#also hi dear sorry i'm a piece of trash who disappears. my mind was extremely unwell a few months back.
cxnsolatio · 4 months
[-Yeets Aya towards Law-] ❛ Tell me what you want me to do. ❜
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✚✚✚ @bucketfullofocs
tell me starters ⁽ ᵃᶜᶜᵉᵖᵗᶦⁿᵍ ⁾
The smile that had surfaced to his features at the sound of her obliging query faded into a glower as he took a moment to contemplate upon meaning and semantics, fond as always of going beyond the immediate and palpable, rendering poor Aya's words of willingness void. Law was a professional, low-maintenance grump, meaning not much was needed to get him vexed and sour. Aya's words, so sweet off her mouth, held a more sinister meaning only one, posssessor of a mind of equal darkness, would have caught on; the question being whether Law would brush them off as a linguistic faux pas and cut Aya some much-needed slack, or if he would weaponise them for the sake of teasing the pink-haired creature.
❝ Mind your words. ❞ He ordered, not unkindly. His legs spread wide open, taking much of the space as if the barrel of ale he sat on was a throne, Law's knees served as the support for his elbows, so that he could join his fingers together under his chin in curious introspection. ❝ I am serious, Pinky. Rethink what you just said, word by word. ❞ Law shot his index like a gun at each of his own words. ❝ Now, can you see how that sentence could possibly be reconstructed into something more baleful? Dare I say it, something sexual? ❞
Of course he dared. Law would never let the most minute chance to tease innocent Aya and watch her cheeks turn the colour of her hair strands escape through his fingers. He clutched to these opportunities like a lifeline. It was one of the purposes to his current existence: perhaps not the most urgent or noble, but a good one to uphold, if not entertaining.
He chuckled, sure that Aya would soon be connecting the dots and understanding how a man with one step up in the hierarchy of power and control could transform her friendly intentions into dirty bidding, and call on her to fulfill his carnal desires. How fun it would be to see her beet-red and looking for a place to hide.
❝ Those are very dangerous words to say to a man, more so a pirate. Rascals and brutes, the lot of them. ❞ Law spoke as though he set himself apart from said demographic, and while not being golden wheat, he certainly was elite among the chaff that were pirates. ❝ They would not think twice before telling you just what to do… Salacious, yes. ❞
Getting up, Law wiped nonexistent dirt from his jeans and stretched out his arms with a crack of his bones before grabbing his sword and hip. His expression softened, but his voice betrayed a drop of possessiveness. ❝ So don't say them to anyone else but me, understood? Now come. I've got business to attend to. ❞
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