#also love that ray is holding fraser's hat
gayvecchio · 2 months
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jvstheworld · 1 year
Due South Re-watch: episode 1
Part 2
•We meet Elaine and she immediately has a thing for our boy scout Mountie. Apparently any women who meets Fraser has a thing for him. Oh Benny, you poor, sweet, snowy child, this will happen a lot.
•Our bad guy of the week is Caroline Morgan, played by Christina Cox, who was in an episode of House M.D with John Cho and in iZombie who played Ravi's previous boss who fired him from the CDC before he became a medical examiner. That was kind of fun to realise.
•Fraser is good with everyone, including kids. He recognises hard work and rewards it. It's a good way to get Willie to trust him, and to me this feels like something his grandparents did for him when he was that age.
•I put in my notes that 'Dief is an adorable, fluffy boy', which is true, but I don't remember why I wrote it. I think he just appeared on screen and I felt the need to write it.
•Fraser's brown uniform does not get enough love, I like it and I missed it in later seasons when they ended up using the red one more.
•The bank manager messed up! In his previous statement he said the robbers were all male, but when questioned again said that one was female. Dude, you are a dumbass.
•Chase scenes in this show are pretty good, this one is fairly ridiculous with the horse and carriage, but it's believable because of how naturally over the top Fraser is. The choice in music also sells it too.
•And we continue the running joke of Fraser remembering advice his father gave him.
•Best friends finish each other's sentences.
•Isn't everything Fraser does for the Chicago PD technically unofficial but they let him do it anyway because it means more crimes are solved? When these cases go to trial, if a plea of not guilty is entered, does Fraser have to give testimony to it? Is his involvement explained to the DA's office and they're okay with it? Like what actually happens? Because he will be in the police report, he has to be for the case to make sense when it goes to trial.
•The fight scene with the robbers is well done and uses the surroundings pretty well too. That's something that can be said for a lot of these scenes in the show.
•Again, we know Fraser is good with guns, he just isn't allowed to legally carry one. Ray might have been trying to hype him up to scare Caroline but in fact everything he said was true. That being said, you shouldn't piss off a person holding a gun to your best friend's head.
•She shot him in the hat. He just laid there, amongst the boxes like he had actually been shot.
•Fraser was oblivious to Ray begging for his life. Generally, if your friend is doing that, you should believe them and take it seriously, especially if you can see that there is a real threat.
•Okay, so you know when people were doing that thing where they were describing the sluttiest thing a man can do... Fraser in his brown uniform, jacket off, suspenders and sleeves rolled up. I dare you to tell me I'm wrong. Him running away from Elaine is adorable, like a deer (or moose) in headlights.
•Willie is a good kid, he came back so Ray could keep his job and Fraser wants the best for him so provides him with a job and pays him, which acts as incentive to get him to stay in school, and gives him a safe place to go if he needs it.
Final thoughts: It's a fun opening episode to the full series. You get the see the new sets, the Mountie uniform is correct, meet recurring characters and any cast changes isn't off putting. Ray and Fraser's friendship is in full effect now though we don't know how much time has passed since the pilot. The crime itself is pretty simple and well thought out which helps ease us into the show and allows character introductions and development to stand out more.
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flammenkobold · 2 years
Today on my random rewatch adventures:
Due South - Odds
the duck boys being sexist and fraser getting uncomfortable and then doing a history lesson, I love him
Fraser do not jump out of the window after the other guy
I adore Ray just putting that out there "There is always another option." "Which is?" "The stairs."
Dief having a crush on the poodle, Fraser having a crush on the gambler lady, Ray is Not Jealous, oh boys
Frannie and the water gun!
Welsh and Francescas relationship is so good? I enjoy it so much. Wished we had even more of it. I adore their dynamic so much
Fraser, Welsh and Ray and their yoga exercises, love how Welsh helps Fraser out (probs bc he also likely had back pain) while Ray sits down to enjoy the show). I also really adore the dynamic these three have, this show is feeding me well this episode on all angles.
