#also if there's any problem with the files and link let me knoooow
minty-playhouse · 10 months
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The Brazillian Monkees Dub Project Goes Live!
It's finally here, kids!
I finally converted all the episodes I had of the Monkees dubbed in Brazillian Portuguese from my home DVDs to mp4s, and I put them all in a convenient Google Drive folder for you all to download them to your heart's content!
The video quality/resolution isn't the greatest for a chunk of them, because these were originally on VHS (since I recorded them off the TV) and then converted to DVD. The audio is pretty OK though, so you can hear them in all their dubbed glory heh!
Sadly I didn't have as many episodes as I hoped, but there's a total of 30 episodes in the GD folder, and good news! Fairy Tale is included and I know this one is a fan favorite so I was glad I was able to salvage that!
Pinging @rig-a-rendal because she showed mad interest in this and I hope you find this at least a bit amusing!
Without further ado...
Also, these are all free to download at any time and forever (obvs) but if you feel like throwing a ko-fi my way as a tip for sharing this random piece of Monkees media, that would be greatly appreciated <3
Happy watching!
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[GET] Discover How This Brand NEW, Done For You PLR System Will Help You Dominateand Profit In The ClickBank Women's Weight Loss Niche DOWNLOAD
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[GET] Discover How This Brand NEW, Done For You PLR System Will Help You Dominateand Profit In The ClickBank Women's Weight Loss Niche DOWNLOAD
Warning: This Will Make You Love ClickBank More Than a Cop Loves Donuts
[GET] Discover How This Brand NEW, Done For You PLR System Will Help You Dominateand Profit In The ClickBank Women’s Weight Loss Niche DOWNLOAD
– Even If You’re Tech Unsavvy, Hate Writing And Hate ClickBank Even More!!!
Give Me 5 Reasons Why I Need To Get This!
[GET] Discover How This Brand NEW, Done For You PLR System Will Help You Dominateand Profit In The ClickBank Women’s Weight Loss Niche DOWNLOAD
14 Crucial Affiliate Components!
Solid List Building System with Emails!
New done-for-you product with sales copy.
Sell and keep 100% of the profits!
Dominate social media sites!
Hello friend!
Everybody and their plumber knows that ClickBank is one of the hottest marketplaces online. The top affiliates are making six figure incomes with it.
If you’re a successful ClickBank marketer, I know that you’ll grab this package without thinking twice.
If you’re NOT doing well with ClickBank… you and me need to have a conversation. (Even though it’s pretty one-sided)
Let me ask you a question.
Are You Sick and Tired of Trying To Make Money With ClickBank?
You are?… Whaaat? I can’t hear you.
YOU ARE? Of course you are. I knew it.
You’ve tried everything and nothing works. It looks like you’ll never succeed as an affiliate marketer.
Even Stevie Wonder can see that you ain’t going nowhere.
  We’ve all seen sales pages with stats like the one below…
Let me tell you the HARD TRUTH…
Most affiliates never make a cent with ClickBank.
This truth is so hard that just reading it is going to make you constipated later.
You’ve been struggling for months trying to promote ClickBank products and even your plumber earns more.
    See… the online world is a tough one.
If you don’t know what you’re doing, they’ll throw you in a hole and throw away the hole.
But who’s they?… Shh! I don’t know… I just wanted to use that cool line.
What I want you to know is this…
I’ve Got Your Back!
I’ve Got Your Back!
Yes, I do. That’s how we Five-0 people roll. Well actually its just me…
But I’m enough.
I’m going to giving you all the weapons you need to dominate ClickBank.
It’s about damn time you made some money.
You Are Going To Dominate One of ClickBank’s Hottest Niches!
“The Women’s Weight Loss Niche!”
The weight loss niche is huge and anyone can have a slice of the pie.
Too many people worry about the competition. Come on now!
If others are making money with it, SO CAN YOU!
That’s the Five-0 fighting spirit!
We Dominate!
We don’t trail behind others. This is not Keeping Up With The Kardashians!!!
But I digress…
This is what you need to know about the weight loss niche in a nutshell.
It is SUPER HOT! Hotter than Africa!
This is one of the biggest niches online… and women’s weight loss is a subset of this market.
Obesity has become an epidemic and people are fatter than ever.
Some people are so fat that if they bungee jumped, they’d bring down the bridge too.
And they’re all looking to lose the weight! They’re DESPERATE for answers!
This is a billion dollar industry. Just look at the keyword searches, trends and the ClickBank stats!
This niche is definitely a winner. You MUST start with a winning niche. 
I’m Giving You 14 Powerful Tools!
Component 1: Opt In & Thank You Pages
Have you ever noticed how so many affiliates always try to drive traffic and link directly to the sales page?
