#also somebody got me some freeze dried sour skittles and I've been so happy about them lately
sapphire-heart-tippy Β· 4 months
This is a very mundane thing to be excited about, but that's just who I am (heck I'm the type of person to bounce up and down with excitement from getting a glitter pen /serious)
My boyfriend said she's going to get me a bouquet of roses and a box of chocolates this Saturday!! We're gonna celebrate Valentine's Day early and order some food and watch movies and stuff
I've never actually gotten a bouquet before (unless it was from myself), I recently told him that (I don't really like asking for things, especially if it's gift related) and he said that she'll be the first one to get me a bouquet!!
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(partner is also genderqueer, he uses he/she pronouns only!)
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