#also I was inspired by theanoninyourinbox's longstar/brightstar au to make frecklepelt and snowtuft more prominently involved in the story
Major Arc 4 Changes/General Summary
The Arc That Made Me Stop Reading Warriors (Because I Thought The Story Was Over)
Oh how wrong I was...
So Hollyleaf is probably dead, which means the Three are now Two. This is a problem for everyone, but mostly for StarClan, who somehow can’t see in the tunnels to know if she’s still kickin’. So the Council of A-holes (as dubbed by the constantly exasperated and outraged Yellowfang) makes a decision: just make a new Third Cat. Yellowfang tries in vain to stop them: “Look, if the DF is training living cats to fight, why can’t we do that but for the good guys, why do we have to put the fate of everything on some poor kits every single damn time” and the Council just says “How do you keep finding our secret meetings”. Tallstar looks away slightly when they ask and tries to hold his laughter, but no one notices
So Dovekit and Ivykit are born. While Ivykit seems to be perfectly healthy and fine, Dovekit has... problems. Lots of problems. She’s sensitive to literally everything: gets sick at the drop of a hat, can’t stand any sound louder than a whisper, and just being downwind of the Medicine Den makes her feel ill from the smell of herbs and sickness that permeate the air. Ivykit becomes her sister’s devoted protector, but even she can’t protect her sister from Destiny Bullcrap
The two become apprentices, with Jayfeather and Lionblaze keeping an eye on Dovekit because of her extreme sensitivity. Ivypaw realizes he isn't entirely a molly and comes out as bigender. Ivypaw continues to protect her sister but is sidelined entirely once Dovepaw is officially revealed to be the New Third Prophecy Cat and is taken to stop a drought. He is not okay with this. Muddyhollow and Tigerstar take notice of his jealousy and Ivypaw starts her Dark Forest training. Dovepaw and the ShadowClan Warrior Goldenheart begin to have a secret romantic-friendship thing. Unbeknownst to Dovepaw, Goldenheart also trains in the Dark Forest with Ivypaw. After seeing how good Ivypaw is at fighting, Goldenheart dreads the day that Ivypaw finds out that Goldenheart is romantically involved with Dovepaw
A tree falls in the ThunderClan camp. It would've crushed Briarpaw to bits, but Mistlefur sacrifices her life to save the young apprentice. However, she isn't able to completely push Briarpaw out of the way and Briarpaw’s hind legs are crushed by the tree and she becomes paralyzed. While Snowflight mourns the death of his sister, Millie mourns what she believes is her daughter’s ability to have an independent life. Sensing the negative emotional effect it’s having on Briarpaw, who is already upset due to the loss of her legs, Jayfeather tells Millie to shut up and stop the pity party. “Your daughter is paralyzed, not dead! Do you think Longtail became less of a Warrior after he was blinded, or I’m any less of a Medicine Cat because I can’t see? Is Snowflight inferior to the other Hunters because he can’t hear?” No, no, and no again. “Then why is Briarpaw any different? She may not be a Warrior the way you picture it, but she’s going to have a long, fulfilling life doing something that makes her happy just the same.”
Briarpaw is still depressed, but feels a bit better with Jayfeather and Longtail helping her out. Longtail is especially helpful, as his circumstances were similar to Briarpaw’s once upon a time, and as such he can empathize with her and help her come into her own and her life. Briarpaw eventually becomes a Warden and earns the Warrior Name Briarlight alongside her siblings when they receive theirs, but we’ll get to them soon
Millie is still a bit overly doting on Briarpaw, but nowhere near as bad as canon. Blossompaw still thinks her parents love Briarpaw and her older step-siblings and nephews more than her, despite all evidence being that they love her just the same. This is partly due to being an angsty teen, and partly because the Dark Forest has already gotten their claws into her and have started manipulating her to hate the Clans. Bumblepaw develops a crush on Dovepaw, which she isn't sure if she reciprocates or not. He’s a little bit creepy and obsessive about it...
