#also i have no idea what i'm gonna say about that article. like uhhh... 'question for the class––did any of u actually think this shit went
stinkbeck · 2 years
GOD DAMN i can’t wait 2 get an actual job + not have 2 take work home with me AND get paid
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fullyellowsun · 3 years
Subtle | 7
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I do not own the picture, credit to the owner. AHHHH, both Baekhyun's will kill me!!!!! The duality of Byun Baekhyun...
This is my first series so please cut me some slack but also I welcome constructive criticisms! This is in Korean so for those of you who can read Korean and English, go ahead! I will post a full English version link to the Wattpad story in the masterlist!
Pairing: baekhyun x reader
Genre: kpop group collaboration!AU
Word Count: 1653 words
Description: After a long day of dancing, the others start to question the title of Baekhyun and Dayeon's relationship...
Disclaimer: I have no idea how any of this works. I’m just going off of the little info I DO know so please bear with me as I try to fill the chapters with what I think (or what I just make up) on how to make an album and the other kpop things.
"Please be with me~~~ this Christ-mas."
"1 and 2 and 3 and 4 and...  oh, 다연아 잘하네!" Choreographer hyung says. He was right. Although Dayeon wasn't the main dancer, she still danced like a queen. (A/N Periodt😂) Her body moved gracefully and her vibe matched perfectly with the dance moves with a sexy and cute vibe.
"감사함니다 선배님." She says as she continues to move with grace. She was always so clumsy and innocent in real life but the stage really brought her into a different life. She didn't even realize that everyone stopped to watch her until she finished and everyone clapped for her.
"How come nobody claps like that for me when I dance?" Yoona asks.
"It's because she's actually good! She can sing, she can dance, what can she not do?" Kai said. He obviously still likes Dayeon but I feel kind of bad for Yoona since everyone can tell she likes Kai. She always wants his attention but he ignores her and has both eyes on Dayeon.
"I can't rap..." Dayeon says out of breath.
"Come on 다연아, we all know you can. I mean when Sunny was sick in that performance and you had to do her rap, everyone, including 리수만 선생님, said you were amazing." Suah says.
"맞아... you could be the main rapper if you really put your mind to it." Sunny says.
"See? What can she not do?" Kai says still clapping for her. I felt kind of mad when he clapped for her and she blushed. Does Dayeon like Kai? 아니야... 설마... no it's fine if she likes him... but it's not. I think I might like Dayeon. I mentally slap myself. 정신차려! We are in a fake 'marriage' thing with a contract, you got this far, you can't make it awkward now. Just push it down. Even if I wanted to date her, she wouldn't possibly like me back. Her perfection is better for someone perfect or someone who actually needs the love.
"현아? What are you thinking about?" I get waken up by Dayeon's nickname for me.
"Huh? What?" I say.
"What were you thinking so deeply about? We're about to practice one more time." I get up and get in my position. The dance was made so that we dance in our 'couples' but also in our own groups. Kai, Sehun, and Yoona did well. After practicing for a while, I want to go home but I can't take off my pants so just lay on the floor in the way of everyone. Dayeon joins me. "I'm tireddd..." she groans.
"나도!" I say loudly.
"What were you thinking about so deeply before?" She says.
"Huh? Oh... um." I can't tell her. It would be awkward, she won't even reciprocate the feelings. So I made something up.
"Umm... new... laundry detergent! (A/N I'm watching True Beauty and so if you know the reference, yay! If not, go watch it, it's good.)"
"Huh? Why do you need to think so deeply about laundry detergent?" She says slightly tilting her head. She does that when she's confused and it's genuinely the cutest thing ever.
"Uhh well... my nose is sensitive so I was wondering which scent I should get."
"Just choose your favorite one. Why is it so hard? Wait, but our dorm doesn't even have a washing machine." Oops. I forgot. The managers forgot to get a dorm with washing machines so we dry clean everything or go to a laundromat.
"Oh, did I say laundry detergent? I meant cologne." I scratch the back of my head and laugh nervously.
"Oh, makes sense." She says and doesn't pay attention to me anymore. "CAN WE GO HOME PLEASSSEEEE." She yells loudly still on the floor.
"YESSSSS.... PLLLLEEEAAASSSEEEEEEEE." The members pay no attention to our pleas and continue to practice.
"You know, people are not always as perfect as you. We actually need to practice." Suah says.
"We do too but isn't this a bit much? I mean it's already 12! Let's go home and sleeeeppppp..." She says and rolls ariund in exasperation. Because the others wouldn't listen to us, I decided, they can do what the want but I'm sleeping.
"다연아, 나랑 집에 같이 갈래?" I turn to Dayeon and ask.
