#also obviously leaving off the characters whose dads don't matter in the story
betsybugaboo · 8 months
The 40 Dad Tier List
Ranking the dads of The 40 characters!
S Tier: Byakuya Ishigami- amazing astronaut dad who supports his science son even 3000 years into the future
A Tier: Ryoji "Ranka" Fujioka- fun bi dad Toshiyo Katsuki- supports his son Tanjuro Kamado- taught his son the original sun breathing
B Tier: Jouichiro Yukihira- Don't know a ton about the series but he seems pretty cool? Barazo Mankanshoku- Loves his daughter but loses points for killing patients through incompetence/greed
C Tier: Van Hohenheim- Daddy had a good reason for abandoning you, Ed. Deserves a 'World's Okay-est Dad' mug Kuniharu Saiki- Dipshit but occasionally competent
D Tier: Vincent Phantomhive- Admittedly I haven't followed the manga for a while but from what I get he's a land of contrasts? Watari- implied to have done human experimentation on kids in the light novel. Saved from F Tier only because it's implied and not 100% stated
F Tier: Ozai- abusive genocidal imperialist Iruma's dad- the Worst. Mafuyu's dad- beat baby Mafuyu to the point he was selectively mute when he was little Silva Zoldyck- horrible to his kids but thinks he's cool ig Satan- literally Satan
@the-ravenclaw-werewolf Thoughts?
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secondsofhappiness · 7 years
I don't think you've ever said if you think the baby is roberts or not? What are your thoughts about twists happening around or after Xmas?
Aw anon! I’ve avoided this question because it’s such a difficult one to answer for me. I’ve learned NOT to try to guess the storylining of Iain flipping McLeod. He is a law unto himself as show runner but here’s my own set of opinions seeing as you asked for them!!
There are so many theories and possibilities (god bless this creative insightful fandom) and, so far, the theory that Rob isn’t the dad hasn’t been disproven or nothing has happened that makes it very unlikely… it’s still very much a possibility.
I also LOVE the Adam theory. I don’t believe it’s true but it still hasn’t been disproven which is bloody great. Now THAT would be a twist and a half and only fandoms write genius stuff like that no matter what show you look at. It would fit perfectly with their scenes Adam and Rebecca randomly had together, the fact Adam told Rebecca to go find Robert that night, that there was huge focus on Adam’s ability to have kids, that he found the pregnancy test etc. I’d LOVE it to be true but I personally don’t think it is. In an IDEAL world it’d be an ingenious turn of events.
My personal opinion is that Rob is the father. That is just my opinion though. We know the Whites are sodding off (🎈🎈🎈) and clearly one of them will die. We don’t know if Rebecca is dying (insert my already stated feelings on this possibility!) but it’s pretty likely she’s also leaving so that reality, to me, leaves the option of the baby remaining with Rob (and then eventually Aaron too) or leaving with a White. I think these are the likely outcomes…
All factors considered though, there is so much contradiction that it’s difficult to predict the end of the storyline. I’ve tried to make a summary below because there are so many factors that suggest this isn’t a clean cut situation but there are polarising factors that mean it’s confusing… all going under a cut for spoilers!
I mean there’s all of the following…
a) The handling of the ONS fallout. It was a collection of the weirdest scenes that still haven’t been explained or made sense of… you know how, I won’t go into them all. It was about unconventional a one night stand if every I’ve seen one… and on a Soap too. Soaps are never subtle. Maybe it’s more of Iain and his weirdness.
b) The early pregnancy stuff. It was an utter shit show. It was a depressingly bad depiction of a young healthy female and her control over her own sexual health and her handle on her body. It was so bad that it was a slippery slope to not caring in the slightest about Rebecca White. That’s entirely not the point when portraying a newly pregnant woman…
c) No DNA test. Still the strangest factor in all of this. Why even have her shack up with Ross numerous times but have only her assurances that it is Robert’s as the confirmation of his fatherhood….! Jesus.
d) The baby is the major issue between Aaron and Rob. It has continuously been framed as such even specifically stated as such and so any development on that front would have to be enormous and there are suggestions that Aaron is still very uncomfortable around the kid after it’s born. This is very important. Aaron has a heart the size of Leeds but the show has framed this kid as “the issue” from day one so hard work would be needed to ever solve that. That said, I don’t believe Aaron would ever hold anything against an innocent little being. He knows the realities of a poor childhood.