Lady Shoes escaping, I like her, also could watch an entire show of Agents Exley and White being way too in synch and funnily incompetent
I love the whole "we are not leaving a note, right?" "No we're breaking in" Ray getting Fraser into bending the law a little bit with each episode is hng
the whole alley scene, Fraser saving Ray, dropping him, their conversation and the hand holding and also "I got the girl" I love Ray's smile there
Thatcher is adorable drunk and I enjoy that she has fun? idk like despite the hints of Fraser/Thatcher being set up as probable canon she still has her own life and fun and dates
ok the prolongued massage is a bit uncomfortable but I am glad Fraser is getting one, his back needs one
Ray is Not Jealous Part 2 (edited)
One thing I like though is how Ray seems to know so many oddballs  and just...takes it at face value kinda? Yeah here is our sketch artist, he doesn't get out much, blind as a bat but good with a pencil, anyway what the fuck Fraser?
"You just brought yourself some trouble. " "Trouble?" "With a capital T."
White and Exley threatening to take in Ray if they don't hand over Denny and Welsh looking offended, Ray ready to fight and Fraser immediately jumping in to diffuse the situation with a solution.
(Also something about "We'll take your boy here instead" is giving me emotions)
The team trying to teach Fraser how to play poker is ending me, but also I love this little bit in between where Welsh is coaching Frannie on law things
The whole scene with Welsh and Ray sitting on the coach in Welsh's office and drinking is so cute, their friendship, I adore it
Ah the Kiss, though I adore Fraser's bag of candy that he won
Oh man that whole scene in the bathroom between Fraser and Ray, just tense and kinda sad
Frannie vs hats and Ray vs the janitor
Fraser in the suit does look really good, and well if the comedy club doesn't work out Huey can start a tux rental services, the feds seem to be interested in it as well
"Stiff apples" XD (edited)
Fraser showing his actual cards and making everyone nervous at the table, Ray figuring out what is going on and coming to Fraser's help
the silent communication between them, it's killing me
The window jump will never not make me Feel Things, I just love how that scene is shot
god Fraser's anger at Denny is palpable
"I never bluff" almost lets her fall "You said you didn't bluff" "I am learning"
The whole playing for air thing, I love that scene so much
"Wait, you kissed her?" "No she kissed me."
Ray calling Fraser out on bluffing and then being stubborn enough to make Fraser admit that he was bluffing
They both look so good in that scene BUT ALSO DO YOU TWO REALLY HAVE TO SIT SO CLOSE YOUR LEGS ARE TOUCHING? ...what am i even asking, yes of course they have to
IOU on air, just yeah, that yeah, hmhm wonder how one can repay someone on air, maybe some more underwater kissing, excuse me, "buddy breathing" is in order, maybe even without the water
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sablelab · 7 years
Santa Baby - Epilogue Chapter 8/Part 1
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This story is a complete work of fiction and as such is an entirely fabricated tale created in my imagination.  I do not know the people in my story, nor do I proclaim to know anything about them whatsoever about their status or their life in general.
Unfortunately I had to break this chapter into two parts as it was getting a little unwieldy so I hope you enjoy Part 1 of the Epilogue to Santa Baby.
It is Christmas Time twelve months later, and a lot has changed in the Heughan household, so let’s see what happens. Mildly suggestive
I would like to unreservedly and wholeheartedly thank @sassylover-stuff(JJW), for all of her wonderful visuals that have complimented this story. Thank you to @artistsassenach for the use of one of her picture for the photos and a big thank you too for reading my little story and for the lovely comments you have left along the way. Acknowledgement in whatever form it takes is so gratifying. Thank you one and all.
