#also love how the ups website literally won't load the tracker information but apparently gives it to newegg
sonicenvy · 1 year
can't believe my new computer still hasn't come despite being out for delivery since 9 this morning. very annoying because I've stayed home all day waiting for it since it needs a signature for delivery, and feel like I'm wasting my time.
to double my frustration, none of my solutions thus far for figuring out how to make a clone of my old hard drive so I can add it to the new computer are working. all of my currently functioning computers are macs and this is a windows issue so that's annoying as fuck. I have two "functional" windows pc available to me but one of them no longer has a charger so I can't access it (plus I'm 99% sure that the boot issues it was having before I lost it have to do with the fact that the cmos battery is dead.) and the other has windows 8.1rt which is the most garbage version of windows ever created and therefore will not allow me to boot to anything other than the internal hard drive of the "computer". The RT lock bs on this "computer" prevents you from even accessing the bios or firmware settings. also the only programs you can use on it are programs downloaded through the windows store and the only web browser it allows you to use it INTERNET EXPLORER. so uh piece of shit "computer". tldr; neither of these windows computers will be of any help in solving my little problem.
Final addition to the frustration my 2010 iMac is now stuck in a crash/reboot/function/crash/reboot loop. the computer just randomly crashes every 5 minutes even with nothing open and idling. tech problems are just melting my brain today apparently.
additionally my dad was all like "oh yeah i saw the UPS truck entering our neighborhood 30 mins ago." which uh, so why have they not hit us yet? does this UPS truck somehow not have my package. grrrr
these i know are obviously the most first world problems imaginable but god am I irked.
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