#and Buck thinks Tommy is so cool (he's gonna kiss him one day)
ilianitta · 29 days
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'What's our motto? Who cares!'
7x03 Capsized, 9-1-1
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lavenderleahy · 2 months
Buck scans the reception venue, eyes finally landing on Tommy. He's is sitting at an otherwise empty table in the back of the venue, sipping on punch and staring off in the distance. As Buck jogs over to him, Tommy notices him and his eyes lift with the hint of a smile. Buck slides into the chair nearest to him, hunching over earnestly.
"Tommy, hey. I'm so sorry. I did not mean to ditch you for half the wedding."
"Hey it's all good," Tommy shrugs. "You've got your priorities. Maddie needed you. No one could've predicted the chaos of the day."
"Yes," Buck responds, placing a hand on Tommy's. "But I'm still sorry. I'd do anything for Maddie, but it still wasn't okay to desert you."
Tommy mirrors Buck's movements and places his other hand on top of his. Smiles gently. "Evan. I can hold my own at a wedding. I promise."
Buck glances down, then looks up at Tommy, smiling shyly. "It's just... it's only our second date and I've fucked up both of them."
Tommy laughs. A real, pleasant laugh. It makes butterflies dance in Buck's stomach.
"You've done nothing of the sort, Evan," Tommy responds. "Sure, everything with you is.... unexpected. But I like it."
Now the butterflies are doing somersaults. "Yeah?"
Tommy smiles and squeezes his hand reassuringly. "Yeah."
Buck beams. God, he's so nervous. Tommy makes him nervous. He still can't believe Tommy has given him another chance after their train wreck of a first date. He'd been thinking about the wedding for days beforehand, just wanting everything to go perfectly. Needless to say, it had not gone perfectly. Not even close.
But here Tommy still was, smiling at him, holding his hand, forgiving him anyways. He hadn't left in the chaos. He-
"You're staring." Tommy's voice interrupts his train of thought. He raises his eyebrows. "Like what you see?"
Fuck, Tommy's so confident. Of course he's confident. He's cool, and he's loyal, and he's willing to take risks, and he has a cleft, and - Buck can't stop himself. He reaches his hand up and gently grasps Tommy by the chin, his thumb on that dimple and his four fingers brushing against the stubble near his neck.
"I'm gonna kiss you now," he says, breathless.
Tommy doesn't say anything, just nods solemnly.
Buck leans in and closes the gap, brushing his lips against Tommy's. Immediately, there's electricity buzzing between them and he deepens the kiss. Their noses and foreheads are pressed against each other, their lips dancing in unison, and there's nothing, nothing that Buck would rather be doing right now. His right hand snakes around Tommy's neck and he pulls him in closer, impossibly closer. The kiss is perfect. Tommy is perfect. He never wants this kiss to end.
But Tommy pulls back, ending the kiss far, far too early. His face his flushed and Buck is proud to notice that he might be a little breathless, too. He stands up, and Buck's eyes follow him, wide and wondering.
"C'mon," Tommy says, offering a hand to Buck where he remains in the chair.
Buck puts his hand in Tommy's but he can't move. His mind is still reeling from the kiss. He wants to kiss Tommy again.
"You said you needed someone to dance with, right?"
This shakes Buck out of his stupor, and he laughs. "Yeah, I did," he says, rising to his feet. He lets his eyes meet Tommy's and steps forward into his space. "Let's dance."
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wikiangela · 23 days
I wanna wake up with you (and throughout the night I wanna hold you tight)
bucktommy rating: G words: 3.5k summary: Tommy is not a morning person, and needs lots of sleepy cuddles and kisses to start the day - Buck is more than happy to oblige and indulge his hot adorable boyfriend.
[read on Ao3]
He presses a chaste, delicate kiss to Tommy’s lips, and then tries to unwrap Tommy’s arms from around himself. He thinks he’s succeeding, he’s almost out of his grasp, when suddenly he hears a small noise of complaint, and then Tommy’s arms bring him closer, so that he’s pressed against Tommy’s chest again. He easily, instantly settles against him. There’s no rush, he’ll always take a few more minutes of being in Tommy’s arms. “Where are you going?” Tommy mumbles sleepily, eyes still closed, a small frown creasing his forehead. Buck chuckles quietly and can’t resist leaving another kiss on Tommy’s lips. It’s honestly adorable how his big, strong, hot firefighter boyfriend, who’s always so cool and collected, can get so grumpy in the morning without cuddles. He’s sure no one would believe him if he told them, but he likes that – he’s the only person who gets Tommy like this, who knows him like this. The thought makes his heart race and stomach flip, feeling as excited as at the very beginning of their relationship.  And the thing is, Buck loves cuddling, loves physical affection and non-sexual intimacy so much, he’s always loved and wanted this. But he thinks this is the first time he’s really, actually getting it, without feeling like he’s bothering the other person, like they’re just indulging him. So what if he’s clingy, and tactile, and maybe sometimes a little needy? Tommy enjoys it, enjoys him, and he never seems even a little bit annoyed with him. Buck feels like he can just unapologetically be himself, and it feels so… freeing. Being with Tommy feels freeing, in so many ways. And Tommy clings to him just as much, always – usually it feels almost like they’re magnets, just pulled towards each other, needing to be as close as physically possible, and even closer than that. Buck loves that, he loves them. This is truly the best relationship he’s been in. “Well, I was gonna go make you breakfast and then wake you up.” Buck says, fingers running through Tommy’s tangled curls. “You can go back to sleep, baby, and I’ll be right back.” he whispers, one of his hands starts drawing mindless shapes on Tommy’s back. “Mm, no.” Tommy just responds, burying his face in Buck’s neck.
[read on Ao3]
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kinardsevan · 4 days
I figured it out. Why hearing that Tommy is a plot device/temporary is so infuriating. It’s the equivalent of being told “it’s just a phase”. As in, Buck just needs a phase to “figure out” being bisexual so then he can guide Eddie through it??? That logic is fucked on so many levels.
Evan Buckley is a grown ass man. He may be figuring out what he likes coming from another man vs a female in a committed relationship, but it’s not like he’s NEVER kissed or had sex with someone before.
Also, I’ve put off saying this, but I think (one of) the things that bothers me most about the possibility of Buddie on any level is that you have to trust in the whole “I fall for my best friend and they fall back at the same time” trope. That shit is not only rare, it’s painful. And given that 911 tends to go for realism (on some level) versus the fantasy when it comes to building relationships, you can’t tell me that Buddie would get it easy. But there’s an entire class of people who think this is the hard part, and one day Eddie is just gonna wake up and realize now that Buck is canonically bisexual. But like… that’s not very realistic? Also, the point Ryan keeps making about Eddie being heterosexual. And also, I genuinely believe that given the original plans for Tommy’s arc, that when Ryan said no, that was their chance.
Hear me out:
Buck would’ve been far easier to flip on a whim of “I’m into my best friend” after Eddie having a moment with Tommy. The ground work is already there, with previous situations (TK, etc). Eddie on the other hand, has so many other issues to contend with (Shannon, Christopher, his faith) that without someone basically shoving him in that direction, it really doesn’t fit.
To which brings my point: I feel like there was probably a conversation (at the very least, if not more than one) had at some point before the season started, and knowing the ideas Tim had on the table, there was an engagement of “this is the direction we want to move in, how do you feel about it?” Because truth be told, you can’t force someone six years into their contract to suddenly make changes they’re not cool with. and again, I feel like when that possibility was broached, and Ryan said no but Oliver said yes, this was the result.
Ryan does not want to play a queer character. Oliver doesn’t have a problem with doing so, nor does Lou. (And all of that is OKAY). But to that end, Ryan literally cannot be forced to do so if he does not want to. (I imagine there are probably bylaws via SAG/AFTRA that ensure this under some level of sexual harrassment, etc). And again, it’s one thing for an actor to read fanfiction about their character, even send it to their scene partner and be like “hey look at this”. But that doesn’t equate to them being like “okay yeah, the fans want it so we should do it”. Case in point? Go look at the entire Marvey fandom in Suits. I personally have a retweeted twt from Aaron Korsh like 6/7/8 years ago which I commented on the two of them kissing. Guess what? It never happened. And AK and Co were well aware of the side of the fandom that wanted those two together.
I don’t know what happens with Lou and Tommy from here on out obvs. They’re certainly teeing up some options, though we don’t have any clear answers due to just entering hiatus last week. But even if he’s gone in s8, that will never ensure that Buddie happens, and I’m not even trying to be mean about that. It’s just fact.
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inawickedlittletown · 2 months
Step Into The Light
Notes: He's bi! He's bi! Officially. Cannonically. Nothing can bring me down.
Pairing: Buck/Tommy, pre-Buck/Eddie
Summary: In the aftermath of 7x04, Buck reaches out to the one person that he thinks can help him.
Words: 1,228
On Ao3
The thing that came first after was calling Hen. Buck supposed that he could have called Maddie. Somehow, though, he knew that as helpful as his sister was pretty much all of the time, this was meant for Hen. Tommy had been gone ten minutes…maybe fifteen. Tommy had kissed him. 
Buck’s fingers touched his lips and he realized they were shaking. 
Hen picked up on the third ring. 
“Hey, Buck,” she said. 
“Hi,” Buck said and he knew it came out strange. 
“You okay?”
“Yes. I’m…yes. I just…”
“Buck, what’s going on? You don’t sound too—”
Buck let out a breath and he shook himself. “I’m good. I’m good. I just…are you busy right now?”
“Karen and I were gonna see what we can find on Netflix, but if you—”
Buck sat up a bit straighter. “Can I…can I come over?”
“Should you be driving?” 
“I’m not drunk, Hen,” Buck shot back. “I’m just…” he trailed off and left it unsaid: I’m just bi.
Well, maybe. Probably. More than probably. That kiss…well, it had blown him away. 
“I’ll bring wine,” Buck announced. 
“Sure. See you in a bit, Buck.”
It was Karen that opened the door. She eyed him a bit. “Now I don’t let just anyone interrupt my one night this week that I got my wife all to myself. This better be good, Buckley.” 
And he just blurted it. “I think I’m bi.” 
At that, Karen pulled him inside, pushed him towards her living room and Buck just let her. He felt when she took the bottle of wine he was holding and then was handed a glass full of wine a moment later. Hen appeared with her own glass and Karen was right behind her. 
“What happened, Buck?” 
Tommy. Tommy at his door. Tommy in his kitchen. Tommy walking towards him. Tommy smiling. Tommy touching his chin. Tommy kissing him. 
“Kissing,” Buck said.
“Kissing,” Hen repeated. 
“Kissing with who specifically?” Karen asked. 
There was something amazing about the way they sat together. Close, not just touching but fitting together. Buck had never paid close attention, he knew how he had always been with romantic partners but they had been girls. All of them shorter, smaller, fitting at his side in a way that left him holding them. It would be so different with a guy. With Tommy. 
“Tommy kissed me,” Buck said and as an afterthought added, “I liked it.” 
There was a moment of silence. 
Then, “What?” from Hen. 
Karen was calmer. “Tommy is the guy that flew the helicopter?”
“Yup,” Buck said. 
“I need more information,” Hen said. “How did this even happen?” 
Buck took a sip of his wine. He couldn’t even think about that, about how he’d wanted to reach out to Tommy as soon as they were back in LA and he hadn’t really thought about the why exactly other than how cool Tommy was. He’d hardly expected Tommy to be so welcoming and to invite Buck for a tour right away. 
Then, Eddie was suddenly there and Buck…well, watching them walk away and then fly away, it left him feeling small and forgotten. Left behind. None of it made sense. 
In the days following, he figured it was about Eddie. It was about how he and Eddie had barely spent any time together outside of work. They were both busy. There had been Natalia and of course there was still Marisol. Even Chris was a factor. Eddie had turned him down the last time Buck threw an idea out and then after that Buck had gone over to Eddie’s place to talk to Chris. So, hearing about Eddie’s plans with Tommy when Eddie hadn’t tried to make plans with Buck lately…maybe it left a bad taste in his mouth. 
It didn’t help that despite talking about getting a drink and Buck getting some lessons from Tommy, Tommy never reached out. Too busy with Eddie. And then, when Eddie had mentioned going out on a night when Buck was free, it had felt like an invitation until suddenly it wasn’t. 
Hearing about Tommy from Chris…that had made him pause because wait when had Tommy met Chris? 
It was in getting Chim to invite him to the basketball game that opened Buck’s eyes because there was Tommy and he was…well, his arms were bare and he was running around getting sweaty and the sun was hitting him just right and he was bumping chests with Eddie and they were so much closer than Buck had expected. And maybe he hit Eddie a little hard and he should have taken it easy, but there had been something brewing inside him and there were no excuses for any of that. 
“He came over,” Buck said to Hen and Karen. “Wanted to clear the air about the whole Eddie thing and I guess…well, I realized why I was feeling so weird about them spending so much time together.”
“What thing with Eddie?” Hen asked at the same as Hen said, “Wow.” 
“Eddie’s been hanging out with Tommy,” Hen said. “They even went to watch a fight in Vegas.” 
“Oh,” Karen said. 
“We’re going on a date,” Buck added. 
They both stared at him for a long time and then Hen jumped up and threw herself at him. Arms coming around his shoulder and her head ending up above his. 
“A baby gay, in my own living room.” 
