#also tbf to deckchairs. hope and daisy are also both nouns. what's the difference
albatris · 4 years
Happy Storyteller Saturday! ❤️ Please tell me more about your ghost wip!!! It sounds so cool, I'd chug down any facts about the ghosts, vampires or the characters in it or anything @chauceryfairytales
:D!! @chauceryfairytales thank you for the ask!! happy storyteller saturday!! I am responding a full week late but this is maybe to be expected by now
and ahh yes okay, the ghosts, the ghosts
this wip is one of my least fleshed-out, it’s one that’s been hovering around in the back of my head for a long time, but there’s still a lot about the story I don’t know yet! which is probably supposed to be part of the fun, I think, probably
but yeah, as such, I’m not sure I have too many facts to share that I haven’t shared already, or that aren’t Major Spoilers (n I’m trying so hard not to post spoilers hahahahaha)
all my go-to bright n burning things fun facts like “there’s shapeshifting space vampires” and “sometimes demons commit tax fraud” I think I already posted :’))
I guess one thing I haven’t spoken about before is where the premise stemmed from! idk if this really fits what your question was asking but it’s what I’m gonna ramble about I think
so, it was something that started as a daydream into, like, taking some sort of traditional kinda “horror movie” setup and flipping the focus so that it would be a horror story for the monsters involved rather than the human participants
so initially Max’s storyline was............. not in the realm of a lighthearted fantasy/comedy at all, n the entire story leaned real heavily into the horror/thriller/suspense vibes. it was meant to be edgy and frightening, I think :P it was essentially intended to be your typical gratuitous horror movie plot except from the perspective of a paranormal entity being hunted by humans rather than vice versa, ‘cause I thought it’d be fun to explore the idea of like........ if you shift the perspective or look at things from a different angle, who the villain is in the scenario changes, or the types of things people do in horror movies could be considered frightening and threatening in their own way
I think just a general “everyone is the hero of their own story” type deal, which would also have some fun messing round with some common horror tropes! this vision absolutely did not pan out, like at all
mostly because I’m not much of a horror writer! or at least not in the sense of monsters and gore and jumpscares, etc.... and eventually the story fell much more comfortably into a fantasy genre, and all of the edginess was replaced by cheesiness c:
the "horror movie from the paranormal entity's perspective" storyline eventually became the basis for the plotline of side characters Deckchairs and Hope, what with their whole demonic possession and being hunted down by both the underworld and a group of wired-up uni students, but even in this case, it's not really the same tone as the original idea at all, especially since these two are not viewpoint characters
I think something closer to my original vision would be fun to write! but it's not really in my skill set hahaha. plus, it would involve firsthand research in the form of me actually watching horror films with the kinds of tropes and themes I'd be looking to include, and I am so so so so squeamish when it comes to horror lmao
n the only other random fact I haven’t shared in ages and that is also not Huge Endgame Spoilers is, uh
Deckchairs! they’re a demon and their name is not pronounceable with a human tongue, so early on when the gang gets together Max is like “hey I feel weird referring to you as The Demon so why don’t you pick a name for us to call you by :)!” but Deckchairs really has no concept on what constitutes a Normal Human Name so just. picks a random word they see. and they’re just like “ok this is me now”
contenders were things like, yeah, deckchairs, mattress, phonebook
I picked Deckchairs just ‘cause it feels nice in my mouth. got some nice letter combos in there. it’s a solid word
but yeah everyone else is kind of just like “oh........ how about something else maybe?”
and Deckchairs is just like “did I fucking stutter”
which is very valid of them imo
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