"Yes please. Everyone, 우리는 먼저 갈게." Dayeon stands up and announces.
"You two in the dorm by yourselves? Just because we aren't there doesn't mean you could do whatever you want, keep it PG please, I do NOT want to walk into something gross." Sehun says.
"야! Worry about yourself! Bye!" We leave and jam out to music in the car on our way to the dorm. We get home and I immediately shower. Dayeon started making dinner and because she was like the only one who cooks, she knew where everything was and that kitchen was like a kitchen in her own house. I come out of the shower and Dayeon was still cooking. "Shouldn't you shower?"
"Oh yeah, Hyun-ah, can you take over?" She hands me the apron she was wearing and a spatula. She was frying kimchi and tofu. "I'm gonna shower so just make sure it doesn't burn."
"Okay, I got it, go shower."
"Thanks." She goes inside and I hear the water running. I started thinking about the nickname Dayeon gave me... Hyun-ah. It sounds like a girl's name but I don't care... it's a special name that no one else has- *beep beep* *beep beep* is that the fire alarm? "Hyun-ah... is that the fire alarm?" I hear Dayeon shout from the shower. I had one job... and I failed. ONE JOB! I frantically open the windows and turn off the heat. Dayeon rushes out the room with her clothes inside out and backwards and her hair dripping wet. "Ahh, you burned it. Didn't I tell you not to do that? Are you still thinking about your cologne? If it's that hard, let's just get one now." She throws away the tofu from the pan, washes it quickly and grabs her keys to go to the mall.
"Wait, isn't it closed? And maybe change and dry your hair at least?"
"Oh... yeah, online shopping it is." She grabs her laptop and gives it to me. "Choose something, look for something you like. I'm gonna REmake the food you burned."
"Sorry... I got distracted."
"With what?!" Umm... I can't say her nickname for me... what do I say?
"Uhhh, my cologne scent?" She shakes her head and chuckles.
"You are so weird." She puts on her apron and starts frying again. She finishes and leaves the food on the table to join me. "Did you find one yet? What? Why are you still on the Google page? Were you not looking at them?"
"It's uhh... it's too hard to choose scents from a screen."
"At least look!" She leans over me to look for a website. She just searched in "cologne scents that men like". I laugh. She looked at articles and asked me about each scent on the list.
"Okay, I'll buy it myself, you don't need to choose one for me!" She turns to me. Her face was really close to me face.
"I said PG!" Sehun says. She turns around.
"PG? Why is this not PG? I was helping him choose a cologne scent."
"Were you guys not like, making out?"
"No, what makes you think that?"
"I don't know, it just looked like it."
"Okay? I make fried kimchi and tofu. It's on the dining room table so if you're hungry, you can eat it."
"Oh, yay, thanks 언니!" Suah runs over to the table. Dayeon turns to me.
"If you don't want my help, sure, do it yourself but later." She walks away to the table to join the others. What just happened?! I join them too. I sit next to Chanyeol.
"Are you sure you guys aren't a thing or something?" He whispers to me.
"No! We're just close."
"This fast? You have known each other for like 2 weeks and you're already this close?"
"Isn't it the same with you and Sunny?"
"Yeah but we're not THAT close."
"What do you mean?"
"You guys watched a movie on your own, you go home together by yourselves, you have matching clothes and you hug each other in your sleep." Chanyeol lists off.
"Well that's because I didn't want to watch horror and we were tired so we went home. Our matching clothes is because it's cute or by accident and you already know that I hug my pillow in my sleep, it's just convenient that she's there in the pillow's place." I said almost screaming. I realized that I was screaming and everyone was staring at me. Chanyeol laughs at me.
"What are you talking about?" Suho asks.
"Uhhh... nothin-" I start.
"Why he's so close to Dayeon." Chanyeol says trying not to laugh. I give him a death glare.
"Wait I'm confused, how close are we?" Dayeon asks.
"Too close to be just friends." Chanyeol says.
"Why are we too close to be friends?"
"Well, you watched your own movie instead of watching with us." Sehun chimes in.
"You went home by yourselves together." Chen says.
"We were tired okay?!" Baekhyun says.
"You hug each other in your sleep!" Sehun says. Dayeon puts her fingers to her lips and mouths 'that was a secret'.
"You do?!" Xiumin asks.
"Maybe..." Dayeon says sheepishly.
"What is happening? Do we have another couple?" Suho asks.
"No! It's just because we're close. Is that not allowed?" Dayeon asks.
"Well no, it's not NOT allowed but you know, you guys are a little too close to the point where people would assume those actions as things couples would do." Suah says.
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