Even when they’re told that they need a squeeze page… Even when they know that they’re losing leads… they still try direct linking from articles, videos, etc.
Why?… Why Do They Do That?
The answer is simple. They don’t want to create a squeeze page or maybe they don’t know how to. It just seems like too much trouble.
And… that’s why I’m giving you one!
Simple, attractive design that will result in high-conversions.
Mobile responsive.
Just insert your autoresponder code and you’re good to go.
Easy to edit and you won’t need to be Bill Gates to figure it out.
I’ve also included a ‘Thank You’ page to deliver your lead generation report.
Wow… Thanks Arun! But… er… I don’t have a giveaway report. Relax Buddy, I’ve got your back. See Component 2 below.
Just insert your code, upload the pages and start building your list!
Component 2: Venus Factor Promo Report
What in the world is a ClickBank Promo Report?
Excellent question, my friend!… even though I asked it.
It’s a cool giveaway report that is rich in information that potential buyers are looking for.
You can offer it as an opt in gift or give it away to your list.
** This is NOT LIKE any other run of the mill, cheap ass PLR crap that most marketers giveaway to build their list.
The Venus Factor Promo Report is written in an informative and entertaining way that will keep your reader hooked.
More importantly, I’ve deftly weaved in affiliate links that will take the reader to the most popular weight loss products on ClickBank.
All you need to do is add your links! Easy peasey Japanesey!
The promo report will pique the reader’s curiosity about the product and make them click on the affiliate links in the report.
They’ll then be taken to the sales page and they’ll click on the buy button without a second thought.
I wrote the guide in a way that allows you to promote any women’s weight loss product on ClickBank. It’s not exclusive to the Venus Factor.
You could always promote “My Bikini Belly” or “The Beta Switch”… or whatever. Just change the links and you’re good to go!
The Venus Factor Promo Report is 11 pages long and contains 3,489 words – and 3 ClickBank affiliate links.
Component 3: 20 High-Converting Promo Emails
Most people do not buy the product initially. Those unreasonable people just don’t want to make things easy for you.
They want you to expose them to the same offer 7 times before they buy it. So, you need to email them consistently.
I know what you’re thinking… “Oh man! I hate writing emails!”
Well, I’ve got your back… yet again.
I’m giving you 20 high-converting emails that you can load up into your autoresponder. It doesn’t get easier.
These emails will not only offer value but also subtly plug the ClickBank offers. Very smooth, eh?
I knoooow…
  First 5 emails will promote the Venus Factor.
The next 5 will promote My Bikini Belly.
The next 5 after that will promote The Beta Switch.
And the last 5 will promote your very own product!
  But… Arun! I don’t have my own product.
Didn’t I just tell you that I’ve got your back?
Stop making me repeat myself! See Component 4.
Component 4: High-Quality Ebook
There is an over 90% chance that you’ve bought PLR content that was written by me and you didn’t even know it.
I also create PLR for another seller and he has sold thousands of copies of his products. Over and above that, I’ve offered resell rights to a lot of my PLR and many people are selling it as their own.
So what does that tell you?
It tells you that this BRAND NEW eBook that I’ve written absolutely rocks.
Yes… it’ll take you a while to make that mental connection.
The ebook contains tips, tricks and strategies to help women lose weight without starving themselves or torturing themselves at the gym.
Let’s Take a Sneak Peek At What’s Inside
Introduction – You’re Not Alone Chapter 1 – The Struggle Is Real Chapter 2 – Planning & Tracking Your Progress Chapter 3 – Mastering Hunger & Conquering Emotional Overeating Chapter 4 – Do You Need To Diet? Chapter 5 – Whole Foods and Wrong Foods Chapter 6 – Water Not Wine Chapter 7 – The Power of Protein Chapter 8 – Sleep Your Way To Weight Loss Chapter 9 – Finding the Time Chapter 10 – Structuring Your Workouts Chapter 11 – Putting The Fun In It Chapter 12 – Dealing With Slip Ups Chapter 13 – Taking Time To Smell The Roses Chapter 14 – Getting There and Staying There Conclusion
At over 70+ pages long and 10,000 words, this is actionable content that any woman will benefit from.
This report comes in 4 different formats for easy editing.
Component 5: Ready-Made HTML Sales Letter & Thank You Page
So now you have a super cool ebook… And you’re wondering how to sell it.
And once again… even though I’m tired of saying it… I’ve got yo— never mind.
I got a professionally designed, ready-made HTML sales page and a download page for you.
There’s a resource box within the download page so that you can promote related affiliate products. Ain’t that cool!
Even the sales copy is written for you.
All you need to do is upload the pages and you’re ready to start collecting orders.
