#althought I haven't watched the whole series
agent-tempest · 7 months
The bromance between Dallas and Ian is making me a Zukka shipper. Never in my wildest dream did I think the live action would have this impact on me lmao
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florbe-triz · 2 years
Honestly I tried watching the first episode of chainsaw man but felt disgusted that our "protagonist" only cares about boobies.. like I'm sure he gets better later on but I just couldn't watch another anime that provides us a superficial protagonist, even if he changes as time goes on.. honestly that's why I liked opm, mp100 and dorohedoro so much, it's because you get what you get and it's wholesome. I really wanted to like the show since practically everyone talks about it, any idea how to get past that awful start?
Hi! I'm glad you decided to share your honest thoughts about csm. I know what you are talking about and believe me I understand! I really don't like the kind of shonen protagonists that are just perverts for the sake of comedy and/or fanservice. BUT don't be fooled, and please be patient, because the story would soon prove that Denji is not the case. Denji's motivations are kinda sad, he's been through the worst things in life and he's basically an animal of instinct at one point (always being compared to a dog), looking to satisfy basic needs, as someone who's been denied of them his whole life. These are  fighting, fleeing, feeding aaaand ...*fornicating*. He also claims, many times, that he doesn't have greater goals in life. How I wish his situation gets better as the series progresses (haven't read it all yet), althought  he is probably still a perv all the way through I really feel it's justifiable and I learned to love him so much! Denji likes pretty girls and he's allowed to have his lustful thoughts as any of us might have! However... I know he's very respectful and would never make a move without consent, that's a really good cuality of his. AAHH Denji deserves good things only.
Hope this helps you find enough motivation to give him a chance!
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tinylint · 2 years
Life With Yoongi - Chapter 5
Pairing: Yoongi x Y/N female reader
Series summary: It's a Y/N x Yoongi love story, what else do you need to know?
Chapter summary: Yoongi and Y/N are basically just basking in the glow their first kiss.
Warnings: light angst, I have no idea how long this series will go and haven't decided if it will dip into NSFW themes.
Word count - 1.3k
Author's note: Story will switch POV's regularly. The Y/N character is shamelessly based on me, what can I say? Writing fan fiction is my therapy.
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Yoongi POV
I stood with my hands on her waist after our kiss and just basked in the moment. A beautiful woman in front of me, who likes a man that takes charge but doesn't just go along with everything? Every new piece of information about her was just incredibly sexy. I can't tell you how much I love a woman who stands her ground and pushes back.
After a respectable amount of goofy smiling at each other I regained my sense of time. We needed to leave the museum soon, I didn't have it rented out all night, althought at that moment I felt willing to pay whatever it took to never leave.
"Please tell me I can see you again before you leave" I clasped my hands behind her back together, bringing her even closer to me in the process.
"Yes! My flight is in the morning in two days. So we have all day tomorrow," she smiled.
"Will Shelly hate me if I steal you all day tomorrow?"
"Absolutely not, she gets to see me all the time."
"Well, if I take you back to your hotel now, we might even get enough sleep so we can start our day with breakfast together? And then just spend...." suddenly the idea of proposing an entire day together after a first date felt absured. Even though it was what I desperately wanted.
"...the whole day together?" she finished my sentence. "Or is that too much? You probably have work to do and people to see."
"Work can be done later and you're the only person I want to see." I pulled her in to a proper hug and let her head rest on my chest. She was the perfect height for hugs. She was the perfect everything as far as I could tell.
"Yoongi?" she murmured against my chest.
"Mmm?" I lazily hummed.
"We should probably leave soon, that museum docent is pointing at his watch."
"Right, right," I pulled back from the hug and grabbed her hand. "Let's go."
I led her to my car and we drove to her hotel in blissed silence. Neither of us wanting to break the moment. We were holding hands at all possible times as soon as we left the museum, only letting go when we had to separately enter the car. Thankfully I am very comfortable driving one-handed.
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"Did you know," Y/N suddenly said in a flirty voice, "that it is incredibly hot when men drive one-handed?"
I blushed just a little, "Oh really?" I looked over just long enough to catch her gaze.
"So when you drive and hold my hand, it's like I get two of my favorite things," she sighed and leaned back in her seat, looking at me.