Chapter 8 –Part 1
 12 months later
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Wrapped up snugly in a woollen blanket Sam sat by the fire nursing his baby girl in his arms while Eddie rested on the couch purring happily in the warmth from the flames that had created a cozy atmosphere in the lounge room. Caitriona was having some much needed rest and he was doing the night feed for their adorable offspring. Baby Isla had finished her bath and bottle and was now drunk on the taste of her mother’s breast milk. She had a euphoric look on her face that always made Sam smile … she was milk punch drunk.  Her little pudgy face contorted in a blissful full tummy feeling as she nestled happily in her father’s arms.  Sam loved these bonding times with his daughter so much and relished the chance to talk to his baby girl and kiss her chubby cheeks and hug her and gently squeeze her in his powerful arms. She was the most precious person in his life next to her mother, and the love he had for her knew no bounds.
Isla cooed and gurgled in a milk stupor as she looked lovingly into her father’s mesmerizing eyes as he softly spoke to her and showed her the photo album of pictures taken since she had been born.  
“I love you baby girl … so much that my heart hurts. I will never let anyone hurt you or make you sad. Your daddy will protect you from all harm and make sure that no one makes you cry. We will go Munro climbing together and mamma can come too and we will show you the world. Your mummy and I love you to the moon and back and then into the universe and beyond.
Sam tenderly placed a kiss to his daughter’s forehead then picked up the photo album that was lying on his lap. Nestling baby Isla so that she could see, he opened up the first page where there were several pictures of their little family.
“This is you Bubba … Daddy is taking you for a walk to the park while mummy had a long rest. You love going to the park and seeing all the children playing. Remember when we heard that little sparrow whistling and you laughed and laughed? Oh and we also took you to the SIDS marathon. Daddy pushed your pram with lots of other mummies and daddies there too. Do you like the photo mummy took? “He looked at his baby adoringly and continued.  “And there’s mummy watching you play with the ball Granny Chrissie gave you and there you are in mummy’s arms. That was soon after you were born. You were the cutest little baby in the hospital… but I’m not biased one little bit … no I’m not.” Sam teased as he stroked Isla’s chubby little cheek dotingly and she in turned answered with a smile that melted his heart all over again.
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Turning the page over in the photo album once more he showed Isla photos taken in her Christmas hat and the family photos taken when they took her to meet Santa.
“Look at you Bubba.  So cute in the little red hat Granda Balfe got for you to wear at Christmas.  We couldn’t wait to see you in it.  Look how pretty you are.  Mummy is wearing a hat and so am I too. That was when we went to see Santa. You were such a good girl, you didn’t even cry.” Sam held her sleepy eyes with his and showed her another photo. 
“Mummy bought you that Santa Baby T-shirt. She saw it on line and had to get it for you.  Don’t let your mother get you interested in the internet Isla. She spends all her money on line. Naughty mummy, but it has a special meaning for mummy and me you see.  I knew you would look adorable in it and you are our special little Santa baby, because we love you so, so much. That is Eddie and Lion too. You love little Tiger the lion, he’s very special just like you are Bubba. He’ll keep all of those nasty monsters under your bed away from scaring you.”
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Closing the album, Sam kissed his baby daughter on the cheek but her little eyes had closed and her cupid bowed mouth was smiling as she slept.
Cait had been blissfully observing her husband for a little while conversing with their little girl. Very quietly she approached where he was sitting and gently rested her hands on Sam’s shoulders kissing him on the top of his head. “What are you doing honey?“ she asked.
Sam looked up and saw that Cait was standing behind him in her night robe. Having risen from their bed she had come downstairs to join him and baby Isla.
"I’m talking to our baby girl darling and showing her the family album.”
Cait peered over his shoulder at their beautiful daughter, “Did she like the pictures in the album?”
“Aye she did Cait. She remembers all of those being taken.”
“How do you know that Sam?”
“She was smiling and cooing and talking to me … that’s how I know.”
“Talking was she? And did she answer you?”
“Of course. She is quite fluent already in baby talk. ”
“Does she have a dodgy accent?”
Sam laughed. “Ah, yes. I remember saying that. Her accent is just right … isn’t it Bubba?” he cooed looking into his child’s innocent little face.   “She can speak Gaelic already and her Scottish accent with a touch of Irish is magnificent. She is the cleverest baby that ever was born.”
“Oh honey … I love you … so much. I totally agree. Our daughter is adorable. Anyone can see that.”
