#also i gotta be honest anon i dont enjoy the patronizing 'hey were you aware Thing Bad' tone. cmon.
anonymouspuzzler · 1 year
Wait, you're really into Deponia? How do you feel about the game series? Because I mean it's, let's just say, not without its problems.
i feel like i can only describe my relationship with deponia as an "i can fix her" type game. it's a genuinely bad game. like, genuinely. if anyone's hearing about it for the first time, know i give it my highest anti-recommendation. I actively encourage people not to play it LMAO. it waffles between "just kind of stupid" and "actively, infuriatingly harmful to real human people in ways you KNOW it knows better than to do". even now when i haven't touched any of the games in years (and don't plan to tbh lmao, you will get me to play the fourth one over my cold dead body and i'm still not 100% convinced the survival game is real) sometimes i still think of some of the shit it pulled both "actively bigoted" and "just plain bad storytelling"-wise and get mad. and yet i remain, in a fit of hubris, convinced that if i was given full control and custody of everything that's in there i could somehow make it good, because despite its best efforts to be aggressively bad and unlikeable there's the rare glimmer of hope in those games (the art and animation is objectively very nice, and occasionally the character writing is charming, which i genuinely think they did by accident because whenever it happens they seem to overcorrect by doing something even more frustratingly vile).
there's a couple of pieces of media i still harbor feelings like that for ("several entries in Jak and Daxter", "the second pacific rim", "some parts of balan fucking wonderworld", and "the vague parts i remember of that one webcomic everyone has very strong feelings about" come to mind), where there's like ONE interesting thing about it that spins a gal's mind into problem-solving mode instead of just tossing the whole thing out because it's ALL unremarkable or bad. i think all of us have at least One Thing that's That for us, though in general i recommend not collecting too many of those and focusing on media and experiences that love you back instead (which i think i do a decent enough job of doing these days, to be nice to myself.)
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