#alternatively i raise you: that one meme where you finish an argument but then one is like 'AND ANOTHER THING'
pheedraws · 4 years
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I got tagged in this ultimate OTP meme a while ago and this has been sitting in my drafts since because I am, at my core, indecisive. It also means I can’t remember who tagged me so my apologies! I could not sleep at all last night so I finally finished it off ... voila 
Who is more likely to raise their voice?
They both try to keep things low-key, especially if others are within earshot, but they are also incredibly stubborn and won’t back down from an argument if they think they are right so things can often get loud.
Who threatens to leave but never actually does?
Neither of them. They’ve both had enough people walk out on them in the past that they wouldn’t threaten the other with that in the heat of the moment, regardless of the argument.
Who actually keeps their word and leaves?
As above. At the very most, one of them will go somewhere to cool off for a few hours but that’s the extent of that.
Who trashes the house?
Neither of them. Billy has the shorter temper of the two but that’s not his style.
Do either of them get physical?
How often do they argue/disagree?
Hoo boy. After Billy breaks things off mere days before they lose Maria and the kids? Dee can’t stand to be in the same room as him without fighting. Billy plays along, after all he needed the dispute to seem real so Rawlins would drop Dee as a potential pawn to use against him (thus keeping her safe), but the part of him he buried deep down hates seeing her hurt and angry. Doesn’t stop him from landing a few cutting jabs every now and then, though…
Post-S1? Not a lot. It takes them a while to work through things after Rawlins’ death and Billy’s pardoning, eventually getting back to how things were in the ‘good old days’. All the previous grievances just seem petty in comparison and thus arguments are few and far between. When they do get back together? It’s all small domestic things, the most common argument being Billy trying to get Dee to just slow down and stop working herself to the bone.
Who is the first to apologise?
Usually Billy. (He is usually the one in the wrong, so…)
Who is on top?
More often than not Billy, though he certainly has no qualms against sitting back and making Dee work for it from time to time.
Who is on the bottom?
Mostly Dee, with exceptions of course. (She can top Billy every so often, as a treat)
Who has the strangest desires?
I wouldn’t say either of them have particularly strange desires, but their sex life is never boring. Let’s leave it at that.
Any kinks?
Too damn many. Dee more so than Billy, which he fucking loves.
Who’s dominant in bed?
Almost always Billy. Even when Dee’s on top, he’s still the one in control.
Is head ever in the equation?
If so, who is better at performing it?
Billy’s an incredibly confident and smug man, both in life and in the bedroom. Is it justified? Wholly.
Ever had sex in public?
They just had to break in the newly refurbished head office at Anvil, after all…
Who moans the most?
They both get pretty vocal in their own ways. For Billy, it’s a lot of guttural moans and ‘fuck’s. In Dee’s case? Well, Billy doesn’t rest until she’s screaming loud enough that all her neighbors know him by name…
Who leaves the most marks?
Billy. He’d never push Dee past her limits or seriously hurt her, but he does get a little... carried away in the moment.
Dee loves it though.
Who’s the more experienced of the two?
Again, Billy.
Do they ‘fuck’ or ‘make love’?
In the early days it was almost exclusively fucking. They had a friends-with-benefits situation going on that didn’t leave room for the feelings they both refused to acknowledge.
Post-S1, when everything is back on track and positive? It’s a healthy mix of the two.
Rough or soft?
Again, a healthy mix of the two.
How long do they usually last?
Billy has the stamina of a superhuman. Whether it’s fucking or making love, you can bet your ass he’s making it last until Dee is fully spent.
Is protection used?
Yes. They’re both too busy to consider the, ahem, alternative right now.
Does it ever get boring?
With Billy Russo? Never.
Where is the strangest place they’ve have sex?
An elevator.
Do they plan on having children/or have children?
That is… a complicated topic. After losing Lisa and Frank Jr., Dee was kind of put off the idea of starting a family with anyone. Billy has his own reservations about kids and parenthood too, given his own history. Plus post-S1, with both of them working hard towards getting Anvil re-established? There isn’t time for that.
Neither of them completely rule out future possibilities, though.
If so, how many children do they want/have?
Neither have given it much thought, in all honesty.
Who likes to cuddle?
