Jisung rolled his hips once more, fighting against the grip on his waist.
Minho’s hips involuntarily bucked up and he saw a sliver of a smile form on the boy’s face before he knelt down to messily lock their lips again. Jisung’s tiny whimpers were painfully adorable and Minho couldn’t help but to want to coax more out of him.
They soon matched in rhythm, with both their mouths and their hips. Their tongues explored each other while rolling their hips frantically. Jisung pulled back to desperately rid himself of his shirt, only to reattach his lips immediately after. He seemed to have no self control and, although he wasn’t in much of a better mindset, Minho needed to do something about it.
“H-Hannie… *ngh* Hannie–” He tried to say between kisses and stifled grunts.
Jisung refused to relent. “Hyung… *ahh* more…” He whined into the kiss.
Minho had to push past the fog of feeling the boy’s bare chest against his own, but he managed to grab Jisung by the shoulders to force him off with a whimper. “Jisungie… we need to stop… y-you don’t know what you’re asking…” He had to close his eyes while saying this because he knew he would be fucked if he looked at those round, pleading eyes. It wasn’t helping that Jisung was still running his hands all along the elder’s chest.
“Lino, p-please… please don’t stop…” Jisung tried to overpower Minho’s grasp on his arms, but the elder was resolute in his decision.
Minho clenched his eyes tighter. “We can’t do this, Sungie… you’ve been crying… you’re not in the right state of mind to make these kinds of decisio–”
“I know what I want, Minho.” Jisung’s voice was firm and it made Minho snap his eyes open. Jisung’s eyebrows were drawn together worriedly and he looked desperate. “I want you, Lino… do you not want me… in that way…?”
Minho quickly sat up to press himself flush with the boy on his lap. “Are you fucking kidding me? Do you know how many times I’ve fucked my fist to the thought of you over these years?” Jisung ducked his head with impossibly flushed cheeks and Minho smirked. “So, yeah, I think I can confidently say I want nothing more than to pound you or be pounded by you right into this very goddamned mattress.”
Jisung’s eyes flew open in bewilderment as he covered his agape mouth with one hand and smacked the elder’s arm with the other. “Minho!”
Minho just guffawed at his reaction and that, in turn, made Jisung start laughing too. “What?! You asked!” Jisung covered his face in embarrassment and Minho just cooed at him as he wrapped his arms around the tiny little waist of his. “Aww c’mon, Hannie. Don’t hide from me jagi!”
When the boy removed his hands, he was glaring back at the elder. Without further ado, he overpowered the elder and pinned him to the mattress by his arms. “You can’t say that kind of shit and expect me to give up. You want me, Lee Minho? You can have me in any which way you want.” Jisung’s eyes were black with desire as he looked down at Minho. “I will do–” The boy kissed his lips “...whatever–” A kiss to his neck “...you–” A messy kiss to one of his nipples “...want–” He ended with a long, lingering kiss right above the hem of Minho’s sweatpants and the man shivered with every single touch.
“F-fuck Hannie…” Minho looked down at Jisung who was looking back up at him from where he had slid down the bed to kneel in between Minho’s legs.
Jisung always liked to act overly confident in situations where he was feeling insecure and only Minho could see when that was. There were the tell-tale signs that Jisung always gave away and he had no clue that his best friend was noticing them.
Minho could see that Jisung’s hands were slightly shaky as he ran them up and down his hyung’s thighs. He noticed that, although his eyes were full of desire, his lips were being gnawed raw. He couldn’t allow himself to let that slide.
Minho gently stilled the slim hands that were on his thighs and sat up, bringing a confused expression to Jisung’s face. “Jagi…” Minho solemnly looked into Jisung’s eyes. “You’re not ready, baby boy…” He felt a jolt of euphoria run through his body from the words that left his own lips, but he had to stay focused. 
“I am ready Minnie!” The younger looked down and blushed from the words. When he looked back up, he was pleading. “I-I know that I may not be experienced in ways that you are, but…”
He knew the boy was referring to a conversation he and Minho had a long time ago about how he was still a virgin and how Minho had his fair share of sleeping around as a backup dancer. Minho sure as hell didn’t want Han thinking anything less of himself because of it.
