#am nervous to have to lay on my currently healing side bc it’s in it’s sore itchy phase JDBDJ
honeypirate · 4 years
Pro hero Red Riot/Kirishima x Pro hero y/n.
Reader is a higher hero than Kirishima and the public likes her more. I didn’t specify her quirk but I’d say it was more power type.
(When I had a concussion before i couldn’t walk all day bc of being insanely dizzy and I talked a lot, said anything I wanted to say and didn’t think of it. So I went with that and exaggerated just a little with it)
I like to think he hair doesn’t harden with his quirk even tho I can realistically see how it would. It’s just my preference for this fic.
You were in his strong arms as he carried you to where the ambulances would be. He had his fair share of concussions, and so had you actually, but this time yours wasn’t too bad. he was concerned mainly because you weren’t acting like yourself, you were blunt and mischievous, he knew you were always talkative but it was never like this, so before he took you home he was going to have one of the EMTs look at you.
For the first time in your life you don’t even think about consequences you’re not thinking of tomorrow or when you’re all healed, you are doing and saying what comes to mind immediately. Which is why you currently had on his hero costume mask and your hands buried in his silky hair.
“How is his hair so soft?” He chuckled as you raked your fingers through his hair “oh shit did I say that out loud? My heads kind of fuzzy still.” You never stopped playing with his hair. “Since I’m saying everything out loud anyway, how come your quirk doesn’t work on your hair?” You wish you could feel the softness of his hair on your face “How can you be sure it doesn’t?” He laughs as he responds and you notice the pink on his cheeks “it doesn’t. I’ve noticed. I notice everything about you Kiri” your hands quickly go to his face and softly touch his deep red blushing cheeks, the action jostling you in his arms “Kiri I am so dizzy, I think I have a concussion. That guy hit my head so hard” you burry your head in his chest, the action causing his hero mask to fall down around you like a necklace. “Y/h/n, i know there isn’t anyone around and that you have a concussion, but please try and remember to call me Red, at least while we’re out, okay, sweetheart?” Your head shot up to look him in the eye, it felt like your brain was the last to follow, sloshing around in your head, “I’m so sorry! I didn’t even notice. I’m sorry. Red” you nodded as you said it even tho you wouldn’t remember.
You loved his name so you tried to say it as much as you could in normal life without it being weird. You lay your head back down on his chest and close your eyes, your hands on his neck drawing little designs on his skin with your fingers “hey don’t fall asleep on me. Not until we get you checked out and healed up” you laughed “and then after you’ll let me fall asleep on you? That would probably be the best sleep I’ve ever had” you sigh and with your ear against his chest you notice his heart beat quicken. “I love you my Kiri” you whisper into his chest before you fall asleep and he hardly caught it. His eyes widen and his breath hitches.
“Hey hey don’t fall asleep come on baby wake up!” He tries to wake you up but you’re too far gone, luckily he’s just made it to the ambulances. It was a small villain fight so there was only a few of them around on different streets. Fewer now that the fight has been over for a while.
One of the EMTs ran up to him “how is she hurt?” “She’s got a concussion but I think that’s it” “follow me” kirishima and the EMT take you to the ambulance and he lays you down on the bed “with my quirk” the EMT says “I can assess her injuries and if they are small I can heal them. The only consequence being she’ll be very tired and weak. You’ll have to help her home.” Kirishima nods “okay.” the EMT puts their hands on your head and closes their eyes, nararating what they sees with their quirk. “She’s got a nasty concussion and some fractured ribs. Should be easy to fix. I seeee.... no other problems.” When their hands fall from your hair your eyes open and you look around until you see him, his eyes full of worry when you sit up and look at him fully. “There you are. I was just dreaming of you.” He smiles as he looks into your tired eyes “she needs to get some rest now” the EMT says to Kiri and he nods. You go to stand and you wobble a little so Kiri picks you up into his arms once more.
