#also i'm kinda imagining this is like.... ANOTHER time travel fuck-up after the 60s' but that's completely up to you!!
tempportal · 3 years
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@rumorsabound​ said: ♡ from Allison BC you can't stop her
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It would be a lie to say that Five didn’t want to blink out of the room (and out of the house, and out of the city, and maybe even all the way out of the state) the second Allison reached over and pulled him into her arms--and he really could not fathom why she would do this when all logic and reason and prior evidence indicated that she should not be doing this--but he stayed still, without a gripe and without a fight. 
He had just come crashing in and upended her life all over again--pulled her away from the only world she had ever known, spit her back out in a brand-new one, and left her there, lost and alone--and he had thought she’d blow up at him for it, that she’d explode, that she’d yell and rage and scream at him for the hell he had put her through, that she’d hit the roof and go off the deep end and blow a fuse, just like everybody else already had, and he wasn’t completely sure what to do with himself when she didn’t. 
Hell, she was actually doing the complete opposite of all that--and Five wasn’t too proud to admit that he didn’t know what to do, that his whole body just locked up on blind reflex and his brain blew a few hundred circuits and it took him a solid sixty seconds to remember how to talk.
“Hey, Allison,” he just kind of patted her lightly on the shoulder (what else was he supposed to do with his hands?) before he finally pulled away, suddenly cold after the warmth of his sister so close to him, and cleared his throat, a little louder than strictly necessary. “It’s--it’s good to see you again.”
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les8ean · 5 years
i'm not familiar with any of your ocs! but i would love to hear about them! are there any that can do magic/have some sort of supernatural abilities? or are just really, REALLY good at what they do (art, music, etc)?
well I have a million different AUs for all my OCs sdkgjhkfshg but my main magicky OCs are Alyren and Nova
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Alyren is a high-elf mage, mastering in restoration. she grew up in Shimmerene with parents who were diplomats. they very much followed the Aldmeri culture of needing everything to be perfect, and The Best™️. They pushed Alyren to be a mage, and everything she did as a child was to get their approval and affection (which didn’t come often). One day when she was 9 she decided to do something to really impress them. She found a spell tome for a powerful fire spell, and spent hours practising it, trying to make it work, trying to make it perfect. But she fucked it up. the spell raged out of control and burned her body extremely badly. she lost her left arm (where she’d been focusing the spell) and had the left side of her face badly burned (the burns are bigger than than they are in that pic, but not many picrews have options for burns scars so i did what i could sgjhkfjh). Her parents found her before the fire killed her, and put it out, but Alyren had been extremely badly scarred. she turned to her parents, whimpering for help. they looked at her, then each other. they threw a blanket over her, and grabbed her, running out of the city in the dead of night and deep into the forest. They abandoned Alyren in the forest, scared and scarred. They called her hulkynd. Alyren wandered through the woods as best she could, trying to find her way, half blind. but eventually she collapsed, and accepted that she was going to die here. and with her being hulkynd now? she thought she deserved itIt surprised her when she woke up, in a bed, her wounds covered in ointment and bandages. the bed was rattling, and through a small window nearby she could see trees going by. she was in a caravan. she sat up, and saw an argonian woman sitting at a table nearby.Alyren had been saved by some travelling mage’s guild scholars, who had been given exclusive access to the summerset isles for their studying (Alyren was born before the second era, when the Isles were opened to outsiders). they’d found Alyren collapsed on the side of the road, and had picked her up.after that, they took Alyren back to Black Marsh with them, to their guild hall. they got Alyren a prosthetic arm, and had their best healers help her with the pain and scarring. It took Alyren a long time to learn to love herself again. in a lot of different ways. her appearance. her being hulkynd. her failure at that spell. her being trans (although being around argonians when she came out, it was much easier for her than it might have been back in summerset). 
