#also it's funny how Katie went from 'zig is kind of guy that kisses girls that aren't his gf' to 'you look so handsome zig' and taking a pi
nikkiruncks · 6 months
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#cheaters (affectionate-ish)
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Degrassi live blog for episodes 6-10
Lola finding farts funny is so unsurprising
I know where the Yael plot is going and I’m so happy about it. Like I agree it has nothing to do with being a girl or not and also that gender identity is weird
Lola is fuckin DELIGHTFUL you know
Oooh yay it’s the Craig episode I’m actually so excited
Yael is so metal. “it doesn’t say no girls it says somebody wearing pants and I’m wearing pants”
I’m so proud of Tiny for turning is life around so much. He’s so smart and I’m just so happy that he’s doing something with it and isn’t being sucked into gang shit
Lola is the best I love her so much she is the supportive friend this show needs
Their farts thing went through and everyone did love it. Okay
I’m crying guys I’m so happy for Yael
I hope Craig is doing well. I always liked to think that he’s famous in the Degrassi world
I’m not surprised Craig liked Maya’s music when his songs were like Rescue You and My Window
I’m sad that Hunter is like this but I’m not surprised
Ep 7
Lola I love you, Shay I love you
“have you tried being their friend?” you know Frankie, I believe she has not
Lola and Frankie being like “nononononono” to Shay makes sense but good on Shay for being transparent with her parents, like that shows a lot more trust and she’s going to feel way better with the full consent and not any sort of lies/lying by omission 
I love how they’re camping in Degrassi’s one little clearing which we know is near the school but we’re meant to think that they’ve actually gone away somewhere
“and had I?” “No you’d just gone and cut the sleeves off all your shirts” TRU
I understand why Esme is upset and I know she has this whole thing against Maya for various reasons but she didn’t really think too hard before pulling out edibles now did she
That lil moment of Jonah/Frankie interaction made me happy?? I guess it’s a closure thing I like when Degrassi couples still talk to each other post-break up (but I mean there aren’t enough characters for them to not, usually)
MAYA NO look I haven’t even seen that many drugs in my life but I know you need to go easy on the edibles because they hit at once
Oh look Esme being manipulative who’d have thought
Esme didn’t even use the epipen right like this is all going to add up but you gotta flick the cap girl if you’re anaphylactic you’d know that
HA SEE TOLD YOU I knew they’d realise she faked but I didn’t think that was going to be how
I like Esme as a character. As a person she annoys me and I’d like to slap her quite often (but also like the girl is so mentally ill???)
Yas Shay you go girl get your man
Fun idea: Esme gets some therapy and starts taking the meds she’s meant to
Ep 8
“relive Paris” oh right because everyone wants to remember what it was like when you were leading Tristan on and also were in a love triangle with Zoe and Maya and Tristan kissed Maya and so on and so forth
wow writers thanks for making Zoe’s promposal about Shay 
“you dated both Zig and Esme” so that WAS how it was it wasn’t one of those one person two partners poly groups it was potentially a everyone has two partners group
Vijay and Baaz deserve more plots tbh. Like Vijay has sort of been reduced to hat jokes from Hunter and I want more Vijay??? Like not crazy amounts more necessarily but some more
Tristan’s therapy friend (Ollie?) is great?? I love him. The assumed straight but cool with gay friend Tristan needs tbh
AWW TRISTAN NO I feel so bad for him omg he didn’t deserve any of this
that promposal was so cute omfg go Tiny I was smiling so freaking big
Well I did not consent to that breakup.
Ep 9
Grace, Jonah, Maya, Zig, and Tiny is a really logical friend group. Like you have the band the rubber room kids with a huge overlap in the venn diagram so it all sorta works out and it doesn’t seem like Jonah is there just for being Grace’s boyfriend. Like he seems to actually be friends with everyone and it’s nice
Vijay hon you can’t say “she changed her pronouns, she’s using they/them”. Like listen to yourself for a hot second. But Baaz and Vijay are making the effort and that’s so nice. Ofc Hunter isn’t though he’s always been a dick like that. Look Hunter I love you but come on at least try
Zoe and Miles have all kinds of interesting little things in common and I never *shipped them* but I’ve always liked them as friends who have had sex
What a casual thing going on there for Zaya wow I’m so happy for them
I hope Hunter comes around. Being with a nonbinary person doesn’t mean you’re not straight Hunter??? Calm down???? (also at least he’s not actively rejecting their pronouns)
This scene with Miles II and Miles III was so good???? Like it’s... resolution. It’s the happy ending that I needed for Miles. But it’s also been written in such a way that isn’t out of character for either of them
Everyone keeps using “they” with singular conjugations. Like “if they wants” and no just use want it’s the conjugation that matches the pronoun it’s not about it being singular or plural
HE’S NOT GAY VIJAY. But I’m living for this?? And they just suggested poly AND pan???? Oh man. “I don’t think we have that in Syria” bless
I love having Katie around. What a wholesome scene
I have a lot of prom feelings and ship feelings and you can probably fill all those blanks tbh
So I’ve cried twice this season: once at Yael when they looked in the mirror at Lola’s makeover, and now at Tristan and Miles having prom at the rehab centre. It’s like it came out of my brain omfg
Hunter’s reaction started out so well how did that scene end that way
Esme needs help tho
Ep 10
YAY ZASHA and yay for Grace being so happy for them
I’m so happy for Zoe with her mum but I have a bad feeling about it too
Grace is so good for Maya
HOW CUTE I love call backs to old episodes
wait no I’m not ready for graduation
SIMPSON YAY I mean of course he’s there, I just like seeing Snake. Also when is Jack Simpson starting at Degrassi because I’m ready for that
Zoe you weren’t a freshman here lmao
I’m so emotional???? Imagine if at the beginning of Zoe’s time on the show you told these people what was going to happen now. Like Tristan wanted to be Zoe’s friend always so maybe he wouldn’t be surprised but like, these others didn’t really love her
Chelsea is an amazing actress omfg
Well that’s that then holy shit I’m not ready for a life post trash sons numbers 1,2, and 4 (#3 is staying) wtf do I do now
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