Sam smiled at Isla and caressed her cheek gently with the pads of his fingers, “We’re not in any way biased are we Cait?”
"No Sam … We are no different from any first time parents; we are enamoured with our child. She is perfect in every way. She is the best of you and the best of me. We created the most perfect human being and we love her with all our hearts.”
“I just told her that babe … I told her how we would protect, care and love her in all the ways that matter.“
Caitriona leaned forward wrapping her arms around Sam’s head and leaning over his shoulder looked at their baby snuggled in her father’s arms. Kissing the side of his cheek, Cait’s next question had a touch of mirth in it. “And did you tell her she would go Munro bagging with you.”
“Ahhh … I may have said something along those lines,” He replied a little sheepishly.
“Sam honey, you are incorrigible. I don’t think you will be able to climb those seven mountains in a weekend like you used to with little Isla and return Sunday night … no way will that be possible.”
“There’s no reason why we can’t all go Cait. There are special baby harnesses for climbing and we can do little mountains together.  The fresh air will be good for her.”
“Oh Sam… I do love you. Never change. If you want to go MIA for a weekend Munro climbing, then I will be left holding the baby … but I don’t mind really.“
"I won’t.”
“So are you saying that you are going to be the good cop to my bad cop?”
“You’re a wonderful disciplinarian Caitriona … you know I’m a softie. Isla will be able to wrap me around her little finger, just like she already has her tiny hand around my heart.”
“Oh, the power of tiny, baby girls over their daddies!”
Sam pulled Cait’s hand to his lips and kissed her knuckles, “Yep … I’m a sucker for this little girl who looks just like her beautiful mother.”
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A lot had happened in the Heughan household over the past year.  Not only had they settled down in their home in the highlands but they had finished the fourth year of Outlander set on Fraser’s Ridge. In many ways the story paralleled their own. They had been so happy in their home and now that they had their baby daughter life was blissful. Their little ray of sunshine, Isla Claire Heughan’s due date was earlier but she was born later on the 20th October after a trouble free pregnancy for Caitriona. The birth of their child was the most wonderful thing that had happened to them. They both felt so much overwhelming love for this child conceived in love that they were over the moon that their baby was a girl. She had the most beautiful little chubby face and her hair was a beautiful auburn colour. The irony was that she decided to come on the anniversary of Claire Fraser’s birthday. There were so many, many parallels in their life to the characters that they were playing in Outlander that it was only right that her middle name be Claire after Caitriona’s alter ego.
Isla was the cutest, most adorable little cherub and the most placid baby ever to be born. Sam was not stating anything that was not true but she was the most beautiful baby there ever was. No bias on his behalf … everyone said so and her mother was the most wonderful mother that ever was. He adored Caitriona and every time she looked at Isla he saw only a miniature version of her mother. Cait had taken to motherhood like a duck to water like it was second nature to her. Having friends with babies the same age they would exchange dialogue about their offspring and the conversations between Laura and Cait were interesting to say the least. Ron had needed to set up a small crèche on set as Cait was still breast feeding and nurturing with their child. He loved watching her feed their baby. It was the most natural and wonderful thing to behold. At times he was a bit jealous of their connection but if Cait expressed her milk he was able to do the night feed and bath and those times were magical and were special daddy bonding times.
They had chosen the name Isla because they had found peace and seclusion on the Isle of Islay when they attended the Laphroaig 200 year’s celebrations last year. Their magical night on the island had resonated and the fact that Cait had gone incognito and they managed to have the most wonderful time there, it seemed a beautiful name for their child. They had returned there many times since those celebrations and Caitriona was convinced that Isla was conceived the last time they were there for the weekend and who could argue with their other half. Certainly not he. If Cait said that was where it happened then that is where it happened.
Their last night on Islay had been magical that’s for sure and as he held their daughter on his lap Sam couldn’t help but reflect on Caitriona musings as to Isla’s conception.
"Penny for your thoughts honey?”