Maybe telling Hen hadn’t been the best move. 
“We’ll have to teach him the handshake,” Karen said with all seriousness. 
Hen pulled back from Buck and she laughed. 
“I’m kind of having a crisis here,” Buck said. 
Hen sat back down. “What’s the issue?”
“I just…I never knew. I had…for so long I just didn’t realize and everything is making sense. This is who I am.”
“And doesn’t it feel good to finally know it,” Karen said. 
“It does. It really does.” 
The silence that followed was nice. Comfortable. It did feel good, like some part of him had finally been unleashed. Like Buck was finally complete…that missing thing he’d always been searching for unearthed and clear to him. Maybe he was still freaking out a little because he had kissed a guy and he was going on a date with that same guy, a guy that Buck found fascinating. Attractive. Enticing. The guy that had delivered an amazing first kiss. He was out of his element in so many ways. 
Karen reached out, touching his forearm. Her hand was warm and small on him. When he looked up and met her eyes she was smiling. 
“This is new territory,” she said gently. “Just go at your own pace. I’m sure he’ll understand.”
“Yeah,” Buck said.
“He will,” Hen added. 
Buck let out a breath. He felt so light, like he could float away. The nerves weren’t gonna go away anytime soon, but behind them was excitement. There was freedom. There was knowing that all along this had been a part of him and that even if he hadn’t known it, it had been there waiting for the right time, for a moment when Buck was ready to embrace it. 
“So,” he said looking at them, “did you find something to watch on Netflix?” 
“All things considered, we have the perfect thing,” Hen said.
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𝐒𝐈𝐍𝐍𝐄𝐑𝐒𝐏𝐑𝐀𝐘𝐄𝐑 ; 𝐧𝐢𝐤𝐤𝐢 𝐬𝐢𝐱𝐱 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐓 𝟏. 𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐓 𝟐.  𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐓 𝟑. 𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐓 𝟒.
word count: 2.371k (i'm sorry 😭😭😭) trigger warning: swearing, kissing
the fact of preparing their first actual concert caused her goosebumps every time she thought about it. getting platformed high heels, faux fur coats and faux leather jackets, body painting and hairspray, it was fucking exciting for her. she and the boys made pictures, then cutting themselves out, y/n was the one who went to the press, where she could get thousands of posters. mick was the one who got the place, and they played the songs on every day of the week. sticking out posters with jessica's and the other girls' help, y/n ran around whole los angeles.
and now, here they were, minutes from stepping out to perform for the first time. drawing with her eyeliner, y/n looked at the others: tommy spinned his drumstick between his fingers, nikki was puffing his hair up on her side, mick played his guitar and vince stretched out the pants his girlfriend bought him.
"man, my girlfriend spent like, 8000 bucks on these leather pants. you like 'em?" he asked tommy.
"they're cool, bro."
"you say everything's cool, drummer." mick muttered, getting a nod from y/n. she turned away from the mirror, standing up in her platform high heels that give at least 6 inches to her height. all the boys begin to snicker, nikki whistled as she adjusted her black bodycon dress. y/n had red and black makeup, dusting her cheeks in highlighter.
"what the fuck are those, y/n?" vince asked, getting her attention. she turned in her shoes, striking a pose.
"these are my favorite shoes. i stole it from a shop, so i hope the owner or the cashier is not gonna be here tonight." she answered, testing that the heels weren't unstable.
"you look so mad girl, like a rocker barbie! could you do my eyes for the next time?"
"of course, toms."
"so you think there's gonna be anybody out there tonight?"
vince's question was the one that y/n was interested about too. she feared a little that it's gonna be a big disgrace, but they had only minutes, and she had a lot worse situations in her life.
"we put up enough fliers, i hope so."
"it's gonna be fine, guys." y/n added. "first concerts are always the most difficult ones, but we had rehearsals many, many times. whatever happens, we're here for each other, right?"
"that's right, princess." nikki answered her as he stood up, making y/n snicker. he wore red high heels, fucking red high heeled boots! "what's up?"
"you all were wondering about what i wear, but you wear fucking red high heeled boots too! what the fuck?"
"it's called style."
"no, it's called women footwear."
stepping out, her heartbeat began to increase as fast as a ferrari. there weren't many people, but maybe it was better. if the 'concert' is shit, then there's not any people to brag about it. okay, y/n, you just quit your job, you moved out and moved in with a junkie runaway, and you banded up with four guys for this shit. you aren't a slutty pole dancer from right now on, you're a fucking rock star.
"you all right?" mic asked her as she exhaled an inhaled, making her nod.
"yeah, yeah."
nikki taped the song list on of the speakers, scattered applause could be heard. vince tapped y/n's shoulder, as she walked in and took out the microphone from its stand.
"hello everybody! we're mötley crüe." she said, the lights coming onto her. tommy tried to drum some solo, but with too big drive, he accidentally knocked over one of the drums.
"fuck!" he muttered, hurrying to pick it up. some of the audience laughed at this, making y/n's blood pressure driving up. keep calm, keep calm, keep calm.
"come on!" nikki whispered to tommy turning around, getting a glance from y/n. this is his first actual concert, bloopers like this are fine. or so she thought. everybody was on the edge.
"you suck!"
"get off the stage!"
y/n spinned the microphone, pointing to the dudes who yelled these words.
"hey you two, fuck y'all! let's rock this hole!"
starting to play live wire, y/n almost forgot the bad comments, but she was wrong in her assumption that those assholes gonna stop.
"who's the chick singer? and the other chick?"
"she's the band-whore or can i fuck her too after the concert? because if yes, then i'll stay!"
wait wait wait, what the fuck did he just say? y/n stopped in her movements, looking at vince.
"fuck you, asshole." the blonde said, getting the buff guy with a beard spit on his jeans. those famous, white leather jeans.
y/n smirked as she saw vince getting off the stage. hell could break loose, because she's not gonna let some fuckers humiliate her neither.
as vince fell back, she got into the eyesight of the buff guy, but she saw from the corner of her eye that nikki was on the way, swinging his guitar. mick still played the song, and somehow this was just fucking funny. grabbing the microphone, she used the cable to swing into the other guy's face, the whole room filled with a sharp piping. before she could enjoy her first knock-out, someone grabbed her hair to hit her face, exactly her nose. it was just the edge of it, but still, it hurt like a bomb exploded on her face.
"how the fuck dare you hit her?" she heard nikki, getting into the fight, diverting a guy from her, so now, it was a one versus one. swiping off the blood, she got up, eluding a hit from the guy who hit her, she kicked with her fucking perfect shoes right into the middle of his crotch, getting him falling back, grabbing his dick with two hands. one guy hissed from the audience.
"how the fuck dare you to touch my hair?" as the guy stood up, she was ready to kick again, but one security guy hold her arms back, another trying to keep back the guy. as he tried to break out, y/n kicked him in the face from drive, a little blood falling on the floor. this got a bigger 'ow' from the audience.
"it's enough, chill out, lady!" the security guy told her, letting her go as he and the other tossed the guys out, she picked up the microphone that she used as a weapon. tommy just stopped beating the last guy, she stumbled back to vince and nikki. y/n didn't even noticed that everybody got silent while they were probably just doing things on their own way.
this was over. this was fucking cool, but seriously, who'd want to go to a band's concert that beats their audience, even if they're fucking assholes?
"FUCK YEAH, MÖTLEY CRÜE!" a guy yelled, breaking the silence, clapping as loud as he could. others began to clap too, and soon, the whole room echoed from the applause. she felt nikki's tap on her shoulder, singing her to get up to the stage again. with the microphone in her hand, she was happy that it still worked.
"you alright, y/n?" vince asked, making her turn to him, hugging her.
"oh, yeah, i'm fucking fine, and you?"
"everything's alright. your nose is bloody."
"again?" she asked disappointedly, trying to wipe the blood off with little to no success.
as they stood back, tommy began to play the drums, y/n looked at nikki. reaching out, he swiped off the blood from her nose, touching her lips while looking into her eyes. she wanted smudge the black paint on his face with her lips ad her fingers, it was fucking hot, and she felt her knees going weak a little bit. she only smiled, every sound was muffled by the guitar that mick played.
the concert was successful in the end, some people got in the bar through the concert. y/n made little gigs, she let vince spin her, shaking her body and throwing her hair like she was a vogue model, in her ridiculously high platformed heels, twisting the cable of the microphone around her arm.
after their third concert, y/n was blowing a cigarette as she talked with the people who went to mötley crüe's concert, and soon, she felt an arm around her shoulders.
"what's up, princess?" nikki asked from her, and in exchange, she let her took a drag from her cigarette as she took it to his mouth.
"nikki? oh my god, your riff was so cool! i loved it so fucking much!" the guy said, making y/n and nikki smile. "can i ask you something, guys?"
y/n furrowed her eyebrows, then shrugged her shoulders.
"you already did it, mate." she said, getting a slight laugh from the others who were listening to them.
"are you two a couple?"
"excuse me?" she asked, looking at nikki, who seemed at least as surprised as she, if not more.
"sorry, excuse me! just, like, you two just give off the energy."
at this, y/n choked on the smoke she just inhaled, coughing a little while nikki laughed.
"you hear that, princess? we seem like a couple." nikki said loudly, licking her hair, her temple wetted from his tongue.
"fuck you, sixx. you know, the problem is, that there's too much testosterone on the stage with those four boys."
"yeah, we can feel that! but you're like a rock angel, y/n, i don't have seen many good frontwomen, but you're cool. you fill up the stage with vince, and it's not like you're there because you're just a wannabe-rockstar chick, you act casually."
"thank you." y/n muttered, leaning into nikki. "but no, we're not a couple. that'd fuck up the band, i think."
going home, nikki nudged y/n's shoulder, y/n tossed on him in exchange. they were drunk, y/n could barely walk on her big heels, grabbing into his arms before this little gig.
"oh, really?" he said, spinning and pinning her to the phone booth. trying to move, she whined from the nikki's arm that didn't let her go, trying to sneak out from it, he shook his head, tutting. "what now, princess?" he asked.
"let me go." she whined, giggling, trying to toouch the ground with her legs. nikki was taller than her, and in her drunk state, she couldn't deny that it was really hot.
"for a kiss." looking at him, y/n smiled and looked away.
"come on, just a little kiss."
the girl shrugged her shoulders the best she could, whispering in his ear. "i don't want to be your one-timer, nikki. i'm not in your band just to fuck with you, and if we want to do this, we have to do it proper."
"proper? what do you know about proper dating?" he pulled up his eyebrows.
"i just know that they didn't say that i'm your whore, they said that we look like a couple. don't make your fans disappointed, nikki."
"my fans? our fans. fuck them, i don't want to make you disappointed. i'm not good in relationships, i mostly had flings, so you can take my relationship-virginity."
"really? you want it? a relationships has boundaries and duties, are you ready for that?" she asked. she haven't felt ready either, but she loved to watch the wonder on nikki's face.
"i'm not sure... but you know what i'm sure about?" he spat the words, brushing their noses together, making her smirk and giggle again, she tried to bite him but he leaned away.
"i'm sure that i want to give you everything."
y/n stopped in her motion, and for a moment, she got sober. did he really want to be in a relationship with her? come on, their band and their career basically just started, what if they break up in two weeks? if they really gonna make it, facing each other through long years is not gonna be easy.
"fuck, nikki." she muttered, tilting her forehead to his.
"fuck you, y/n, for not believing in me. what if i want to travel the world with you? to play in big stadiums, getting stupidly rich and high and have good sex? and of course, caring about each other, and all those lovey-dovey shit you girls like?" he said, brushing his lips against her forehead, then her cheeks, her nose, edging her. y/n's lips began to burn from lacking his lips on hers.
"i like that lovey-dovey shit." y/n answered, stroking his face.
"then i'll give it to you." he towered over her. "just say that you want it, that you want to be my girlfriend." nikki's whisper wandered around her mind. just say that you want it. i'll give it to you.
fuck, why not? y/n stroked nikki's face, smiling, and she felt that in seconds, a bomb's gonna explode.
"i want it, nikki."
nikki smiled, leaning closer to touch his lips with hers. grabbing the back of his neck, curling his black locks around her fingers, y/n bit into his lips.
"fuck, it's so crazy how you got me feel for you in fucking weeks." he muttered, trying to get her legs around her waist, but y/n tapped on his chest.
"stop, niks, i don't want to be on some handycam recorded sex-tapes that leaks out after we get famous." she muttered, making him laugh.
"me neither. only i get to see what's underneath these pretty clothes." he slapped her ass as they began to walk home. "can we continue this at home?"
y/n clicked with her tongue, holding onto his arm.
"i don't know... i need to shower first, the concert got me sweaty. and bloody, fuck."
"you were so fucking hot as you were fighting those guys."
"were i good?" she asked, leaning her head onto his arm.
"you were amazing, baby. you kicked out at least two of that asshole's teeth." nikki replied, making her giggle. "did you learn this at the orphanage?"
"i learned it in life. but orphanage was hard as hell, too."
"but now you are in perfect hands. well, not perfect, but pretty good hands."
"your hands?" y/n looked up, smiling as she brushed her nose against his jawline.
