#also hello where's that second season of sk8?
xitty · 6 months
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My holy Kaoru trinity.
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sttngfashion · 7 years
The Quality of Life - 6.09
First of all, HELLO FROM THE SKY. I am writing this on a plane. I hope I never lose my sense of childlike wonder when the in-flight wifi actually works.
Second of all:
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This’ll be a short one, since we have only one character not in Federation uniform, and she only wears one outfit the whole time. We do, however, start with a poker game involving a be-bearded LaForge:
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One time I saw Commander Riker wearing a beard, so I bought a beard. I mean, grew a beard. I grew this
I think it looks nice, if a little jarring since it’s not his usual look. Crusher says some sassy things about men with beards while looking like she’s just been Elginized: 
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This hair goes to 11
Crusher proposes a bet where if she wins the poker hand, ALL THREE guys playing with her have to shave their beards. Riker is like:
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And LaForge is like:
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I just grew this beard but fiiiiiine
But Worf is like:
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Are you shitting me right now
Worf’s beard is IMPORTANT. The rules of the bet state that if any of the three guys win, Crusher will BECOME A BRUNETTE which is unthinkable. 
Unfortunately, or maybe fortunately, we never get to see the end result of this bet because the game is interrupted when they are all summoned to the bridge. 
Our guest star this week is one Dr. Farallon, who is on her way to either a production of Seussical or a 1941 party:
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Notice me, Geordi, feather by feather
Dr. Farallon is one of those aliens who just has a few lines on her face but is still just a pretty human lady. A classic. She also has some gray contouring on her forehead that looks like it needs to be blended in a little more. Get your kabuki brush back out, girl!
Dr. Farallon has invented some EXTREMELY CUTE little robots that are helping with a project. Whoever designed these robots knew what they were doing because OMG THEY ARE SO CUTE:
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Beep boop I love you
Look at its little feet!! It doesn’t even need those feet, because it hovers, but it has feet anyway so the feet can be cute!! The fact that the robots are cute is actually kind of important because the plot of this episode involves Data and Dr. Farallon debating whether they are “alive” or not, and an audience is going to be way more invested in whether this cute lil guy is alive than if, say, this robot is alive:
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OMG please do not be alive
Let’s take a closer look at Dr. Farallon’s look:
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No, those aren’t shoulderpads. That’s how I’m shaped. Deal with it
Her outfit appears to be of a relatively heavy velour, with some hexagonal(?) piecing on the shoulders to really highlight that yes, it is the mid-90s, and yes, she means business when it comes to engineering. She’s sitting right in our Crayola Bold Box sweet spot with that deep cranberry, but then she brings it into Car Interior territory with that dark beige. It’s exactly the right amount of look for her. And the skirt?
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She was a sk8r girl
This skirt looks similar to a style that’s popular now, the “skater skirt,” so called because it looks like what a figure skater wears, not because it has to do with Avril Lavigne or actual sk8 culture. But if you look closely, you can see that there’s a little crossover in the front to give it some interest. Overall, I’m digging this look, but I would have liked to see the beige contrast in grey ONLY because I hate beige and everything it stands for and also it looks terrible on me personally. 
We do get a glimpse of Bev in her martial arts PJs:
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Category is: Casual Karate Kid
You can see here that Worf is (I assume) at a higher ranking because he’s got red pant cuffs to Bev’s white. While I like the idea of doing something other than belts to indicate rank, pants are way more expensive than belts to replace, so maybe the rank panels are replaceable. Which also seems annoying. I take it back, why didn’t you just stick with belts??? We also get a nice look at the texture of these outfits:
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I asked for a cottage cheese suit, and I got it
Bev looks like she’s a deadly assassin getting ready to strangle someone with her belt, but explaining to her target exactly how she’s going to kill them before she does it. Which is to say: I love this look. 
That’s it for fashion! The rest of the episode is a debate about whether the cutie robots are actually alive, with Data putting his own “life” (as was discussed in the season 2 episode The Measure of a Man, also fashion-light) on the line to defend them. It turns out all right for everyone except one of the little robots, who dies saving its friends. 😭😭😭
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And just for good measure:
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