They are both partial to a good cuddle on the sofa or in bed, particularly after a long day.
Who gets naughty in the most inappropriate of places?
B I L L Y. That man’s randiness is second to none.
Who struggles to keep their hands to themselves?
As above, Billy. It isn’t always inherently sexual, though; he uses touch as an affirmation more so than words, so he’ll make a point of brushing loose hairs out of Dee’s face, or sliding his arms around her waist whenever he can. He’s finally at a stage in his life where he can afford to be soft and affectionate, so naturally he wants to make the most of it.
How long can they cuddle until one becomes uncomfortable?
Depends on the situation. Both of them are borderline workaholics, so staying still for anything longer than half an hour during the day just doesn’t sit well with them and they’ll take themselves off to get back to work. If they fall asleep in each other’s arms, though? You best believe they’ll still be entwined when morning comes.
Who gives the most kisses?
Dee’s the smoocher of the pair, always has been, though Billy has taken to planting a kiss on her forehead when her brows knit together while working to ease the tension there.
What is their favourite non-sexual activity?
Their secret indulgence is sacking off work on a Friday night to order pizza and drink beer while watching some dumb movie neither are really interested in. Sometimes they invite the others over, but more often than not it’s just their night to breathe and enjoy each other’s company.
Dee will adamantly deny that she almost always falls asleep during the movie, though…
Where is their favourite place to cuddle?
Billy spared no expense when decorating his penthouse, so the sofa and bed are simply to die for. In the end that’s what spurs Dee to move in with him, lest she have to listen to him complain about her brick of a sofa one more time…
How often do they get time to themselves?
Not as often as they’d like. Later on down the line, when Dee leaves her clinic behind, they both work at Anvil, but that doesn’t necessarily mean they have more time to themselves. It’s busy, especially in the wake of the Rawlins fiasco, but things settle down eventually. They take those moments to themselves whenever they can.
Who snores?
Mercifully, neither of them do.
If both do, who snores the loudest?
While neither of them snore, Dee talks utter nonsense in her sleep, which Billy then teases her for relentlessly.
Do they share a bed or sleep separately?
Always share a bed. Sleep doesn’t come easy to Dee, but having Billy beside her helps.
If they sleep together, do they cozy up together or lay far apart?
They’ll cozy up as they fall asleep. More often than not they’ll wake up like that too, though Dee has been known to shift into some utterly nonsensical positions that would make a chiropractor cry.
What do they wear to bed? If they’re together?
Dee sleeps in a vest and shorts all year round.
Billy? Just underwear, unless previously removed before falling asleep …
Are either of them insomniacs?
Dee is a chronic insomniac and workaholic. While they’re in the middle of their break-up, can’t-stand-the-sight-of-each-other phase, Dee works through the night until she physically can’t stay awake any longer; anything to avoid the tossing and turning and overthinking that awaits her in bed. Things get better after Rawlins is dealt with and Billy is back in the picture, but it’s still a struggle for her at times.
Can sleeping pills be found by the bedside?
Dee tried them once. They don’t work.
Do they wrap their limbs around each other or just lay side by side?
A little bit of both. Dee likes feeling Billy there with her so will tangle herself up in his arms and legs when she can, but if it’s hot? Stuff that. There’s nothing Dee hates more than feeling hot and smothered.
Who wakes up with bed hair?
Dee, and she will forever be bitter that Billy I’m-So-Perfect Russo can wake up looking like a damn model regardless of the antics they got up to the night before.
Who wakes up first?
If Dee had a fitful night of sleep, she’ll be up and out of bed at the earliest reasonable hour. On a normal day, Billy will wake up first.
Who prepares breakfast in bed for the other?
They usually just grab breakfast on the way to work, but if it’s a weekend or a special occasion? Billy is known to surprise her with breakfast in bed.
What’s their favourite sleeping position?
Billy on his back with Dee against his side, her head in the crook of his neck.
Do they set an alarm each night?
Billy doesn’t need one; perks of being a marine, and all. If they need to be up at a certain time, he’ll wake Dee up himself… sometimes in creative ways.
Can a television be found in their bedroom?
No. Billy never had one in his bedroom when he lived alone, and Dee wasn’t fussed either way.