“Hannie, you don’t seriously think that I care about that right? I love you no matter what. I just don’t want you to jump the gun when you aren’t even sure that you… you know… are into guys–”
“You’re right.” Jisung immediately replied, freeing his hands and wrapping his arms around Minho’s neck once again. “I don’t know if I’m gay, you know I’ve always liked girls and that is still true…” Minho felt his heart split. “But I know now that I don’t want anyone anymore unless they are you… You’re not just some dude in my eyes, jagi… you’re my best friend. My soulmate. It doesn’t matter to me what sex you are, because you’re… you.”
Minho’s eyes were wide as they stared back into Jisung’s glistening ones. The boy was slightly shaking and Minho hugged him tighter.
“If you think I’m nervous, I’m not. The anxiety I have right now is only the eagerness from anticipation…” Jisung leaned in and pressed a long, heartfelt kiss against Minho’s lips, making the elder slightly dizzy. Minho tried to chase his lips when he pulled back, but Jisung just pressed his forehead against the elder’s to whisper against his lips. “Please don’t make me beg…”
Minho gently grabbed the boy’s face so he could pull back and look him in the eyes. He scanned them for any fragment of doubt and all he saw was the same desperation that he was feeling himself. His Hannie wanted to make love to him . HAN JISUNG. The boy that he had dreamt about doing this with for years was finally here in his arms asking, no, pleading for it. And who was Minho to disappoint him?
“Okay Hannie.” He could see Jisung’s entire face light up in an instant.
“Okay?” He said with disbelief.
“Yes, baby boy. But you have to behave and listen to me. Okay?”
“Yes!” Jisung nodded frantically as he leapt on Minho again. Minho chuckled as his back hit the mattress and Jisung kissed him all over his face and neck. “I’ll do anything you want, Minnie…” Jisung moaned against Minho’s neck as he tested the waters by rolling down his hips again.
“Ngh, S-Sungie…” Minho grabbed his hips again and flipped them. He stared down at him menacingly and clicked his tongue. “Now, now, jagi. I thought you said you’d behave.”
“I just want you so bad…” The boy whined as he refused to control his hips and clawing grasp to pull Minho back down.
“And you’ll have me, baby.” Minho smiled fondly as he leaned down and kissed his plump lips. “But we have some things to do first…” Jisung cried out in pleasure when Minho tentatively pressed his palm against the erection straining against Jisung’s jeans. “I don’t usually do this, but…” Minho continued to palm the boy and his breathing started getting heavy. “...since you’re a little ass virgin…” Minho cocked a teasing smile at the younger and all he could respond with was a whine. “I won’t make you bottom for your first time.”
Minho maintained eye contact as he popped the button open on Jisung’s jeans and slowly started to remove them, Han nodding permission the whole time. Once they were removed, Minho shuffled around and Jisung almost started hyperventilating when Minho knelt in between his legs and lowered his mouth down to the tent in his boxers.
“Breathe, jagi.” Minho rubbed soothing circles on the boy's thighs and only continued once the boy’s breathing had stabilized.
Minho closed his eyes in bliss when he finally got to wrap his lips around his soulmate’s clothed erection. They both groaned at the feeling and when Minho opened his eyes back up to check on the boy, Jisung was looking back at him like he had put all the stars in the sky. Minho was still in disbelief that this was all real.
After a moment of absolutely soaking Jisung’s boxers, Minho moved to press his lips against the inner thighs of the boy while his fingers played with his waistband. “H-hyung… please.” Jisung was already unbelievably whiny and Minho chuckled against his smooth skin.
“What was that, baby? I didn’t quite hear you.” Minho smirked as he sat up, still thumbing at the boy’s underwear.
Jisung huffed out a whimper and was having a hard time holding himself back from just taking his boxers off himself. “P-please Minnie… I want you.”
