#also if u still see the slashes for italics ... no u don't
notstilinski · 1 year
Beach Read Starters !
Taken from the 2020 novel by Emily Henry, Beach Read! Some of these have already been edited. You can change them however you see fit! 
“How is it? Is there a sex dungeon?”
“So wise. So deep.”
“What will you do if you realize you’ve fallen in love with a ghost?”
“No way. Blow jobs are for major holidays. What you’ve got on your hands is a good old-fashioned foot job pro quo.”
“What’s disturbing about foot jobs as a form of currency?”
“Could you turn off your sad-boy-angsting playlist?”
“Let me guess: Everyone lives happily ever after. Again.”
“Offending you. One syllable. ‘Ah.’ Pretty impressive.”
“My weird ass neighbor was blasting his crying soundtrack all night.”
“Seeing them out in the wild after all this time was horrifying.”
“No, (Name), I’m not talking about sex stuff.”
“The trick to sobering up is… donuts.”
“How do you know your Googling me wouldn’t be even more amusing g to me?”
“How do you know I won’t keep answering your questions with other questions until we both die?”
“You have a hard time… reading happy endings?“
“Are you honestly saying you don’t believe in love?”
“Sure, love happens. But it’s better to be realistic so shit’s not constantly blowing up in your face. And love is way more likely to blow up in your face than to bring eternal happiness. And if it doesn’t hurt you, then you’re the one hurting someone else.”
“I’m not asking you to tell me. I just… I don’t know. It’s weird to see you like this.”
“Oh my God! Are you slightly misquoting A Walk to Remember at me?”
“Life is meaningless, (Name). Gaze into the abyss.”
“Be honest… Did you bring me here to murder me?”
“This one of your murder spots?”
“I refuse to answer that on the grounds that you might take it from me.”
“You just too me on the worlds most depressing date. The least you could do is tell me a single thing about yourself, and why all this stuff matters to you.”
“Why? Part of your dark, mysterious past?”
“But you were in love with him.”
“It’s okay he dumped me in a hot tub.”
“You can just give me three dollars when I take you home, and then if I ever find out I need an organ, we can circle back.”
“I love seeing where you get your admirable qualities from.”
“It didn’t feel like a lie. Maybe a complicated truth, but not a lie.”
“Life is like us like a box of chocolates. You really don’t know what you’re eating and the chocolate map on the lid is fucking always wrong.”
“If you’re a beard, I’m a bird.”
“Do you feel like your mom just dropped us off here before homecoming?”
“It’s shit like this that makes it impossible for me to believe in happy endings. You never get the paper umbrellas you were promised in this world.”
“There’s nothing to loathe about your face.”
“I HATE falling in love. It’s always ruining my bad boy reputation.”
“You know, as private as they are, I have to pull a lot from context out of our conversations. But yes, I’ve gathered the clues that you two have formed a friendship.”
“She left them on their birthday?”
“I think some things are… inevitable.”
“I brought these in case you’re taking me to a Texan church service.”
“This has been an exact recurring nightmare I’m only just realizing was actually a premonition.”
“You honestly have to write me into your will for this.”
“Happy endings don’t happen to everyone. There’s nothing you can do to make someone keep loving you.”
“I want to know you.”
“I’ve never thought you were stupid.”
“I thought—think it’s grace to believe in love. I mean, the lasting kind. To try for that, even knowing it can hurt you.”
“Not believing in something doesn’t stop you from wanting it. If you’re not careful.”
“I remember. A historic moment in our friendship.”
“I told you I wanted you to know me. You can ask me anything you want.”
“I saw that with my parents, you know? This black hole and this bright light he was always just trying to swallow while.”
“It didn’t overwhelm you to watch them sleep.”
“Like being right mattered less than being… okay.”
“Really? Because in winter, I’d just prefer to be dead.”
“(Name) likes to say I was never a kid.”
“I am, though. I am angry and messed up, and every time I try to get closer to you, it’s like all these warning bells go off and I try to act like a normal person, but I can’t.”
“I thought you understood that there’s no such thing as a normal person.”
“Stop it. You’re not going to break me, (Name).”
“I do, you know. Care about you.”
“That’s you’re right, as an American citizen.”
And again, I’m seventeen in that picture. Please stop objectifying child me.”
“It seemed too crass to invite you to my aunts house and then bring up your ass.”
“Are you praying to me, (Name).”
“You’re so fucking beautiful, like the sun.”
“I really didn’t show up to your sex dungeon to seduce you.”
“I’ll make my getaway and leave you behind if I have to.”
“What? Fun? Are you afraid it’s contagious?”
“Come here to ponder your own morality?”
“I want to be your perfect fucking Fabio, (Name), but I can’t. I’m not.”
“It just means I also want you to be happy, and I’m scared I could never be the person who could give you that.”
“Then let me be happy with you, (Name).”
“I can’t wait to visit and watch him be completely smitten with you.”
“I mean, I hope it was partially an elaborate ruse to sleep with me.”
“I never wanted you to see the world like I see it.”
“When you love someone… You want to make the world look different for them. To give all the ugly stuff meaning, and to amplify the good. That’s what you do.”
“If you can learn to dance in the rain then I can stare the ugly things down.”
“I don’t care if you’re a complete person.”
“The good news is your skin looks like a newborn baby’s. What have you been eating here?”
“What’s wrong with these pants? These are my official uniform now, on account of I’ve officially given up.”
“I both love and hate falling in love.”
“Are we being ax-murdered?”
“It’s not the promise that matters. It’s that I told you.“
“Fine. I can’t know if. But I believe it. I see it. Let me prove I’m right. Let me prove I can love you forever.”
“What is we don’t get our happy ending, (Name)?”
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