lunedin · 7 years
I’ve been tagged by several people to do this tag..so I have to answer many, many questions :’)...anyway let’s do this
Answer the new questions given by the previous person
Write 11 new questions  I’m uncreative af
Tag 11 people I don’t know how many people already done that tag...aaand I’m too lazy to tag too :’) sorry..
@queenofkadaara‘s questions (thank you very much for tagging, dear <3):
i. what music genre do you usually listen to?
I usually listen to slavic folk songs...I’m weird ok :’D
ii. what words would you use to describe your aesthetics?
Idk...weird? Shitty? Dumb? I’m not ver good at this :’D
iii. favorite tea flavor?
Uhhhmmmm..probably some kind of berries, I really like blueberry flavour :D
iv. favorite time period? why?
WINTER!!!! The only season I’m not feeling hot :’)
v. favorite motto / quote?
Waść machasz jak cepem!!! idk ok XD
vi. language you wished you speaked?
POLISH!!!!!!!! I want to speak it so badly..
vii. name of your first plushie / stuffed animal? do you still have it? and while we are at it, do you still have plushies?
I don’t really gave my first plushie a name since I got it when I was born :’) but yeah I still got it :) I only own one plushie and it’s made by my friend, it’s a green/white whale and his name is Asse :D
viii. what color do you wear the most?
BLACK! Black is my happy color :’)
ix. favorite ice cream flavor?
Do you know these blue ice creams??? They taste like bubblegum..so yes..
x. most emotional fictional moment? can be from video games, books, movies, etc.
Don’t remind me of Stygga Castle :’)
xi. if you could make one fictional character real, which one would you pick?
@lithialetheia‘s questions (Thank you veeery much Ali! :3):
I. What’s your favorite flower? Why? Does it have some special meaning for you?
Blue..it doesn’t have a special meaning..I just really like it :’D
II. Which song describes you better?
Ugh...*cough* Mad World- Gary Jules
III. Do you like classical music? Who’s your favorite composer?
I don’t listen to classical music :’)...but I would say Beethoven :’)
IV. In which city would you like to live?
Warsaw or Kraków XD
V. What’s your favorite mythical creature? Why?
Mermaids...I’ve always been fascinated by them
VI. What’s your favorite word?
Kurwa x)
VII. Who’s the person you desire to meet currently?
Ugh....my whole squad tbh :’D
VIII. What’s your favorite profession?
Profession?...never heard of it xD I don’t have one ok
IX. Who’s the person you admire the most?
@queenofkadaara <3 and @dandelionandbuttercup :D
X. If you could be a fictional character which movie, book or videogame would you like to be in?
Everything that has to do with The Witcher xD
XI. Can you post a photo of your favorite accessory? It can a ring, necklace, bracelet, piercing, glasses, etc., something you usually like to wear.
My witcher necklace..I don’t have a pic of it but I searched for one on the internet :’)
@vattgherncirilla‘s questions ( thank yoe soo much!! ^^): I. what’s your favorite game and why? The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt..all of my Witcher love started with this game..it’s still my favourite out of all the witcher games!
II. why do you have tumblr?
Idk..I thought it could be fun :’D
III. what do you think about this war between Team Triss and Team Yen people?
It’s unnecessary...everyone prefers another woman for Geralt..You just have to deal with it tho I fight that war with my brother XD
IV. which team are you: Triss or Yen and why?
Yen. I think Geralt and her are just working very well :’) besides..I don’t really like Triss x)
V. which character (from book, game, movie) you appreciate the most?
REGIS!! the end
VI. what’s your favorite meal? describe it!
Pizza..I think ya’ll know what pizza is x) (usually with sheep cheese and corn :’D)
VII. have you met someone on tumblr? If u did, tag him/her here!
What do you mean with this question? Like in real life? No...but I found some friends! @queenofkadaara, @dandelionandbuttercup, @ilonavic, @lithialetheia, @vaporeox, @vattgherncirilla, @ferelden-doglord, @whitenerine, @cirillach, @holy-squirrel-of-death, @akhuna
VIII. which season is your favorite?
IX. who’s your spirit animal?
Regis sideburns a bear I guess x) atleast my friend says so
X. how many books have you read? what’s your favorite?
Ugh..many..idk..my favourite one is Baptism of Fire tho :D
XI. what do you think of me? Tell meh tha truth!
I really like you! You are funny and very beautiful! Aaaaand you are polish x) sorry...I’m not ver good at these things..
@holy-squirrel-of-death‘s questions (thank youuuuu Aleks! ;D): 1. Who’s your favourite celebrity and why? I don’t really have a favourite celebrity..Andrzej Sapkowski? Cause he is funny?? x)
2. What’s your favourite song lyrics (either whole song or just a few lines) and why?
ok..it’s Polish sooo it could be bad xD:
Przeraża mnie ta chwila, która jej wolność skradła
It just speaks to me ok.. :’)
3. Which dead fictional character would you bring back to life?
4. What’s your favourite weather?
Rain and thunder and lightnings..perfect.
5. What do you think happens after death?
Idk..nothing I guess..tho I think we will go to a etter place..wherever it is
6. Which planet do you like most?
Neptun is so pretty :3
7. What have you dreamt about lately?
Just meeting @ilonavic xD
8. What’s your favourite topic to talk about?
9. What do you do when you’re sad?
Nothing xD cry and listen to sad songs xDDD
10. Which taste do you like best: sweet, salty, sour, bitter or spicy?
Spicy >:)
11. Do you have any words, that you use really often? 
Shit, Fuck, Kurwa XD
@ilonavic‘s questions (thaaaank you Vic!! ;3): i. What is your happiest and saddest memory? Idk what my happiest memory is..my saddest is being bullied tho xD ii. What/Who is your most precious possession or person in your life? @queenofkadaara :3333 iii. What character describes you the most? Milva..just Milva xD idk anyone else x) iv. Favourite time period? Why? WINTER! Every other season is just too hot for me xD v. Favourite meal? Pizza vi. What profession will you most likely work as? Psychologist or artist x) vii. Name your favourite song? Zozulja - Percival viii. What is your favourite season/weather? Winter, rain, thunder and lightnings ix. Why did you originally join Tumblr? I just wanted to check it out :D  x. What movie/game/book has made the most impact on you? The whole witcher series...it is just..omg..I LOVE IT WITH EVERY BIT OF MY HEART xi. What do you wish would disappear from the world? War and hate against each other
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