Minho smiled endearingly and then regained his cocky demeanor. “My baby is so polite.” Minho laid a chaste kiss against the boy’s stomach and then slowly, oh so slowly, started lowering the boy’s boxers.
Jisung’s breathing picked up again when Minho started leaving sloppy kisses down his abdomen at the same rate that his boxers were being lowered. Once his cock was finally freed, Minho pulled back to pull his boxers the rest of the way off.
Jisung was leaking all over himself and Minho could only stare in wonder. He was just about the same size as Minho, maybe a tad bit smaller, but even that intimidated Minho, who was usually a top, into nervousness about how he was going to be able to take him.
Jisung whined and moved his hands to cover himself. “Hyuuuung! Stop staring!” Jisung was red hot and couldn’t look Minho in the eye.
Minho chuckled and harshly grabbed Jisung’s wrists to pin them above his head. “No covering yourself, baby. You’re just so goddamned beautiful. I can’t help but wonder how I’m going to take all of you…” Jisung shot his eyes to meet Minho’s and he blushed furiously.
“M-Min, if you usually… you know… ‘top’, I can bottom for you… I want you to feel good too…” Jisung looked away as he said this, being adorably shy as usual.
Minho moved one hand to make the boy look back at him and then returned it to keep pinning down Jisung’s wrist. “You are such a sweet boy…” Minho softly kissed Han’s swollen lips. “But that’s something we can think about in the future… being bottom’s not necessarily… easy. And I don’t want you in pain for the first time, jagi. Don’t worry, baby. I know you will make me feel amazing.” Another chaste peck and Minho pulled back.
Jisung looked up at Minho in adoration and Minho licked his lips as he slid his hands down Jisung’s arms to his chest. “Now don’t move those pretty little arms of your’s, okay jagi?”
Jisung nodded enthusiastically as Minho lowered himself once more.
Minho got his mouth painfully close to Jisung’s tip, making the boy stiffen, but then abruptly redirected course to sensually kiss the boy’s pubic bone. The rapper whined and twitched as Minho kissed all around where Jisung most wanted him and it seemed as if he was about to combust.
Jisung almost sounded like he was sobbing when he opened his mouth. “Lino please touch me! I can’t take it anymo–” It was then that Minho swallowed half of Han’s dick and the boy choked on his words, instead inhaling a stuttering gasp. “Fuuuu–”
That was all Han could say as Minho slobbered all over his dick, bobbing his head and swirling his tongue around the majority, and stroking what he couldn’t reach with his mouth in his hand.
Minho swore that he would never forget the image on Jisung’s face as his mouth went slack and his lashes fluttered over his blown out eyes.
He was so beautiful.
Minho needed him and he needed him now. Once he felt like he was thoroughly stimulated, if the shaking in the rapper’s skinny legs was any indication, he pulled off the rock hard cock with a loud pop. Jisung just whined again against his rapid breathing.
“I gotta get myself prepped, okay love?” Jisung hazily nodded as Minho hopped out of bed to go grab some lube and a condom from his desk. That was when he froze as he looked in the drawer.
Jisung must have sensed his distress because soon Minho could hear a tiny voice from across the room. “J-jagi?” He was still heavily breathing and when Minho turned around with lube in-hand, he saw that the boy was palming himself.
“B-baby… I… I don’t have a condom…” Minho was sweating from the anxiety of having to end things here.
“Do we really need one?” Minho’s ears perked up at the rapper’s words. “I mean, I know we are both clean and healthy, so what’s stopping us?”
“Well… yeah, but… do you really want to?” Minho was unconvinced that Jisung would just be A-OK with fucking his ass raw.
“Hyung, I’ve literally been begging. Please don’t make me wait any longer.” Jisung was apathetic with his words with how impatient he was getting.
Minho just cackled and bounded over to the boy to pounce on him, littering him with kisses and making Jisung shriek with giggles. “God, you’re too good to be true, Sungie…” Minho’s kisses got slower and sloppier as he felt slender fingers pull at his sweats. Impatient as always, Minho kicked off the fabric separating them and let Jisung stare as he straddled him, starting to feel cocky with the awestruck look on his face.
