#also i slipped in a lil kink jim.... so yeah... hope u don't mind lol
snezario · 5 years
it was recently two weeks ago the lovely @hessickjim‘s birthday and being... well me.. this took way longer to finish than it should have. i hope you still had a wonderful day!!
St//ar Tre/k (AOS); B//on/es
Jim watched as the ship’s surgeon materialized before his eyes.  As his features became more distinct, Jim tried not to chuckle when he saw the doctor grimacing.  Bones had never been a fan of the transporter, preferring the more “reliable” form of transport, one that “didn’t scatter your damn atoms across the universe.”
“Thanks for joining us Bones,” Jim greeted his chief medical officer with a clap on the shoulder.
“It’s not like I had a choice,” Bones grumbled.  Jim chuckled before launching into the details of their mission.
Starfleet Intelligence had received word that the Romulans discovered a deserted Federation science outpost and had dispatched an envoy to extract information from the computers.  The Enterprise had been sent to investigate the station.
Their scanners had not picked up any biological life signs but there was also heavy interference from the nearby asteroid belt.  The outpost was relatively large, so Spock had split off with a couple security officers while Jim called on the ship’s doctor for assistance.
“Place looks like it’s been abandoned for years,” Bones remarked.  Jim nodded in agreement as he observed their surroundings.  The Federation had the outpost vacated following the Federation-Klingon war.  While most of the technology was still in working condition, much of the outpost was showing signs of neglect.  
Without the air filtration system to keep it in check, a thick layer of dust had accumulated on every surface.  If anyone had been hiding out here, they did a darn good job of leaving any trace of their presence.
Bones removed the tricorder from his hip and began to calibrate it.  The tricorder beeped rhythmically as he scanned the room.  Bones sniffed sharply, briefly pressing a knuckle to his nose.  Jim left his companion’s side to survey the room for himself.
“Find anything Bones?” Jim called out to the doctor from across the room.
“I’m not reading any lihh–HH’IFFSHHuu!–life signs.”
“Bless you,” Jim said belatedly, distracted by a flash of movement in his periphery.  He glanced around, noting that nothing seemed out of the ordinary.  Must have been his imagination he reasoned, going back to the task at hand.
The captain glanced at his friend who was in the midst of swiping the heel of his palm along his watery lash line.  The silence between them was punctuated by a sniffle from the doctor.  Following a couple of shallow inhales, Bones exhaled shakily as the irritation dissipated.
Before Jim could ask him what was bothering him, the tapping of approaching footsteps drew his attention.  He swiftly grabbed Bones and pulled him down to duck behind the nearest computer station.  Jim peered around the corner.  He kept his eyes trained on the door, listening intently as the sounds disappeared as quickly as they had started.
The two senior officers crouched behind the station in anxious anticipation.  Jim’s concentration faltered when he felt Bones tense beside him.  Turning to the doctor, Jim recognized the return of his friend’s previous predicament.  Bones’s breathing had become erratic, his eyelids fluttered as the tickle developed.  He rubbed his nose with the back of his wrist, determined to curb the inopportune itch.
“Jihhm, I can’t hh–”
Despite Bones’s best efforts, the tickle was undeterred.  Just when it appeared that Bones had lost the fight, his head tilted back, Jim reached over and pinched the doctor’s nose between his thumb and forefinger.
“hihh’NGTCH!” Bones pitched forward with the intensity of the stifle.  Jim suppressed the involuntary shiver of delight that traveled down his spine.  Now was not the time for this.  No sooner had Jim had let go than the door he had previously been watching, burst open.
Jim shot up from behind the computer station, his phaser pointed at the individual that walked through.  Jim lowered his weapon, letting out a breath he didn’t even realize he was holding.  His first officer looked from the phaser to Jim, meeting the captain’s gaze with his patented raised eyebrow.
“Captain, I believe we have found–” Spock began to relay his findings to Jim only to be cut off halfway through.
Bones straightened up from behind Jim, a knuckle pressed against his twitching nostrils and looking embarrassed as all hell.  Spock looked the doctor up and down, understanding the situation almost immediately.  Jim smirked, nothing passed by his first officer.
“We have found three Romulan officers.  They are being held in the station’s security area by the rest of the away team.”  Choosing not to comment, Spock resumed the delivery of his discovery to the captain.
“Good work Mr. Spock.  I’m going to beam back to the Enterprise with Bones but I will meet you at the designated coordinate shortly.”
Spock looked bemusedly from Jim to Bones, bowing his head in acknowledgement. “As you wish captain.”
“Alright Bones let’s get you off this outpost before you sneeze your nose off.” Jim said, turning back to the doctor, a smile playing on his lips.  Bones scowled at him, though the allergic tears threatening to spill over made his appearance less threatening.  He kept his jaw clenched, set to prevent anymore outbursts from materializing.  Unfortunately, while Jim contacted the Enterprise, a straggling sneeze slipped out from him, leading the captain to put his hand over the receiver and mouth “bless you” while his face proceeded to flush, matching the color of his irritated nose.
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