"Well I'm happy to help," I rubbed my thumb over her hand and squeezed.
We pulled up to the hotel and sat in silence for a moment. The awkward 'we've finally kissed once but we're still nervous about it' silence.
"Is 9 tomorrow too early?" I asked, trying to ease us into what I was hoping would be a goodnight kiss.
"Not at all," she smiled, "and don't worry about putting together any big plans or anything. Let's just be together and see what we want to do in the moment. The less stress the more we can enjoy each other."
"That sounds amazing," I let out a sigh of relief.
"Then I'll see you tomorrow morning?"
"I'll pick you up at 9," I began to lean in slowly to make clear my intentions of a goodnight kiss. She likes when men make the first move so I will make my moves clear.
I go for a quick peck, knowing that if I try anything more I will surely get carried away and I don't want that. I can already tell I don't want a one-and-done fling that stays in Chicago. I want to stretch this out for as long as possible.
Thankfully she doesn't push back on this peck to make the kiss any deeper because I definitely couldn't have resisted that. I think she can tell I'm holding back for a reson.
I pull back far enough to not be tempted again.
"I'll text you when I wake up tomorrow. Once we're both up I can come get you and we can have breakfast at my hotel?"
"I love that. I'll see you tomorrow," she gave my hand a final squeeze and left the car.
Of course Shelly was waiting for me. I didn't make her wait this time and launched right into the details of the date.
Her favorite parts were the van Goghs ("No way!"), the solo museum stroll ("How rich is he!?"), and obviously the kiss ("He whimpered? Ugh. I'm dead").
"I'm hoping you don't mind that I'm spending all of tomorrow with him?" I asked grimacing a little. I felt bad abandoning her for so much of this trip.
"Of course not, I've got plenty to do on my own. Plus I see you all the time back at home, I'm basically sick of you," she teased.
"Shelly..." I began, not knowing how to word my thoughts. "I think this thing with Yoongi might be...real?"
"Of course it's real! You had his real lips on your mouth and your hands on his real chest!"
I laughed, "No I know he's real and all. I'm just...how do I know if this is a fling? You know, what happens in Chicago stays in Chicago?"
"First of all, I think you're talking about Vegas," she joked, "but second, do you want it to stay in Chicago?"
"Definitely not," my eyes automatically widened, realizing how earnestly I did not want that.
"What do you think Yoongi is thinking?"
"Well, our goodnight kiss was really tame, basically just a peck. And I can't tell if that means he's already lost interest or..."
I paused felling like the words I was about to say were making a huge assumption. And you know what they say about people who assume.
"Or...?" Shelly prodded.
"Or he wanted to make sure we keep things slow so they can last a long time," I couldn't help but feel the tingle of hope when I said it. "Because that's what I want."
"Well he's definitely not sick of you that's for sure. He wouldn't plan to spend all day with someone he's sick of would he?"
"True," I mused.
"I just don't want to let all my emotional walls down if this isn't the beginning of something real."
Shelly nodded and closed her eyes, thinking about what to say next.
"I think he will make it pretty clear. Option A: he's just interested in keeping this in Chicago. If he just dives in for more physical stuff tomorrow, he probably just wants to leave this in Chicago, you know he just wants to explore as much of you as he can while he's here. Option B: he wants something more long term. If he holds back and takes it slow...I mean why would he spend all this time with you and not go straight for sex unless he wanted to make this work long term? Right" Shelly reasoned, opening her eyes at the end of her speech.
"Yeah. That makes sense. So you think him only giving me a peck tonight was a good sign?"
"Yeah! ...I mean most likely yeah," she hedged a bit.
"What about Option C: he lost interest between our museum kiss and our goodnight kiss?" I asked somewhat desperately.
"If the peck was because he suddenly lost interest he'd probably just ghost you..."
At that moment my text notification sounded.
Shelly and I looked at my phone and then each other simultaneously.
'Goodnight. Can't wait to see you tomorrow' I read the text to Shelly and felt my cheeks flush.
"Okay so at least we know it's not option C!" Shelly laughed.
I sighed deeply and contentedly and fell back on my hotel bed. I'm pretty sure I fell asleep grinning that night.
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