"my hands." nikki nodded, kissing her.
a/n: i know it's short, but i got a lot of work )): hope u don't mind. see u in the next chapter!!
taglist: @xamapolax
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sure-i-exist · 2 months
Ok so Buck’s behaviour in Buck, Bothered and Bewildered (7x04) is obviously yeah he’s jealous and wanting attention, and plenty of people have pointed out it kinda seems like he’s actually going for Eddie’s attention at times (literally in the episode Tommy is surprised by it being his attention), and I’ve decided I wanna make a list of each of the scenes where he’s going for some attention and who specifically I feel he wants it from.
The Hangar - obviously this is entirely for Tommy’s attention, especially considering there was an entire tour we didn’t see that happened beforehand.
By the Sewers, Talking with Eddie - in this scene to me it feels like he is actually mostly thinking about Tommy here and feeling jealous of Eddie for already being close with him. But there is some feelings around Eddie as well and it’s from this conversation that his feelings about the both of them get complicated and mixed up.
Talking with Maddie (1) - again his feelings are a little messy here, he knows he’s definitely feeling some way about Tommy and he’s thinking a lot about him and doesn’t know why considering he just met the guy like 2 weeks ago (and he also doesn’t get why Eddie seems so close with him when he’s also only met him 2 weeks ago). He’s feeling strange about it all and externalising it as jealousy over Eddie and frustration at Tommy.
At the Gym - this is entirely just wanting Eddie’s attention. Including when he invites Chimney for the Thursday basketball thing, in the moment he’s only thinking about Eddie.
The Basketball Game - firstly I just wanna say in the lead-up to the event, after asking Chimney and during the couple days before the game, Buck is actually thinking more on Tommy, he’s who his thoughts keep leading to despite him trying to be more focused on Eddie over it. And that’s confusing him. While actually there, it’s a case where his mind’s occupied with Eddie but his eyes keep going to Tommy. And his confusing thoughts and feelings are pissing him off a little bit (along with the general feeling of being left out), he doesn’t know what’s going on but at this point he’s definitely aware that he’s thinking about both men but he doesn’t know exactly what he’s thinking on either of them.
Talking with Maddie (2) - he’s feeling really bad about Eddie. And he’s thinking and reflecting but he doesn’t yet know whose attention he’s really been after. This conversation will make him continue reflecting and he’s still not certain on his thoughts and feelings, but things are starting to clear and sort themselves after this.
And finally…
At the Loft with Tommy - He’s still not entirely sure what he’s thinking or feelings in regards to the whole situation. He feels bad, but that’s about all he can identify at first. About halfway through the conversation he starts to feel more confident, and through speaking one-on-one with Tommy (something he hasn’t actually done since the hangar) he realises his main goal to begin with was actually Tommy’s focus and attention, because he’s reminded of how cool Tommy is and how much he enjoys just talking with the guy. And he says as much, he says “trying to get your attention has been kind of exhausting” - this catches Tommy off-guard, who hadn’t realised Buck wanted his attention at all, he thought Buck solely saw him as a threat to him and Eddie relationship to one another. And then Tommy kisses him. And it’s surprising but it’s good and now things are very quickly starting to make sense for Buck. Why he was thinking about Tommy so much without even needing a specific reason, why he felt threatened when Eddie and Tommy were getting to be seemingly so close. Things start to click. And he’s gonna keep thinking and things are gonna keep starting to click into place for a good while after that, after Tommy leaves.
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45 and 46 with tom please? 💗
You've got it! I just went to the fair so I felt like it was the perfect time to write this lol. I hope you enjoy it love! Feedback is appreciated, love you guys xx
Reminder that you can keep sending in requests for the Summer of Love until September 22nd!
Penguins and Popsicles
45 - Trying to win a prize at the fair
46 - Your mouths getting dyed different colors from popsicles
Pairing: Tom x Reader
Summary: You and Tom spend the day at the fair
Summer of Love
“I think this is the last of the big rides,” (y/n) peaked around as they joined the line for the tilt-a-whirl.
Tom sighed in relief, “Good, I don’t know how much more my stomach can take.”
“We don’t have to go on this one,” she frowned.
“No, no, I’ll be fine darling,” he assured, “I’m sure I’ll still be able to handle the ferris wheel tonight.”
“Alright,” she smiled and kissed his cheek, “After this we should go play some games, I wanna try and win that cute penguin we saw.”
“Oh you’re getting the penguin, I’m gonna get you the fucking huge one too darling,” he beamed.
“Well considering all the games are totally rigged, I’ll be happy with just the small one.”
“No way, my peach deserves the best, I don’t care how much I have to spend, I’m winning you that penguin.”
“Will it be the pink one too?”
“Of course it’ll be the pink one! And we’re gonna put it right in the living room so everyone can see how much I love you.”
。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆   。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆
“The tilt-a-whirl was a bad idea,” Tom groaned as they got off the ride, holding onto (y/n) for stability.
She frowned, “If you throw up on me I’m ditching you.” “I’m not gonna throw up,” he rolled his eyes, “And I’d at least be able to make it to the trash can if I did.”
“As long as it doesn’t end up on me I’m happy,” she squeezed his hand as she weaved them through the crowd, “Drink some water, it’ll settle your stomach.”
“Thanks peach,” he chuckled as he sipped at her water bottle, “Alright, where’d you see that penguin?”
“Are you sure you don’t want to sit down for a little while first?”
“Of course not, a little tummy ache isn’t going to stop me from winning you that prize. Now, where is the penguin?”
“Up this way, it was at the balloon dart throw thing. You know those games are totally rigged though.”
“Well my love can overcome any obstacles,” he wrapped her arms around his waist and pressed a loud kiss to her cheek.
She laughed as she pushed him off of her, “Knock it off.”
“Don’t fight my love darling,” he kissed her again.
“You’re such a dork,” she rolled her eyes as they approached the booth, “Alright lover boy, give it a go.”
“You two playing?” the girl running the booth smacked her gum before motioning for them to pass them their ticket cards.
“Oh no, just him,” (y/n) pushed Tom up.
He offered his wrist with a smile, “How much for the big penguin?”
“Three balloons, two balloons gets you a small prize, one gets you nothing,” she slammed three darts down in front of him and sighed, “Go ahead.”
“Can I get a good luck kiss?” he smirked, wiggling his brow suggestively.
(y/n) rolled her eyes and kissed his cheek, “There, you better win now.”
“I will, I will,” he assured. He took his time aiming and missed all three shots. (y/n) laughed behind him while he flushed, “Yeah I was warming up, let me go again.”
The woman scanned his card and Tom went again, managing to pop a single balloon. He didn't manage to hit even two of the balloons until his fifth turn, winning (y/n) a small stuffed dog. But it wasn’t enough for Tom, he kept going, burning through their tickets without ever managing to win the big prize. He’d collected a small fish and snake in addition to the dog, but the penguin remained elusive.
“One more time,” Tom insisted.
“Tom we only have enough tickets left for the ferris wheel,” (y/n) whined, “And I’ve already got these three little prizes, there’s no more room in my purse.”
He looked between her and the booth before sighing, “Okay, I guess we can forget about the penguin…”
She nodded, “Yes, let's just go ride the ferris wheel instead,” she pulled him away from the booth as he flashed his sad puppy eyes.
“I’m sorry I couldn’t win you the penguin peach.”
“Tommy I don’t need a penguin, I’ve got a dog, and a fish, and a snake,” she emphasized each animal as dramatically as she could, “And the best boyfriend in the world. I'm more than happy with all of that.”
He smiled and wrapped his arm around her shoulders, “And I’d be happy with a nice, romantic kiss at the top of the ferris wheel.”
“That sounds perfect to me.”
Their walk to the ferris wheel ended up taking a detour to a popsicle stand, Tom picked cherry while (y/n) opted for blue raspberry. It was (y/n)’s suggestion, she insisted they’d need something to keep them cool while they waited to reach the top of the ride. Which was good because Tom couldn’t stand how slow the ferris wheel moved once they were actually on it.
“This sucks,” Tom whined, “I mean can’t they just let us go?”
“You get sick on the fast rides, but then the slow rides are too slow?” (y/n) rolled her eyes, “Are you ever satisfied?”
He nodded, “Yeah, I like the thrill rides, they just make me sick. And this one just sucks while they’re loading people on, which is taking them forever. I could load these carts in like two seconds.”
“Yeah, just open the little gates and shove the fuckers in there, it’s not that hard.”
“I like how slow it is, you get to enjoy the view for longer.”
“Oh yeah, like I really care about a view when I spend all day looking at you,” he rolled his eyes.
Her cheeks flushed and she turned her attention back to the popsicle, “You’re so cheesy.”
“I think you like it,” he teased.
“In your dreams,” she stuck her tongue out, making him laugh.
“Tongue’s blue lovie.”
She giggled, “Yeah, your lips are like, bright red.”
“Red huh?” he smirked before pulling her towards him, “You know what my favorite color is peach?”
“You’re gonna say blue and then kiss me aren’t you?” she smiled smugly, “Cheesy and predictable.”
“No, I was gonna say purple and then I was gonna french you,” he corrected before pecking her lips, “But you ruined it.”
“I didn’t ruin it, we’ve still got a whole half of a ferris wheel ride to make out,” she reminded, wrapping her arms around his neck and kissing him once again.
。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆   。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆
(y/n) peaked around curiously as she left the bathroom, she’d sprinted there straight after the ferris wheel, expecting her boyfriend would be right behind her. Now she was worried he’d gotten lost in the crowds somewhere, taking her purse and phone with him. She couldn’t imagine how impossibly embarrassing it would be to have to go to the missing kids booth because she lost her boyfriend. Luckily she spotted him wiggling his way through the crowd, attempting not to hit anyone with the giant pink penguin in his arms.
“Tom!” her jaw fell, “How the hell did you get that?!”
“I won it,” he beamed.
“How? I was only in the bathroom for like, a minute!”
“By giving the girl at the booth twenty bucks,” he shoved the penguin into her arms with a smile.
She bit her bottom lip as she hugged the penguin against her chest, “You didn’t have to do that Tom.”
“No, but I told you I’d get you that penguin, no matter how much I had to spend,” he paused to kiss her forehead, “Plus just look how happy you are now. You know I’d do anything to see that pretty smile of yours.”
She sighed before throwing her arms around him, “I really do have the best boyfriend in the world.”
He laughed and squeezed her against him, “And I’ve got the best girlfriend in the world. This beautiful, perfect, amazing girl who I’ve just had the best day with, and now I’d like to have the best night curled up in bed with.”
“Now that sounds absolutely wonderful,” she agreed, “You, me, the penguin, and Tessa.”
“Nothing better than a night with my three favorite girls.”
@niallberry @spideyssunshine @namoreno @thevery-firstpage @outshineallthestars @roseke @zspideyy @emistrash @andreagf956 @tomsirishgirlx @peachyafshawn @agbspidey
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swfteverlqrk · 3 years
He looks good with kids.
Bucky x female!reader
Warnings: Kids. Jk, none, pure fluff.
Summary: Yn heart can't love more Bucky, but it can when she sees him with kids.
A/N: I gave a warning that i wanted to just write about domestic/Dad bucky. Is just the first of a thousand of bucky's fic's :)
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You arrived with your hand holding Bucky's.
"Aunt yn!" a little girl ran to you. 
“Hey mor!” you let go of Bucky´s hand and hold the little girl. “how is my princess doing?” 
“I dont want to be a princess anymore!” she said with a frown, you put her down. 
“Why?” you tried to not laugh. 
“Because if i want to be a queen, im gonna have to get married... with a...” she made a long pause, trying to say the next words. “boy! ew!” she said with a repulsive expression. 
that was something you loved about the kids, their honesty, saying everything uncensored, you saw Bucky trying not to laugh next to you. “Morgan, say hi to Bucky, dont be rude.”
“Hi, Mr Barnes.” she was shy, and added a little wave, without leaving your side. 
“Call me Bucky.” he winked at her, which made the girl blush, who could blame her?. 
she nodded and then her mother appeared “Morg, go play.” the little girl obey and got inside the house. “Im so glad you could make it” she greeted huging you and gave your boyfriend a warm and friendly handshake. “But please come in”.
you took Bucky´s hand again, and got inside the house, it was such a warm and really normal and familiar house, you wouldnt guess it was Tony Stark place, it wasnt a big mansion as he used to, it didnt have any  technology gadget, and they had a yard, more like a yard it was a private forest, where all the avengers were. 
“Im going to say hi to Natasha” you said, seeing her in the distance. 
“Ok, i´ll go with Steve and Sam.” you nodded, Bucky kissed your cheek and headed to Natasha. 
“Hey you!” your friend hugged you with one arm, cause she was holding a two month baby on her free arm, her daughter “Hey Thea, im your aunt, yn.” 
the baby girl smiled at hearing your voice. “Can i hold her?” 
“Of course!” she handed you the baby, when you took her in your arms, Nat sat down, glad that her arms could rest for a while. “Where´s Bucky?” 
“Over there with your husband and Sam” 
“It´s dangerous when they get together” you chuckled, giving her the reason, the baby start to cry. “Oh, let me” 
“No,Nat, i can, dont cry Thea.” you rocked her and started singing to her. “ Hey Dorothea
Do you ever stop and think about me?
When we were younger
Down in the park”
“Doesnt she looks gorgeous with kids?” Bucky asked his two friends, they rolled their eyes. 
“Uncle Bucky!” a boy approached. 
