#also this being riyu’s main sleeping place?
carlostck · 2 months
SPOILERS! (ninjago dragons rising season 2 part 2)
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I'm crying why did she grab him??? And he doesn't even resist
Also, I LOVE how they go about Arin's "betrayal" Arin doesn't like him, he doesn't want to be on his side... He just wants what Ras can give him
Very confused about the "Wu caused the merge" thing because I feel like it's more of caused-it-due-to-not-stopping-it situation rather than directly causing it? Especially because Wu was actively trying to prevent it from happening, as shown on a few occasions
In addition to that, love how Cole is shown in the series so far, just wish we got a little more of him. I know they aren't the main characters anymore but he's the mom friend and they all need more of that lol Geo and him running to the museum together is so cute awgh
Liking how this is going, the Ras situation is curious in that it seems like he was attempting to avenge his people by "controlling" the forbidden five (moreso attempted to)
The only thing I didn't like about season 2 part 2 is how they went about the Jay situation? Something about it felt off or wrong, can't place a finger on it though... I may just be stupid and it may only be me, but felt funny; like it wasn't right??
Now, questions on my mind since this has raised some: If Lloyd hadn't been disqualified for being injured in a fight (lame rule by the way, he seemed fine <3), then would he have won? And if he did, he would have to fight Sora, but I'm more curious about what Nokt would have done about it Why did Lloyd's eyes stay green after losing his power? Is it not completely lost, just limited? 'Cause Cole was still able to control the rocks due to the assistance of the elemental energy in his mother's mech, meaning they still have the connection... Which would make sense, considering all the "got my powers back" instances Oh, also they called his power "life," which I find interesting because one would assume that the Tournament of Sources would have the correct name for his power! Curious what else Lloyd can do, since I don't think he's ever really reached his true potential? (I know people consider him becoming the Golden Spinjiztu master it but that doesn't make much sense to me) When Zeatrix attacked Lloyd with the sword, was that supposed to be her literally cutting through his side? They're legos so it kinda just looked like she whacked him with a long stick, lol
Euggh I cannot wait for more I love Sora and Lloyd's relationship. Also when she said "If he (Arin) even wants to be found" I lost it because I immediately thought of Morro oops Wyldfyre sleeping with Riyu, awjwaah... I was slightly sad when we didn't get much of her and Riyu at the beginning (since the relationship just makes sense), but those little things are great I also love Frak (however you spell it) and I hope he doesn't just disappear after that
Still want to see Lloyd go ape shit please elpase pleasesplease pelasep palesepelase pleaseee
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foxyotomelady · 4 years
It wasn’t supposed to be, S2, Chapter III (JuminxOC/Reader)
Autor’s notes:
How’s your quarantine’s going, guys?
I feel like I’m losing my mind, even if I love working from home.
Writing is the only thing that saves me now. I can transfer my madness into text. So be aware of what’s coming next. Not quite yet in this chapter, but still...
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It wasn’t supposed to be S1
Chapter I | Chapter II | Chapter III (You are here) | Chapter IV | Chapter V | Chapter VI | Chapter VII | Chapter VIII | Chapter IX | Chapter X | Chapter XI | Buy Me A Ko-Fi Have a nice reading!
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It was evening when Riyu was done with bathing and brushing Elizabeth's fur. Elizabeth was meowing and purring, curled up at Riyu's laps. Little Hige was sitting near the chair, squealing jealously.
"You have been brushed already, Hige," She said to a little dog. "Now it's Elizabeth's turn, I'm sorry."
Great... She was talking with animals - not like she hasn't been doing it before, but day after day, alone in this big apartment... She had only them to talk to. Of course, she was visiting chat rooms quite often and calling Zen or Jaehee, but they had their own lives, their own work, and matters to attempt to. So it's not like she could taking all their time. And that was yet another reason to consider Jumin's offer about her studies...
Moreover, RFA did not plan another party yet, so she hasn't had anything to do... She was suffocating in this apartment, and she was feeling lonely lately. But she couldn't tell that to Jumin - he would think she blames him and that was not true, and he would probably decide to stay at home for some long time to make her happy - what means more work for Jaehee.
When Riyu suddenly heard the door opening, she pushed Elizabeth aside, ignoring her irritated meowing. She went to the main room quickly, Hige toddling after her.
"Jumin," She smiled at him, watching him removing his jacket, "I missed you."
