#also it's the only concession he makes in the whole fic that maybe the goneril he knew before and this woman are different in any way
yourworsttotebag · 4 months
She already had her feet up on the windowsill before Enver could reach out to stop her.
When he tried to grab her arm, Goneril spun and seized his wrist in a crushing grip, still perfectly balanced on the small ledge.
“Alright,” Enver held up his other hand in surrender. “Alright now. Just - wait a moment, would you? You’ve only just come back, don’t leave yet.” He moved as if he might place his hand over hers before seeming to think better of it. “Please.”
Even that small amount of begging from him fell hot and thick onto her skin like dripping candle wax. Goneril released him and pressed her back against the side of the window, halfway between Enver and cool, open air. Tilting either way made her feel the same pull of gravity. 
"I'm sorry,” Goneril shook her head. “That woman you loved didn't come back here. She died. And if you don't stop what you're doing then you’ll die too.”
Enver’s eyes hardened as they swept over her. One shoulder shifted in an approximation of a shrug. "At least maybe I'll be with her then."
(from Equilibrium)
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