#amara drakeheart
drakeheart · 9 months
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i use my legendary armor for serious purposes only
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full-of-skritt · 10 months
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Time for Asura Appreciation Week, as organized by the @asura-appreciation-corner! More pictures/images at the bottom of all the text!
Day 1: Talk About One Of Your Asura OCs
My main is my Daredevil Thief, Infiltrator Cixxe! Cixxe (pronounced like the number 6) is an odd case.
Cixxe was found as an infant by a small family of skritt in the ruins of a recently destroyed Asura research lab in Metrica Province. The remains of the lab was marked only with the number 6, which the skritt took to be her name (albeit with a little spelling flair), and adopted the little shadow. Now Cixxe has strong pseudomelanism, only her eyes and the small patch on her nose denoting that she's not truly melanistic, and her coloration helped her excel at stealth and thievery scavenging. Also her being not actually a skritt meant that she was the only member of the family with the ability to focus on more complex tasks and goals when split from the rest of the family.
Then, one day while the family was travelling between Scratches (skritt towns), a dangerous enough endeavor for a group of skritt, they were attacked by some asura who were trying to drive them away from their material storage. Cixxe was split from her family, and captured in the panic. Confused by this strange asura child, the researchers brought her back to Rata Sum where she was given instructors in an attempt to re-educate her back into proper asura civilization.
It didn't take.
Cixxe was a problem for every teacher and krewe she was assigned to, and eventually was given up on altogether. She was labeled a lost cause and ultimately, when she was a pre-teen/early teen, they gave up trying. Instead, she was given a warehouse/lab to live in and left much to her own devices as long as she didn't cause too much ruckus in the city. She began the slow work of tracking and rejoining her scattered family of skritt, housing them in her home lab where they could finally be safe and well cared for.
Not long after that she was scouted by the Order of Whispers due to her stealth skills, and while on some jobs for the Pact she met and was semi-adopted by a charr named Amara @drakeheart (who she refers to as 'mom' just as much as she does for her adopted skritt mother, Korri'kee).
Cixxe likes crystals and collecting junk, and has a particularly morbid fascination with the Brand and the crystalline formations of it.
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wolfynsong · 6 years
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@dagothorsim and i found out you can see party speech bubbles in hidden garden from mount maelstrom
then this happened
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drakeheart · 10 months
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decided to get back to my roots and play this game again! the first step of which is setting up reshade and taking some glamour shots :]
amara drakeheart, my 8 year old ranger main and blog namesake
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drakeheart · 9 months
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soulbeast hammer fun >:)
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drakeheart · 10 months
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skyscale are very hard to photograph >:/
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drakeheart · 9 months
gw2 30 day challenge - day one
1. which race was the first one you played with?
the first thing i ever saw of gw2 was some screens of a friend's charr ocs here on tumblr. i was so excited about the idea of a video game letting you play a big monstrous beast instead of just fighting them. the closest thing i'd seen before this was the worgen race from WoW, and while i still love them, they're only 50% monster and written to be very human-centric. comparatively, charr were the real deal; a totally unique species with their own culture and lore. i was psyched.
i still have the first character i ever made, nearly 10 years ago: my ranger and namesake, Amara Drakeheart. i don't main her as much as i used to, but she is still very special to me. ♥
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i even have a baby picture... i think she was level 10 here? she hasn't honestly changed much. i've never used a makeover kit on her, and her color scheme is still pretty much the same now... aaall brown, baby!
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i think i've gotten a bit better at taking screenshots, though. :p
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drakeheart · 9 months
Do you like to share some Headcanons about your cats? <3 Maybe what they like to eat, quirks or things they like to do in their free time
sure! i picked three characters that i haven't received an ask for yet: Amara, Ranuk, and Felix.
as far as food, Amara has pretty typical charr tastes, preferring grilled meats above all else. she likes her steaks especially peppery, blackened on the outside, but still juicy in the middle. she also has a not-so-secret love for norn-brewed mead.
Ranuk is autistic, and certain situations can trigger sensory overloads and cause him to shut down. he stims as a way to deal with this, his major stim being pulling on and stroking his own tail. doing this too much wears away the fur, so he wears tail wraps to protect the places where it's gone thin.
