#also no one i know played PGR until i told them about it so if you already do...let's be friends plssss
eusyram · 1 year
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hello, i'm lethe (she/her)
i've been RPing on tumblr on and off since 2014 at both the old place and this one, where i currently have 2 active muses (maybe 3 later? we'll see)
i like a bunch of fandoms but my currently stable obsessions are ffxiv, touken ranbu, and punishing: gray raven. in fact half the reason i made this post was to tell you (yes YOU) to play PGR (a mobile gacha but with PC client coming in the future) so that we can suffer together in the angst and malding and characters and the underrated but godly OSTs, thank you very much.
my main hobby is writing (lol) so besides RP i also dabble in fanfiction, original fics, and translating webnovels (CN>ENG). like mary sue herself, i am extremely weak to pretty things and cute fictional boys.
you can find me here via tumblr IMs or the group discord that i finally joined lol~
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orionhere · 2 years
Road Trip!
Just for fun! A random prompt that I found on Twitter lmao, and I thought, 'let's try it with the pgr's boys'
And also to distract me from my never-ending works
First, I'm not good at writing and English is not my primary language. And also you may find some character seems ooc, so forgive me! 😖 I just wanna having fun lol
The one who drive no questions
But sometimes he will switch with Chrome to rest a bit
Yells at others to use the seatbelt multiple times
But got ignored all the time
Doesn't really get road rage; at the most he will just clicked his tongue and will pass the cars that are going "too slow" for his liking
Will put his coat on you when you fell asleep
Won't let anyone beside Chrome to switch with him, the reason?
Kamui: the last time he did it, they almost crash the roadblock because he got distracted by a wild deer
Lee: you know it
Camu: *distant yelling and Deja Vu playing in the background*
Banji: he will definitely fall asleep in the middle of his turns
He snores during his rest, but if anyone pointed that out, he will deny it
Until Camu give him the recording
After that Watanabe refuses to sleep even when you begging him to take some rest
Eating mint gum every 10 minutes
"Watanabe, how many gums do you have with you?"
"Enough until this trip is over."
"But our trip is 2 weeks long?"
Sigh a lot during the journey
He almost regret everything now
Save him please
Claiming shotgun (so he can switch with Watanabe easily)
The one in charge with the snacks ,(Yes, I'm looking at you, Camu)
The only level-headed person in the van
In charge with the radio station
Will straight up choosing a classical music station (if there's one, idk)
Slap Kamui's hand when he tried to change the station to a more lively one "Kamui stop-"
A softie for you
If you ask for more snacks, he will reluctantly give you more
Will pointed some wild animals he spots and secretly took photos and send them to his father
Light sleeper. Even when you stare at him, he will suddenly be very awake.
One time Kamui tried pulling a prank by doodling on his sleeping face
Chrome suddenly jerk awake and scared the hell out of Kamui
Will keep an eye for everyone, especially Kamui & Camu
"Kamui, be careful! Don't stick your body out of the window!"
"Camu stop encouraging him!
Save him please #2
Sit in the middle row with Lee and you inbetween to separate them
You think his normal voice is already too loud? Wait until he starts bickering with Lee about ANYTHING
Bless your ears
Telling Watanabe or Chrome to stop for a while so he can pet some wild animals they found on the way
"Kamui, that's a bear-"
"So what? It looks like it need a hug-
"STOP! It will attack you!"
"Let him be. One less passenger, the better."
Will post a selfie or short videos and posting it on his social media
When you fall asleep, he strangely didn't speak at all. He instead made a shushing gesture whenever someone ask him something
Snoring so loud you need to borrow one of Banji's noise cancelers.
Lee tried to stuff his mouth with a cloth to muffle his loud snoring
Pull out his gaming console when he's bored. He brings two of his consoles so he can play together with you, making Lee lowkey jealous annoyed
Backseat driver just because he will told Watanabe or Chrome that they're going to the wrong way
Will bicker with Kamui
Probably trying to show off to Kamui (mainly YOU) by stating random facts about the landscape from wikipedia
If Kamui finds out he's just trying to impress you, he will deny it with pink cheeks and stop talking
Liked to open the window, until a bug flying in and he nearly screamed
Will compete with mama chrome to remind you to drink water (gotta stay hydrated, people)
"Here's water."
"Lee, Chrome just gave me some earlier…"
"It was long ago. Stay hydrated, it's pretty hot out there."
If Camu annoys him, he will throw the plastic bottle to the back
Also a light sleeper. But not as bad as Chrome though. He will just grumbled or mumbling when you're whispering with anyone
A grumpy boy when someone wake him
Lost at the rock paper scissors with Kamui & Lee so he abandoned on the back with Banji
Doesn't use the seatbelt even after Watanabe screamed at him
He's a rebellious man, leave him be Watanabe
Will annoyed the hell out of Lee and Kamui (like blowing their ears or purposely using his earphones with maximum volume near them)
Leaned forward so he can chat with you
He and Banji sometimes forgotten there when either Lee and Kamui forget (read: purposely) to lifts the seats
Steal Kamui's snacks
When he get bored, he will put his headset and listen to some hard rock songs
If Lee annoys him, he will put the headset near Lee's head and turn the volume to max
Heavy sleeper, like, even when there's storm and lightning outside, he won't even twitch
He has his own snacks that he bought at gas station without Chrome noticing
Got along with Banji really well (mainly because Banji sleep all the time and gave him one of his comfy pillow & blanket)
This mf sleep all the way
Put the headset, use his eye mask, and no one can disturb him
Even when he hits his head during the bumpy road
He choose the back seat so he can sleep peacefully
The only time he awake is when he need to use the bathroom
But sometimes at terrible timing
"Hey, are we near the rest area yet?"
"What? No-"
"I need to use the bathroom"
His and Camu's seat is full of comfy cushion, blanket, and snacks that Camu steals from Kamui
"Why'd you bring so many pillows?"
"Just in case of emergency"
Strangely, he has everything that you'd need during the trip
Need a tissue? Here you go. Had motion sickness? Here some medicine. Want some gummies? He will sneaked a pack without Chrome noticing
Also doesn't use the seatbelt
He sometimes kick the middle seat when Kamui is too noisy
Once Watanabe saw a pair of leg from the back seat and he yelled at Banji to sit properly
Will use Camu's lap as a pillow without hesitation
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