“Hey kids!” they high five, smiling, it were AJ and Cass wilson, Sam nephews. 
“Did you brought us what we asked for?” the soldier nodded, they went to his car, where he let out some water guns. 
“Cool, thank you!” the younger one hugged his uncle and ran after his brother. 
Nat noticed bucky´s scared face while Sarah continued shouting at him. “Yn, your boyfriend is in trouble.”
“What?” you turned to see Bucky in the entrance. “I´ll be back.” you gave her Thea, and walked. “What´s going on?” 
“James gave my kids water guns!” 
your eyes opened surprised. “Why?, Bucky what...?”
“They asked me to, they texted me!” he said innocent. 
“If something happens, they are your kids” Sarah said at Bucky and left, she was a good mom, she wanted what was best for her kids. 
you went to sit with Bucky, saying hi to Thor and Jane, until three little girls, Morgan Stark, Cassie Lang and the younger who was Alice Quill walked there. “Auntie yn, can you come play with us?” Morgan said with a small pout. 
“I´ll love it, but im going to help Sam, Sarah and Vision, to get the food ready. 
“I can play with you.” Bucky said letting go of your hand. “If you want to.”
the three girls looked at you, where you just nodded. “Go, he is funny!” your boyfriend got up and walked. Morgan took the initiative and took Bucky´s hand. 
“So, prince, which is your first decrete?” Cassie Lang said laughing, it been thirty minutes and the girls were comfortable now with the ex soldier, hugging him, holding his hands. 
“That i get a bigger crown.” he took his princess crown off, which was hurting him, making the three girls laugh. 
“Hands up! We are taking him”  The older Wilson said, pointing with his water gun.
“He is our prince, you cant take him.” The little Quill said, trying hard to hold to Bucky. 
“We can!” Billy Maximoff said, he took A.J gun and got Bucky back wet. 
‘i see why Sarah hated me for the water guns’ bucky thought to himself. 
The boys were shooting water to the girls, and them throwing grass and toys, your boyfriend got up and tried to run. 
“He is leaving!” Billy said, and all ran after him, you wouldnt guess that the weight of 7 kids could make a super soldier fall to the ground. 
“Is little yn in love?” a girl voice said, Carol Danvers. 
“Hey, Danvers” you turned and hugged her. “How are you?” 
you started catching up, she telling you stories about the space, once in a while you turned to see Bucky in the ‘jail’, that was a playpen, where all the kids put him.
“You know his wife, will come to rescue him, right?” Morgan said to A.J while having a tea party.
“What wife?” 
“Yn, duh.” she said as it was the only option. 
“They arent married” the boy said. 
“yes they are.” A.J just shooked his head. 
“Kids, the food is ready!” Sam shouted and the kids ran, Bucky got up from the playpen  that they took from Thea, he approached you. 
“I was expecting you to come to my rescue"he said resting his chin on your neck.
"Oh no, did you saw them? They had guns" you teased him, turning around to see him.
"Yn! You can stop time!" He said like a little kid, maybe an hour with 7 seven kids was more than enough.
"Here, you hamburger" You just said handing him the plate, with the bun and meat.
"Thank you, where we'll sit?"
You looked around searching for an empty table. "There" you pointed. "I was thinking of telling Sarah and Sam to sit with us".
Your boyfriend nodded, and taking your hand, you walked to the table, you were going to start eating when three girls approached the table.
"Aunt...yn... Can we, sit here?" Morgan Stark said shy, with Cassie and Alice by her side.
"Uh..." You looked at your boyfriend who with his look, he told you it was fine. "Sure, come."
"Guys, they said yes!" Morgan shouted and four more kids appeared.
"i thought it was only you three" Bucky said, trying not to laugh.
They sat, Morgan between you and Bucky, the food was delicious, and the kids were a good company. Bucky went for Soda, and coming back to his place he kissed your cheek, making you blush.
"I told you they are married!" Morgan said to A.J, biting her food.
"W-what?" You almost choke with the soda.
"Morgan thinks you two are married, but I've been telling her, you are just boyfriend and girlfriend" A.J said tired of the same argument.
"We are not married, sweetie" you cleared to the little Stark, who frown her eyebrows, confused.
"Then, why you kiss?, My mom and dad told me only married people do that." She looked at you, waiting for an answer, she was really confused, Bucky just smiled a bit.
"Because...umm..." You made a pause thinking what to answer, all the kids look where on you in that moment.
"We are going to get married, we're engaged." Bucky finally said, the most serious he could, not making notice it was a lie.
"When?" Cassie asked excited.
"Soon, in a few years, right yn?" You nodded, you let out a relief sigh, until two boys voices started arguing.
"Hey, Billy, Tommy, what is going on?"
"He took my chips without asking!" Tommy answered, looking at his brother wanting to kill him.
"But Tommy doesn't wants to share!" They started arguing again.
"Don't fight. Billy, we asked for things, and Tommy we have to share" they rolled their eyes, knowing their were being scolded. "Now Tommy, apologize"
"Tommy!" You looked at him, really serious. He took air and apologize, same with Billy. "Now both of you, go for more chips." They got up and murmuring they said something like 'she acted just like mom'
The food time was over, you and Bucky played hide and seek with the kids, when it was the soldiers turn to found you, Alice was the only one who hided with you, but when you had to find them, you knew wherever was Bucky you'll find at least a fifty percent of the kids. The time passed quickly hiding, and laughing.
"Who wants dessert?" Pepper said to the kids, whose eyes opened wide.
"Come on, Uncle Bucky!" Morgan took one hand of his and Cassie another, and walked together, but Alice started to cry.
"Um, Buck, you left something here." You said while Alice was on your arms.
"Sorry, baby, come on" he pointed his back with his head, and you put the little girl there. "Hold on tight" She did, putting her little arms around Bucky neck, while walking to the food area.
Once they got their dessert, including Bucky, all went to sit and start playing charades, you only heard kids real laughs, making you smile.
"Kids, why don't you go for yn?, she loves to play this, but it's to shy" Billy and Cassie nodded and went to grab you while you were with Tony and Steve.
"Come play with us, aunt yn!" Both making a pout. "Uncle Bucky said you like to play!"
"He did?" You gave a killing look to the blue eyed man, who just lift his shoulders innocent. "Fine, let's go"
You left Tony and Steve, and went play, you sat next to Bucky, his arm around your shoulders, that pose didn't last, because when you got up to play, Morgan took your place next to Bucky. 'Oh, so Bucky is the new favorite' you thought seeing him surrounded by all of them.
The day was over, after saying bye to Gamora, Quill and Alice, you helped Pepper to clean a bit.
"You know something, yn?" She said serious.
"Mhm?" You were picking up the plates and cups.
"All this afternoon, i saw a girl with Bucky, you should be more careful."
A girl? Which girl? All of the avengers girls were taken, you thought for a few seconds, but no one came to your mind, until Pepper told you to turn, where it was your boyfriend and the girl who wanted to steal him, Morgan, watching the Sunset, she was in his arms, one arm on his neck, while he was talking to her, not being to able hear, but seeing him with kids, to see his sweet and soft side made your heart melt.
"So, you see, the sun loves the moon so much, he goes to let her shine for hours." The girl's eye opened wide at the story.
"Morgan, they have to go." Her mother said walking to her.
"Stay to sleep, please?" Morgan said with a pout, without letting go of Bucky.
"We are going to stay at the Roger's, baby girl." You told her, which made her sad. "But, if you behave, we can make a sleepover next week at my place!"
Her eyes shined, and a smile appeared. "Really?"
"Of course, beautiful, but you have to be nice, ok?" Your boyfriend told the little girl putting her down.
"Mom, he calls me beautiful! He doesn't calls yn that" she tried to whisper but failed, Pepper just nodded, taking her hand, getting inside of the house"Bye guys." Morgan shouted before entering the house.
"what?" Your boyfriend noticed you looking at him.
"nothing..." You chuckled softly, and got into the Rogers car.
A few days later.
You were making breakfast, when your phone rang, the contact name was Tony Stark, it was a FaceTime. What if something had happened to him? Was he okay? You answered nervous, but when the camera opened, you saw Morgan, making you feel relieved.
"Hey Morgan!" You greeted her.
"Hi, aunt yn!" You could tell her she was trying to see the house, looking for something. "Are you alone?"
"Yes?"you said confused" But one friend is coming over."
"Oh, is not uncle Bucky there?" You chuckled, of course she wanted to see her 'uncle'.
"No sweetie" you shook your head, making Morgan eyes sad. "He went to help uncle Sam with something, he'll be back at night."
"Oh okay, I'll call him then! Bye." You were going to talk but she hang up.
The night came and your boyfriend went to your place to say hi and having dinner.
While eating dinner, you said to him about the morning call.
"I received a weird call today"
"What?, From who?" He asked looking up from his dumplings.
"A girl you know." You said serious, like you were mad.
"come on yn, it was Wanda? Or Carol, or Natasha?" You shook your head.
"Morgan Stark" He laughed.
"Wait, why?"
"She wanted to talk to you, you should call her" your look went back to your noodles.
"Are you jealous that she prefers me?" He teased you, making you laugh.
"Yes, you are." He pointed his fork at you, making you let out a good laugh.
"Just call Morgan!" You said playing you were angry, after dinner he did, you heard how Morgan told him all about school, and her toys, and dolls, all that she could ever think about, and he was paying attention, gasping every minute about something she said or showed.
Your heart melted again. 'He looks so good with kids'.
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whentommymetalfie · 3 years
Home to you -chapter 5
Pairing: Tommy/Alfie
Summary: Tommy and Alfie both want to take things further. But it turns out, things might be more complicated than simply wanting. 
Warnings: mental instability, hallucinations, self harm, self-hatred, ptsd, panic attacks, disordered eating
Content note: sexual content
Wordcount: 3,7
Tommy wakes up with led in his veins, head too heavy to lift from the pillow and confused about his whereabouts. The warmth of a hand on top of his head tells him he’s not alone, at least. It prompts him to squeeze his eyes open just a fraction to observe the world through his lashes.  Alfie’s sat next to him, paper in his lap and with his glasses balancing low on his nose as he thumbs the pages with one hand, combing gently through Tommy’s hair with the other. Tommy stays completely still. Wants to stay in this moment, sink back into sleep and hide from the memories of the past night before they fully catch up with him. His right palm throbs dully and he clutches it against his chest, willing away the feeling of glass digging into fragile skin. He squeezes his eyes shut. Wants to stay in the warm safety of here and now, with Alfie, in bed, with Alfie’s fingers in his hair. Far away from the coppery smell of blood and the voices echoing between the tiles.
“It’s so easy, Tom, so easy, and then you’ll get to rest.”
“It’ll never be anything more than this. What do you have to offer him? Look at you.”
and he looks and looks until he can’t bear it anymore until it’s all too much and-
“Tommy?” Alfie scratches lightly at the nape of his neck. “You awake?”
He nods, because he needs Alfie to talk, bring him out of the darkness. Like last night.
Alfie keeps stroking his hair.
“You gonna open those pretty eyes and greet the day and your companion any time soon, eh? Nearly lunchtime innit.”
He can hear in his voice that he’s smiling. And he wants to see that, so he opens one eye to peer up at Alfie. Who is indeed smiling down at him. Tommy curls up impossibly closer, as if he could fully melt into him, face pressed into his soft side. Alfie flinches when his nose digs into a ticklish spot and lets out an indignant snort, but then continues petting him with a fond chuckle.
“Just a little kitten, aren’t you, petal? Yeah. Bet you’ll start purring one of these days.”
Tommy ignores the comment and drags in Alfie’s familiar scent into his nose.  
“How’re your hands feeling?” Alfie asks. “You in much pain”
“It’s not too bad,” he mutters into his shirt.
With an unconvinced hum, Alfie takes his hand gently and presses his lips against the back, just softly, continuing over his knuckles, up his fingers and down the inside of them, featherlight over his bandaged palm, until he can kiss the inside of his wrist. Which sends a thrill of pleasure up Tommy’s spine.
Then, Alfie leans down and kisses him. It brings out different memories altogether from last night. Alfie kissed him then too. Lifted him up onto a counter and kissed him until his head was swimming. He sinks into that feeling now, happily following where Alfie leads.
The steps approaching outside makes Tommy pull away, but Esther just passes. He looks towards the door, unable to relax. Esther has certainly seen him in more compromising positions. But still---
Taking his chin lightly in hand, Alfie turns him away from the door and smiles again before pressing another kiss against his lips.
When the steps approach a second time, this time accompanied by low humming, Alfie relents.
“How about we pick this up later tonight,” he whispers into the hot air between them. “When we know we won’t be disturbed. And I can take care of you good and proper.”
The words light a warm feeling in the pit of his stomach, his chest, and fluttering and fragile as it may be, it’s definitely real. So much so that Tommy finds his lips twitching into a smile as he whispers, “Is that a promise?”
Alfie chuckles, low and dark and the way his eyes light up makes Tommy wish he could find more enticing things to say, anything to keep that expression on his face always.
“Indeed it is, love.”
The day passes impossibly slowly. Alfie helps him stick to the usual routine, the firm schedule of eating, walking, resting, doing a crossword or two, followed by the usual afternoon nap. The one Tommy swears he doesn’t need but still always ends up taking sometime in the afternoon, cuddled up against Alfie’s chest in front of the fire as he reads, when the ever present weariness overcomes him.
