#also if you ever want faster responses you can dm me i'm so nice and i usually reply to dms i prommy....
t4tbruharvey · 2 years
Yeah the french Harvey was...a choice! The part where Bruce was being nice about his scars in the beginning was neat but the rest was...something.
Making up werewolf lore sounds so fun though!!! And vampire lore too but yes werewolves are very fun especially in combination with identity issues and things like chivalry codes and having to pretend to be someone you're not etc.! And ahh!! The whole idea of your AU sounds so interesting tbh! And magic user Harley and plant curse Poison Ivy sounds so fun too! The plant curse immediately made me think of mandrakes too...plants whose roots look vaguely human shaped and who's painful shrieks when being unearthed could kill people according to legend...I know that's not what you're going for but now I'm just thinking about cursed mandrake Ivy raising from the soil due to witchcraft (having been...a mandrake bewitched by someone lonely who wanted a partner but when she got ripped out of the mother earth her pained shriek killed the witch that created her and..and ..agsvgsfs I'm getting off topic here sorry...) also fae Joker sounds fun too! Unseelie court I'm assuming?
So the thing about the bodies and gender lecture ...there's quite a lot of stuff to talk about ! I'll probably have to write it down separately but one thing I found interesting in regards to gender is that according to our professor in medieval and renaissance times while people believed in there being two genders they also believed that there was only one sex. the explanation for that might go into nsfw territory though so idk if you want to hear it but it's...interesting and to summarize basically renaissance people thought women were 'less developed men'. It's a whole...thing...but yeah it's interesting and maybe could help you with your AU so I'll try my best to write it down in a way that makes sense tomorrow!
hi i feel like every time i go to answer these it's either midnight for me or there's Stuff but hi i'm doing it now sorry for the delay <3
MAKING UP WEREWOLF LORE IS SOOOOO FUN like the sort of progression and the areas they'd gravitate towards, like i'm thinking of it as partially a microcosm of evolution in that they'd form smaller groups in more rural areas where there are forests to hide in, and similar to highwaymen i think they'd target isolated travel routes which means that in a more mountainous area you'd be FUCKED as a villager in the valleys but in more densely populated cities there are probably werewolves AROUND but they're not as likely to attack you because of how difficult it would be to do that stealthily. and so there are very pervasive ideas about werewolves that aren't completely true but aren't completely false either and it lets me make harvey have this intense internal debate about This Whole Thing and the nature of evil and how to remain in a society that no longer wants him – and maybe never has!!! i'm still not sure about what the societal rules about being gay are but there definitely is some form of transphobia because it's MY au and i want to work through MY issues as a form of escapism :-)
the mandrake thing sounds SOOO cool i wanna have something like that in it so badly now omg... like i've already said that ivy was a human who was cursed to have plant abilities but she was also a sorcerer's apprentice/assistant so she could have performed a spell similar to that with a mandrake or saw him do it and then he reversed it for her and OH MY GOD yeah no ok. he pulled an uno reverse with the spell on her but it's hard to just like... reverse the direction of a spell? and THAT'S why she's so fucked up currently. fuck yeah love it when this happens. (fae joker is unseelie court definitely and i think harley might initially mistake him for being from the seelie court depending on how good his glamour is i'm not decided yet)
ONLY ONE SEX??? you HAVE to elaborate oh my god!!! like that sounds vaguely familiar with the ideas about development but still!!! wild!!! au stuff aside that sounds SO super interesting and i'd love to hear about all of the bodies and gender stuff regardless; like it'll definitely help a lot but also that stuff is fascinating in general
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