#also you know how I joked about geo's boots looking like he could knock someone out with them?
mewkwota · 4 months
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Today's mood was a strong need to draw cute and goofy things with Geo and Hub. I ended up doing three separate moments of said cute-goofing around. So yeah, you can bet I'll make more in the future.
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earthschampion · 6 years
Here’s a small portion of a multiple-part story I wrote several years ago:
I’m in the process of completely re-writing the story because... Holy Plot-lines, Batman, the original is awful!  Like many, I’m not a fan of New52, and I haven’t really read much of Rebirth.  For those who have been following me for a while, you know I write pre-boot, mainly.  So in my writing, my Teen Titans team is where the series left off right before New52.  Red-Robin, Superboy, Wonder Girl, Raven, Beast Boy, Ravager, and Solstice.
Anywhere, he’s a small sample from the story:
It was another gorgeous morning in San Fransisco; the sun rose over Titans Tower, it’s beams shining through each window.  On the top of the Tower stood a small, green rooster.  Beast Boy, as always, was the first Titan to wake. "Gooooooood morning, San Francisco!" Gar yelled as loud as he could, enjoying the warmth of the morning sun on his feathers.  Once returning to his normal form, he made his way down to the kitchen in order to prepare breakfast for himself.
As he started up the stove, he felt a gust of wind behind him.  Turning to his left, he noticed Bart at the fridge. "Morning, Bart, hungry?"
"Always, but right now I’m just really thirsty.  Couldn’t sleep last night, so I was at the pool.”  Bart pulled out the orange juice, then grabbed himself a glass from the dishrack before sitting at the counter.
“What’s wrong?  Trouble getting the relationship rolling with Rose?”  He dropped a handful of spinach onto the frying pan, then went to the fridge for egg whites.
The speedster’s face turned red as he choked on his sip of orange juice.  “What?!  Trouble?!  No! No trouble!  Things are smooth sailing with Rose!”
“Dude, it’s all good.  Bro-talk is happenin’ right now, we’re cool.  Sure, we get on each other’s nerves from time to time, but that’s what bros do.”  Gar served the omelet and put it in front of Bart.  “Here, a token of Bro-ness.  We cool?”
Bart looked down at the omelet, then back to Gar, who was holding up his fist.  A smile formed on his face, respectively pounding his fist against Gar’s.  “We’re cool.  Thanks, bro.”
“No problemo, hermano.”  Gar went back to the stove, preparing another omelet for himself.  “So tell me, what’s kept you up?  Is it Rose?  Somethin’ else? I’m all ears.”  He joked, having his ears turn into those of a Bloodhound.
“Well… Okay, yeah, it’s gotta do with Rose.  How real you want me to be?”
“Just don’t give me a play by play, and we’re solid.”
He let out a sigh as he re-filled his glass for a third time.  “Alright, well, our relationship basically started as a one night thing.  She was being flirty with me, and asked if I’ve ever been with anyone, then… Y’know.  Anyway, it was never anything official, she just basically comes to me when she wants to do stuff.”
“Not a bad agreement, there.”  Gar flipped the omelet before getting started on mixing the waffle batter.
“Well, not at first.  It was great, She was my first, and she taught me a lot.  But, I want an actual relationship.  I mean… I’ve always been kinda jealous of Conner and Cassie.”
He looked to Bart, pointing to his rabbit ear.  “Careful, Barty.  Kryptonians can’t always shut their super-hearing off.”
After throwing out the empty orange juice carton, Bart added it to the shopping list on the fridge.  “He probably already knows, anyway.  I mean, I love being a speedster, I’m not jealous of that.  But, he’s always had Cassie.”
“Everyone likes an Amazonian.”  Gar put his omelet on a plate as he gave Bart a wink.  “Can’t blame ya there, buddy.”