It’s easy enough to fall into the familiar pattern, even if he can’t stop counting the hours until sundown, for once feeling something other than dread at the thought of going to bed. Everything makes him think of it: Alfie’s hands lingering after he’s helped him with his coat. The soft brushing of lips against his forehead as he dozes off in the afternoon. The firm warmth of an arm around his waist during the walk. Little things that remind him. He clings to those, to keep his head quiet. Tell the voices that no, Alfie doesn’t find him repulsive, Alfie likes touching him, Alfie doesn’t look at him and see something ugly and broken. It helps a little. Even if they’re not silent for long.
Despite what happened last night, Alfie lets Tommy take a bath on his own, that evening. Not without fussing first, and not with the door locked. And as Tommy reclines against the cool porcelain, all the anticipation that’s been building throughout the day seems to vibrate through him. Despite the heat of the water he trembles, and he tries to force himself to relax without much success. He glances towards the mirror. Where it used to hang, at least, the empty space above the sink. The bones inside of him seem to poke through his skin, bruising his insides and he can’t find a comfortable position. He wishes he could lay down completely, sink underneath the surface until the water makes him weightless and takes the pressure from his bones, but the mere thought of being under the surface makes his throat constrict in panic. Instead he sits up. Draws his legs towards his chest and stares at his bruised knees. Scratches hard over the place where the bone sits too close to the skin.
Alfie asked, last night, if he’d been trying to hurt himself. More than you already had, that’s what he said. Tommy doesn’t know. If Alfie hadn’t showed up when he did, to shield him from the ghosts and pry away the sharp piece of glass from his hand… he doesn’t know what would’ve happened.
The thought scares him enough to stop scratching at his knee and put his legs back down, hiding the thin trail of blood left by his nail.
Eventually he climbs out of the cooling bathwater. It’s a small mercy, not seeing his reflection. But it’s not enough. And they still remind him, even when he can’t see himself, they tell him, won’t let him forget-
He dries himself off and puts on the large flannel shirt, burying himself in the safe scent and the soft warm fabric. Pulls his underwear on and makes sure the long sleeves on the shirt cover his hands, cover as much of him as possible.
When he emerges from the bathroom on legs that still feel unsteady, Alfie is sat on the bed, glasses in place and with a book on his lap. The scene exudes safety and familiarity. He looks up when the door swings shut. Something dark and hungry seeps into his gaze, and it makes Tommy stop in his tracks, a shiver running down his spine under the intensity. He must be looking like a deer in headlights. Feels like one, at least, frozen and helpless.  
“Come here, love,” Alfie says, beckoning him over with an outstretched hand. The hand is unnecessary because the command in his voice is enough to physically pull Tommy towards him. The book lies forgotten on the bed and when he’s close enough, Alfie grabs him by the waist and pulls him down onto his lap and into a kiss. It’s surprisingly gentle at first, but Tommy eagerly parts his lips and soon it becomes deeper, hungrier. Alfie kisses him like no one’s ever kissed him before. So self-assured and firm, taking the lead and making him follow. And he gives into it completely, desperate for more.
In a swift movement, Alfie spins them around, leaving Tommy laid out under him on the mattress, legs around his waist. A surge of heat rushes into the pit of his stomach, making his hips buck up against Alfie’s solid frame. Already gasping and aching for it.
“If you want me to stop or slow down, you just let me know, alright, pet?” Alfie says, pulling away just enough to look him in the eye. “Yeah? Just say the word. Or give me a poke in the shoulder if that’s too difficult. But other than that all you need to do is relax. I’ll take care of you.”
Tommy nods and sinks into the feeling of relief. Alfie’s got this. Alfie knows what he’s doing, even if Tommy himself suddenly feels like a blushing virgin all over again. Alfie flashes him a grin and plants a quick kiss on his nose. “Alright then.”
And take care of him, he does. Begins by kissing him on every inch of bare skin he can reach, the sharp edge of his cheekbone, his temple, trailing his lips down his jaw, stopping right at where his pulse throbs to scratch his teeth gently against the skin. It sends a pleasant shiver down his spine and Alfie must be able to tell because he lingers on the spot, sucking a mark onto the skin before moving further, down to where his collarbones peak above the shirt. His hands meanwhile are stroking down his sides, his hips and thighs, leaving burning trails behind. Lighting a dizzying arousal that collects in the pit of his stomach, burning hot and all consuming.
Tommy’s own hands are buried in the back of Alfie’s shirt. Eventually he works up the courage to tug it up towards his shoulders. Alfie sits back between his legs. Pulls the shirt off and smiles down at Tommy when he reaches out to touch, running his hands down his hairy chest, solid muscle and the swell of his stomach. If he could, he would’ve told him, how beautiful he is, how much he wants him, how much he wants this. Instead he pulls him closer, tries to show him. Needs to have that powerful body fully pressed against him, needs all of him at once-
Alfie is so warm and heavy on top of him when he kisses him again, cock hard and straining against his boxers, pressing against Tommy’s hip. Tommy wraps his arms tight, tight around his chest and just clings to him while Alfie’s tongue laps against the roof of his mouth, entwining with his own, setting the pace. He drinks in the kisses eagerly, desperately wanting more, more- His hips buck, searching for friction any way they can.
When Alfie’s hand finally trails up the inside of his shirt, tension ripples through his muscles like icy water. The hand stops and Alfie raises both eyebrows in a silent question. One Tommy knew would come but still doesn’t know how to respond to.
Alfie’s seen him in less clothes before. But so many of those times he was too far gone to even reflect on it. Now he’s painfully aware of his own body again. And Alfie is right, he doesn’t believe him when he says he’s beautiful. Only thinks of that scrawny figure in the reflection. He hides his face against Alfie’s chest. Alfie strokes his side gently. Each time a finger dips into the hollow spots between the ribs he feels his stomach turns into knots.
How can he let Alfie see, when he knows what he’s become?
“How could anyone want you? Look at you-“
Look at you
Alfie wouldn’t
Look at you
“There must be something you can do?” Lizzie’s voice is sharp and demanding as she speaks to the shadows looming over his bed. “Look at him, he’s wasting away.”
Wasting away locked away forgotten in this room
“The only option is to feed him more often, but-“
They keep talking over him and he wonders if he’s really here at all
“-considering his aversion to it that might have a negative effect on his wellbeing overall, I’m afraid.”
In this room
Where the door is always closed
And no one touches him except the men in the white shirts with their tubes and their cold hands and all the dark figures who try to keep him still and he’s wasting away nothing but a black hole
Cold mud
Pushing the air from his chest filling all the empty crevices-
No one can stand touching him.
“Shh, treacle, ‘s okay.” Alfie’s voice emerges from the chorus of others, whispered against his ear. “You’re beautiful. Let me show you. Let me take care of you”
He desperately tries to ignore the snide remarks that follow Alfie’s softly spoken words, things that echo in his own head, that’s all, not real. This is real, Alfie’s voice, Alfie’s body against his-
Alfie kisses him but he can’t feel it, the scratch of his beard or the soft press of lips against his.
He tears himself away, presses his face into his chest again as he struggles to breathe. Coughs to get the mud out, has to get it out, out pushes harder into the firm surface to find an anchor, it’s cold against his forehead, cold wet dirt and the smell of earth and
blood splitting pain and wetness trickling slowly down his face
splutters and coughs and chokes as bits of mud hack up his throat.
“God, there’s nothing there Tommy! Will you just fucking listen to me?” Lizzie’s fingers can reach all the way around his wrists. “Frances, get in here!”
“Fuck-“ the weight on top of him shifts but he still can’t breathe- “Tommy?”
he struggles uselessly against the hands.  
Until they disappear and footsteps echo across the floor, doors slamming, new hands,  shushing, dark figures and faces he doesn’t recognize.
The room floods with warm light and Alfie’s face swims into view. He cradles his face, holds it still, but he can’t feel it, can’t feel the heat against his skin-  
“It’s alright, sweetheart, breathe with me, in and out- I’ve got you.”  
He’s moved, pulled closer, ear pressed against Alfie’s chest, he listens to his breaths, the steady beating of his heart. In and out. In and out, the familiar mantra.
“I’ve got you. You’re safe.”
Alfie’s got him, he’s safe. Alfie’s got him, and he’s safe, Alfie- he clings to the words with every stuttering in and exhale, until feeling slowly seeps back into his limbs again, he can feel the warmth of Alfie’s skin, the firm hold of his arms encircling his waist and cradling his head against his chest. He winces when he comes back to himself enough to remember why they’re in bed together.
“I’m s-sorry,” he chokes out. His teeth clatter together so hard that getting any words out at all is a struggle. “I don’t know why- why this is happening,”
“Shh, fuckin’ nonsense that is. Apologizing. Nothing but a bad habit. If you’re not ready, we’ll take it slower. Simple as that, eh?  
He grasps desperately at Alfie, shaking fingers against firm muscle.
“No, no, I want to- I-“  
“Shh, love, just you focus on breathing and leave the talking to me. Sometimes your head knows it’s wants something but the rest can’t quite keep up,” Alfie says and rocks him slowly in his arms. “The opposite ‘s true too, I reckon. But I’m nothing if not persistent, so I promise we’ll figure it out. Don’t you worry your pretty little head ‘bout it.”  
He presses his nose into the crook of Alfie’s neck and sinks into his embrace.
Alfie begins rubbing his back slowly. The hand moves up along his waist, outside of the shirt this time. He stays in one place. Rubbing warm circles into the skin. Tommy forgets to breathe.
“Relax, pet. ‘s nothing dangerous, this. I’m keeping it right here, see? Does that feel okay?”
The thin barrier the shirt provides helps somewhat. He nods. And as he gets used to the sensation the worst of the terror it caused before fades, at least enough for him to relax.
“There you go. Doing wonderfully, aren’t you?” Alfie moves his hand further down to his waist, caresses all the way to his hipbone and up again. Over and over. “Yeah, you’re doing so good, sweetheart. Just relax. It’s all fine.”
And as the adrenaline seeps out of his veins, his eyelids become heavy. Alfie keeps stroking him, lingering in each spot for a long time. And before he can even feel himself slipping, he’s asleep.
For once it’s not a nightmare that wakes him, but Alfie tossing and turning in bed next to him. By now Tommy’s instincts have him reaching for Alfie already in his sleep, so once he drags himself out of it he’s already firmly pressed against him, face buried in the crook of his neck and one arm wrapped around his bare chest. He drags his scent into his nose. Reassures himself that he’s safe. Not alone. Never alone again. And he’s already sinking back into sleep when Alfie lets out a grunt into his hair and presses closer. He’s hard, the outline of his cock pressing into Tommy’s thigh, thick and straining against his boxers. The feeling sends a sharp spike of arousal to the pit of his stomach. He lies frozen, barely daring to breathe. Alfie’s arm is tight around his waist, keeping him firmly pressed against him. His hips roll forward, making Tommy’s heart jump. Heat floods through him, pooling in his groin, and he presses his thigh harder against Alfie, can’t resist. Fuck, he’s so big. It’s a thing he never knew he’d find so arousing: the feeling of a big, hard cock pressing into him. Now, the reaction is so strong it almost frightens him.
Alfie’s arm tightens around his waist and another moan escapes him, hot and raspy against Tommy’s ear. His own cock quickly becomes achingly hard and he swallows down the urge to shove a hand down his shorts and touch himself. Or turn around. Rub himself against Alfie until- oh fuck-
Alfie suddenly jolts awake, unsuccessfully attempting to untangle himself from both the blankets and his own grip around Tommy all at once. He looks blearily around the room before setting his eyes on him, half closed and with a confused crease between his eyebrows.
“Fuck, sorry ‘bout that, love” he slurs. Gestures awkwardly downwards as he relaxes back against the pillows. “Don’t pay any attention to it-“
He clears his throat and once again shifts to pull away. Tommy kisses him. Surges forward and crashes his lips against Alfie’s, clumsy with need, tongues and teeth clashing as Alfie kisses him back with equal fervor. He tugs at the thick arm around his waist and Alfie rolls them over, settling his entire weight on top of him. Tommy spreads his legs, grinds up against him and whimpering at the feeling.
Alfie stills for only a second, but he squeezes his thighs tighter around his hips.
“Don’t stop,” he whispers against his lips and with a growl, Alfie thrusts forward, rubbing his stiff cock against Tommy’s. He moans, open mouthed and desperate against Alfie’s lips.
Then they’re moving frantically together, Alfie’s hands digging into his arse to push him closer, grinding down against him, hard and unforgiving. Pinning him against the mattress with his entire weight. Tommy rolls his hips, heels digging into the backs of Alfie’s thighs, desperately chasing friction and fuck, fuck, he’s so close already- it’s all too much, and not enough, Alfie’s cock, hard and thick under the thin fabric of his boxers, the soft ,heavy press of his stomach, he writhes against the heat and the firm pressure of muscle and flesh, close- so fucking close now-
“Oh, oh Alfie-“ he keens and the release washes over him in sharp waves of pleasure, quick and relentless and absolutely brutal, he’s crying out, voice cracking into sobs and Alfie doesn’t stop moving, chasing his own pleasure against his over sensitized cock.
