#also finally got a new faceclaim for yuugan in the interrim since in a way he's trying to be more human than weapon
caveofwanderers · 1 year
Drabble: The Flames that Block the Way
{finally felt a bit of writing muse hit me so time to actually get an old plot bunny in my head moving again}
OST: Explorator
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“...We made it.” there was just silence, at least outward as Matt stood before the entrance. After all that work, he had finally reached where he was planning to go, the 0th city; Ishana. His journey to reunite with someone lost to the world, but not to time... He’d recount it many times in his head. Even with the other factors out to hinder him... That blonde mage, Acht being one such person trying to make him fall astray of his path. “(Kid, don’t get careless... We were able to get here, but its likely if that chick’s trying to get you off this path, either there’s something she didn’t want you to see, or there’s something even you can’t fight off alone...)” Yuugan would lightly chide him as Matt would silently walk through the empty corridor, it was like walking through a library, with all the bookshelves towering higher than even skyscrapers.
“(I’ll be fine, Yuugan. It’s not like Samui’s got surveillance spells here...)” Matt would take a cursory glance to the sides, and then above... Nothing he could hide from for certain. “(Besides... I got something specially made incase Seven greets us personally... Kurou was able to pass on one of his more readily available spells to me a while back.)”
“(Really? Which one?)”
“(It’s a surpri--)” Matt’s train of thought stopped as he went through the door and saw... Something he wasn’t expecting... Well all right, less so wasn’t expecting, moreso was hoping not to see.
OST: Walpurgisnacht
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Standing tall in a room of crimson flames... Well it would be inaccurate to call it a room and more like an ancient nightmare made manifest.
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“This is... The Phantom Field that...” Matt felt his voice trembling at the sight. While not from this possibility, he had known it was mentioned... And he’s seen it for himself.
“(Get a GRIP, kid! This isn’t a dream, and that thing’s not even noticed we walked in, yet!)”
“(Save the potential hopes for your lost girl after we get out of this alive...!)”
There was a bit of pouting as he’d scan the room... How Seven was able to make a room like this was a whole other story... Wasn’t he an ice mage, too?! His train of thought was interrupted when the massive hulking demon would slam its fist into the ground near the brunet mercenary, who was prompted to dodge.
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“Wonderful... All right pal, I could care less what Seven did to get your help, but I’m not doing this for revenge...!”
“Then what is it you desire...” there was another voice, someone who rested atop the demon’s shoulder.
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“It’s rude to make a lady wait...”
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“!?!?!?!?” Matt was at a loss for words-- but thankfully, Yuugan was able to pick up the pace while his ‘host’ was losing it.
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“All right, I could care less if you’re ‘Koa’, ‘Phantom’, or whatever you’re deciding to call yourself... You’re not the chick he fell for, are you?”
“(It’s not her... It’s the legitimate Nine.... How the fuck did Samui find a way to reach this one?! Is he trying to put you through the personal hell of fighting a different version of a loved one?!)”
There’d be no time to speculate as the demon would roar. With a fire spell being flung their way.
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“I see you got your head on straight, makes for an easier time snapping it in two.”
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“You don’t care us... You’re just a ghost of a past long gone. A future not belonging to this world.”
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“AND MOREOVER, YOU’RE TOYING WITH THE HEART OF SOMEONE SHE HOLDS DEAR. I will break us out of this nightmare...!”
Even if he couldn’t see it.. Yuugan would feel Matt would smile at those words.
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“Famous last words... When I’m through with you, I’ll put your host through his paces next! Don’t disappoint me!”
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