“I was just thinking how wonderful last Christmas was finding out that you were expecting our baby. Caitriona my heart swelled with a joy I couldn’t describe. The feeling was an all encompassing happiness and I was totally in love with this little bean the very moment you said the words.”
“I know Sam, I just couldn’t wait to tell you but I couldn’t over the phone when you were in Australia, I needed to see your reaction. I was so overjoyed and happy it was hard to hold it in. We certainly made everyone happy on Christmas Day with our news.”
“Aye that we did, and now we have our gorgeous little cherub.  It is going to be a wonderful first Christmas this year.”
“Why don’t you put Isla back down in her crib honey?  I’ll be up in a moment. I’ll tidy up here first and then join you.”
Okay,” he smiled back placing a kiss to her lips.  It’s been a long day and Isla threw up on me so I need to wash off the baby vomit smell before I join you in bed.”
“Have a quick shower then that should do the trick.”
Sam leaned into her space capturing Caitriona’s chin in his palm and staring into her eyes softly stroked Cait’s face with the backs of his fingers, “I think I will. Don’t be too long honey … you still need to rest.”
Cupping her hand over her husband’s and pressing it firmly to her face, Cait replied, “No … No you go on up. I’ll be there shortly.”
Sam’s eyebrow lifted as he gave his wife a little teasing smirk, “I’ll be … in the shower then, after I put Isla down.”
Sam’s eyes sparkled with mischief, unashamedly communicating that he didn’t expect to be alone for long. “You’ll know where I am if you decide to join me.”
He rose from the couch with their baby daughter cradled gently in his arms and made his way towards the staircase.  As he neared the stairs, Sam looked up and saw the mistletoe and signs that Caitriona had promised to put up this year. He smiled knowing what happened every time they were near those signs. 
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“Cait … I’m under those mistletoe signs. Come over here and I’ll give you a wee kiss.”
“You know it won’t be a wee kiss Sam. It never is.”
“Yes it will … I’m holding Isla, what mischief could I possibly get up to?”
“Hmmm? … A lot.”
“Come over here then and we’ll put that to the test … or are you too chicken Balfe?”
“Never let it be said that I ignored a challenge Heughan,” Caitriona replied walking over to where her husband stood grinning like a Cheshire cat.
Their lips gently met and Cait felt her knees begin to buckle as Sam systematically deepened the kiss. Her response was to automatically wrap her arms around her husband’s waist as they kissed passionately while both cocooning their child in an embrace close to their hearts.
A little breathless, when they severed the kiss, Caitriona rested her forehead on Sam’s as she gazed into his sparkling eyes. “See … I knew that would happen.”
“Bite me then … I confess, I’m a liar.”
“I just might do that …”
Sam merely smiled enigmatically as he broke away and reluctantly headed towards the stairs. “I’ll be eagerly waiting for that payback. Don’t be too long, honey,” he called to Caitriona as he retreated up the stairs with a sleeping baby daughter in his arms.
“I won’t. That’s a promise.”
A little flustered Caitriona sat back down on the couch and waited a short while until she could hear sounds coming from their bathroom. The noise of an electric shaver echoed down the stairs and then she heard the sound of running water from the shower. The next sound she heard was Sam singing off tune to Michael Buble’s version of Santa Baby.  This made her chuckle as she thought of what had happened last year round about the same time, when Sam had come home and found her singing that very same song.
Santa baby, slip a Rolex under the tree For me I’ve been an awful good guy Santa buddy, and hurry down the chimney tonight
Knowing she had a small window of opportunity, Cait got up from the couch and hurriedly went up after him her eyes luminous with mischievous intent and biting her bottom lip in excitement.  She had planned to re-enact what had happened last Christmas Eve when Sam had pretended to be Santa Baby and had bought the CD for him as an early Christmas present.  He’d laughed when he saw what the song was that she had given him, but there was also an underlying eroticism in the eyes that were remembering what had occurred last year.  She had waited her moment over the past few days and given that it was Christmas Eve, it was her turn to turn the tables on her husband. The fact that Sam was singing the same song made Caitriona think he knew exactly what her motives were and was indulging her fantasies once more.