He smiled lovingly, "I missed you too, my love."
Riyu noticed recently that he was giving her this cute names more and more often. It felt nice... She moved closer to him and embraced him tightly.
"Oh, you really missed me," Jumin concluded and kissed the top of her head.
"Yes... How was your day at work?" Riyu asked as they both headed to the bedroom.
Jumin was taking his time to answer this simple question. He scratched Elizabeth behind the ear and then patted Hige on its small head. "Father visited me at the office," He said, then sat heavily on the bed.
"Oh," Riyu was standing before him, not sure what to say to that. "How... How his been doing?"
The steely look that Jumin gave her made her shiver a little.
"He proposed dinner with us."
Riyu couldn't tell whether Jumin was mad or not. His voice was inscrutable as always. "And what do you think?" She asked.
"I told him it's a bad idea, but... I had a whole day to think about it and I don't know anymore... I wish to hear your opinion on this."
"Hm," Riyu sat next to him, wondering. "Maybe we should give him a chance, Jumin..."
"Maybe you're right. I just can't tell what's in his mind."
"I'm almost sure he's just trying to fix this weird situation between the three of us." Jumin just nodded, so after a moment, she continued, "Jumin, I've been thinking about my studies... I might consider your offer."
"That's good," His voice sounded much more livingly now. "Let me just take a shower and we'll talk about this."
So after a minute, she was waiting for Jumin at the bed, already in her nightgown, in the company of Elizabeth and Hige. There was so much going on in her head right now, that she almost missed the fact her phone was vibrating.
The caller's ID said 'Mr. Chairman"...
Riyu bit her lower lip. Should she ignore it? She couldn't avoid him forever, but... She was, in fact, still awkward around him. But if she'd be avoiding him again and again, it will never be normal...
She took a deep breath and picked up the phone, "Yes?"
"Riyu, I'm glad you picked up. Good evening."
"Yes, good evening, Mr. Han. Is something the matter?"
The old man sighed, "I'm worried about Jumin, so I decided to call you. Maybe you'll able to talk some senses into him. He's a little paranoid lately... It's not like I don't understand him, but-"
"You mean the dinner? We already talked about this. He's reconsidering it. I personally think it's a good idea. Also, Mr. Han... I know that he might be cold for you now, but I assure you, he still values you very much. He just needs time."
"It's the same for me, my ange- I mean Riyu. My apologies. "
She refrained from catching her breath loudly. Because of Mr. Han's verbal stumbling, she was beginning to admit that maybe Jumin's fears were correct.
"Actually," The old man continues, "I shouldn't even call you by your name - according to Jumin."
Riyu blinked, "What? That's a little bit-"
"Too much? Paranoid? That is why I'm worried about him."
"Thank you for telling me all of this, Mr. Han. I must be going now. Oh, and also, I don't have anything against you calling me by my name. Have a nice evening," She told all of this in one breath and when she hung up, she breathed in relief. This conversation tired her. She put the phone on the night shelf and then she saw that Jumin was standing in the entrance to the bedroom.
His eyes gleamed like a predator's. Riyu immediately understood that he had heard at least part of her conversation with Mr. Chairman and that he didn't like what he heard. But she wasn't going to hide it like she was doing something wrong! Because she wasn’t!
"You were talking to my father?" Jumin asked in a low voice, approaching the bed.
"Yes," She said, staring at him bravely. "He's worried about you."
He sat at his side of the bed, his back to her face, "Why is he even calling you? What is he thinking? And, more importantly, why are you still keeping his number?"
Riyu frowned, "Jumin, would you please look at me?"
"I can't."
"And why is that?"
"I'm so mad right now I can't control my expressions. I don't want to frighten you."
She wasn't expecting to hear that... After a moment of silence, she moved on the bed so as to be closer to him, then clung to his back. He stiffened immediately.
"Jumin, I understand your concerns, but I also think that you are a little bit paranoid. I mean... Isn't it normal that I keep your father's number? Do you really think I should get rid of it? And what is wrong by him calling me by name? I'm a bit unsure about his intentions as well but on the other hand... I don't want to believe he's this sly. He was always nice and kind to me."
After these last words, Jumin tensed even more. He turned around to face her and Riyu had to admit... his angry cold expression, at this closeness, was quite scary. She shuddered when he slowly reached her neck with his hand. Even if this gesture was tender, it was so powerful and domineering at the same time. She gulped quietly.