Alyren never used fire magic again, instead mastering in Restoration (tho she of course dabbled in the other schools. Alteration in particular fascinated her). She had a natural talent for magic of all types, being the top of most of her classes. as she got older, people told her it was a waste of her talent for her to choose to master in restoration (it’s not a very well respected school (*cough cough* Colette Marence *cough cough*)). this just made her more spiteful to be better at Restoration magic.while Alyren learned not to live for perfection and the approval of others, she still somewhat wanted to prove to others that Restoration was not the useless school of magic that others saw it as. it could be a dangerous, powerful tool in the right hands. most people only saw the school of restoration as healing magic, but it was so much more.(this is gonna get kinda gross here and also probably not lore friendly becuase this is all just my personal speculation on the possibilities of the school of restoration, so feel free to skip this is you want, i just hate that restoration is always seen as weak and shitty) you see, above everything else, the school of restoration was about inspiring growth. who's to say that you should stop the growth once the broken bone is healed? you could continue the growth , make the bone thicker and stronger, or perhaps have it grow in shards, piercing through the muscle and flesh or even the vital organs if you choose the right bones. you could flesh upon flesh, weighing a person down, incapacitating them. you could grow more red blood cells, more blood, drowning a person in it. with strong and complex enough restoration magic, you may be able to regrow an entire body simply from a severed finger. and the growth doesn't need to be limited to a person. it could apply to any living thing. plants, insects, animals, the smallest bacteria.  really, Alyren couldn't help but think, Necromancy and Restoration were simply two sides of the same coin. (okay gross stuff over it’s safe to read again now) she thought that earning a title as a professional teacher of restoration in the Arcane University might give her the respect and approval she would never admit she still craved.
When she was in her 40s, Alyren was invited to join the Psijic Order for her incredible skill in magic and her amazing discoveries regarding restoration. Here, Alyren thought she might finally have her skill recognized, and not have to constantly try to prove Restoration’s worth to others anymore.....NOPE. if anything, things got worse. she knew her peers made fun of her mastery behind her back. her books and notes would be stolen. people would make a point of loudly talking about the usefulness of healing potions while she was in the room. But she put up with it. not every psijic looked down on restoration, and she found herself befriending those that respected it. Artaeum’s halls held more knowledge than she could ever have imagined, and she wasn’t going to let that opportunity pass her by . the collection of ancient tomes and dangerous artifacts fascinated her, and she made every day count.
But she couldn’t stay there. it wasn’t only the other psijic’s view of restoration that drove her away. it was the way they looked down on everyone back on Tamriel. their refusal to use the knowledge they had to make the lives of everyone else better. the policy of not getting involved in anything in Tamriel, wars or plagues or even end-of-the-world scenarios. they would only get involved if it benefited them (I.E, the Eye of Magnus). Alyren couldn’t stand it.So, after nearly 60 years, Alyren fled. she enchanted a bag of holding, and filled it with as many artifacts and books and relics she could. She made a pendant that would hide her soul-signature from other Psijics (Psijic’s have their soul-signature edited to allow them to get to Artaeum, which is essentially in another dimension). and she ran, to live with an old friend. an immortal khajiit named Junnaya (it’s a long story). Junnaya and Alyren had been friends since Junnaya was just a child (again, long story) and Alyren was like a big sister to her.
these days, Alyren lives with Junnaya at her home, a manor hidden deep in the mountains between Cyrodiil and Skyrim. Junnaya has her own reasons to hide, and already had the manor’s location hidden behind many magical barriers to stop anyone finding it, so adding one more to hide Alyren wasn’t difficult. the two are close friends, and often antagonize each other in the way only best friends can. Alyren continues her study of Restoration (and the things she stole from Artaeum >:3c), and uses what she knows to help those in need.
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Nova can see ghosts! he’s been able to since he was born. it has something to do with his unusual eye colour.as a child, his mums would joke about him having imaginary friends, when really he was talking to the many spirits that were around. it wasn’t until he was 8 that he realised no one else could see what he could see. since then, he’s been filling journal after journal with everything he’s learned about how ghosts and spirits work, where they come from, how they pass on (this post is already long enough so........ i won’t get into the unreasonably long ghost lore i have written specifically for this singular OC..................)
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