“Hyu-hyung…” Jisung’s eyes drifted back up to Minho’s and then the boy went savage. He grabbed Minho’s face and pulled him down on top of him, locking lips and then moving his arms to wrap around his waist and pull their naked bodies flush against each other.
They both moaned when their bare cocks pressed against each other and Jisung couldn’t control the bucking of his hips.
Minho was getting more and more impatient by the second as he popped open the cap to the lube and subtly coated his fingers.
He made sure to keep his lips on Jisung’s as he reached back to circle his own hole, but once he inserted a finger, he had to drop his head onto the boy’s shoulder to concentrate. 
He felt his heart swell when Jisung started rubbing soothing circles into his sides and began licking and suckling along his neck.
It had been a LONG time since Minho had bottomed, so getting himself prepped was a long and arduous task. He could only pray that Jisung couldn’t hear the subtle wincing in the back of Minho’s throat from the stretch as he added more fingers.
However, he must have noticed because soon, Minho felt warm, shaky fingers wrap around his length and started tugging. Minho emitted a long groan and the added stimulation definitely made the stretch more worth it.
Minho’s body involuntarily jolted forward when his own fingers unexpectedly brushed against his prostate. He had gasped and Jisung quickly pulled his hand back. “D-did I do something wrong?” He sounded frightened and Minho pulled his fingers out of his ass as he lifted his head up to look at the boy.
With his clean hand, Minho brushed some of Han’s sweaty hair out of his face. “No, no, baby. You’re doing so good for me, jagi.” Minho pecked the boy’s nose. “Now I’m going to sit down on you and you let me know if you ever want to stop.” Minho said as he added some lube to the boy’s achingly hard dick.
“N-Never!” Jisung looked like he was going to buzz off the bed with the amount of anticipation running through his shaky bones and Minho chuckled at him.
“Aw, are you eager baby? Maybe I should wait a bit longer…” Minho jokingly looked up as if he was pondering the question and he felt a bruising grasp appear on his hips.
“You better fucking not.” Jisung’s voice was firm and Minho guffawed at the pure offense written on the boy’s face.
“Are you sure you want to be talking to me like that?” Minho scooched forward and grabbed the boy’s cock to start circling his entrance teasingly.
“F-fuu…” Jisung stared wide eyed at the sight and licked his lips.
“Now what do we say, Jisungie?” He continued to move his tip back and forth to catch on his hole and Jisung kept jolting from the sensation.
“PLEASE! Oh god, please, hyung! I’ve waited so long. Please!” Jisung was clawing at the sheets and Minho was in awe of seeing this side of Jisung.
“Okay, my good boy…” That’s when Minho slowly started to sink down and both of the boy’s heads snapped back in pleasure. The veins in Minho’s neck were protruding as he struggled to adjust to the feeling. He had to stop halfway for a breather and wait for the burn to subside.
He slightly slumped his head back down and placed his hands on Jisung’s chest to stabilize himself. That’s when he felt gentle hands run up and down his shaky thighs. “You okay, Minnie?” Jisung had a worried expression on his face and Minho’s heart swelled once again.
“I’m okay, baby boy. Just… just give me a second…” Jisung gave a tiny nod and Minho took a deep breath before he sat the rest of the way down. The both of them groaned and Minho dropped down to press his forehead against the other’s.
It wasn’t too long after some heavy breathing and long, lingering kisses that Minho started to roll his hips, gaining a gasp from the boy beneath him.
The stinging feeling that Minho had was slowly drifting into pleasure. The way Jisung was grasping onto his thighs for dear life and how his eyes were glued to where his cock disappeared inside Minho was really helping Minho enjoy it even more.
“H-holy fuck, Min. You’re so damned tight… I’m… I-I’m not gonna last long…”
“Yes you are baby. You cum when I say you can, yeah?” Jisung only whined a reply and Minho maneuvered his hips experimentally. He leaned back and put his hands on Jisung’s thighs behind him and slowly rocked down on him.
