#also more reproductive drama that I'm too exhausted to even think about anymore
randomactsofpigeon ยท 8 months
Venting a bit
So in the latest "my life is a continuous series of unexpected disasters", I had an airborne allergy test a few weeks ago. I've had some persistent symptoms since I was very sick last July, and this was my ENT's next step. I honestly wasn't expecting it to show anything, since the issues clearly presented during and after the illness.
That said they tested for 32 things and I am allergic to 28 of them. On a scale that ranges from 0 to 6 with anything above a 2 being significant, I was a four or five on everything. So that left me flabbergasted. Mostly because I don't have allergy symptoms! Like I don't get stuffy or coughs or sneezes or post nasal drips in the spring or summer. I've had cats since I was five years old, I don't know that I've ever had an allergic reaction to cats, but apparently I have a level 5 allergy to cats?
The ENT is telling me I've simply been allergic to these things my entire life and what I consider feeling normal is not actually normal. I don't think I really buy this. But I don't have a good explanation for the results of the test either. It just all feels really confusing.
Anyway they're really annoying and result is I need yet another medication, I'm going to be on an unbelievably restricted diet for the next month and only gradually able to reintroduce items afterwards (for the yeast allergy), and I need immunotherapy shots weekly for the next 4 years. -_- Also replace my mattress, purchase specialized bedding, and have my entire HVAC system cleaned out.
Oh and of course I have to fucking pay for all of this which is just a joy.
This came after learning last week that my house needs $16,000 in repairs to the chimney and other affected areas, and also having a pileated woodpecker literally destroy part of my deck over the course of 2 hours today. Also finding out the transfer I had been discussing at my job for the last 4 months was denied and triggering a pretty bad depressive episode as a result. So I'm having a fantastic week over here.
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