Who has nightmares?
They both have their demons, so nightmares are a frequent occurrence. There’s a shared sense of comfort there, though; the pair always knowing what the other needs when they awake with a start, sheen of sweat on their body. The nightmares don’t follow them into the waking world anymore.
Who has ridiculous dreams?
Dee. And she’ll mutter and talk in her sleep the whole time.
Who sprawls out and takes up most of the bed?
Surprisingly, Billy. While he’s kept many of his old sleeping habits from his days in the marines, he just can’t resist sprawling out in a big, fancy bed these days.
Who makes the bed?
They’re both neat people, so the general unspoken rule is whoever was last out of bed in the morning makes it.
What time is bed time?
It varies. They do try to have a healthy work-life balance, but Anvil is Billy’s pride and joy; if he needs to stay late working, he’ll do it without complaint. They’ll usually collapse into bed any time between 11PM and 2AM.
Any routines/rituals before bed?
Regular things; showering, brushing teeth, etc. If they haven’t seen much of each other all day they’ll lay awake chatting for a while, catching up on news and such. If Dee is going through a particularly bad stint of insomnia, she’ll work out in the evening to try and quell some of the restless feelings, and Billy has taken to joining her.
Who’s the grumpiest when they wake up?
Dee. Billy is insufferably smug and cheerful on a morning.  
Who is the busiest?
It varies. When Dee is working at the clinic, she’s working constantly. Where Frank goes, trouble is never far behind, and thus there’s never a quiet moment without a bullet wound to patch up or regular patient to see to. After she decides to call it quits and work for Anvil with Frank, Billy and Curtis, her workload decreases a bit. Though she may be the resident medic, Billy has a lot more work and responsibilities being at the top of the chain in that scenario.
Who rakes in the highest income?
Mr Billy Bigshot-CEO Russo
Are any of them unemployed?
Who takes the most sick days?
Dee is very much of the ‘work until you drop’ ethic, and while the same can be said about Billy too in some respects, he’s more lenient with himself and will take a day off when he really needs it. He’ll also bribe encourage Dee to do the same when it’s evident she needs a break.
And I mean hey, what’s the point in owning your own company if you can’t take a cheeky sick day off every now and then?
Who is more likely to turn up late to work?
They travel together (technically live in the same damn building as their offices) so they really have no excuse. For the most part it all runs smoothly, but there are occasions where their ….. morning activities….. overrun, though Dee is adamant that you can never actually be late if you turn up with the boss; everyone else is just there early.  
Who sucks up to their boss?
Billy is technically Dee’s boss so…. go figure.
What are their jobs?          
After leaving the military, Dee establishes a small clinic in Hell’s Kitchen and works out of there for a few years. It’s met with a lot of resistance, what with her helping Frank out and getting involved in his grievances with local gangs. Eventually, post-S1 and after an arson attack leaves the clinic worse for wear, Dee decides to take up Billy’s offer of working for Anvil alongside Curtis on the medical team.
Billy still owns and runs Anvil, only with his friends by his side this time. It takes some time for the company’s reputation to recover, even after the truth about Rawlins comes out and Billy is exonerated, but he doesn’t mind the work. It makes it feel like his company again.
Who stresses the most?
They both have a knack for stressing and worrying, but Dee comes out on top in this regard. Maria always used to joke that she’d end up with frown lines by the time she’s thirty.
Do they enjoy or despise their careers/occupations?
They do. Billy has an immense sense of pride in his work now, and it’s therapeutic for him to work through the mess Rawlins made and reclaim Anvil as his.
Dee loves helping people, always has, so her work suits her.
Are they financially stable?
They are.
Who does the washing?
They’ll take it in turns for the most part. Both are incredibly neat people so household work is a breeze.
Who takes out the trash?
They’ll usually do it on the way to work, though if it’s cold outside and they have nowhere to be? Billy’s the one to take one for the team.
Who does the ironing?
Billy took one look at the way Dee irons shirts and forbid her from going near an iron again.
Who does the cooking?
Cooking is something they love to do together. It’s a chance for them to unwind and chat and laugh with each other after long working days, so it’s never a chore for them. If a few glasses of wine just happen to be drank during the process, too… well… they deserve it.