Felix uses his holosmithing talents not only for combat, but also for art. in his spare time, he likes to build miniature hard-light constructs, usually in the form of stylized animals. he's very shy about his hobby, and only gives them to people he fully trusts.
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drakeheart · 9 months
A master list of my active GW2 characters, complete with small summaries of who they are and what they do. Expect mostly charr, with a handful of asura and the very occasional sylvari. Enjoy!
This list is a WIP, and will be gradually updated to include my full roster as I have the time and energy to write stuff down.
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AMARA DRAKEHEART // Ranger - Soulbeast // [tag]
Centurion of the Iron Legion, Warmaster of the Vigil, Commander of the Pact, and founder of Dragon's Watch. The main story gal, and surprisingly normal despite all that. Kind, strong-willed, and a lover of all animals, but especially her smokescale, Snips. Firmly retired after the events of EoD, and enjoying a long and well-earned vacation.
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GAVROS SCROLLSEEKER // Guardian - Firebrand // [tag]
Esteemed Magister of the Durmand Priory. Once a fearless explorer, delving the unknown in pursuit of magical artifacts, he now prefers the comfortable life of the research division. An avid scholar, he's never found without a book (or three) in hand. Despite his years, he's still quite the sharp combatant, happy to dole out his finely-aged wisdom at the end of a mace.
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FELIX LIGHTFORGE // Engineer - Holosmith // [tag]
A misfit soldier of the Blood Legion, and later the Pact. Born with physical defects that would have seen him cast aside if not for the support of his warband. To overcome his perceived weakness, he devoted himself to studying holosmithing techniques, building his own Photon Forge as well as a set of light-powered mobility aids.
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SOREX GRAVEWHISPER // Necromancer - Reaper // [tag]
A grousy old necromancer. After losing her warband to a ghost ambush, she became fixated on harnessing the Foefire for herself, and was banished from the Legions for unapproved tampering with spectral magic. She now spends her days hunting down ghosts and exploring ancient ruins with her soulmate, Vitalis.
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VEDRIX RUINWRAITH // Thief - Deadeye // [tag]
Ex-Ash Legion. Part of a special warband tasked with hunting down and eliminating Legion traitors, deserters, and other undesirables on the quiet. Eventually he found himself on the wrong side of a job, and rather than become hunted himself, went into hiding. He ended up in Elona, where he took up a living as a freelance bounty hunter. Years later, he still has a massive chip on his shoulder regarding his former bosses.
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DECIMA SPIRESOUL // Revenant - Renegade // [tag]
Once a disabled gladium, discarded by the Legions after nearly-fatal battle injuries left her no longer fit to serve their purposes. Her scrape with death caused her to develop strange magics, driving her into seclusion for many years. Now, she serves the Dominion as a formidable Centurion of the Frost Legion. Eager to enact retribution on those who cast her aside, her heart is as cold as the frigid magic that suffuses her body.
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LIFEBINDER RANUK // Ranger - Druid // [tag]
A wandering Olmakhan healer, with a special interest in rare plants. He is extremely adverse to combat, relying on the strength of his pets and defensive nature magic to escape dangerous situations. Despite this, he is often found deep in the wilds of Tyria, braving the unknown to get even a glimpse at a unique specimen.
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SANDSHAPER URIAH // Necromancer - Scourge // [tag]
An elderly Olmakhan shaman, one of many charr killed in an Awakened attack on Althoma. His body was taken and later raised as a part of Joko's army, made to fight against his own kin in the Battle of Gandara. Now free of the lich's influence, he lives as a lonely hermit in the Kournan desert, too tormented by the guilt of what he'd done to return home.
[More TBA later.]
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wolfynsong · 6 years
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while mucking around in ember bay fighting karka, i managed to snag the most magnificent yet hilarious action shot of my dear ranger, amara, and proceeded to get absolutely wrecked while laughing about it
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drakeheart · 6 years
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the fractal hub has the best lighting, man
have some amara screenshots
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wolfynsong · 9 years
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updating character images B) my mains aka my greatsword collection
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