#also we found evidence of some kid wrecking their shit in the rocks
snokoms · 5 years
Under the Sea
alright alright alrigh. like promised, the extra big chapter. i hope you guys like it
“Beacon Hills sheriff’s department, how can I help you?”
 “Uhm well. I was hiking, and it looks like something slipped of the road? It could be a car.”
 “Alright, Ms. Can you tell me your name and where you are?”
 “My name is Alexi Hills. I’m about six miles from Beacon Hills on the main road. I’m currently standing next to a broken tree and I think I see something down there.”
 “Alright thank you, were sending a unit your way. Please stay on the line.”
 “Thank you.”
 “I need a unit to the main road. About six miles outside Beacon Hills. Possible car accident.”
“We’re on it”
   It took about 15 minutes before Alexi saw the car coming her way. When a man and a woman stepped out, she quickly walked towards them.
 “Are you Alexi Hills?” The man asked.
 “Yes, it’s right over here.” Turning around she led the deputies to what she believed was a crash site.
 “I noticed it when I was walking.”
 “Why were you walking here all the way out here?”
 “Well, I was supposed to get a lift home from a college friend, but she decided last minute to spend the break with her boyfriend. She had a pretty nasty fight with her mom. So, I took the bus and I’m hitchhiking the last part because my first ride got delayed making me mis my transfer. I don’t have the money for a motel and the bus only goes 2 times a day.”
 “Alright. Thank you. This is where you think you saw something?”
 “Yes. Over there. Something doesn’t seem right about those trees."
 “Okay, we will take a look. If you could give us your contact info in case we have anymore questions, that would be great. After that you’re free to go.” While Parrish finished up with the girl, deputy Clarke started searching for the safest way to get down the ravine. Parrish took one look at it before suggesting picking up some climbing equipment.
   30 minutes later they’re back at the side of the road and Parrish is halfway to the ground.
 “I think it’s a car.”
 “It’s definitely a car. Looks like a blue jeep. I can’t read the brand or license plate from here.”
 “A blue jeep you say?”
 “Yeah, why? You know someone who drives one?”
 “The sheriff’s son.” That gives Parrish a small shock. The sheriff had a son? Sure, he wasn’t stationed in Beacon Hills for long. Just over three months in fact. And he had seen the pictures in the office with a woman and a small child. However, you could see that they were some pretty old pictures. Especially since he knew that the woman was out of the picture. Had been for quite some time. He thought the child had been too.
   “This is deputy Clarke, can I get another unit out here. We found the car.”
   By the time the other unit arrives the male deputy has confirmed that the car was empty and is in fact the car his colleague thought it was. He has also spotted something that looked like blood. The car itself, however, was empty. No sign of the owner or a struggle. Well, apart from the struggle it must have taken to get out of the wreck. It’s a miracle the boy had survived a fall like that.
 It's hours later and all they had found is the blood spoor that ended by a lake. Well, more like it ended by a tree and then one of the k9 dogs tracked it to the lake. That’s where it stopped. Nothing on the shorelines for the next 5 miles.
 Right now, they’re starting up for a search party and something feels wrong about the situation to Parrish. He isn’t sure what. Maybe the way the blood just went missing, considering the amount of blood it is a miracle the boy made it this far. He walks back to where the trail suddenly took a turn and starts looking around again. One of the deputy’s starts walking toward him.
 “We’re about to start the search party, what do you got?”
 “Something about this whole thing doesn’t feel right to me.”
 “Well the blood looks pretty old, even though no one reported him missing.”
 “Yeah, what’s up with that? How come no one noticed he was gone? How come his dad, the sheriff, didn’t notice.” He mumbled the last part, but the deputy still heard him.
 “I don’t know, maybe he thought the kid at a sleepover with his friends or something.” Hmm, that sounded plausible enough.
 “Furthermore, why did he suddenly change course? He had been walking along the ravine for 8 miles before he went into the woods. There isn’t even something within 30 miles near that lake, 50 if you don’t count Beacon Hills, and then it is only a gas station. I checked, okay? It doesn’t make sense. None of this does.”
 “Look, I get that this is one of your first big cases but,” Before Anderson can continue, he is interrupted.
 “I served in the military Anderson; I know when something isn’t right. This feels like Iraq all over again.” Taken aback the other man takes a breath. Alright. The newbie had a point. It didn’t feel right. And considering the shit that went bumping in the night in his town. That said a lot.
 “Alright. So, talk me through it.”