e) Most of the interviews given by Danny or Ryan or Iain barely mention the baby. Emily has done one interview and as far as I can remember it didn’t talk about the parentage much or the eventual future of the kid. A baby is a pretty huge addition to a character’s life and future storylines and you’d think it’d be mentioned more especially where Aaron is concerned
f) The Whites are upping and going. If Rebecca leaves or dies then, to me, that’s an indicator that THAT is the big end to the story rather than a parenting reveal. Her dying is still gross to me but if that’s what happens then it feels odd to have the added “oh and by the way the kid isn’t yours”
g) I get the point that Rob is heading for an epic fall from grace to further snap him out of his ways and prompt a life change and perspective shift but I have this sneaking suspicion that the kid IS the major factor in this. Obviously it is going to be A factor (and should be) but I have a feeling it’s going to be the major one as it doesn’t seem like Rob reverts to his old ways in any big way post Sebastian entering the world. As much as I’m not a fan of kids magically changing a person because it DOESN’T, not entirely, not someone whose actions are extreme and deeply ingrained as Rob! I’ll say it till I’m blue in the face but kids don’t cure people. People’s faults and foibles and issues do not disappear. Children are life changes but they are not magical. I am a product of this as a person and I HATE the idea that kid’s cure a person’s personality. I think based on Iain’s recent interview and the spoilers, Sebastian is going to play a huge part in Rob’s redemption and there’s a high chance that the stuff in December will be the fall out from the Lawrence stuff, Lachlan wanting to ultimately get revenge and I think there’s a high chance the theory that Rob nearly dies saving Liv and or Aaron is going to happen. All of that would have Rob basically banned from his kid’s life, near death etc. I don’t know, I’ve started to wonder if Rob’s life will be made hell by Lachlan and that his life is threatened or Seb’s life and that’s was takes him to rock bottom.
h) I think Thursday’s scenes with Rob and Sebastian (as I’m lead to believe) will revolutionise his character. I am not a massive baby fan but I AM a fan of character development and character based story telling and I’ve THOROUGHLY enjoyed this Rob storyline. It has been hella weird and done in such a damned quirky way that I’ve loved it. We’ve seen him at his worst and I have a feeling we’ll also see him at his best and I think Aaron and Sebastian and Liv will be the things that facilitate his best, his emotional, his human side. I think those scenes may change my opinion on how the storyline will play out as I’m told that they’re highly emotional and show Rob’s character in a whole new light, in that he actively recognises his major faults and that there’s a huge connection there with the kid already that appears revolutionary for him. That’s what I’m told and I’m really looking forward to that tbh. If that’s the case, I don’t think I’d want the baby removed. I don’t think I’d like Sebastian taken from his life if that’s how those scenes play out because if Sebastian is going to be THAT important to Rob or THAT overwhelming for him then I’d like him to keep that. As long as he doesn’t become about bloody nappies or night time feeds I’ll be ok with the baby sticking around and as long as there is further realisation for him that isn’t just Seb related. If Seb turns out NOT to Rob’s in this circumstance then I think I would be devastated too. It’s like the thought of removing Liv from Aaron. Nope. It would be gut wrenching if this is what Seb is to him and perhaps that makes the possibility of him not being the father likely? That’d be an epic kick in the gut if Seb is shown as vital to Rob so quickly and then he’s removed from him… it’s all based on those scenes and I’d love to make a post afterwards as I think they’ll be really revealing.
i) Having Rob think he’s the father then removing that from him is pretty much a repeat of the Adam storyline. Would they do that so soon? (This is what makes the Adam Theory so brilliant to me, he’d be getting the opposite treatment this time! If only we could have this!!)
j) There’s also this major repetition of Aaron and Rob and kids aka having their own. It’s so heavy handed that I wonder if this is all being set up to have Rob realise he needs to be better and as a way to have him realise he does want to be a father but with Aaron. I’d ADORE an adoption storyline with them. For m/m rep it’d be wonderful and these two are nightmares so seeing them parent further down the line would be hilarious but now…? I still feel it’s too soon for both of their characters. Yes their ages are normal for having kids but… well, they’re NIGHTMARES. They’re still growing and learning and doing insane things.