Who is more likely to burn the house down just trying?
They’re both pretty competent cooks.
Who is messier?
Neither is particularly messy, per se. Dee will say she’s not untidy and call her chaotic desk ‘organized clutter’, but that’s usually limited to her workspaces. The penthouse itself is almost always clean and tidy.
Who leaves the toilet roll empty?
Neither, because they are not heathens… in this regard, at least.
Who leaves their dirty clothes on the floor?
If Billy is tired, he’ll just strip wherever is convenient and deal with the clothes in the morning. Dee at least makes the extra effort to hang things up or, at the very least, drape it over a chair.
Who forgets to flush the toilet?
They’re both pretty good for remembering that.
Who is the prankster around the house?
Dee has more of a sense of humor than Billy, but that’s not to say Billy doesn’t act like an utter asshole at times when he sees the opportunity.
Who loses the car keys when it comes time to go somewhere?
Dee doesn’t have a car (she can drive, there’s just not much use for one in the city) so she’s exempt.
I feel like Billy’s car keys are permanently attached to his person. He drives a Wraith, after all.
Who mows the lawn?
Lawn? What’s that?
(Not having a garden is the one thing Dee doesn’t particularly like about city living, though)
Who answers the telephone?
Each has their own mobile, so they deal with their own calls and such.
Who does the vacuuming?
Like with most housework, they’ll take it in turns. Dee refuses to hoover stairs, though, on the grounds that she doesn’t have a death wish.
Who does the groceries?
It depends on whoever has the least amount of work to do on that particular day. Billy quickly catches on to Dee’s confectionary-buying ways, though, so he’ll volunteer to do the shopping more often than not to save their pantry from yet more sugar.
Who takes the longest to shower?
With both of them having served tours overseas, they’re used to showering quickly and effectively. If they’re in the shower together, though? All notions of saving water are out the window.
Who spends the most time in the bathroom?
Billy. Russo. That man has a morning beauty routine to rival any model.
Is money a problem?
How many cars do they own?
Do they own their home or do they rent?
Billy owns the penthouse. Prior to moving in with him, Dee used to rent an apartment in the city.
Do they live in the city or in the country?
New York, New York, baby!
Do they enjoy their surroundings?
Both grew up in city environments, so New York just feels like home to them. I think after everything they’ve been through, both individually and together, anywhere else would just feel…. Boring?
What’s their song?
Green Grass by Tom Waits
What do they do when they’re away from each other?
If Billy is away with work, they call or skype whenever they can. They’ve spent unwanted time apart in the past, on particularly bad terms to boot, so they don’t like being away from each other for extended periods.
Where did they first meet?
Dee practically grew up with Maria; the two had been nigh on inseparable since the day they met in elementary school, and formed a sisterly bond that carried on way into adulthood. Dee was already going through basic training when Maria introduced her to Frank, who then brought Billy along to the group a couple of weeks later. The two swiftly became close friends, and dabbled in a bit of the ol friends-with-benefits arrangement when off duty.
Who spends the most money when out shopping?
Billy is more willing to spend money, but he rarely goes out shopping for himself; it’s either something to boost Anvil’s status or capabilities, or something for the penthouse. Dee grew up lacking the financial cushion they have today, so old habits die hard in her case. She won’t buy things for herself unless she really needs something, and even then it takes a lot of internal debating to reach that point.
Who finds it amusing when the other trips over?
Dee is fairly clumsy, much to her dismay (and Billy’s apparent enjoyment).
Any mental issues?
Hoo boy. Billy is an entire essay in his own right so I’ll focus on Dee, though a lot of their mental troubles overlap. Dee left the military after a mission in Iraq under Schoonover went awry, landing the unit in a hostage situation with only Dee and the Major managing to survive two weeks until they were extracted. She was initially given leave to recover and recuperate with intentions of returning to duty, but she decided against it and was discharged. Dee was later diagnosed with PTSD as a result of the incident. Add to that the later trauma of losing Maria, her lifelong best friend and practically her sister, as well as Lisa and Frank Jr.? The woman went through a lot in an incredibly short space of time and it took its toll on her both mentally and physically.
(I’m missing a lot but alas I have not slept and cannot write a coherent paragraph)
Who’s terrified of bugs?