“You don’t have to carry me I think I’ll be okay now” he just shushes you so you lay your head on his chest and draw shapes on his chest absentmindedly with one of your hands. “I want to help you out until you’re feeling yourself again so you’re coming to my house.” He says and you feel your cheeks blush “okay. Thank you Red Riot” you say quietly. Remembering how stupid you were when you had a concussion. You were so grateful to him for carrying you, even more grateful that it was in the middle of the night and no one was around to see. The one thing you didn’t need was this in the newspaper. (Just wait until you see next mornings headline because you’re already there)
When you got back to his place he sets you down gently in the living room. “Kiri, do you have like some sweats and a shirt I could borrow so I don’t have to stay in this?” You ask quietly and gesture down at your dirty suit. He blushes and nods “yes I do. Come with me and you can shower too if you want”
After a nice long hot shower, you put on a pair of black sweats and a faded gray UA High teeshirt. You were surrounded in his scent like it was hugging you in. You fold your hero suit and walk out of the bathroom to find him in the kitchen making some tea and a late night snack. You place your suit down on a kitchen chair
“There’s my girl” he says with a smile and your heart beat quickens. “Hey” you say shyly and he comes and pulls you into a hug “god you scared me. I thought you had like terrible brain damage or something. You were talking and acting crazy until I got you to the healer” you laugh awkwardly “was I really that crazy?” You ask worried about everything you said. Worried that your real honest thoughts about him he thinks are crazy. He pulls back and gazes down at you “no. Not really that crazy at all.” He smiles sweetly down at you holding your face in his hands. He takes a deep breath and then ends the moment, secretly because he was terrified your words were only because of the concussion and not the honest truth. “I made you some tea” You take the tea he hands you and he takes you into his room to lay in bed and watch a movie.
You sit cross legged and drink your tea as he sets up some new Christmas show on Netflix. Your tea is finished by the end of episode one and you’re hooked on this show. You lay on your side and hug one of his pillows to your chest. He lays on the other side of the bed, one arm behind his head and the other on his stomach. He isn’t really watching any of the show, he just watches you. Your smiling face when cute things happen, your eyes are bright and happy. He loves it. He’s extremely jealous of the pillow you’re using to hug. He wishes you were holding on to him that tight. He moves and is now sitting with his back against the headboard and hands in his lap.
“Y/n?” You pause the show and sit up, turning towards him “Kiri?” He smiles and tucks your hair behind your ear. “Do you remember what you said when you were concussed?” You swallow hard, remembering telling him you loved him, and whisper “yea” his hand hasn’t left your cheek, he’s softly rubbing your skin with his thumb “did you mean it?” He asks just as quiet.
Your mouth goes dry as you look into his eyes, your hands start to sweat and your heart races as you try to gauge what’s going to happen after you say yes. He’s either going to say he loves you back or he’s going to shut you down. Either way at least you’ll be able to move on.
You reach up and cover his hand with your own, before gently placing it in your lap and running your fingertips across his, you watch your fingers trace his callouses, afraid to meet his eyes. “Yes, Eijiro, I meant it” you whisper.
“Y/n. Please look at me” he whispers and takes your hands in his. You look up into his eyes with your brows furrowed. He smiles and reaches up to smooth out your forehead “always so easy for me to read” he scoots closer to you and kisses your forehead “don’t worry. Don’t be nervous. How could I not love you back?” His voice is warm and calm.
He smiles and strokes your cheek as you stare into his eyes shocked, he loves you back... relief flooded your body followed by excitement and butterflies. He watched it all in your eyes. A smile slowly spread across your face and you felt yourself blush. “You love me?” You say quietly and reach your hands up placing them in his cheeks “I love you y/n” he says with a smile and a shrug, like he was suddenly shy to be admitting it.
You throw yourself into his arms and laugh “I love you!” You say and he holds you in his arms laughing along with you. When you pull back he looks into your eyes, you can see the pure happiness and adoraration in his eyes. “My beautiful girl” he says softly and you blush. He leans forward kissing your nose, then both cheeks, then pressing his lips finally against yours. You melt against him and he holds you tight in his strong arms. When he pulls back you lay your hand on his cheek and sigh happily. “I can’t believe that Red Riot is in love with me. This is gonna boost you hero reputation exponentially!” You laugh at the look of shock on his face “get it? Because the community loves me? And I’m always in the news? And I’m a few points higher than you?” You keep explaining what’s obvious and poking his cheeks softly with a smile on your face that said you thought you were the funniest girl. He shakes his head and laughs with you.