“Fuck, Tommy-“ he groans into an open mouthed kiss. “Fuck, that’s so good, love. Fucking hell-“  his hips push harder and faster until they stutter. He pushes his face into the crock of Tommy’s neck, hands painfully tight around his arse as he comes, shuddering through his release. Then he collapses on top of him, breath hot against his neck.      
A warm stillness settles in the room, where only their breaths are heard. Tommy’s head is full of cotton, muffling all the noise, softening it. Eventually Alfie raises himself up on his elbows and lets out a chuckle.
“Fucking hell, love. Not exactly how I’d pictured it, bedding you for the first time. Thought’ I’d be more of a gentleman about it.” He brushes away a sweaty lock of hair from Tommy’s brow and smiles. “But I’ve always believed in doing what comes naturally. I promise to take better care of you in the future. Do it properly.”
Tommy knows he’s blushing and the cotton makes it impossible to come up with any words. Alfie rolls over onto his side to tuck him against his chest. He’s shivering for some reason.
“But perhaps some drowsy, half-asleep rutting was just what we needed, eh? Just to blow off some steam. And can I just say that you make for quite a sight when you- Fuck, sweetheart, you’re shaking.”
Alfie rubs his back and pulls the blankets up higher around him, tucking them around his face and wherever he can reach.
“You alright, love?”
Tommy hums, even if his teeth clatter together and every breath hacks its way up his throat. Because Alfie is here and Alfie holds him and keeps him safe.
And he’s alright. At least in that moment.
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ninnodesu · 3 years
The New Matriarch, ch 2.
Tw: - Memories of rape - Brief mentioning of rape!  
Thomas B. Hewitt.
It's…, Sunday? Yeah, it's Sunday. He thinks before rubbing tired eyes to wake them up before squinting to the window that's cracked open. The sun's up, but it doesn't feel as warm as it usually is, even early in the morning. Seems like today's going to be a milder day.
Good. I don't have to overheat and die. He chuckles at his own bad attempt at a joke as he rolls out of bed. His back cracks in a symphony of newly awoken and hard working bones as he stretches, a grunt escaping his lips. He trudges over to his dresser and pulls one of the drawers out, grabbing the first t-shirt he sees. It’s gray and worn out with small holes in the seams under his armpit, but he knows they can’t afford to get new ones.
It will have to do, I guess, he shrugs and pulls it over his head. Realizing he probably should have taken a shower first, but frowns. He knows it’s no point in showering before going to work in cleaning the barn. His mama asked him the week before if he could help clean the barn, she wanted to see if there was anything of value they could maybe sell at a yard sale to try and scrape up some more money.
Even though the scraps of meat rejects he snagged with him home after a hard day's work were enough, his mama was longing for bread and maybe some fruits and vegetables. And those were expensive. So he promised her he would take a look and throw away obvious trash the next day he was off work. Which happened to be every Sunday. Before heading out he pulls his boots on and reaches for the mask hanging on a hook next to his door to buckle it on the back of his head. All the years he's been wearing it has turned his skill in buckling it to perfection and he fastens it while walking through the upstairs hallway, tired floorboards greeting him under his weight.
He stops suddenly at one of the stairs that makes a particularly alarming creak and bucks a bit, “Hm…”, he bounces as carefully as he can to not break the board to test it. Making a mental note that he has to take a look at that specific step at another day. Hoping it’ll not break in the meantime.
With a yawn he enters the kitchen where his mama is preparing breakfast to the best of her abilities with what they've got, some sausages she managed to throw together with whatever scraps he could snag with him from work, and eggs. In his heart he thanks God that they still had chickens.
"Mornin', darlin'", she says as he walks up to her and nuzzles his forehead to her temple. A small hum from him to wish her the same. "You goin' to fix that barn I asked you for today?", stuffing half a sausage in his mouth as he grunts. His own way of saying “yes”. He doesn’t like speaking anymore. Not since he carved on his face, a desperate attempt at trying to remove dead, and sick skin. He only knew pain during the healing period. And he lost a lot of weight at first, both speaking and eating only caused him pain. So he stopped talking. Doing his best to avoid unnecessary pain to his already throbbing face.
Yeah, don't worry, mama. Even if Sundays are the only days he has off work, he's still happy to help. And today seems to be a mild day. Even if the sun's out it goes behind clouds from time to time.
Rather today than next week. He thinks to himself munching away at his breakfast while looking out the window, not focusing on anything particular, leaving his brain a chance to wake up properly. Somewhere in the distance, he hears a loud burp, and then a door closing harshly, probably to try and wake up the last family member who was still snoring on the couch and then the sound of angry stomping wakes him up from his daydream and he lets out a small discrete sigh.
Great., he huffed silently at the sight.
His brother, Charlie, enters the kitchen. He reeks of both tobacco and alcohol,
Already? Come on, man…, Thomas just makes a grimace behind the leather as he follows him with his eyes. Usually, it was when Charlie had alcohol still running in his blood that he barked orders at Thomas, so he was used to Charlie drinking not being the best of signs. He never really did like when he drank, even less so early in the morning. Sure, the slaughterhouse had a worse smell, but that smell he was used to.
Charlie plops himself down at the kitchen table and just violently stabs one of the sausages with a fork.
"Mornin', mama.” His twisted and crooked smile directed towards their mother, before his eyes drilled into Thomas and he returned the stare. A tired but fierce stare off between the brothers. “Remember what mama told you, boy. You're goin' to clean the barn.", Charlie nods at him with a really childish tone at the end and Thomas grunts a reply before looking away, annoyed.
"Leave Tommy alone, Charlie!”, their mama scolds him and lightly smacks his head with her towel. “He's already done promised me that he's gonna. Let the boy finish eatin' his breakfast in peace."
Thomas lowers his head and smirks behind his mask while looking down at his plate. Mama always has his back.
"Yes, mama.", Charlie's voice is low but he gives the big man in front of him an annoyed stare. "Mama's boy…" he mutters under his breath before starting to eat the impaled sausage.
By the time Thomas has finished his breakfast, he hears shuffling from the living room and his uncle stumbles into the kitchen on tired legs. His uncle has never really seemed to pay him much mind, so Thomas does the same as he puts his plate in the sink. All he does is give him a nod on his way over to thank his mother for the breakfast by giving her a small kiss on the cheek through his mask and rub her shoulder before heading out to the barn.
Thank you, mama.
Outside, it's cool - for once - and he can't help but to close his eyes and relax when he feels a breeze caress the part of his face not covered up. He raises a hand and touches his mask, wishing he could feel the breeze on his entire face. But he knows better. Charlie would just harass him if he caught him without it.
Forget it. He shakes that thought away and trudges over to the barn and gives out a loud groan when he sees how much he actually has to do today.
I'll be sore tomorrow at work…
Hours go by. Lunch is over before he even realizes he's eaten it. The clouds have gathered over his head and he's afraid it'll start raining before he's done. On his way in to gather more junk lying around he hears something, a voice.
What th-....  He stops, trying to listen and see if he hears it again. Silence.
Maybe I'm imagining things. He shrugs, but then hears it again. "Please, help me!”, He gazes out towards the wheat field, squinting eyes trying to see something. He still can’t see anyone, though. He’s sure he did hear someone. He turns to look towards the main house to see if it came from there, but nothing. Not his name, no sounds coming from the house that would indicate someone came to hurt his family.
“Hm…”, he takes one step, and then one more away from the barn, toward the general direction he thought the voice came from. His curiosity has peaked.
After a few minutes of silence has passed he’s suddenly startled and his head jerks toward one of the walls where he sees a woman.
What the he-... where did you co-, his inner monologue is interrupted by her hoarse voice. “Please… please help me.”, it’s hard to hear, but knowing how rough his own voice is after so many years of choosing to be silent he’s learned to distinguish words. Seeing her walk towards him makes him back up himself. She’s all beaten up. Hair is more of a mess than his own and she smells of sweat, blood and earth. She’s so much smaller than him in height, not that he’s particularly surprised, honestly. Clothed in something that looks like several  potato sacks badly put together through the years to accommodate her growth. She’s dirty, and it looks like she’s badly hurt. He just watches her at first. “I beg of you. They’re chasing me. I need… I need help.”
You look like you’ve been through Hell... His eyes flicker towards the main house when he notices that she's not looking directly at him, but rather outside. Suddenly, he reacts to footsteps. Close ones and he turns his attention to them, tilting his head and listening to them. Following them.
Deep into concentration he feels small, weak fingers gripping the hem of his rolled up sleeve, tugging at it to get his attention. “Please…”.
He lets out a sigh. You must be truly desperate to reach out for me, lady. His head is directed towards a sound, and around the corner comes a man, and he looks straight at him as he takes a step in front of the strange woman, shielding her, Thomas stares at the man.
“Ah, good. I see you found our sister, there. I’ve been looking for her.”, Something tells Thomas it’s just lies. “I can take care of her now. She’s uh… She’s unwell ”, the last word came out as a whisper, something that shouldn’t be talked about.
Thomas just stands there, crossing his bulky arms over his huge chest, trying his best to look intimidating enough to avoid any violence.
You really think I’m falling for that, huh?, he smirks behind his mask and tilts his head to the side.
A stare off ensues. One huge man looking down at the smaller one. The bull versus the fox. Thomas lets out a big huff that sounds like a mixture between a laugh and a sound an annoyed bull makes.
I’ll humour you, but only because it’s fun to see you try.
“Look, we’re just here to take her back to her room so we can take care of her, okay? That’s all there is.” The stranger takes a step forward, and Thomas manages to hear whispers close by.
There’s more of you, huh?
Thomas looks down at the girl who has curled into a tiny ball behind his legs when he feels his pant leg start to shake slightly where she started gripping it out of fear.
“No.”, it’s dark, and hoarse, but it only helps to convey his statement. “No?”, the man mimics, suddenly realizing that his lie had failed. “Heheh. I see. That bitch told you, didn’t she? Well, this one is ours. We bought her. She is our property.”, Thomas frowns when he sees a sneer appear on the stranger. Then he chuckles darkly.
What the hell are you talking about?
“Tell you what, big man? If you hand her over to us, we can arrange a fee for you.” His leg suddenly gets warm as she hugs closer to him, clings to him, even. Like he’s some kind of life preserve for her. And that’s when his brain switches.
You can relax, I’m not letting them take you, he puts a hand on her head to try and convey his inner monologue and conversation with her. “Leave.”, he hasn’t spoken this much in months. But he wants her to know that she can stay, at least until his mama has had her say in it. “I’m not leaving until I get my property back!”, the stranger practically roars as he lifts the gun he’s been holding behind his thigh.
Thomas’ eyes darken at the sight, he truly doesn’t want to resolve to violence, at least not if his family isn’t involved, there’s no point. And as far as he’s concerned, this woman is not family. “You’re one big beast, you know that?”, a small chuckle emitted from the gun wielding maniac standing in front of the pair.
Then, like a gift from heaven - for once - he sees Charlie as he butts the stranger with the end of his own shotgun. The man falls to the barn floor. It’s not until he hears the thud that Thomas finally relaxes his stance a tiny bit.
Useful, for once.
“Who the fuck is that, Tommy?”, Charlie nods towards the scared girl still behind Thomas’ leg, who's desperately trying to curl into a smaller ball. Thomas’ looks down at her at first and then just… shrugs. He has no idea who she is. All he knows is that she’s the first person ever in his entire life who has been this adamant with getting his help. He puts his hand back on her head again and slowly strokes her messy hair.
It’s okay, now.
Your sight darkens slightly and you fall into shadows as something big steps in front of you, and you look up to see him look toward something. You follow his gaze and see him, the one who had shot you and you take a step back behind the giant in an attempt to completely disappear out of sight. Why is he alone? Where’s the rest?!, your brain starts to go into that panicked state and you fall to the floor, your legs can’t keep you up anymore as fear sets in. You can’t see anyone else. There were at least three… Three… and… the dog… “Ah, good. I see you found our sister, there. I’ve been looking for her.” Liar.
“I can take care of her now. She’s uh… She’s unwell”, you jerk your head and eyes towards him when you hear his disgusting voice. You glance up at the huge man when you see his hands raise as he crosses them over his chest. You take a big gulp of air. He’s huge…
You jump a bit at the moment the giant huffs. “Look, we’re just here to take her back to her room so we can take care of her, okay? That’s all there is.”, you flinch when you hear a shuffle towards you both.
No, no no no no. Not the box, please. Anything but that fucking box!  You curl up, instinct kicking in as you start to grab at the strange man’s pant leg while shaking. You’re so scared. You look up at him when you feel a pair of eyes gaze at you. And that’s when you finally manage to see his face. Or, whatever there was of it. It’s covered in a mask.
Strange… But his eyes seem kind. Light blue, you can’t see any kind of hate in them. You can’t really see any clear emotion at all, actually.
“No. ”, a shiver runs down your spine when you hear his voice. It’s dark, almost as hoarse as your own. But you feel safer than you’ve felt since you started running. “No?”, the man with the gun mimics, his voice is low, and clings to your ears and nerves as black tar.
You zone out, memories starting to trickle into your brain. Memories that makes you nauseous. Memories of his voice sticking in your ears as he forced himself into you, his tongue tracing venomous trails across every part it could reach. This disgusting voice, this sticky and tar like voice of his. You hate it. You hate it so much. In the middle of remembering all the sticky things his voice told you, you wrap your arms around the big leg in front of you, and bury your face in it, shielding yourself. Right now, the only safe place you can remember in your life is this man.