Jisung looked at Minho’s face in awe as the elder yelped when he found his mark. The repressed moans he was emitting was driving Jisung insane. The thought that his cock was doing that to the ever stoic man above him had him basking in confidence.
That bout of courage caused Jisung’s hands to drift up to Minho’s hips and slam him down on his dick. The euphoric cry of pleasure from Minho was worth the bone-chilling glare he gave after the fact. Jisung cocked a grin at him and repeated the action, thrusting up his hips to meet him halfway.
Minho wanted to take back control, but Jisung felt so fucking good that he couldn’t bring himself to give two fucks. The light grazing of Jisung’s cock against his prostate made him dizzy with every thrust and Jisung’s smile was the most beautiful thing Minho had ever seen.
No more fake confidence. His Jisungie was proud of himself and Minho was happy to give that to him.
The look on Jisung’s face was filled with love and wonder and it was like a magnet to Minho. The elder crashed down on top of the boy and ran his fingers through his soft locks. “F-fuck H-Hannie…” Minho didn’t sound like himself as he was whiny while bouncing on his dick. “Y-you f-feel s-so g-good…” Minho was speaking against Jisung’s mouth and, with his hands still controlling Minho’s hips, Jisung captured Minho’s lips in a searing kiss.
It was becoming sloppy as their saliva dripped down each other's lips and their tongues continuously licked into the other’s mouths. They were getting more and more sweaty and Jisung’s arms started faltering in their efforts.
Without a word, Jisung flipped them. Pushing Minho off his dick and onto the mattress next to him, the elder whined from the loss of stimulation. However, that was quickly replaced with ecstasy when the rapper threw himself on him and slowly entered him again.
Jisung started moving at a brutal pace as his lips latched onto one of Minho’s nipples and the dancer’s mind couldn’t focus on anything but Jisung, Jisung, Jisung.
“J-Jisung-ah…” Minho muttered breathlessly. Jisung lifted himself off of Minho’s pec and was panting as he looked at the man under him in question. “I love y-you so f-fucking much…” It almost sounded like a sob from the amount of emotion behind Minho’s words.
Jisung’s eyes went wide and glossy and he looked at the man with heart eyes as he replied. “I love you to M-Minho.” Jisung was still pounding into him as they talked, but Jisung returned his lips to his soulmate. “So.” A kiss. “So.” Another kiss. “Much.” He ended with a long, soft kiss as his hips minutely slowed.
Minho felt every molecule of love in that kiss. He felt it in the way Jisung gently and tenderly rocked into him. He felt it in the way that instead of hunger and sloppiness in the kiss, it felt like he was savoring every touch and connection of their tongues and lips. Minho could almost cry from yet another realization that this was true.
On one particular thrust, Jisung lightly grazed over Minho’s prostate again and Minho’s jaw went slack against Jisung’s mouth as he emitted a choked moan. He couldn’t bring himself to words, but when Jisung started missing the spot again, he almost cried out.
Jisung sat up to stare at Minho in awe and then he looked down at where they were connected, mesmerized by the squelching sounds of his movements. He wanted more of those beautiful sounds from his hyung’s mouth. 
Jisung was determined as he lifted Minho’s hips and hooked his arms under his legs to spread them further and lift them higher. Once he readjusted, he slammed his cock into the dancer and thank god no one was home because the part-whine, part-moan, part-shout that left Minho’s lips was deafening.
“Fuckfuckfuck Hannie, right there!” Jisung’s heart swelled with pride as he continued to abuse his prostate and the sounds that Minho was trying to hold back was music to Han’s ears.
“God *huff* you’re so fucking *ngh* gorgeous, hyung.” Jisung was lost in Minho’s enraptured gaze and slack jaw that emitted choked moans and whines, but his erection that was bouncing against his stomach caught his attention. The head was red and leaking profusely all over his stomach and Jisung had a sudden urge to lick it clean.