"And I don't like you being so nice to him," He said, caressing her skin with cold fingers.
Riyu felt hypnotized again. Her breath fastened, "Jumin... You can't be... jealous of him forever..."
"But I can keep reminding you to whom you belong."
Before she managed to say something, he cupped her face with delicate grip and kiss her - on the contrary - strongly, forcefully even. Riyu was almost angry at herself of the fact that she was so weak against his possessive acts... She was melting in his arms, whenever he was holding her as if she was his whole world... And maybe she really was.
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Days were passing quite peacefully. Jumin was trying really hard to not worry about his father's goals and to believe that Riyu was right about him. It was his father and he missed the time when they were at good terms. So he was strongly considering agreeing to this stupid dinner idea...
Riyu was sleeping next to him, little Hige in her embrace. At first, he wasn't convinced of letting the pup on their bed, the more so because Hige was still struggling with his abilities to take care of its needs in the right place... But he loved to watch Riyu sleeping so peacefully. And just as he said one day - she did look angelic while hugging little pup like that.
Jumin, on the other hand, couldn't sleep. He felt a strong need to decide what to do with his father's invitation. He knew Riyu's opinion on that matter... But she was just trying to be nice. He needed an opinion from someone who can be objective on this subject.
He logged in to the chat room.
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Zen: Why are you here so late at night?
Jumin Han: ???
Jumin Han: You're here as well?
Zen: Why couldn't you wait till I left? -_-
Jumin Han: I can't be here while you're here?
707: lolololol
707: Zen's so grumpy today
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Zen: I'm tired, okay?
Zen: Unlike the two of you, I WORK HARD.
707: lololol
707: I haven't slept in a few days.
Zen: That's not working hard ;;;
Zen: That's just being insane ;;;
707: nah~
[Jaehee Kang has entered the chat room]
Jumin Han: Assistant Kang.
Jumin Han: Glad you're here.
Jumin Han: I need your opinion.
Jaehee Kang: Why mine?
707: You can ask God Seven, Juju!
Jumin Han: I certainly don't intend to.
Jumin Han: My father invited me and Riyu for dinner.
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Jumin Han: And that's exactly why I'm not asking you two.
Jaehee Kang: Hmm.
Jumin Han: ??
Jaehee Kang: I'm not sure why are you asking me this, Mr. Han.
Jumin Han: Really?
Jaehee Kang: Isn't it natural for him to invite you two for dinner?
Jumin Han: You think so? You really think so?
Jaehee Kang: Yes. I mean... It's been a while since...
Zen: That's fishy... ;;
Jumin Han: I didn't ask you.
707: ohohohohoho~
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707: The love drama continues.
Jumin Han: 
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Jaehee Kang: Sigh ;;Stop fooling around, Seven. It's a serious matter.
707: I'm serious!
Jaehee Kang: I can understand Zen's concerns, but there is no such thing as a love drama here. At least, I don't see it that way.
Zen: I don't know, Jaehee ;;;
Zen: Firstly, Mr. Chairman offered to pay for her studies.
Zen: And now this?
Jaehee Kang: I'm sorry, but
Jaehee Kang: I think you all are just a little bit paranoid.
Jumin Han: That's what Riyu keeps saying...
Zen: Maybe you girls are right.
Zen: I hope so ;;
[V has entered the chat room]
707: V!
V: Yes, hello everyone ^^
Jaehee Kang: Hello, V.
Zen: Hi.
V: I was not expecting to see you all here, so late at night.
Jumin Han: I was about to go, actually.
V: Oh... I see.
Jumin Han: Don't take it personally, V.
Jumin Han: I don't want to wake Riyu up.
Jumin Han: So if you'll excuse me.
V: Wait!
Jumin Han: What is it?
V: Well, I read your conversation.
V: Can I offer you my opinion?
Jumin Han: I'm sorry, V.
Jumin Han: I don't trust you enough... yet.
V: I see... That's okay ^^
V: I'm here to tell you guys that I took care of most of the cult members.
V: And as for Rika's mental health...
Jumin Han: I'm not in the mood to listening about her right now.
Jumin Han: Now excuse me.
[Jumin Han has left the chat room]
V's unexpected appearance disturbed him badly. At least he managed to ask Jaehee for her opinion. She was sensible and responsible. Maybe he'll agree to this damn dinner. Even if his father had no good intentions, he should trust Riyu...
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