#also i'd be lying if i said rio stans didn't change my opinion of his character too
pynkhues · 2 years
Curious about what characters fandom has made you hate and why if you’re willing to share 🖤
Haha, I mean, honestly, I don't really hate any characters, because they're just characters, y'know? But I think I am definitely impacted sometimes by full-on stans, particularly shipping stans who harrass, dox or even just suck the oxygen out of a space.
The Stranger Things fandom can be especially bad for that, and I've mentioned it on here before, but Billy Hargrove was the first tag I ever blacklisted on tumblr which was definitely more thanks to fandom than his character (although I never liked his character). I still love Eddie's character (and am still writing that fic), but some of his stans, particularly some of his shippers, give me a lot of pause too.
The other character that immediately springs to mind is actually Greg from Succession. I like how he functions in the narrative of the show, but I find Nicholas Braun pretty one-note and not as funny as everyone else seems to. I also lowkey hold his Emmy nomination against him, especially because I think it belonged to Alan Ruck who is doing a hell of a lot more with Connor than Nicholas Braun is doing with Greg.
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