He pulls you into his chest as he lays down on the bed “do you wanna finish this show?” He asks and you happy sigh as you cuddle closer into him, hugging him like you were the pillow. It warms his heart to finally get what he wanted. “Yes. But I might fall asleep. I love how warm you are” you respond and he laughs “that’s okay baby. You need rest. I’ll hold you as long as you want me to” you chuckle “forever?” You ask and he laughs “anything for you”
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lixhive · 5 years
destined mates - knj pt.2
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♡ pairing: hybrid!namjoon x female!reader ♡ word count: 700+ ♡ rating: pg13 ♡ genre: hybrid, modern, fluffy ❝..in which y/n, a human girl, meets namjoon, a wolf hybrid by the place she works. and only after a little while, their connection grows into something they both never expected...❞
♡ warnings: mentions of blood and abuse ♡ a/n: requests are open! request here | how to request | and message me if you want me to tag you in any of the series I have. ♡ taglist: @morgans-fic-box​ ♡ masterlists: bts masterlist | destined mates masterlist
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“He’s here to help you.” Y/n states while squeezing his hand. Before Namjoon he could say anything, the room around Namjoon went pitch black. His body became heavy and unbalanced. The last thing he heard was y/n’s voice calling his name.
He was now completely passed out. Jin reaches Y/n’s side and opens up Namjoon’s jacket to see spots of blood. Y/n’s first reaction is to move away. Seeing blood wasn’t the problem. The problem was that there was so much of it. Y/n could clearly see the deep cuts Namjoon has. She turned around and covered her eyes. 
“I’ll take care of him but it’s going to take some time,” Jin utters as he takes out supplies. Y/n couldn’t answer. The only she could do was nod her head but she was worried. The hybrid that looked down upon her was now in need of help. “Do you know what happened to him?” 
“All I know is that he came to me for help. I didn’t even know his name until today.” You mutter. Things were going too fast for your liking. “Go home, I’ll get Taehyung to help. I’ll call when he is conscious again.” You felt a hand on your shoulder. 
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“Y/n, are you okay?” Dahyun asks while putting the menus away. You thought work would cloud your thoughts or would at least take your mind off of Namjoon. You couldn’t even focus on work. Namjoon was constantly roaming your mind. He came to you for help. “I need your help.” Were the exact words he told you that day.
“Yea, just a bit tired.” That’s all you could say before you went into the back to get your things. “I’ll see you guys tomorrow.” A small smile on your face as you wave bye to your coworkers. Then your phone went off.
[y/n]: “Hello?
[Jin]: “Y/n-ah, is it possible if you can come over to the hospital on 35th?”
[y/n]: “Sure, I’m on my way.”
Now you were scared. Beyond terrified. Y/n waited for that call and she got it. After a week. That’s how long she been distracted by him.
Y/n turns around and heads towards the nearest bus stop. “I hope you’re okay...” she whispers to herself. A silent spoken prayer. Nothing matters but getting to the hospital. Then it hit her. They’re at the hospital. What if he freaks out? Is he in more danger? Namjoon, please be okay. She thought.
Trains weren’t stopping. Each train of thought never even made a stop. They had no certain destination.
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“Is Namjoon okay? Is he recovering?” You ask as you play with your fingertips. It was a nervous habit. One of the nervous habits you had anyway. Y/n and Jin stood outside Namjoon’s door. “He’s okay but he’s just not happy about being in the hospital. But I couldn’t do anything if I didn’t have the proper instruments. And just to be safe, he is under a different name.” 
“Okay, that’s good.” The worry that wandered around your body began to fade away. You push the door open in front of you, hearing the steady beeps of machines. Y/n’s eyes land on the sleeping figure in the bed. 
“Namjoon?” You utter softly. His left ear twitches at your voice. “He’s under a sedative right now.” Closing the door behind him, Jin looks at his clipboard and checks a few things off. “You can take him home tomorrow afternoon. He just needs to take a few pills, change his bandages after a while and lay down on his back as much as possible. He has a few fractures around his rib cage.” That made your heart drop. He was bleeding blood in front of you that day but it wasn't as bad as it was. Or maybe that's you trying to forget the fact you saw the blood.
How did you get hurt? Did someone do this to you? Y/n can still see a bit of bruises left on his skin. “I have a bit of bad news...” Jin starts. “When I looked up his name, he belongs to the Kims. I’m guessing he ran away from abuse. And they’re still looking for him. I suggest you keep him hidden.�� You nod.
The Kims.
