#also go read LadyDragonKiller's stuff
rainbowstargazerlilies · 10 months
Fanfic promotion post!
Why should you read what I mentally call the booty shorts saga, actually known as "The Semi-Annual Non-Denominational Winter Holiday Gift Swap"?
Have you ever wondered what gift swaps might look like in the Magnus Institute?
Do you need to imagine Certain Characters (Jon) receiving so many pairs of booty shorts?
This sticks close to canon, so. . . do you want a story about booty shorts and nonsense to suddenly give you So Many Feels?
This is a collaboration between the amazing @ladydragonkiller and myself, and it was our first foray into writing and posting fanfic. I love it. Go read LadyDragonKiller's other stuff if you're a Mechs fan.
Why should you read The Stars Claim Them?
I started this series with imagining Lyfrassir Edda surviving the Bifrost Incident, and then ending up at the Magnus Institute, so it is a TMA/Mechs crossover.
I've been consistently posting for over a year. It'll be a year and a half next month. I post twice a week. Currently, we're 700,000 words in and going, posting right now is concurrent with TMA season 2, and I've had so much fun.
This is the fic where I stare canon in the eye, say "coward", and save every single character I can manage.
Be prepared for a very slow burn indeed, but the Violinspector element is certainly Very Much There.
We've had road trips, heists, blood snakes, rubber ducks, far too many Michaels, and more. I did a whole Peter Pan arc. It's nonsensical and amazing and I love it.
We've got a discord, where we have Very Normal Conversations about the fic, the Mechs, the Magnus Archives, and more. If you like the fic series, you're more than welcome to join!
If you enjoyed LadyDragonKiller's Raphaella backstory, I have some easter eggy references to it scattered throughout, because we brainstorm together. I consider it canon to this series, as far as that goes, and I have fun planting those :)
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Time for a new pinned post!
Hi, everyone, this is Becca or Ori! Those in the Mechs fandom might know me for the recent Mechs Ships Tournament (all tagged as "#mechs ships tournament" on here), my Mechs and TMA themed knit dolls (all tagged "#stargazer's four inch friends"), or the TMA and Mechs fics I write (see below). I'm in my early twenties, am currently a graduate student in psych-related fields, and live in the eastern time zone.
If you're interested in my fics, promo for that under the cut. Otherwise, enjoy the chaos!
Why should you read what I mentally call the booty shorts saga, actually known as "The Semi-Annual Non-Denominational Winter Holiday Gift Swap"?
Have you ever wondered what gift swaps might look like in the Magnus Institute?
Do you need to imagine Certain Characters (Jon) receiving so many pairs of booty shorts?
This sticks close to canon, so. . . do you want a story about booty shorts and nonsense to suddenly give you So Many Feels?
This is a collaboration between the amazing @ladydragonkiller and myself, and it was our first foray into writing and posting fanfic. I love it. Go read LadyDragonKiller's other stuff if you're a Mechs fan.
Why should you read The Stars Claim Them?
I started this series with imagining Lyfrassir Edda surviving the Bifrost Incident, and then ending up at the Magnus Institute, so it is a TMA/Mechs crossover.
I've been consistently posting for over a year. Two years as of this March, and I am so excited for that :) Currently, we're nearly 100,000 words in and going, posting right now is concurrent with TMA season 2, and I've had so much fun.
This is the fic where I stare canon in the eye, say "coward", and save every single character I can manage.
Be prepared for a very slow burn indeed, but the Violinspector element is certainly Very Much There.
We've had road trips, heists, blood snakes, rubber ducks, far too many Michaels, and more. I did a whole Peter Pan arc. It's nonsensical and amazing and I love it.
We've got a discord, where we have Very Normal Conversations about the fic, the Mechs, the Magnus Archives, and more. If you like the fic series, you're more than welcome to join!
If you enjoyed LadyDragonKiller's Raphaella backstory, I have some Easter egg references to it scattered throughout, because we brainstorm together. I consider it canon to this series, as far as that goes, and I have fun planting those :)
Why should you read anything from Corner of Dreams?
Those were oneshots I wrote last year as a part of a challenge to myself!
The first one is the angstiest Toy Soldier thing I could manage without crying. Have fun! Bring tissues!
The second is a fun little Violinspector thing that I really enjoyed writing. It just amused me so much to think about. And that ending. . . I like to think it ended happily, but there's no guarantee, is there?
The third is a Brian/Galahad oneshot. It could go so many different directions after the ending, most of which would absolutely change up canon. I like to think it wouldn't end sadly. Probably.
If there's enough enjoyment of these, there's two more I might add one day, based on Alice and on Gunpowder Tim vs the Moon Kaiser.
Also, if you're trying to get a taste of what I've written, one of these is probably a lot easier to start with than TSCT. These are each under 5,000 words.
Why should you read I Got You, Babe?
It's now four chapters in and we already have the start of some fun stuff going on. We've got Violinspector angst, Nastya doing interesting stuff post-Out. . . Why wouldn't you?
Also, I'm having far too much fun whenever I get the time to write on it. It's going to be interesting. I can't wait to share more.
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Since this week is another hard week for my sister (@ladydragonkiller), here’s some fun facts about her! Send some love her way!
- She is an excellent baker! It’s awesome. We currently have brownies in the fridge because of her, and they are fantastic.
- She is a talented knitter as well, and enjoys making extremely intricate lacework. She’s actually nearly done with a really cool looking vest.
- Her fics are awesome. If you haven’t already, go read her Mechanisms stuff. It’s awesome and does not fail to make me laugh. Or read our Magnus Archives story we wrote together! Also very valid
- Speaking of making me laugh, she also has an excellent sense of humor. Usually. She did once make herself break down laughing with a bad Star Trek joke, but. . . Generally great humor, 10/10.
- She’s just generally a fantastic person, and she deserves some love sent her way this week! (This week is the dreaded “balancing three jobs” week, which happens a few different times this summer).
So yeah, send some love my sister’s way, because she’s awesome and could use it. Love you, sis!
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