k) For Rob to not be the father it’d mean that Rebecca didn’t know and was a grade A class idiot for not realising that having sex with another bloke in the same week could also mean pregnancy and that condoms break… or that she has been manipulating Rob all this time. I think the latter is unlikely, for me. Rebecca used to be feisty and her whole “nobody uses me” stance at one point has been so brutally buried and killed that, at this point, she’s such a wet drip and so plain and lacking in oomph that I’d struggle to accept she’s been so clever and sharp for months… plus she’s had solo scenes where she’s cried or shown a personal reaction. Granted, there have been few, but like her call to the clinic, they were scenes with no witness or purpose in any manipulation. That said, there are MANY scenes that make no sense in terms of her reactions aka Liv or Aaron and that “don’t hurt me and my baby” stomach shielding (ugh god that was terrible). I can never work out if it’s the acting, the inconsistent writing of her character and Rebecca’s motivations or if it’s actually a THING and that Rebecca will have been interesting all this time without us knowing. I’d LOVE it to be true but the show seems set on portraying her at this hard done by sweetheart who does no wrong, who should be pardoned for all she does, who hasn’t a clue but is so cute about it all that it doesn’t matter… Christ what an awful attempt at writing a bold young female. She could have been so much more. I’d love her to prove us wrong but sadly I don’t feel the show will divert from the current Rebecca.
l) This is a horrible and uninspired way to provide a young m/m couple with a child. It’s just old hat, boring, crass and just yuck tbh.
There are so many other factors that all contradict each other and I don’t know… I guess that’s what I’m saying! I’m quite torn…!
I don’t think I mind either way if I’m honest. I’ve never had an issue with the baby sticking around except for having my personal conditions for it haha :) I have always kind of wanted Rob to show his human side in all this and to show he didn’t hate the kid and did recognise it was an innocent being in all of this.
I think I’m weird because although I don’t like babies, I like kids on the show because they’re often great additions. Look at Arthur or Jacob or Liv or Gabby or April. ED does kid’s well, they just do babies and toddlers badly, imo.
ALSO, I’m also weird because part of me REALLY likes the idea of Rob having something that’s his. A little person who is entirely new and a blank slate to try with and love. Sebastian, if he is Rob’s son, would be Rob’s own little person that wouldn’t leave him, that would look up to Rob, that would see Rob as a hero, that would rely on Rob and I really LIKE that idea. I reckon if Rob stopped being an A class weirdo, expert manipulator and actually thought what he was doing before he did it, I think he could be a great dad, for a soap! Hahaha. I like what it could do for his character. I don’t connect Sebastian to the Whites, though. It’s probably awful but I have zero connection with any of them (except Chrissie a tiny bit) and I couldn’t care less in the grand scheme of things what happens with them. They’re off eventually and so I find it VERY easy to remove them from the equation now. Also, even if they were sticking around, I feel like Rob would always hate them, would always resent them and would never ever feel any connection with them even after having a kid with Rebecca… so, to me, I can separate the two very easily. Shows how bad the writing of Rebecca as a mum has been and how shoddy The Whites are in general!! Adios Amigos!
So anon, what a rant. Who bloody knows! I have really convoluted feelings on the matter and I’m REALLY looking forward to tomorrow’s scenes especially with Rob and Sebastian. I am so excited for them because a friend who has seen them has assured me it’s entirely not like they’re going down the boring stereotypical route, the scenes sound so brilliant for Rob’s character. THAT, I’m here for, even if I don’t find babies cute haha
We shall see soon and whether it’ll all make sense in the grand scheme of things is to be determined but I don’t know about you… if the Whites are buggering off then that’s half the battle for me!!!!! I’m willing to be proven wrong. Do it show, I dare you. Now, as long as Aaron’s character is cared for in this storyline as it progresses then I’ll be pretty happy whatever the outcome. I’m so chill nowadays hahaha. It’s not the Rob centric storyline we wanted but it’s the one we’ve got and in some ways it has been EXCELLENT and so HIM but yeah, there have also been some significant missteps and bloody stupid ideas so who knows at this point… I’m just determined to enjoy it. He’s my nightmare Human. Any centric storyline was going to have him doing nightmare things and learning to be a human so I’m down for that. Hope that answered a bit! ❤️
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