Dee point-blank refuses to be in the same room as a spider. She knows it’s a bit pathetic, but frankly? She doesn’t really care. Other bugs are fine, just no creepy crawlies inside, please.
Who kills the spiders around the house?
As mentioned above, Dee will not touch a single spider so it’s down to Billy to be the hero and remove them from the building.
Their favourite place?
New York City apartments don’t have much in the way of gardens, but the rooftop terrace on the penthouse quickly became their favourite spot once it was given a bit of TLC. Dee has a few planters for growing flowers and herbs for the kitchen, and Billy surprised her one night with a firepit perfect for huddling around as the sun goes down. It’s like a little safe haven away from the stressful jobs and business below them.
Who pays the bills?
They both contribute, Dee was very insistent on that when she moved in, though Billy offered otherwise.
Do they have any fears for the future?
Plenty. Billy still doubts himself, still judges himself by his past mistakes and actions and worries that one day, everything he holds dear will eventually crumble before him again, only this time he won’t be able to pick up the pieces. He keeps these fears to himself, but Dee can tell when those thoughts are giving him grief, and is always there to offer words of reassurance.
Dee worries about Frank. Her elder brother almost; the one constant in her life over the tumultuous years. She worries that one day, this life they’ve all rebuilt together won’t be enough for him, that he’ll miss what made him him, miss the violence and vengeance. And she gets it, to an extent. She lived that life too after Maria and the kids passed, helping him and getting her hands dirty in ways that meant they’ll never be clean again. But she’s settled now, here, with Billy and Frank and Curtis. She just worries the peace she found won’t last.
Who’s more likely to surprise the other with a fancy dinner?
Billy, most definitely. He has expensive tastes to begin with and is fairly spontaneous in nature; he’ll often call Dee at work to announce that they’re going out mere hours in advance. It brings him joy to do things for others.
Who’s the tallest?
Billy. He’ll tease Dee about it from time to time, but really? He loves the way he can press his lips to her forehead when she’s in his arms.
Who’s more likely to just randomly hop into the shower with the other?
While they both love showering together and, ahem, other more scandalous antics, it’s usually Billy who initiates and slips into the shower behind Dee as opposed to the other way around because for Christ sake Billy shower at a reasonable hour who willingly gets up at 5:30 every morning
Who wanders around in their underwear?
Dee, though Billy has been known to join the underwear party when he a. hungover b. exhausted or c. too damn warm.
Who sings the loudest when singing along to the radio?
Dee, and while she can indeed sing, she gets so much more joy out of seeing Billy’s grimace whenever she purposefully butchers a song.
What do they tease each other about?
Dee pokes fun at Billy’s hair and how goddamn perfect it is all the time. She’s also taken to lovingly ruffling it up a tad when they’re at home, though that often ends with either her being hoisted over his shoulder or tickled relentlessly…
Who is more likely to cringe at the other’s fashion sense at times?
They both dress fairly smartly on a day to day basis, taking pride in their appearance and the way they present themselves to the world. There is one exception, however, and that is when Dee insists on lounging around the penthouse that god awful “I Got A Dig Bick” tee Frank gifted Billy during one of Anvil’s annual jokey Secret Santa exchanges. Each time he sees it in the laundry basket he tries his best to dispose of it, but that thing just keeps on making its way back into the wardrobe...
Do they have mutual friends?
They do! Frank and Curtis being the main two, with Karen being more of a mutual acquaintance for Billy, who missed out on a lot while stuck working for Rawlins.
Who crushed first?
There was a mutual attraction there which ultimately spurned the whole friends-with-benefits situation, but Dee was the first to start getting actual Feelings.
Any alcohol or substance related problems?
Who is more likely to stumble home, drunk,  at 3 am?
If they’re out drinking that late, they’re most likely out together. Dee’s accent gets stronger when she’s drunk, which Billy finds hilarious. Coincidentally, he also finds everything funny when shitfaced drunk. Naturally, they make quite the pair...
Who swears the most?
Dee swears like a sailor, at any minor inconvenience. Dropped something? Oh fuck off. Minor inconvenience? Bastard. Billy blames it on being exposed to Frank Castle at an early age, which earns a fuck you from them both.
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