 “Well. He walked all the way here, right? Like he was trying to find a way up. Which would make sense if he didn’t know the area. Just keep walking until you find something." Parrish looks around himself before taking a couple steps back.
 “He was wounded and looking at the blood and the state the car was in. It wasn’t a small cut. So why go into the woods? Were the ground is even more uneven. You said he was a clumsy teen, right? So, wouldn’t he then try to stay on an even road to prevent further damage. Maybe he stopped here for a while. Maybe take a nap? He must have been exhausted after walking such a distance. Where….” He walked around in circles for a while before pointing to a thick tree.
 “Maybe under there?” He carefully walks the thought-out path. It makes sense. Upon getting closer, Parrish notices a patch of darker ground between the roots. Taking out an evidence packet he puts some in there. If it really is blood, they will find out soon enough.
 Anderson is looking thoughtful at the newbie. It makes sense. It had been a pretty big distance to walk after a car crash. Considering the concussion the sheriff’s son probably had, it was a wonder there wasn’t more blood on the floor from where he had fallen.
 “So, then what? He goes to sleep, wakes up and decides to walk the other way?”
 “No, no that doesn’t make sense.” As he walks further onto the path, the man starts carefully examining everything he sees. About 3 meters from the provisional bed he decides to climb one of the trees to get a better look at the surrounding aria, getting a raised eyebrow from the older officer. Parrish gives it no mind, who says Stiles didn’t climb one himself (however unlikely) or someone else was watching the boy. When he is at the top, he hears his radio crack.
 “Parrish, Anderson, you ready. The party is heading out.”
 “Just a moment sir. We’re at part of trail right know. Parrish might be on to something.”
 “Alright, I’ll see you when you’re ready.” He hears his colleague reply.
 Upon looking down, he notices something strange in the tree Stiles slept under. He quickly goes down only to climb in the other.
 “You got something there?”
 “It looks like a broken branch. Well, a couple broken branches actually. I think there might be some
blood on here. Can’t say for sure though.” Filling another evidence bag with a bit of the wood he climbs down and heads for the tree closest in the direction of the lake, climbing that one as well.
After a couple more trees he finds another one with broken branches. It connects to the other if you jump right.
 After finding them on the third tree he walks back to Anderson.
 “Something has been going through these trees. Maybe something took him. From the amount of blood between the car and here I don’t think he’s in any state to safely travel these trees like Tarzan.”
 “No, no he isn’t.” Anderson says laughing quietly. When Parrish looks at him, he elaborates.
 “When Stiles was little, he tried to climb the highest tree behind his house one time. Said he wanted to jump out and be like Spiderman. He broke his arm.” The newest deputy can’t help but smile when he hears the story.
 “You keep up with the trees. I’m going to get some flags so we can see if it goes all the way to the lake. If you’re right, something might just be really wrong with these woods.”
Shaking his head Anderson starts walking back to where the search party is stationed. Hoping to find some flags there.
   By the time he gets back Parrish has marked some of the trees with small rock formations or sticks. He quickly starts to exchange them for the flags. Noting that they do indeed lead back to the lake.
 Halfway there he finds Parrish looking somber between the trees.
 “I found more of what looks like blood on some of the trees. Noticeable less than on the ground though. So, either the wounds have dried or whoever has taken him found a way to staunch the bleeding.”
Or what. They both think with a slight fear.
 In silence they walk all the way towards the lake. Checking the trees there as well. That’s where the others find them. With grave voices they explain that even though they found the path that was taken from the ravine to the lake. They didn’t find anything around the water.
 The trail went dry there (well it went wet but that just sounds strange).
   That’s when Melissa had called her son. Hoping that the jeep was just stolen, and her second son was safe and well. The result however had been disappointing. She had noticed Stiles had been around less and less lately. But her son having to think about the last time he spoke to him had shocked her deeply. Especially when she thought about last month when he visited her at the hospital to bring dinner.
 She had noticed he had become quieter but had blamed the supernatural drama the kids had gotten involved with. When she told her fellow colleagues, she heard rounds of concern from everyone. They all liked the kid who had been bringing them all kinds of food since his mom had been hospitalized.
 After three days the labs results came back. It was definitely Stiles blood.
 Two days later they still hadn’t found anything more. The connecting counties where contacted and on the lookout.
      Everyone was waiting and hoping for good news.
 Everyone was fearing that this was the day their Stiles had gotten himself into something he couldn’t get out of.
 No one liked to think of the path that thought took.
 Dark clouds were hanging over the already violent little town.
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