“I mean, Cassie’s gorgeous, but she’s always been a sister to me.  I mean, they’ve always had each other.  It’s something I’ve wanted, but… It’s hard, man.  And yeah, I get to do things with Rose and we sleep in the same bed every now and then, but I want it to be official…”
He placed the first waffle on the plate, then began filling up the waffle maker a second time.  “Have you thought about telling that to Rose?  That you wanna be boyfriend and girlfriend?”
Bart stabbed his omelet with his fork, a red shade appearing on his face.  “Once, and she laughed at me.”
He couldn’t control his laughter, it was too much to contain.  “She what?! You’re joking!”  Upon turning around, he saw the seriousness in Bart’s face.  A look that’s rarely seen.  “Oh, man, I’m sorry to hear that.  What’d she say to it?”
“She isn’t “the dating type.” That she doesn’t “do dating.”  And “why do we need a title?  What’s wrong with this?”  Basically, everything I didn’t want to hear.””  He stuffed his face with a bite from his omelet, then went over to start up the coffee maker.
Gar sat next to Bart’s seat at the counter, pouring some syrup onto his waffles.  “I mean, not to be rude or anythin’, but she’s right.  Don’t think about you and Rose for a second, just focus on Rose’s qualities.  She’s a badass, sword-fighting, cigarette-smoking, white-haired, single-eyed babe.  She drinks, she does whatever she wants, and won’t settle for anythin’.  She may sound rude and mean when she says those things, but maybe it’s because she knows you deserve someone better?  She knows you deserve someone who’s fun and innocent, someone who can be playful.  You probably can’t see it now, because you’re too busy being infatuated with Rose.”
“Dude, when’d you get so mature?”  Bart laughed as he lightly punched Gar’s arm.  “I mean, you’re probably right.  Right now, I want Rose and only Rose because of everything we’re doing.  If we were to stop, maybe I’d find someone else.”
“Who says you can’t be looking now?”
“W-What?  Whaddya mean?  I’m with Rose, dude!  Haven’t you been listening?!”
“Loud and clear, m’man.”  Gar pointing to his deer ears.  “And from my understandin’, you two aren’t together.  You guys are F.W.B’s.”
Bart raised a brow, finishing up his omelet.  “Fun With Babies?”
Pinching the bridge of his nose, he let out a long sigh.  “Friends With Benefits, bro.  Meaning you two aren’t together, but you’re doing things.  Get it?”  He rolled his eyes, then looked back to the speedster.  “Fun With Babies?  Really?  What’s wrong with you?”
He nodded, quickly washing his plate and fork in the sink.  “So, you’re saying I should be looking for someone right now?  You know how hard it is to find someone in the superhero community?”
“So? Date someone outside the hero community.  Wally did it, So did Barry. Hell, even Superman did it.”  Gar took a bite of his omelet, then went over and poured two cups of coffee for himself and Bart.
“I wanna be with another hero, I don’t wanna have to hide who I am.”  Bart took the mug, grabbing a banana before heading back to the counter.
After putting some vegan-creamer in his coffee, Gar sat back down, changing into a chimpanzee as he ate his own banana.  “Ooooh, I see.  So we have some desires, do we?  What else is on the requirement list to date Kid Flash?”
“That’s really it.”  Taking a sip from his coffee, Bart grabbed a spoon and added some more sugar.  “I just need to be honest with her.  As long as we get along, and she’s a beautiful hero, I’ll be happy. Anyway, enough about me.  I got a question for you, actually.”
“Shoot.”  Showing a set of finger guns, he changed back to his normal self as he took another gulp of his coffee.
“Why is it you don’t ever come down with Raven?  You’re always first.”
“Because Raven likes to sleep in a bit more than I do.”
“Okay, yeah, but I mean… Conner and Cassie come down at the same time… Tim and Stephanie come down at the same time, whenever she stays over, that is… Don’t you like to stay in bed with Raven?” Gar finished his coffee and twirled his spoon.  “Well, yeah, I guess when you put it that way… Truth is, Raven isn’t much of a cuddler.  It’s hard to express emotions when your father is literally a demon that feeds on your emotions.  I’m honestly surprised we’re able to do the things we do?”