After Lionblaze accidentally kills Russetfur in the battle against ShadowClan, Blackstar names Rowanclaw as the new Deputy. Rowanclaw is only Deputy for a few days before they realize that they cannot put up with Blackstar’s crap and step down for the sake of their mental health. Tawnypelt, having been mentored by Blackstar after her first mentor and father Tigerstar died, is able to deal with him just fine and remains Deputy permanently
Dovepaw and Goldenheart become even closer. In ThunderClan, Cinderheart, Icecloud, and Lionblaze start to have serious talks about their relationship. When Cinderheart starts to be afraid that the three of them can’t be together because of Lionblaze’s destiny and powers, Lionblaze counters with “remember my grandpa?” because everybody knows that Firestar was like the OG Prophecy Cat and he has three whole mates and it’s fine. Cinderheart is still a little insecure about it, while Icecloud is concerned that the Prophecy might end in Lionblaze’s death, so nothing’s fixed, but it’s a little better than it was
Ivypaw gets lost while Dark Forest training and meets two spirits who seem to be hiding from the others. She asks them what they’re doing, and they introduce themselves as Frecklepelt and Snowtuft. They tell Ivypaw that he needs to get out while he still can, and that the Dark Forest’s intentions are not as noble as “helping Warriors train and the Clans become stronger”. But Ivypaw doesn't listen and continues training, although she doesn't tell her Dark Forest mentors about the two almost kind spirit cats or their warning. Ivypaw regrets the decision, however, when his father Birchfall, another unwitting Dark Forest trainee, is killed during training by the WindClan Warrior Antpelt. And Antpelt is praised for doing it. And Ivypaw sees the entire thing happen from start to finish. She kills Antpelt in a fit of vengeance-fueled rage and is praised and fawned over by Muddyhollow and Tigerstar, who are just so proud of Ivypaw and how far he’s come...
When Ivypaw wakes up, he vomits and cries uncontrollably. Even more so once it is confirmed that Birchfall has apparently died in his sleep. And that in WindClan, Antpelt has as well. But Ivypaw knows what really happened to them both. She can’t be quiet anymore. He tells his sister, Lionblaze, and Jayfeather the whole truth and becomes a spy in the Dark Forest for the Clans. He also enlists the assistance of the two friendly Dark Forest spirits he’d met prior, Frecklepelt and Snowtuft, to try and show the other trainees what is really happening and try to get them out of there. The operation begins!
Meanwhile, Jayfeather and Flametail of ShadowClan go out on the ice together to play a game to lighten the mood. Flametail suddenly falls through the ice and Jayfeather fights desperately to save him, not wanting to lose another friend. However, Rock intervenes, since it is Flametail’s destiny and time to go, much to Jayfeather’s rage. Dawnpelt, having come looking for her brother and seeing the broken ice and flailing limbs and bodies underneath, drags Jayfeather out of the water alone as he begs her to let him go, he has to save Flametail! Dawnpelt tells him that she doesn't see Flametail’s body and they both collapse sobbing on one another as they mourn his tragic passing. Jayfeather wonders aloud if it’s possible to kill fate. Dawnpelt responds that if he ever finds a way to do so, she’d like to help. Jayfeather is not accused of murder because Dawnpelt knows he didn't kill her brother and defends him from the accusations and the two become friends
Jayfeather begins to have visions of the future of the Clans, and it does not look good for them. Meanwhile in the Lunar Feles, Stoneteller’s successor is chosen. Jayfeather receives a vision from Lady Half Moon, showing him the tunnels and that Hollyleaf is still alive down in them. She is accompanied by a ghost of an Ancient named Fallen Leaves. Jayfeather begs to be shown a way to get to her, to see her again and tell her to come back, but is instead shown an eclipse...