But since he was buried inside Minho and he needed to concentrate on not cumming, he settled for wrapping his hand around his hyung’s length to stroke him in tandem with his thrusts.
“F-fuck Sungie *ngh* I’m gonna cum, jagi… *hiss* Cum inside me, baby…” Minho basically growled the words and Jisung sped up his efforts, enticed by the idea of filling the elder up.
After only a few more thrusts, Minho threw his head back with a cry and Jisung watched as he painted his hand and the other’s own chest with white. The sight pushed the younger over the edge as well and he loudly whined at the ceiling after throwing his head back.
Jisung pumped inside him a few more times to milk it all out of him and Minho jolted from oversensitivity. The dancer winced as Jisung pulled out of him and the boy wore a concerned expression. He didn’t even need to say anything before the elder spoke up. “I’m okay, Hannie. It’s just a little uncomfortable.”
Jisung just nodded and looked down to see his cum spilling out of the man’s ass. He didn’t get to look long, though, as Minho grabbed him and pulled him down on top of him to lock lips with him. Minho bit, sucked, and licked into Jisung’s mouth and they both were breathing heavily once they parted.
“God, you’re unreal…” The elder pressed his forehead against the other’s and they laid there in a comfortable silence for a minute or two, Jisung repositioning to snuggle his face in the crook of Minho’s neck.
“We’re covered in jizz…” Minho absolutely guffawed and Jisung giggled along with him. They both pulled back and looked at the smooshed and sticky strings that connected them as Jisung lifted his chest.
“Yeeeah, and I think I need to change the sheets.” They looked at each other and cackled. “Let’s go get cleaned up, yeah?” Minho showed his finality by smacking Jisung’s ass cheeks with both hands.
Jisung nodded his head enthusiastically, but before he made a move to get up, he looked back into Minho’s eyes. “By the way…” Jisung seemed shy as his cheeks turned red again and Minho was intrigued. “At some point, I want to show you the songs I’ve written about you…” And with that, Jisung leaped off the bed and scurried his naked ass down the hallway to the bathroom after making sure the coast was clear.
Minho was flabbergasted. “Wait, what?!” Minho shouted across the dorm and all he heard was a maniacal giggle from down the hallway. Without even knowing it, Minho had the brightest (and slightly flustered) smile that stretched across his face as he ran down the hall to wrap his arms around his soulmate, best friend, and now lover once more.
Minho no longer wished to be locked in his dreams. He was already living them.
If you've made it this far, thank you so much for reading! Please like, follow, and share! Thanks baby stays! 😘
2chopsticks2eyes - Masterlist
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whatsyourcolor · 1 year
I hate to info dump but here we go:
1.Kougami picked Akane up ALL ON HIS OWN..Not because someone ordered him to.Remember Garcia told him how he can’t imagine Kougami being responsible for another person?Coming to pick her up was Kougami’s way of mending things.Apologising to the only person he thinks deserves his apology and taking responsibility for his past behaviour by saying sorry.It’s a massive step for him.This is why Akane brushed off his apology.They caught up on the car as well.
2.The reason Akane wasn’t expecting him is most certainly because he works for foreign affairs.Akane was still an MWPSB employee so she probably thought it’d be Mika or the new inspectors.Also that should tell you something that despite being from a competing ministry he’s able to pick her up.He had to have pulled a lot of strings,request and beg tons of people.
3.Kougami made MULTIPLE requests to visit Akane.They were denied except that one time when he managed to get an approval.He didn’t back out of visiting her because it would be a waste of time.Again that’s a big deal because only Mika who’s the chief inspector had online access to Akane.
4.During the visit he put his back on the door because stooping down to her level would be awkward which makes sense?She’s 5’4” and he’s 6” so it would be uncomfortable to stare through a small window in that height for him so idk what’s wrong with that.He said Frederica/Ginoza thought it would be better for him not to visit her also he didn’t bring any souvenirs because he didn’t know what she liked.There wasn’t a lot of time I am sure.Solitary confinement is solitary for a reason.