That’s when you feel a hand on your head. It’s not clamping down to hurt you, or to force your face up to make you recieve some disgusting load. It’s just… there. It’s there like a warmth, a helmet. A way to comfort you, you make you realize he wants to help you.
“Leave. ”, that same dark voice speaks. His whole body vibrates. “I’m not leaving until I get my property back!”
Shut up, shut up, shut the fuck up!, you press your eyes shut. Just hoping it will end. You keep your eyes shut. Not wanting to see his face anymore, not wanting to be here anymore. You just want everything and anything to end. You want to wake up from this nightmare. And that’s when you hear a thud and another voice speak out.
“Who the fuck is that, Tommy?”
Tommy? Wh… Who’s “Tommy”?, your brain is too tired to fully function and put two and two together.
This new voice sounds older, it’s definitely another man. But you can’t place him. It’s new. It isn’t until you feel the same hand on your head again, but this time in a stroking motion, that you get the courage to look up. But you can’t relax yet. You know there’s more people here. Around the house. You’re just not sure where they are. So you decide to try and talk again.
“M...m-...”, you take a shaky breath, and try to gather saliva again, easier this time. “Ther- there’s more…”
“More what?”, The old man spits at you as he crouches down to your eye level and looks at you, he seems angry at you, so you flinch further behind the behemoth, who all he can do is stand there since your grip is tight on his leg. His hand still on your head, intently watching as you attempt to have a conversation with the old man.
“O-... of them…”, you whisper as you nod towards the one lying down on the floor, still breathing.
“Are you trying to tell me that there’s more of those bastards on my property, girl?”, the old man spits.
He’s definitely angry, shit.
All you can manage to do is nod. The old man stands tall and puts his hands on his hips as he clicks his tongue. You stay put, almost too scared to move a muscle, your nerves still on high alert, ready to sprint if you hear any kind of loud noise. But nothing happens, it’s still. “Come. We’ll talk to mama.”, the old voice mumbles out, “After that, you’re helping me bring our sleeping friend to the sheriff’s station.” Before you’re able to fully comprehend what’s happening your protector bends down best to his abilities and slowly pats your arms holding him tight while keeping eye contact with you.
“Wh… what…?”, you’re confused. So, so confused as you look at him. He lightly takes hold of your arms and slowly pry them open to release his leg. “Oh…”, is all you can say as you understand what he wants and you release his leg by your own will, but still not fully grasping what he wants to do, at least not until you feel his strong arms under you.
One hooking under your legs and one resting at your back.
And you’re off the ground. It’s not until he takes one step forward that your brain sends a harsh reminder about the pain in your shoulder and you shriek out.
“FUCK!”, it’s loud enough - or you’re way too close to his ear - that he jumps, his grip almost slipping. The pain is enormous all of a sudden, and that’s when it happens. You pass out. Your brain, and body, finally giving up. You can’t run anymore, and you mentally accept your fate, not caring what it might be and you’re put into a deep slumber.
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wikiangela · 2 months
several sentence sunday
tagged by @hippolotamus
sooo bucktommy won me over, i couldn't resist anymore 🙈 so here's a bit of them after their date lol just to be clear, im still 10000% about buddie but im gonna enjoy this while it lasts bc I feel like this is exactly what buck needs rn lol I just wanna write him be giddy and stupid and flustered about a boy even if that's not eddie haha (also, I didn't get the Tommy hype before but after seeing him everywhere for two days... I get it now 🥵)
"(...) We should do this again.” Tommy says, turning fully towards Buck, and Buck’s eyes immediately find his lips. He can’t wait to kiss him again, and this would be the time, at the end of the date, wouldn’t it?
“We should.” Buck nods, licks his lips, eyes darting up to Tommy’s eyes. He’s smiling softly, just looking at Buck. “I-” he starts, and then thinks, fuck it, and this time he makes a move, as he leans across the console to grab Tommy’s chin, like he did Buck’s in his kitchen, and bring him in for a kiss. Tommy immediately reciprocates, and Buck melts against him, and then when Tommy’s calloused hand covers his cheek, it just feels so- so different, in the best way possible. This kiss lasts longer than the first one, each of them constantly coming back for more, but it’s as gentle and tender as that one. Buck loves it, and can’t help smiling into it. He wants more. “Hey.” Buck says, finally pulling away, licks his spit-covered lips nervously. “Do you- do you maybe wanna come in for a beer?” he asks shyly, and at Tommy’s surprised expression and raised eyebrow he realizes it might sound like he’s inviting him for more than a beer, and he panics again. “I- I- I mean, just a beer. And maybe- maybe more of this.” he pecks Tommy’s lips again, not able to resist a smile. “But just a beer. I don’t think I’m- But who knows, maybe-” he stumbles over his words, because the truth is, he wants Tommy, he wants… he wants so much, he wants to experience so much for the first time – it’s just that he’s not sure if it’s not too quick for this relationship, and for him.
“Evan.” Tommy interrupts, bringing his other hand up, now cradling Buck’s face in both, thumbs moving soothingly along Buck’s cheeks. “Your pace, remember? No pressure, no rush.”
“You’re really cool, you know that?” Buck whispers.
“So I keep hearing.” Tommy chuckles, and it’s adorable. He kisses Buck again, and the butterflies in Buck’s stomach go crazy. Fuck, he doesn't remember the last time he felt this giddy and excited and just light. “I’d love to come in for a beer.”
no pressure tags: @elvensorceress @thebravebitch @shortsighted-owl @eddiebabygirldiaz @watchyourbuck @eowon @loserdiaz @evanbegins @ladydorian05 @wildlife4life @diazpatcher @lover-of-mine @monsterrae1 @thewolvesof1998 @neverevan @weewootruck @loveyouanyway @spagheddiediaz @rainbow-nerdss @epicbuddieficrecs @pirrusstuff @spotsandsocks @alliaskisthepossibilityoflove @nmcggg @rogerzsteven @giddyupbuck @sunshinediaz @honestlydarkprincess @underwater-ninja-13 @exhuastedpigeon @911-on-abc @jesuisici33 @steadfastsaturnsrings @theotherbuckley @buddieswhvre @dangerpronebuddie @diazsdimples @daffi-990 @bidisasterbuckdiaz @fortheloveofbuddie @hoodie-buck @tizniz @your-catfish-friend
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yikesharringrove · 4 years
Oh my goddd that Trans!Steve fic was hot! What about the boys (billy, steve and tommy) going out to a party or something like that and Steve would just keep teasing them whenever he’s alone with the other one, telling them he’s so wet right now and how he needs their dicks. Billy and Tommy try to act all cool, but when Steve dances with both of them and grinds himself on them intentionally they would just lost it and fuck him.
I can’t find the first part
Steve knew what he was doing.
He had worn his tightest jeans to the party, the ones that made Billy grabby. He had spent more time on his hair than usual, making it looked like it did when Billy and Tommy had just finished fucking him.
All of this was very planned.
He worked on Tommy first. He had more self restraint than Billy did, so he sometimes took a little longer to jump Steve.
“I’m so wet right now.” He was murmuring in Tommy’s ear, pressed up against his back. “Haven’t been able to stop thinking about you both all day.” He licked Tommy’s neck, grinned at the white-knuckled grip Tommy had on the counter.
“Quit tryna make me hard right now.” Steve reached around to Tommy’s belt, just lightly touching the buckle, suggesting.
“I’m not trying to do anything.” And he pushed off Tommy, made his way back to the couch the three of them were taking up.
He plopped himself right on Billy’s lap, snaking his arms around Billy’s neck, leaning to mutter in his ear now.
“Can’t stop thinking about both your cocks in my cunt. I’ve been wet the whole party.” He nipped at Billy’s ear. He smirked to himself as Billy’s breath hitched.
“You wanna head home then, Pretty Boy?” Steve kissed under his jaw.
“Could always find a room here.” Steve wasn’t shy about what he liked, Billy and Tommy both knew he had a bit of a thing for getting caught, the potential that someone could see them.
The couch bounced slightly as Tommy threw himself down next to them, throwing one arm around Billy’s shoulders.
“He going for you now too?” Billy laughed at Steve’s pouty face. “He cornered me in the kitchen, told me all about how wet he is.”
“He just told me he wants to take us both in his pussy.” Billy and Tommy were throwing looks at Steve as they poked fun at him, made him huff on Billy’s lap.
“Y’know, I’m just trying to have a little fun. You two go jerk each other off then. Have fun.” He made sure to sway his hips as he walked to the mass of people dancing in the living room.
He could feel both theirs eyes on him as he began to dance, making sure to roll his body, really move his hips.
He felt warm hand on his waist, Billy pulling him back onto his firm chest as Tommy appeared in front of him. He tugged Tommy closer, grinding back and forth, feeling them both starting to thicken up in their jeans.
He leaned against Billy, really rubbing his ass along the Billy’s hips, letting his head fall back, his mouth open slightly. He took Tommy’s hands to feel over his body, guided them up his flat chest.
“Can’t take this anymore.”
Steve grinned.
He knew Billy would crack first. He could never contain himself when Steve and Tommy were involved.
He grabbed both their wrists stomping through the big house to find an empty bedroom.
He pushed them both inside, locking the door behind them. He shoved Steve onto the bed.
He looked up innocently at the boys staring down at him.
They both descended, tugging off his clothes, tossing them on the floor.
Billy sucked on his neck, his chest, as Tommy went down, biting Steve’s inner thighs while shoving them apart.
“He wasn’t lying. He’s fucking soaked.” Tommy was running two fingers up and down his pussy, circling his cock on the upstroke. Billy detached himself from Steve’s collarbone to slide one of his fingers inside Steve. He smirked down at him.
“You really want us in this tight cunt, don’t you?” Steve nodded, whimpering as one of Tommy’s fingers joined Billy’s inside of him. “You want us at the same time?”
“Yeah, want both your cocks at once.” They had never done this before.
Steve loved to be full, liked when each of his boyfriends fucked both his holes until he was wrung dry, but he had never taken them both in one.
“Gonna need to stretch him out, then.” Tommy pushed another finger inside, guiding Billy’s to finger him at once.
Steve was a pretty small guy.
He was thin, with long lean legs. He didn’t have much in the way of tits, even before the surgery.
And he was tight.
Even just taking one cock, he needed at least two fingers to get him ready. He needed the first push to be slow, needed time to relax.
So Billy and Tommy took their time, working him up to taking both their index, middle, and ring fingers, all six stretching him out, ripping four orgasms out of him.
They had once spent hours trying to see how many times they could get Steve to cum, had lost count somewhere around forty six.
“Fuck, I’m ready. Want you. Want you both.” Steve was panting, chest heaving as Billy pulled his fingers out, stripped off quickly as Tommy kept his fingers working, keeping Steve open.
He batted Tommy away, yanking Steve’s legs to lift him up. Tommy got the hint, getting naked as quickly as possible, standing behind Steve. He took Billy’s cock, lining it up to Steve, helping him sink down onto it.
Billy let him adjust for a moment, before shifting his hold, letting Tommy press in alongside him.
Steve choked as he was completely filled, both boys stretching him out. Tommy wrapped his arms around his thighs from behind as Steve held onto Billy with dear life.
He let his head fall into the crook of Billy’s neck as they started fucking up into him, just shallow thrusts.
His brain was shorting out, being stretched and filled more than he thinks he ever has been before.
He was limp in their arms, just letting Tommy and Billy buck their hips, hold him up completely.
“God, you both feel so fucking good.” Billy had sweat on his brow, was breathing heavy. Steve was so tight, Tommy’s cock was rock hard against his own, and everything was fucking Heaven.
“I need, touch my cock. I’m so close, please, please...” Steve was whimpering into Billy’s neck.
Billy shifted his grip, let Tommy take more of Steve’s weight to he could get one hand between their bodies, jerking him off.
“Oh God, oh Jesus.” Steve tossed his head back, leaning into Tommy as he came, squeezing both of them like a fucking vice. His legs shook, and Tommy’s knees almost gave out as he came. Billy wasn’t long after, not with how slick Steve got, Tommy’s spunk only making him wetter.
They set him down, Steve immediately slumping forward into Billy’s arms.
His legs were shaking, cum dripping down his inner thighs. Tommy kissed the back of his neck, trailing wet kisses along his shoulder, leaning forward to kiss Billy’s neck, both of them making out over Steve’s melted form.
Billy led him to the bed, letting Steve sit and catch his breath as the other boys got dressed.
Tommy slipped out for a moment, getting Steve a washcloth, cleaning him up gently.
“You wanna head home? I can drive.” They had all taken Billy’s car there anyway.
“Yeah, don’t think I could walk if I tried.” Steve slumped back onto the bed, smirked as Tommy manhandled him into his clothes.
“You wanna help, or...?” Steve looked down at Tommy as he was shoving Steve’s legs back into his jeans.
“Nah. Like it when you do stuff.” Billy just huffed a laugh, pulling Steve to sit up, yanking his shirt on.
“You’re a pain in my ass, Stevie.” He smiled so sweet up at Billy.
“You two get to rail me on the regular, and in return, I make you dress me. I don’t see that as an issue.” Billy and Tommy exchanged a look.
“Whatever, you Baby.”
