#also it got really heavy for eliza's in question 3 lmfao
vault81 · 5 months
Hi, a little bit new but I love your fallout OC's! For the 60 questions, how about #3, #41, and #55?
Welcome!! and thank you sm! It makes me so happy when people end up loving my lil blorbos!!! (you didn't specify which oc so im gonna do all 3 if that's ok?)
(60 OC Questions Ask)
- [3] What emotion is the hardest for them to deal with?
Jack: For Jack I would say the emotion he has the hardest time with is anger, not just because he hates feeling angry and the way it affects him physically, feeling dizzy, tensing up, trembling etc. The thing he hates most is the way he deals with it (or doesn't) he's the kinda person to just bottle up those emotions until they go away themselves, not having a healthy way of venting them out. Which, sometimes, leads to him just exploding and lashing out at people he isn't angry at! Of course, he'll immediately feel bad for doing so and apologise (cue bear hug and tearful apologies) This being said though, Jack does not get angry easily! You really have to try to get him cross, the best you'll usually get is annoyed! I also think the older he gets, the better he'll get at dealing with this.
Eliza: In Eliza's case, I'd definitely say the one she has the biggest time dealing with is guilt, overwhelming guilt. She's worked hard at building up her spiky, flippant exterior, but underneath all that is someone who cares deeply for the world and the people around her! And because of this she's always being weighed down by guilt, the guilt of never feeling like she's done enough, that she's letting her friends and family down. But most of all, she feels guilt for the way she's left things with her father, before she could apologise for the way she treated him as a kid, and forgive him for abandoning her. And the guilt of abandoning Arthur Maxson, the person she swore she'd protect from the Brotherhood and that she'd always be there for.
Stephen: I'd say Stephen's hardest emotion to deal with is stress, he's carrying so much on his lil shoulders! Not only does he have to find his nephew Shaun, he's the General of the Minutemen, Knight of the Brotherhood of Steel, a Railroad Agent and (Part-Time) Detective! He has so many fires that are all demanding his attention, he's stretched thin all over the Commonwealth, not to mention the fact he's also dying and only has a limited amount of time to do all this. He's lucky he has Danse and all his friends to deal with this, but it does take a massive toll on his physical and mental well-being. Danse encourages, forces him to take breaks the first time he gets sick from all the stress.
- [41] What’s their usual morning routine?
Jack: he is very much a lazy morning person, you will not physically get this man out of bed before 10pm (if you even try he'll drag you into bed with him), would lounge in bed for as long as he can before he has to get up. He'll drag himself to the kitchen before having breakfast lunch and running out the house while brushing his teeth, because odd's are that he's definitely late for whatever he had going on that day!
Eliza: She is very much a morning person, like early morning person. Most days she'll be up by 4/5AM, it doesn't take her long to wake up either (she's an insomniac too, so chances are she probably hasn't slept) after a quick cold shower and skin care (mainly around the scar where her left eye used to be) she'll be fed, dressed and out the house to start the day!
Stephen: I'd say Stephen is also a morning person, but not by choice. As much as he would love to stay in bed cuddling Danse, he has an entire militia to run. He probably has the quickest morning routine compared to the others, very rehearsed to be as efficient as possible so he can be on his way quicker! Wakeup -> Shower -> Get Dressed -> Leave. He finds it easier to just skip breakfast all together (it also makes him feel nauseous in the morning) Danse probably ends up joining him during this routine so he actually gets ready properly.
- [55] How long does it take for them to make a new place feel like home, and what do they need for it?
Jack: I feel like for Jack, a place can feel like home pretty quickly, as much as he travels and is constantly moving he can really settle in and make a place his. He mainly does this by making a place smell like home! He probably doesn't look it, but he's big on scents! Likewise, he needs for himself and his home to smell nice, or he can't properly settle in. I feel like he'd stick to more basic scents though for his home, so it'd probably smell like Vanilla or Fresh Linens, anything that'll remind him of his time in the Vault.
Eliza: for Eliza it takes her a while to warm up to a space and make it feel like home, like Jack she's always travelling and on the move. So why bother decorating if she's just going to move out in a week or so? It'd probably take her a couple of months to finally really settle into a place long term, she does this with clutter! Eliza is a hoarder, if she feels like anything has some kind of value, be that monetary or sentimental, she'll keep it! This means over time, her home will just start filling with clutter. To her, it makes the place feel cosy and lived in.
Stephen: for Stephen, I'd say he's more middle ground, doesn't take as long as Eliza but also isn't as quick as Jack, give him around a week or 2 before really settling in. And for a place to feel like a home to Stephen, it needs people! What's the point of having a home if it's empty? So he fills his home with friends and family! It ends up being a communal meeting place for his friends, always full of laughter and conversation. It adds a certain warmth to his home that Stephen just can't be settled in without! (It being in central Diamond City helps too)
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