5.I am not sure if Frederica is keeping in contact with Tenzing.I should hope so.She better make Kougami call her as well.I am not sure why Kougami would be thinking about Akane while he’s fighting MWPSB enforcers either.
Here’s the thing I think a few people are disappointed that their headcanon doesn’t match the Kougami in canon anymore (which I am sure is sad).But spreading misinformation to make people see Kougami the negative way is turning other people off.My advise is take everything people say with a grain of salt.Some people are helbent on spreading negativity because things didn’t go the way they wanted.
if you are up for it buy the books and run them through a translation or pay a translator to translate.Make up your own mind.
Since I haven't read the novels about S3 because I don't speak Japanese, I can't answer to any of those points. Not since @cleverwolfpoetry used to translate the novels, do I know anything of the novels. The only think I know is that the writers said shinkane is platonic and what I got from Providence and Sinners of the System. Other people have read the novels and give their opinion about them. Maybe they're spreading misinformation; I have no idea. But you're right, a grain of salt doesn't hurt.
I don't know if there's a current hate campaign against Kogami (there's always been, though. I remember people crapping on him when he told Akane to kill Makishima), but people are going to hate who they're going to hate. One thing I'll never do is ship Homura and Akane. Or Kogami and Frederica. For me it'll always be Akane and Kogami and I don't care what the writers say. Cleverwolf's translations gave me enough material to deduce that this attempt to bring down shinkane (or to take it out of its ambiguity) is part of the "remodeling" of Psycho-Pass from a philosophical and psychological anime to a more action and plot driven franchise for a different target audience.
Heck, it's all in Makishima's last monologue: "Everyone is alone. Everyone is empty. People no longer have need of others. You can always find a spare for any replacement. Any relationship can be replaced."
Psycho-Pass is about the most human of things: relationships. (And yes, human nature, violence, free will, rationality vs animality, etc). So the writers can say whatever the hell they want, but Akane is not replaceable for Kogami and neither is Kogami for her (remember the All Star novel where holos of all the dead people are tormenting Akane and telling her Ko is dead and she's like "No, that person can't be dead"? I love how Sibyl, Kamui and Togane know Akane is deeply in love with Kogami and they try to use that against her all the time.
At the end of the day, despite the castes the system creates, the human bond will break those chains. The purest-hued young woman falling for a heartbroken criminal is just too delicious a dynamic to ignore.
Also, where the heck are all of you reading the novels? Is anyone sharing the translations somewhere?
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deerfests · 2 months
20 Questions For Fic Writers
Tagged by: @zonkutonshorrifyingpeenie (thank you!)
How many works do you have on AO3?
70! We surpassed the funny number.
What's your total AO3 word count?
227,690 (only 5,014 more since last time).
What fandoms do you write for?
Still the RCU.
Top five fics by kudos?
In need -128kudos
Try to sleep -115kudos
Good Boy -113kudos
Cupids' Misfire -112kudos
Like Newlyweds Do -110kudos
Casual reminder, kudos are nice but ultimately don't mean shit.
Do you respond to comments?
I try to, but sometimes I just mentally do it and forget to actually do it then too much time passes till I remember/notice, and it is too awkward to do that.
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Finality, or Honeythief because both deal with dark subject matter, but then I also hate both those fics.
What is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Still the Cartography series, but who knows.
Do you get hate on fics?
I know I've gotten an angry comment or two, considerably unprovoked on completely tagged content but that's neither here nor there. I am not aware of anything beyond that, but been told it's a possibility.
Do you write smut?
Occasionally, though I'm moving further away from it because now I find it a little boring... or I just don't seem to care. To say, there's nothing wrong with PWP even, I've just gotten to the point where PWP is not my thing, and I'd rather have a plot that includes it eventually. Sometimes it just ends up the plot doesn't need it.
Craziest crossover?
Not a fan of crossovers, the craziest I'll ever get is probably within the RCU but that doesn't even count.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Currently unaware of that, so I can't say. I've had my headcanons lifted with no nod or acknowledgment though, which is... whatever -- but still stung a bit.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
There were two attempts, both failing.