Bart brought over the coffee pot, topping Gar off before refilling his own mug.  “Stuff like what?”
Raising his mug as a sign of thanks, he took a sip before continuing.  “Like, we hold hands, we kiss, we cuddle at night.  Once in a while, other things… I think she blocks herself off sometimes when she feels she’s getting too comfortable.  She may be part-demon, but she’s also part-human.  And like everyone else, the human-side of her craves connection and emotion.  It’s an ongoing war in her, she can only feed her human-side’s cravings so much before Trigon can have a chance at using her.”
“I didn’t think of it like that… But she seems to be expressing herself a bit more, right?”  She actually gives me hugs and plays with my hair when we watch tv!”
He laughed a bit as he took another sip from his coffee.  “She thinks of you as her youngest brother.  She said she enjoys when you fall asleep next to her, you’re like a cat.”  Gar changed into a cat as he hopped onto Bart’s lap.  “You vibrate when you snore, like your form of purring.”
“Knock it off!”  Bart laughed, pushing Gar off of him.  “Wait, she thinks of me as the youngest?”
“Yep!  Tim’s the oldest because he acts the most mature.  Kon is the middle-child, and you’re the baby.  In Raven’s eyes, anyway.”  He laughed again, bringing his plate and mug to the sink.  “As for the girls, Rose is the oldest, Cassie and Stephanie are twins, and Kiran is the youngest.”
“Kiran… Hmmm.”  Bart tapped his foot on the barstool as he looked towards the doorway.  “Do you think--”
“Don’t get ahead of yourself, Loverboy.”  Gar patted Bart on the back.  “Baby steps, I know that’s hard for you.  It’s more like baby miles, in your case.”
"Garfield, let him at least have some hope." Raven walked in, giving Bart a gentle smile as she ran her fingers through his hair. "Good morning, Bart.  Things with Rose aren’t going well?"
"Mornin' Rave.”  Bart leaned his back, resting his head against her chest as she played with his hair.  He would never admit to it, but Raven was like a second mother to him.  She always seemed so protective of him, and he loved his quality time with her.  “Your Nat-Geo of a boyfriend gave me some advice. Are we still watching that movie together?" He smiled wide as he offered her an orange from the table. She gladly accepted the orange before placing a gentle kiss on his forehead.  “Of course, we didn’t marathon the entire “Ultimate Ninja” series for us to not watch the seventh one.””  Raven left Bart and went over to the fridge, grabbing milk before going to the cabinets for cereal.  Leaning over, she gave Gar a kiss on his cheek.  “Good morning, Garfield.”
“Mornin’, honey.” He returned the kiss before motioning towards Bart at the counter.  “You give him kisses, too?”
A gentle roll of her eyes, she patted Gar’s cheek as she spoke quietly.  “You know my love for him is different than my love for you, Garfield.”
“Mhm.”  Gar went back to putting the dishes away, grabbing Raven a bowl, as well.  “Let’s make sure it stays that way.  I don’t need you trying to hit on my woman, Speedy.”
“Wrong hero, but noted.”  Bart placed his mug in the sink before looking back to Raven.  “Hey, Rave?  When are we watching the movie?”
“As soon as I finish eating, I’ll meet you on the couch, deal?”
“Sounds good!  See ya, Rave!  And Gar… Thanks.”  He gave them both a smile and a salute, then ran out of the room.
Gar looked to Raven, an eyebrow raised as he leaned his back against the counter.  “Ultimate Ninja, huh?  I didn’t take you for a kung-fu fan.”
Raven shrugged her shoulders as she carried her bowl of cereal to the counter.  “I don’t particularly enjoy it, but I know Bart loves to snuggle up to me and have me play with his hair.”
“You know because he told you?  Or because you felt it?”