Having finished his quick shower, Sam was whistling along to the words of the song.  Steam had, as usual, fogged up the bathroom somewhat and he had playfully written his and Cait’s initials in a heart shape on to the mirror as he took another towel to dry his wet hair.
Santa buddy, a sixty five convertible to Steel blue I’ll wait up for you, dude Santa buddy, and hurry down the chimney tonight
On entering the bathroom Caitriona saw Sam wrapped in a large bath towel tucked into his waist that clung to his hips.  The sight of him left her quite breathless and transfixed. Her man was gloriously half naked standing there in his towel. The room was steamy but the sight of her husband draped in the towel, with his dampened hair in riotous curls had her all in a tizz. Cait watched as some droplets of water trickled down his magnificent muscular back. She couldn’t take her eyes from watching the path of the rivulets as they disappeared into the rim of the towel caressing his hips. She watched as his back muscles flexed, and the sight of his chiselled torso and toned arms had her in a flabbergasted flummox.
Caitriona found it difficult to breathe.
Think of all the fun I’ve missed Think of all the hotties that I haven’t kissed Next year I could be just as good If you check off my Christmas list
Sam immediately sensed that his wife had entered the bathroom even though he had heard Caitriona’s soft footfalls on the tiles. He knew she was there but he hadn’t bothered to look her way and had kept humming along to Michael Buble. Sam felt her presence and that was good enough so he decided to clandestinely play along, pretending he was oblivious to her existence.  Lifting up his arms Sam ran his hands through his damp locks trying to tame them a little, but not with much success. As he did so the muscles of his back contracted and Caitriona was mesmerised by the magnificent torso of her hot, semi naked husband.
He’d felt her gaze as surely as if Caitriona had touched him with her hands.
Cait’s eyes, washed over Sam, taking him in possessively. Trembling, she inched forward until she was practically standing behind her husband. Her hand reached out and lazily traced her fingertips down his spine. She felt the ripples of his muscles contracting in reaction to her touch
“What took you so long honey?”  Sam inquired huskily as ever so slowly; he turned around piercing her gaze with a look that had her nearly expiring on the spot.
Capturing Cait’s hand, he placed it to his chest right over his heart.  As he did so Sam was gobsmacked at the vision that was standing in front of him. His beautiful wife was dressed in her Christmas version of Mrs Claus. She looked smoking hot with a shimmering body suit corset that clung to all her womanly curves and laced all the way down her back, just begging to be taken off slowly and meticulously. The Santa hat atop her head was the piece de resistance. Caitriona looked sultry, sexy as hell and so delectable she made him salivate.
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With kitsch eyes Cait looked down and then back up to see her husband’s sparkling eyes examining her with a smirk on his lips. Sam was very pleased with himself. However, as their eyes reconnected his look suddenly changed. He captured her gaze with eyes blazing with arousal and burning desire in such a profound look that Cait’s insides melted. She could see that he was already somewhat aroused under that towel as his eyes glided over her body in her provocative outfit.
For her … time stood still with that look, and memories of last year’s Santa performance by Sam suddenly came flashing back to her.  Caitriona wondered if she could possibly emulate his routine, for her insides were churning both with excitement and trepidation.
“I like your outfit babe … Did you have that on under your robe downstairs?”
“I did.”
“Oh, my god Caitriona!  If I had known that I would have put Isla in her downstairs bassinette and made love to you in front of the fire.”
“I was afraid of that … so…”
Sam finished her sentence, “You sent me up here to clean up knowing you intended to have your wicked way with me.”
“Well?  Maybe?”
“God I adore you woman. Come here.”
To access the other chapters of this story …
1. Click on my picture icon … then follow the directions in No2. OR
2. Go to my blog … sablelab.tumblr.com … in the top left corner type in the title of the story … Santa Baby … where it says … Search sablelab … and the chapter will pop up.
3. You can also search Tumblr for samcait fanfic and the story will pop up.
Thanks for reading and I hope you are enjoying my Christmas story. xox
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