#also don't infect people just stay the fuck home instead of sitting next to me and coughing on everything
mickgaydolenz · 2 years
sooooo heres my dream :) I had two
I was running around my neighborhood because I wanted to be in the marathon that was going on even though it was like. three people me not included. and each time I'd get close to them was when they'd stop for water and I always used that time to catch my breath but then they'd be gone, so instead of following them I decided to just go to the finish line and see them there, which was a school, and I think to myself once I get there, "oh I wanna check the school out" aaand end up on like, the highest floor and looked out the window at the finish line but didn't see them so I kept looking around, and then I decided I wanted to crawl under one of the beds and out the other side for fun, but when I did that a ZOMBIE came under also and started attacking me???? so as quickly as I could while under a bed I crawled away but the thing grabbed my ankle so I smashed its head in with my foot😭 then ran to a window and called down to the people who were watching the finish line and asked them if they were back yet and they said no, so I ran down and began looking for them because if there were zombies I don't want these guys to get eaten. and eventually I find them and one of the guys is kinda sorta infected he's like, still him, but now trying to eat us, except ME for some reason, he like, said into his watch "take Raya home, and, give her a nice hairstyle." and stuff??? and then a helicopter came above me and began taking me while he ate these teenagers??? then I woke up
then I had ANOTHER dream because I am sick at the moment, and I sleep a lot (for reasons)
I was out in this field which had to do with work, but we were all concerned because everything was dying, so we wandered around and found the EXTREMELY steep mountain, like no joke it wasn't even climb-able, BUT we could smash our hands through it and use that as a way to climb up, and when we did we realized it was like, a dam made of ice holding a volcano, and it was melting, so everybody else stayed trying to fix it and my boss and I left to go and try and warn people but nobody listened and we just ended up sitting at a restaurant talking about how we were going to fix this, then a lady turned around and yelled at my boss because she didn't understand what we were talking about, and I was so angry and stressed out that I just got up and yelled at her "don't spit that shit at my boss or I'll kick your fcking ass! turn and face the window!" then. I...slid her chair to face the window. which was weird. and then from across the restaurant I see a gang come over and Gerard Way was in it (@rollingthunderevue thanks a lot RORY you've exposed me to mcr) and they came over, grabbed me by the shoulders and took me to the other room and beat the fuck out of me. as you know I feel things in my dreams which can be fun but not when you're getting pulverized, and eventually they sent me to my table with my boss again and another girl was sitting there who looked a little cray by stereotype, she had the big scary eyes and messy hair, and she kept giggling about how much money she had, and I had to sit next to her so I asked her about her money and stuff so she pulled out a single dollar bill and held it over her eye like and eye patch and giggled, then handed it to me. fcking Michael Nesmith was on the bill. instead of a president. it was Michael. I turned around, the other side was Michael too, he was doing the splits and smiling, then I asked her how tf she got this and she just laughed some more and put it against MY eye like an eye patch and I told her that Mike couldn't even do the splits???? then this girl who was a part of the gang and around my age sat at our table and began doing things, all the while she kept trying to take my things, and each time I would slowly pull something away so she wouldn't take it she'd just laugh and go "that's right, dog! take your little thingies now, hun." and then my other coworker came in to give us the rundown on everything and how they were fixing it, then asked me why I had a black eye and busted lip which in return I just told him to go back and keep fixing it, then I woke up and a giant creepy American girl doll was by my head which made me yelp but at least I was away from evil MCR gang
raya what in the actual fuck 😂!?!?!? those are both FEVER DREAMS!!! the standout moment (other than maybe zombies and an ice cover volcano) was fucking CHAPSTICK DOING THE SPLITS ON A DOLLAR BILL!??????!??!?
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soryualeksi · 2 years
Huge shout-out to my colleague, who I was locked into one car for several hours a few days ago, for coming in sick as a dog to work and not because anything like "out of sick days" but because "I have fun stuff planned for the weekend and I would feel kinda bad calling in sick and then being well on the weekend again", which. Arguably noble(???) but absolutely senseless.
So shout-out: If the reason I can't hear from my ears being stuffed and swollen is because YOU COUGHED YOUR DISGUSTING THROAT GERMS ONTO ME ALL DAY, I will come to your home and kick your ass.
Don't be an ass. If you're sick and CAN stay home then DO stay home instead of infecting all your coworkers.
Also if you LIED to me and everyone and didn't actually thoroughly test yourself that it isn't Covid, I WILL tell that to our bosses, all of them.
#I'm sorry I'm just so pissed off right now#all of the sudden my ear swelled shut and this is extremely disorienting for me because i can't tune out that sensory input at all#so basically it's like a huge bass speaker is blaring right into my ear in sensory intensity#and it's driving me crazy right now and I'm so confused and angry#also don't infect people just stay the fuck home instead of sitting next to me and coughing on everything#all day long#at least wear a mask while in the car but nooo you're a poor little meow meow and very sick and very poor THEN STAY HOME#i don't wanna deal with this i want my ear open again it's like I'm walking lopsided because my sense of orientation is all screwed#I'm very sensitive to stuffed ears sadly because the sensory input is so incredibly overwhelming and affects everything else#so I'm not 'seeing right' on that side either and that is even more disorienting#i don't feel sick i just have pressure on my head and can't hear on one side but that's enough to make me a furious confused animal rn lol#soryuchan's personal issues#hope no coworkers accidentally follow my blog and find me but also fuck you personally if you spread germs at work and COULD stay home#and actively decide not to because uwu i wanna do the fun stuff and have a clear conscience about it#whatever that means#why are you getting me sick I've done nothing to you#also i had to deal with the whining all day that she was sick and felt bad and was a poor little meow meow I GET IT I DON'T CARE#DON'T GIVE ME YOUR GERMS#sob
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