“Both.”  She covered her mouth as she finished her spoonful. “He told me how he loves showing me his favorite movies and shows.  What he didn’t say, however, is how he thinks of me as his mother, in a sense.”
Once again, he couldn’t control his laughter.  “Sheesh, he thinks you’re old?  Want me to knock some sense into the kid?”  He flexed his gorilla arm, before walking over to sit beside Raven.
“That is unnecessary, I think it’s very sweet.”  She continued to eat her cereal for a moment.  “He misses his parents, and I can understand that feeling.  I’ll admit, since I first felt this is what he thinks of me, I have purposely been acting more… Motherly towards him.”
“So the snuggling on the couch and the kisses…?”  Gar’s voice trailed, raising a brow to her.
“If it makes you uncomfortable, Garfield, I will stop.  I am being honest when I say it’s strictly platonic.”  She put down her spoon, reaching for his hand.  “My love for you is… Passionate.”
A smile formed on his face, looking down at their hands.  “If the kid thinks of you as his old lady, it’s fine.  But if he starts gettin’ flirty, we’re gonna have problems.”
She turned Gar’s face towards her lips, kissing him gently.  “Do not worry, my love.  Now, if you excuse me.  It’s time for me to meditate through-- I mean, thoroughly enjoy “Ultimate Ninja 7: The Samuracalypse.”  She gave Gar one more kiss before meeting Bart on the couch, the menu screen already on the television.
Bart had his legs stretched out on the couch as he played on his tablet.  Glancing up, he noticed Raven walking into the room.  “Hey, Rave!”  He sat up straight, putting his tablet on the coffee table.  “Check it!  I’ve got some Oolong tea here, for ya!”  He smiled wide, pressing the volume button on the remote to unmute the television.
Eyes widened, Raven looked back into the kitchen and noticed there wasn’t a teapot on the stove.  “How did you make the tea?  I was in the kitchen with Garfield the entire time.”
“Ninja skills, Rave.  Ninja skills.”  He smirked, patting the seat next to him.  “You ready for the movie?”
What she said to Gar was true, she has purposely been acting more motherly towards Bart.  What she did not tell him, however, was that she’s been viewing Bart more as a son.  It was something she would keep to herself, just as her knowledge of Bart’s feelings.  She sat on the couch, and took the mug from Bart, who immediately rested his head against her chest.  Raven wrapped her arm around him, her hand slowly brushing up and down his arm.  “Whenever you are ready, Bart.  And thank you for the tea, it was very thoughtful.”  Raven gave him a gentle smile as she took a sip from the mug.
“Raven, we don’t have to watch this if you don’t want to...”
“But how will we know what becomes of Ninjokyo City?  And the rise of the robot samurai’s?  Aren’t you curious?”  She looked down at him, noticing a concerned look on his face.  “Is something wrong?”
Bart looked down and played with his fingers.  “You don’t have to lie about liking the movies, Raven, it’s okay.”
With a sigh, She put the mug back on the coffee table before looking to Bart.  “Bart, do you know why I’ve watched the past six Ultimate Ninja movies with you?”  She gave him a moment, but only received a shrug as a response.  “It’s because I enjoy spending this time with you.  It doesn’t matter what we watch, I’m more than happy to sit here with you.  It’s calming, which is very ironic, considering how you’re normally all over the place.”  She chuckled as she lifted his head up.  “I appreciate this time spent with you, Bart.  It’s nice to focus on something other than my inner demons, for lack of a better phrase.”
He sat up and wrapped his arms around her.  “I like it, too.  Thanks for putting up with me, Raven.”  He released from the hug and handed her the remote.  “So, what would you like to watch?”
“Absolutely anything else other than Ultimate Ninja.  For all I care, Ninjokyo City can crumble to the ground.”  She laughed, giving Bart another gentle kiss on his forehead.  She let Bart rest his head on her lap as he stretched out on the couch again, her fingers combing his hair as they channel-surfed.
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