#also: same hat for the chronic fatigue/chronic pain thing! it's a terrible hat and I'm sorry you have to deal with it
tj-crochets · 3 months
*laying on the floor*
Hey so is it normal for quilt piecing to be very fun but also utterly exhausting
(^^^has chronic fatigue and chronic pain. Why is this a surprise)
oh absolutely! Ironing and cutting out fabric are both very high spoons tasks for me I have never been officially diagnosed with chronic fatigue but I do have POTS and severe iron deficiency and I think there's some overlap there? It helped me a lot to get a chair and change my ironing board so I could iron sitting down, and I have my fabric cutting surface for quilts set up so I can do at least some of it sitting down as well. Pinning the quilt sandwich (which I do by crawling all over the floor) always requires a break afterwards for me, and I need breaks when doing the quilting for anything larger than a baby quilt because hauling the blanket around to get it in the right position to sew gets tiring very quickly. The piecing itself isn't as tiring for me, but I can see how it easily could be depending on your quilting setup
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