#also im sorry if this seems like I'm vauging a specific person I prommy I'm not I just saw an rp video on a topic that a lot of people have
gorps · 7 months
The amount of misinformation surrounding nutrition is absolutely absurd. If you ask the average person who thinks they know a lot about nutrition, they'll likely have less than 0 understanding of how it works. If you ever have a question about nutrition or exercise, I genuinely cannot recommend Renaissance Periodization enough. The only way information gets put out is if a consideration of ALL the scientific literature is considered, and I have literally never seen them put out any bad info. I've seen Dr. Mike recommend people not buy his powerlifting training templates because he thought juggernaut.ai was better. I have never seen a more honest source of information coming out of the industry. Even people who are similarly respected end up plugging bullshit supplements or, at the very least, will NOT tell you if a competitor is a better source of information. If you ever, for any reason, find yourself thinking you know something about nutrition and that understanding guides how you eat or train, PLEASE look up an RP video on the topic. (they are also an extremely good source of info for bodybuilding and strength building (and yes, bodybuilders are very strong, and anyone who tells you they're show muscles and not practical muscles are 99/100 times weaker than even amateur bodybuilders))
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