All time favorite ship
ScratchWake owns my soul :/ I've spent 12 years with them and I'll spend 12 more.
What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Could make an endless list, tbh. I just wanna finish something, but for the last month, I've just been scrapping WIPs.
What are your writing strengths?
I said dialog last time, but upon reflection, I don't actually know.
Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
Okay, now I'm gonna get into it:
If it's a pattern of how the character talks in canon (for example: Ahti), then absolutely as long as you're being mindful and using the correct resources (AKA: not Google translate)... However, if it's a character talking in one language throughout the entire series, may it be not English, but you're writing in English and we're supposed to assume they're talking in the language they talk in canon? Do not include random foreign words, it not only kills the flow imho but it also just feels cringy. Lastly, if it's a character capable of speaking two languages, then actually note that forgetting a word would not suddenly mean I'm saying the word in their native tongue and awkwardly amending. It'll be closer to "I'm going to -- um fuck forgot the word-- what's that thing, you know..." or whatever. Also, some native speakers of their language wouldn't call their lover(s) pet names in their own language or tell them they love them in their own language because they feel it's awkward and kinda cringe.
Sorry, but it's the truth of how I feel.
First fandom you wrote in?
It was a sitcom...
Favorite fic you've written?
I really and genuinely do not think I've written anything that I feel good about currently.
If you were forced to write only one genre for the rest of your life (like James Patterson lol) what would you want it to be?
I guess romance because I like human interactions the most. I sadly am not as decent at anything else.
Tagging: I don't actively know who to tag. Sorry.
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hematomes · 3 years
yes you are cute!! you're the cutest<3
(plus, seems like you liked my attempt at that ask game, no?)
i just give the vibe huh. I'll just have to live with it i guess:'(
actually our latin teacher is the most chill out of everyone. you only brought like half the hw? ok sure. oh, you didn't bother studying this lesson's translation? whatever. meanwhile my anc greek teacher is this 👌🏽 close to biting our heads clean off
(jdjsjfjs damn guess I'm switching to roll-ups then?? wish me luck so i don't stutter while buying the stuff. i have a babyface too so it would be Too pitiable)
how'd your saturday go?? im currently sobering up lmao i have to say it's been a while since i drank enough to feel it, and i also probably ate one too many mcnuggets💀 but nevertheless my friends just left and i had fun!
tbh i hate that feeling when you've just had friends over and when they leave its suddenly all so quiet. makes you aware of a loneliness that always was but which you hadn't felt before. the feeling fades soon enough but still it's so weird how you feel the absence like it's a real, tangible thing.
pfft I'm all sentimental cause it's late. actually i do write a little poetry so i like to write dramatic moments off as poet woes. might be my pisces moon too. im full of excuses. but alas! i just realized i don't know your star sign. im only moderately an astrology bitch, but I'd love to know your big 3👀
gASP IT WAS YOU??? ZKDKZK i did. i did like it i
it's a cute vibe ok it makes me want to smooch you on the forehead and make sure you don't hurt yourself somehow
LMAOZNDKZK 2 types of teachers..... i feel like latin teachers are generally chill, like mine this year doesn't give a flying fuck abt anything ever, we don't even have to show up to class like 😭
(don't worry you can do it, it'll be difficult at first But it's worth it <3)
it was WEIRD bc like. friday i went to bed a bit overwhelmed so i think my brain decided to shut down yesterday and i was NUMB THE WHOLE DAY but that's cool im fine now pfrRRR
ALSO BABY SOBS IM. approaching rapidly you shouldn't feel lonely that is a criminal offense >:( but yeah i know what you mean it's a super weird feeling zjdnd
hope you slept well <333 ZJDJSJ PISCES MOON OH.... that explains why you're so sweet and lovable
ok so don't laugh (or freak out, for that matter) but. aries sun, virgo rising and..... gemini moon...,,, skjwjsk (also venus in gemini bc the world hates me)
HBU 👁️👁️
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