#also i'm not that suprised after reborn wherein all player options were people and whoever you pick is just the one to Fuckin Survive
felikatze · 3 years
bro i KNEW it the interceptor and the player character are separate entities,,,,,,, but also that backstory is. bruh. at least i could give aevis a hug. my man.
also getting rlly meta here with the “being from another world” business.... as in, from the same world as clear and kieran, or in the meta sense that the interceptor is, well, the player? We Are All The Interceptor.
........does everyone just they/them the interceptor because of how incongruent their apppearance is? like... has that “what gender is the interceptor” argument ever happened between characters when we weren’t looking. or is that because the player quite literally Contains Multitudes. or the interceptor is also a separate entity from the player who is nonbinary. is every single character to shy to ask for their pronouns. either way, exquisite.
thinking way way way back, crescent may be aware of the interceptor, since she a) steals their life juice when uhh.. clear killed her right? once. and then impostered her to deceive nim. and b) her picture wall of the player gang together with the “Oh interceptor” speech
and then we STILL have to consider how the world resetting factors into this because it IS the player character / interceptor who did it, and the question remains ALSO of how all the garufa people are throwing a techno party inside the player gang’s collective brain to even make a deal with them. and also presumably but adrest in there. who was adrest again. i remember he was in the lab flashback in the den of souls?? and also the lady who made the eldritch deal was there.
adrest had smth to do with the archetype right,,,, wasn’t he like, same deal as melia kinda?
“being emotional over plot twists i’ve forgotten lore and context for anyway” is an important skill i’ve honed by being a kingdom hearts fan. pokemon rejuvenation is the kingdom hearts of pokemon fangames truly.
hell, we even have alternate universes to go with our time travel! and heart sharing shenanigans! identity crises about your own personhood! nightmare realms! nobody dies for real except when they do! light heart dark heart. i’m 100% serious.
i have over 90 hours in this game. what the fuck. this thing is longer than xenoblade.
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