No need to design your own page.
No need to pay through your nose for a copywriter.
Sell the product, build your list and keep 100% of the profits.
Just look at the beautiful sales page!
Component 6: Awesome Graphics & PSDs
5 Attractive Covers & 5 Banner Sizes
Feeling creative? Want to edit the images? Of course you can. I’ve included all the PNG and editable PSD files for you to modify the graphics.
Banner Sizes: 728×90, 120×600, 468×60, 300×250, 200×200 and 125×125 pixels.
Component 7: 10 Women’s Weight Loss Articles
Listen, buddy… I’m not going to hype this up.
When it comes to PLR articles, I’m one of the best in the business.
These 10 articles are high-quality, informative and above 500 words each.
That’s over 5,000 words of content!
Use them on your sites or blogs and they’ll make you look like an authority on weight loss even if you don’t know a calorie from a gallery.
5 Effective Weight Loss Tips for Women Struggling with Their Weight – (695 Words) 7 Appetite Reduction Techniques for Women – 9746 words) Am I Destined To Be Fat? – (568 words) Can I Lose Weight Without Giving Up Junk Food? – (712 words) Can A Woman Be Fat and Still Be Beautiful? – (724 words?) Coping With the Stress of Trying to Lose Weight – (769 words) If 10 Minutes Is All You Have to Exercise… – (528 words) I’m Too Shy to Workout at a Gym! – (584 words) Do I Detox Before Starting a Weight Loss Program – (516 Words) Why Women Should Vary Their Carb Intake for Maximum Fat Loss – (690 words)
Component 8: 3 Detailed ClickBank Reviews
You know what?… I don’t need to hype this up either.
When it comes to ClickBank PLR articles, I’m the best in the business.
And I’m giving you 3 ClickBank product reviews for 3 of the hottest women’s weight loss products.
  The Venus Factor Review – (714 words)
The Beta Switch Review – (823 words)
My Bikini Belly Review – (844 words)
  If you Googled “ClickBank Reviews PLR”… look who shows up in the 1st to 4th place.
Yup! Yours truly. Hell! Even my JV page is ranking.
  This tells you 2 things…
My ClickBank PLR reviews are awesome… and so are my bragging skills.
Use these reviews on your sites and you’ll make sales faster than Obama leaving for a golf game!
  Component 9: 10 Royalty-Free Images
It’s very common for beginner marketers to be so broke that they’re taking out a 2nd mortgage on their cardboard box.
I’ve been there, done that and got the t-shirt. Ain’t nobody wanna fork out money on stock photos from premium photo companies.
But you still need images for your sites… but you just want them for free…
I get you. Really… I do. That’s why I’m giving you 10 Royalty-Free images that you can use anywhere without worries.
I’ve got your broke back… oh wait… that didn’t sound right. Moving on…
Component 10: Expert Keyword Research Report
Keyword research can make or break you. Many marketers struggle to find buyer rich keywords.
I hired a keyword research expert to bring you a detailed keyword report that shows you the exact keywords you need to be targeting.
Much effort has gone into preparing this report which has long tail keywords and also available exact match domains.
This keyword report will save you a ton of time and effort!
If you want to do affiliate marketing right, you need the right keywords.
You wouldn’t want to be promoting “My Bikini Belly”… and targeting ‘Kim Kardashian Belly Bump’
  Component 11: 10 Cool Tweets
What? You’re a twit when it comes to tweeting?
I feel you. Same here. What’s with the 160 character limit!
Lucky for you… I have included 10 tweets with this package.
You can do what you do best… copying and pasting.
Tough love, buddy. Five-0 style.
Component 12: 10 Interesting Facebook Posts
Leverage the power of Facebook with these 10 Facebook Posts.
Use them on your fan pages or personal timelines. All you need to do is copy and paste.
  Component 13: Social Media Images Pack
If you want traffic to your offers, you’ll need to use sites such as Facebook, Instagram and the other social media sites.
They have massive traffic and reach. You can use these social media images on these sites and even on your own sites to motivate the sites visitors.
The more eyeballs you have on your posts, the more traffic you’ll get to your offers.
So… start posting like a postman on roids!*
*Roids is short for steroids… not hemorrhoids. Just saying.
Component 14: License Pack
  Since James Bond has a license to kill and even guys caught for shoplifting have the right to remain silent… I don’t want you to feel left out.
So, I’m giving you licenses and rights too. You get the Resell Rights and Master Resell Rights to – “From Flab To Fab”
[GET] Discover How This Brand NEW, Done For You PLR System Will Help You Dominateand Profit In The ClickBank Women’s Weight Loss Niche DOWNLOAD
3 Super Cool Bonuses!
Running for Weight Loss (Created by me)
Women On Weights
Fitness Tracking
You Have 2 Choices Now…
It’s crunch time, partner…
This is where the pedal hits the metal and rubber meets the road.