The richest family in the country. Everyone knew them but for the wrong reasons. You can’t do anything against them because they have the power of money. Mr.Kim was currently on trial for abusing his wife and daughter. And while he is being kept away from them, Mrs.Kim is busy starting scandals about cheating on her husband with about twenty men and eighteen women. And the daughter, she didn’t cause any trouble.
From what was said on the news, the daughter had left her home. No pictures of her were shown as if she never existed. “Is there any good news?” “You can become his owner in about two months if he is hidden well. Namjoon will be listed as a stray and you could sign to be his new owner.”
“I’ll leave that choice up to him.”
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After taking a morning shift from work, you went straight to the hospital afterward. Y/n couldn’t wait to get Namjoon out of the hospital.
You push the door only to get a low growl. “It’s okay, it’s me.” Y/n says while closing the door. Turning around, you look up. There he was as if barely clinging onto whatever will power he has to stay awake. “Why am I here?” His voice was a bit groggy from being under so many pills. “Jin had to get you here so he could help you. Luckily, I’m here to pick you up.”
At the moment, you were directly beside him. Y/n wants to reach for his hand. To find some way to comfort him but you stopped yourself.
Before your eyes, Namjoon sits up but he was in pain. Imagine how painful it was to lay back down. The painkillers were going to wear off soon and he felt it. “Do you need help?” Of course, he needed help. What type of question is that?! “No,” he mumbles as he finally stands up. 
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Once the two of you made it past the lobby and the elevator, it was a simple walk to your humble abode. Unlocking the door, you let Namjoon walk in first and directed him to your bedroom. That was the only bedroom in the flat. “I could stay on the couch.” “No, Jin said you need to be laying down for as long as you can to help heal your ribs and I’m not taking the risk.” Y/n’s voice was a bit louder than usual, she was putting her foot down.
“It’s fine, I could-” “No, just lay down. If you need me, call my name.” Shutting his request down, you leave him alone and took a seat on the couch. Then it actually slaps you across your face. You gotta take care of a hybrid you know nothing about. Apart from the fact that his name is Namjoon and was on the run from his former family. 
He was some type of dog hybrid... maybe? You have so many questions but knowing how cold Namjoon is, he isn’t going to answer any of them. So you figured out one person that will answer some of them. Taehyung.
[y/n]: i have questions
[taetae]: i have done nothing wrong
[y/n]: y do u assume you’re in trouble??
[taetae]: cause i usually am??
[y/n]: i have questions bc i don’t know what type of hybrid he is
[taetae]: U HAVE A HYBRID?!
[taetae]: how the heck do u not know what hybrid he is?
[y/n]: i found him at the restaurant and he came to me for help so i’m helping him. but he doesn’t talk much
[y/n]: he looks like a dog hybrid
[taetae]: i’ll come over bc there are mAnY dog hybrids
[y/n]: idk, he eats meat.
[taetae]: did you ask him what type of hybrid he is?
[y/n]: no
[taetae]: and u didn’t think to ask?
[y/n]: he’s in pain. we just got back from the hospital. and he is hella quiet
[taetae]: whatever, I’m at the door
“How would you already be here?” You mutter while getting up. To your surprise, Namjoon was also by the door. He stayed by the door, growling. “Namjoon?” Still not knowing what type of hybrid he is, you were confused.
“He is a friend,” y/n tries as she begins to open the door. There stood Taehyung with his box of a smile. “And you must be the unknown hybrid...” he utters quietly. “What’s that suppose to mean?”
Tae glances at Namjoon’s ears and stiff tail. “He’s a wolf hybrid.” Tae walks in and continues to observe him.
With only just meeting one another, Y/n can sense the atmosphere getting tense and thick. From what you could see, Namjoon looked like he could rip Taehyung apart. “You close the door and flick Taehyung in the back of his head. “Ouch... what was that for?” “You’re coming off as a jerk. Leave him alone.”
Watching your interaction with Tae, Namjoon calms down a little. “Listen, he is part wolf. He’s not going to like me at first glance. Any guy will be viewed as an enemy. Wolves and dogs are territorial.” “Are there more of them?” Namjoon inquires while looking at you.
“Sadly, yes,” you sigh. “Sadly?! Well, excuse me. I was requested to come here to get answers. But apparently, the wolf hybrid can talk.” Tae rolls his eyes and takes a seat by the couch. 
Namjoon stays quiet and turns back around and leaves into the bedroom. “What’s his name?” “Namjoon.”
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