#also. please. no more 'only three years old xianxian gets soup. no soup for baby chengcheng'
add1ctedt0you · 5 months
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The Untamed
Hearing this, he spat, "Fooling around again! Your sect leader, I, has already poured you a bowl and put it outside. Kneel for me to express your gratitude and go drinking your soup outside."
Wei Wuxian skipped outside before he turned around and came back, "What do you mean by this, Jiang Cheng? Where's the meat?"
Jiang Cheng, "Finished it. There're only lotus roots left. Don't eat them if you don't want to."
Wei Wuxian attacked with his elbow, "Spit out the meat!"
Jiang Cheng, "No objections. I'll spit them out and let's see if you'll eat them!"
Seeing that they started to argue again, Jiang Yanli quickly interrupted, "Okay, okay. How old are you two, fighting over some meat? I'll just make another jar..."
The lotus pork rib soup that Jiang Yanli made was Wei Wuxian's favorite.
Aside from how it was really delicious, it was also because he'd always recall what happened the first time, he had it.
Having stayed up for almost half of the night, the two had grown hungry as well. And so, Jiang Yanli went to the kitchen and busied herself for a while, standing on tiptoe. She warned up a bowl of lotus pork rib soup for each of them. The aroma wrapped itself around his heart, lingering.
The Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation - Chapter 71-Departure - Part 3
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