You either struggle to create all the components yourself or you get this package and save yourself a whole bunch of money and time.
Let’s look at how much creating a ClickBank Domination Package will cost you… and unlike other marketers, I’m NOT going to ridiculously inflate the prices.
Let’s keep things real.
Either you’ll have to do it all yourself… or you may choose to outsource.
If you do decide to pay someone else, the $700 number is a very moderate estimate.
You can expect to spend more in both money and time.
Dealing with freelancers can be a real hassle. Even Freddy Krueger has nightmares about them.
If you do decide to do it yourself, that’s cool… but the time and effort spent on the product creation, graphic design, etc. will almost put you in an early grave.
During this time you could have already made money with my ClickBank Weight Loss Domination PLR.
You know what… I’m so confident in this package that I’ll take my foot out of my mouth and put it where my money is!
“Arun! What does that even mean?!”
It Means This!
I’m not going to hard sell you this package because the value speaks for itself… and I’m too cool to twist your hand just to get a sale.
I’ll Give You One Reason Why You Should Get This Done-For-You Package Now!
The offer is on a dimesale. The price keeps rising with each sale.
Once the launch period is over, the price will jump to $19.95.
If you hired someone to put together such a package for you, it would cost you more than 7 hundred dollars!
In all honesty, mine will be better. Modesty, Arun! Please!
[GET] Discover How This Brand NEW, Done For You PLR System Will Help You Dominateand Profit In The ClickBank Women’s Weight Loss Niche DOWNLOAD
“Hey Arun, You Sure Talk a Storm… But Is Your PLR Any Good?”
Wait what?
Did you just?… You didn’t just…
HO! You did!
It’s time to school you with some real keeping it straight talk right here.
Flaming Hot PLR Will…
Save You Time!
Creating content on your own can be so draining and time-consuming that the zombies on The Walking Dead will have more energy and a better social life than you.
Save You Money!
What? Some bloke is charging you $15 for a 500 word article. Tell him to take a hike with the zombies. Flaming Hot PLR can rival most freelancers who charge more than they’re worth. Those oxygen thieves!
Make You Look Like an Authority!
You will gladly put your name to my PLR content. Don’t believe me? Read the reviews below. Go ahead… I can wait.
Improve Your Sex Life!
Oh come on! Really? Yup! My PLR is that good!
Still Don’t Believe Me? Check Out the Buyer Reviews Below!
[GET] Discover How This Brand NEW, Done For You PLR System Will Help You Dominateand Profit In The ClickBank Women’s Weight Loss Niche DOWNLOAD
“Fine! Fine! I’ll Get This!… Just Tell Me The Rights, Will Ya?”
The rights for the above package are simple but they vary for the different components.
This is by design and not because I’m a control freak. I want those who buy this package to have an edge.
You can’t have an edge if everybody and their plumber owns this package.
Personal Use Rights – You May NOT Sell or giveaway.
Component 1: Opt In Page & Thank You Page Component 3: 20 Autoresponder Emails Component 7: 10 Weight Loss Articles Component 8: 3 ClickBank Reviews Component 10: Keyword Research Report Component 11: Cool Tweets Component 12: Facebook posts
  Personal Use Rights with PDF Giveaway  
Component 2: Promo Report
[YES] You can give this away in PDF format to those who opt in to your list… or to those who are already on your list. [YES] You can sell it in PDF format.
  Resell Rights & Master Resell Rights
Component 4: High-Quality Ebook Component 5: HTML Sales Letter & Thank You Page Component 6: Awesome Graphics Component 9: Royalty Free Images Component 13: Social Media Images Pack Component 14: License Pack
[YES] Can resell this product. (Suggested resell price – $7 and above) [YES] Can add this product as a bonus to other products. [YES] Can edit the sales letter. [YES] Can giveaway the product as a bonus when someone buys through your affiliate link. [YES] Can add this product to a PAID membership site. [YES] Can be given to list subscribers. [YES] Can be used for personal use. [NO] You may NOT edit the contents of the eBook. [NO] You may NOT giveaway the main eBook for free. [NO] You may NOT claim copyright to the content
2 rules apply across the board for all components.
[No] You cannot give away or sell the package with the source files as your own PLR (e.g DOC & PSD files… because that’s my job.) [No] You may not use my name with the PLR.
[GET] Discover How This Brand NEW, Done For You PLR System Will Help You Dominateand Profit In The ClickBank Women’s Weight Loss Niche DOWNLOAD
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