#also getting a perfect wing is impossibe
theladyragnell · 6 years
Hi Nell! Ficlet-Thing: Enjolras/Grantaire - Grease-AU? - or maybe Pitch Perfect-AU all the Amies - best wishes Ingwer
(It may please you to know that I have already written an E/R Grease AU, It’s Got a Groove, It’s Got a Meaning! So this is the latter.)
Grantaire, in the middle of what shewill herself admit is a pretty rad car karaoke version of “I WillAlways Love You,” looks in her rearview mirror and discovers thatshe is being chased by a jogger, which is new and exciting. She quitssinging and slows down, since it doesn't look like some creepy murderdude, and finds herself confronted with the hot sophomore from theuniversity's club fair during orientation who was really passionateabout a cappella. “Hi,” she says, and rolls down her window,because the hot sophomore is grinning at her and she doesn't thinkanyone could turn down that smile.
“You have to join Les Amies de Do ReMi,” says the hot sophomore, with all the fervent passion of amissionary trying to convert someone.
Grantaire stares at her, baffled. “Ihave to what now?”
“My group. We could use a goodbelter. Auditions are tomorrow, please show up.”
“As fun as that sounds, I think Iwill in fact not do that.”
“Look, just—think about it? I knowyou're Lesgles's roommate, and she's trying out, so you'd knowsomeone. It's a great community, and our chances of doing well incompetitions are pretty high, if you care about that.”
Grantaire does not, but she's not sureshe has the heart to say it when there's a gorgeous girl asking herabout it. “Do not get your hopes up,” she warns. “I am not thiskind of nerd, and also the glee club at my school was kind of like acult, so I am what I would call justly wary of this whole business.”
“Please just try it,” says the hotsophomore.
“I will think about thisconversation,” says Grantaire, which isn't a lie, and drives off.
Because Bossuet and Joly are far toogood at being convincing and also sang “Wind Beneath My Wings”kind of a lot, Grantaire finds herself standing in front of a groupof girls, trying out to join an a cappella group. And of course,because the universe hates her, she gets in.
“You're going to be great,” saysone of the previous members, whose name is Courfeyrac, when Grantaireshows up to the first rehearsal. “Enjolras said she heard yousinging in your car and asked you to audition! She's pretty pickyabout vocals, had classical training and everything, so you should behonored.”
“Thanks, I think?” Everyone elsewho made it into the group is bouncing all around the room getting toknow each other, like a sorority rush party for the hopelessly nerdy.Grantaire is not good at bouncing.
Enjolras, which is the name of the hotsophomore, it seems, brings them all together with a clap of herhands. She's holding the pitch pipe, so she holds the power,Grantaire can understand that much. “Welcome to our new members,”Enjolras says, and smiles around at them all in turn. “Why don't westart with some improv?”
And then she opens her mouth andstarts singing.
“I may have to marry her,”Grantaire says mournfully while Bossuet pats her dutifully on theshoulder.
Joly hands her a drink. “I guessthat means you're coming to the next rehearsal.
Grantaire sighs. “I suppose itdoes.”
Before their first competition,Grantaire stands in the wings and waits to be called and wonders,dimly, if she's going to throw up. Performing she doesn't mind somuch. But performing with a group, when her mistake might throw themoff, that's something different, and she wishes to disappear untilEnjolras shows up next to her, looking out from the wings at theopening group. “You're going to be fine,” she finally whispers.
“See, you can't know that,”Grantaire whispers back. “I am a known fuckup.”
“Not to me you're not. You have oneof the most beautiful voices I have ever heard, and I believe inyou.”
Enjolras may be quiet, but she'sintense, too, and she has a certain way of saying things that makesrefuting them seem impossible. “I believe in your too,” Grantairemanages to say, and then they're surrounded by the group, all theirfriends, and there's applause for the last group, and they're beingcalled to the stage.
She only realizes she's holding handswith Enjolras under the unforgiving stage lights when she has to letgo.
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