As heralded by Jayfeather’s vision, Sol shows up again and tries to manipulate Onestar and WindClan into attacking ThunderClan this time around. It doesn't work, mostly because the Clan cats all remember Sol making ShadowClan implode on itself and attempting to destroy the Clans. Also, Hollyleaf emerges from the tunnels to beat him up and drive him off for good. She is tackled by her entire family who are overjoyed to see her again. Leafpool and Squirrelflight forgive her and apologize for their past actions, and Hollyleaf apologizes for hers
Also, Dovewing, Ivystrike, and the rest of the apprentices earn their Warrior Names
So now there’s Four Prophecy Cats. But it’s best not to get too cozy, because the Dark Forest has been working in the shadows and is preparing one final strike to destroy the Clans for good (minus SkyClan because they don't know about them). While some Dark Forest apprentices have been converted back to the Clans’ side, they cannot stop training or reveal this, because they will be killed for their betrayal (as seen with Beetlewhisker of RiverClan when he tries to leave). As Dovewing starts to grow closer with Bumblestripe, Bumblestripe is revealed to be receiving advice from a Dark Forest cat... But it’s “offstage”, so to speak, so none of the canon characters know this is happening, only the readers do. Wonder how this is gonna turn out...
The final battle begins. Birchfall’s spirit is seen with StarClan, as he was a good cat who was duped into his role and Snowtuft and Frecklepelt snuck him out of the Dark Forest and into StarClan before he could be forced to become a Dark Forest spirit. Speaking of the two of them, they are unable to join the Clans in the final battle out of the risk of retaliation by the other Dark Forest cats. While Dark Forest and StarClan cats cannot be killed in their respective domains, simply reforming if anything happens to them there, they are able to be destroyed for good if they are killed in the mortal realm once more. This happens to many Dark Forest and StarClan cats over the course of the fight
Brightheart’s body chooses the exact worse time to start kitting and she goes into labor during the battle. A group of Dark Forest cats attacks ThunderClan’s Nursery upon hearing her cries. Snowflight, Dustpelt, and Ferncloud make the decision to lay down their lives to protect the monarchs and their kits. They rise as StarClan spirits and keep on fighting
Longtail and Mousefur are also killed in the battle but reanimate. Longtail, Lynxswift, the now adult StarClan version of Swiftpaw (now Swiftfire), Cinderspark, Mistlefur, Speckletail, Smallears, Lionheart, and Goldenflower all square up and the whole family joins the brawl together. Purdy and Mousefur join in too, with Purdy being asked about his heart condition and if he’s okay to fight, and he says that today is as good a day as any to die
Leafpool is saved from being killed by Mapleshade (who goes after her because she thinks they are alike) by a trio of StarClan cats who tell her to run and that they’ll handle their mother. She doesn't see any of those cats, including Mapleshade, again for the rest of the battle
Brokenstar is battled by Ratscar, Swampbloom, and Oakfur, the last three surviving apprentices from his reign in ShadowClan. Yellowfang and the adult StarClan versions of the kits and apprentices Brokenstar killed show up to help take him down for good
Mudclaw, still as stupid and reckless in death as he was in life, goes after both Onestar and Tallstar at the same time and obviously loses the two-on-one battle
Thistleclaw’s spirit is torn to shreds by Snowflower, Bluestar, and Spottedleaf, who all work together to end him
Muddyhollow squares off against Ivystrike. She nearly kills him before being accosted by Darkheart, Brambleflower, and Hollyleaf. She is overwhelmed but manages to escape, vowing her revenge. And getting a fatal blow on Hollyleaf, who dies in the embrace of her mother, aunt, and siblings who all rush to her side when Jayfeather senses her dying
Finally, we have Firestar versus Tigerstar. Good versus evil. They fight fiercely, but since Firestar is mortal, his body tires while Tigerstar’s doesn't. As Tigerstar stands gloating over Firestar, he is stopped from killing him by a harsh blow to the back from... another Dark Forest cat? Wait, is that? Yep, its Scourge, who upon his death ended up in the Afterlife. While he wouldn't normally have cared about the Clans dying (and would really have been quite happy about it), he wasn't going to let Tigerstar be happy ever (and was also pissed that he was still around in any way shape or form). He deals a few more blows to Tiger and leaves, telling Firestar to finish this properly. And Firestar does, but it takes the last of his strength. While he dies, he names Brambleflower his successor (at some point in this arc Brackenfur steps down from the Deputy position because he doesn't want to be Leader and Brambleflower is chosen as the new one). He ascends to StarClan surrounded by his family
The Clans say goodbye to their fallen friends as they go to StarClan and decide to put the Dark Forest trainees on probation instead of just executing or exiling them thanks to Ivystrike’s efforts
And that’s where the story of Firestar ends...
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