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fromthadiningtable · 5 years
Get A Room Pt. 3
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Warnings: cursing, drug use, a little smut
Part one and Part two
You vented to Nikki about everything with Tommy on the way home. Why was he acting this way? And why couldn’t he just talk it out with you like you always did together? It was almost as if he was in on some little secret that you weren’t and secrets weren’t really a thing in your relationship. Nikki listened to you vigilantly and it felt good to be heard and to get it off of your chest and not feel crazy.
“He’ll get over it man. Trust me. But just let it play out, don’t push him too hard.” Nikki’s words of advice resonated in your head. So for the next day or two you continued to stay away and give him space if he needed it. You hoped it wouldn’t be too long before he opened up again. It felt so alienating and strange that if it became permanent you didn’t know what you would do. You had been in arguments before but nothing like it had been since that night he got, what you assumed, jealous. The band was on a short hiatus for a few days until their next show with only one practice coming up soon so all you could was wait until he called you. But the phone didn’t ring for those few days, and the hurt stung you. So you just tried to listen to Nikki and hoped it would resolve itself.
You were anxious when practice time came around, Nikki told you to come around anyways and you didn’t know if it was a good idea.
“If he doesn’t talk to you in a few days, just come to practice and we’ll act like everything is normal.” He said, sensing you were nervous about it. But you decided the day of that you would go. Fuck it, you thought, what’s the worst that could happen? He could just not talk to you, but then you decided that if it that happened then you would confront him. He might be taken aback but so what? You’d been left in the dust for awhile.
You arrive at the apartment and open the door with slight anxiety clouding your mind, telling yourself to just be cool. Inside the guys were setting up all of their equipment, unwrapping cords and plugging various things in.
“What’s up?” You say and they all do a head nod at you as if to say it back, clearly distracted with what they were doing. You sat on the couch against the wall as they continued their set up and watched Tommy closely. He seemed to be acting as if nothing wrong but you couldn’t be sure.
“Y/N, we’ve got a new song we want you to listen to, wrote it the other day.” Nikki said while messing around with his bass. You nodded enthusiastically, excited to hear something new. They played the first few lines and you were already in love, Tommy looked like he was mildly distracted but still played the drums with precision. He must be okay if he’s not screwing around during practice, you thought to yourself. You let them know when they finished that you thought it was really good and only made a few notes on some lines Vince needed to hit a little harder and where Mick needed to make some sound adjustments. Other than that, it was another song they’d written that you knew would be a hit.
“I’m gonna head out for a smoke, be right back.” Tommy said, heading out of the door onto the balcony where you shared the last conversation before. You didn’t ask for a cigarette and you didn’t follow him until Nikki made a head/eye gesture that you should follow him outside. You looked at him eyes wide, trying to hide from Vince and Mick what was going on. You pointed outside and mouthed, “are you sure?” And he rolled his eyes and mouthed back an exasperated yes. Onto the balcony you went, the anxiety kicking in heavily now.
“Hey, T.” You said, placing your hands on the balcony rail and looking at whatever was down in the street that he seemed to be fixated on.
“Hey, what’s up” He said, after taking in a long drag and exhaling slowly through this nose.
“Nothing really, I like the new song.”
“Yeah?” He turns to you and leans back slightly. You nod back to him.
“Cool, we worked really hard on it.” He says, now fixated on the cigarette burning inbetween his fingers.
You two sat in silence for a moment, letting the breeze fill the empty space where conversation was lacking. You didn’t know if you were supposed to bring anything up or just let it continue in this awkward way. But you liked being straightforward and now seemed like the time.
“Have things been weird between us or is that just me?” You said finally, and could almost feel the relief from saying it.
“No yeah, I’ve noticed. It’s mainly been my fault I guess.” And his answer surprised you. You didn’t think he would have been so honest but then again, that was your relationship for the most part.
“Can we just forget it? Like all of it?” He said once more.
“Yes, please. It’s not like us.” You said, and the relief that came over you was wonderful. You were surprised he was so quick to say screw it, but happy about it at the same time.
“Sooooo, party tonight? The usual?” Tommy asked, flicking out his ashes.
“Absolutely, I’ll be here.”
“Cool, just no more flirting.” He winked at you.
The party was as Tommy said, the usual. The usual people, the usual music, and even the usual alcohol and drugs. You grew bored looking around for someone to talk to. Vince was actually occupied thank God and Mick was nowhere to be found. Nikki was talking to one of the guys who opened up a show a few nights ago that you all went to see and Tommy...well you had no clue where he was actually. He wasn’t outside, you couldn’t see him through the window. There weren’t many rooms in the small apartment but you decided you’d check anyways. Mick was asleep in one of the bedrooms and the only other options left were the bathroom and the other bedroom. Not a sign of life was in the other bedroom so you decided to check the bathroom just to be sure. Sure enough when you opened the door, there sat Tommy on the counter smoking a joint.
“Is this the new bathroom activity?” You asked, giggling.
“Hey, it’s nice and quiet in here.” Tommy said, slurring ever so slightly.
“Apparently since you’re hiding out.” He said, taking a hit and handing it to you. Weed wasn’t really your thing but you decided to take a baby hit and hand it back to Tommy.
“You never did like smoking.” He says, examining the joint in his hand.
“Makes me too paranoid. But it does have its perks, I can see why you like it.”
He nodded slowly while taking one more hit and putting it out in the ash tray he had brought with him.
“Can we just stay in here the whole night?” He asks you.
You laughed and said, “Are you that done with people?”
“It’s just some of these people they bring here man, I feel like they know we’re gonna be something so they hang around to brush elbows with famous people.” You knew that had to be the pot talking but at the same time you knew what he meant, and you prayed he didn’t think that that was what you were doing. You would never hang around him just because you needed a gravy train.
“Well, I’m not like that.” You said, looking down at the floor.
“Hey hey,” he came over and touched your arm, “I know that. Why else would I want to stay in this bathroom the whole night with you?”
You glanced up at him and he had his eyebrows raised and was giving you the infamous look you couldn’t figure out these past few weeks. What on earth was this boy thinking of when he gave you this look?
“What?” You asked, finally gaining some courage to inquire about his thoughts.
“Do you ever think about...I don’t know.” Tommy said, now looking at the floor as you had been doing.
“No, what?” You asked again, genuinely curious.
Tommy moved slightly closer to you, his hand next to yours on the sink now.
“Do you ever think about this?” Tommy leaned in and you did by instinct but your head was swimming. His lips were dangerously close to yours and all you wanted was some sort of contact. You looked him directly in the eyes as a signal to move further. He placed one kiss on your lips, changing your friendship forever in this moment. It was a chaste kiss and he pulled back, looking for your reaction. You both sat still for a moment, taking in what had just happened. You turned to him once more, placing a hand on his jawline and pulling him in again. This time you decided to initiate the kiss more and slipped your tongue inside of his mouth. Tommy followed and soon it was a full blown makeout session. His hands moved to your hips to sit you on top of the counter. He was now in front you and you moved your hands up to his hair. His hands stayed placed on your hips as your mouths moved together in sync. So this was what the looks had been about and the jealousy, you thought. In your head, you knew it was wrong, but it felt right. Part of you wanted to move away and forget it and go back to the old friendship but it had gone too far now. 
“You, are an amazing kisser.” He said, breaking the kisses for a moment. You smiled shyly and looked down, wondering how he made you this flustered when he didn’t before. He leaned back in and the kiss was more heated this time. He bit your lip gently and you smiled. Noticing you were into it, Tommy moved a little further and let his hands wander down your breasts over your shirt. He grabbed your hips roughly this time and scooted you closer so you were flush against him. The contact made you both sigh heavily and you pulled on his hair. 
“Fuck, Y/N. You’re driving me insane.” Tommy said, his hands still on your hips. 
“Do whatever you want, I’m yours.” You said back, and you meant it. It had gone this far and it felt too good to stop. 
While continuing to let your mouths explore the other���s, Tommy made a bold move and slipped his hand between your legs and up your skirt. He teased a little bit, caressing your thighs and rubbing circles with his thumb. When his hands hit your center over your underwear, you bucked your hips forward slightly to let him know it was what you needed. He slipped your underwear to the side and ran two fingers up and down. 
“I didn’t think you’d be this wet for me.” He cooed, and continued his actions until he reached your clit and he began rubbing small circles. You let out sighs of pleasure and hoped he would never stop. He began gently kissing and sucking at your neck while his hand was giving you relief.
“Tommy! Open the fuck up dude.” Vince called from outside the door. Tommy’s hand stopped everything it was doing and the feeling of lost contact drove you insane. You could barely think straight and your anger towards Vince began to come out for his interruption. 
“Uh, I’m a little busy.” He said, smirking at you.
“It’s important man, Ashley’s here and she’s looking for you.” Tommy immediately let out an exasperated groan at the sound of his ex girlfriend’s name. You looked at him and shook your head, silently pleading at him not to go.
“I’ll be right back I promise, don’t move.” He placed one more kiss on your lips and gathered himself in the mirror.
You said nothing, the anger beginning to grow even more for many reasons. Of course she would show up tonight when she hadn’t been around in months and of course Tommy being his usual self, would go to her beck and call. As he left the bathroom, you leaned your head against the mirror and wondered what kind of alternate universe you were living in. You had just had an intense makeout session with your best friend and his hand had practically been inside of you. And now, his infamous ex was here to do God knows what, interrupting one of the best moments you had ever experienced. You decided you’d give him five minutes to let him greet her, tell her to fuck off, and come back and finish what he started. But if not, you’d raise hell without giving it a second thought. 
(Quite obviously there will be a part 4 and I’m not prepared HELP and if I missed any tags please let me know!!!)
Tags: @getthefckouttahere @stevenandsam @dylanobandposts21 @anon-1112 @switchthewitch @sighsophiia @mainly-me @bandzrus @divaanya @evrsncenewyork @yoinks-i-dont-feel-so-good @catsoo-12 @whydoilooklikekurtcobain @supernaturalvikingwhore @vintageratdoctor @thatbandchick39 @chasityquinn @swoopygorl @shamelessobsessions @itsametaphorbriansblog @juliarose21
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thefantasyride · 5 years
Florian Munteanu x Black reader
Mentions: smut andddd that’s about it. lmao 
For the girlies who love Big Nasty and inspired me to start writing again. @honeychicana @jbrizzywrites  @l-auteuse.  Tell me what you think!
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The relationship between Blake and her boyfriend, Rob was starting to fizzle out. He was handsome, wealthy and a decade older than her, but that never mattered. When they first got together, it was fun and exciting. Then he began to work a lot and they rarely got to spend time and tension began to build. 
At this point, she was only there for the life he afforded her. Vacations, shopping sprees, anything she wanted.
He was always away on business and the relationship hadn’t been the same. Rob was always away on business so he took drastic measures to ensure Blake could live a somewhat normal life while he was away.  
Rob was always cautious about who he let into their home. He hired 24-hour security. Two goofballs named Tommy and Moe. Tommy and Moe had known Rob for years, so they were loyal by default. Anything Rob asked of them, it was done.
But he knew Tommy and Moe had bad habits so he hired Florian to keep an eye on things. That’s how they met. 
He helped Blake around the house and they became friendly. She kept her distance while Moe and Tommy were around because they’d run back to Rob to tell him any and everything going on and she didn’t need that.
Some days Florian watched Blake a little closer than he needed to. They eventually noticed each other giving the other ‘the eye’.  
They had been eyeing each other for months. 
From the first day Blake laid eyes on him, she wanted him. She knew it was wrong, but the temptation was in front of her for weeks at a time and she was ready to explode. 
It had been months since she had sex and her toy collection wasn’t enough. 
Florian was staked out in the poolhouse watching TV as he heard the knob turn. Then there was Blake with a tray of margaritas. 
“I was about to take a dip in the pool, but you’ve been in here all day so I thought I’d say hello and offer you a drink.” 
Florian sat up straight on the couch.
“Thanks.” He said as he sipped from the glass. 
“Sooooo whatcha watchin’?” Blake smiled, batting her eyelashes as she sat beside him on the couch. 
Florian tried acting indifferent in her presence, but he couldn’t ignore her scent, her gorgeous face, or her shapely figure.
“Some documentary on dream interpretation or somethin’.” Florian shrugged, keeping his eyes on the TV. 
“Ya know dreams are a crazy thing. Scary dreams, happy dreams, weird dreams, freaky dreams... “
“What kind of dreams do you have Flo?” Blake quizzed as she scooted so close their thighs were touching. 
“On what?” 
“A lot of things.”
Blake wanted to stop beating around the bush and cut to the chase. 
“I’m attracted to you and I know you’re attracted to me so what’s good?” 
“What about him?”, she asked nonchalantly as she ran her fingers over his hand.
“He’ll find out.”
“No he won’t. And if he does, so what. He’s never home anyway.”
Florian held his breath as his green orbs met Blake’s brown ones.
“Tommy and Moe are gone for the night. I sent them home.”
“But Blake, I can’t — ”
Blake pressed her finger against his lips as she caressed his face.
She straddled his lap as she untied her swimsuit coverup to expose her yellow thong bikini. Florian rested his large hands on her hips before rubbing her smooth, caramel thighs as she played with the gold cross chain dangling from his neck. 
She slowly unbuttoned his shirt to expose his chiseled abs and chest. She kissed his neck and chest as she removed his crisp button-up. Their lips finally met as they tasted each other’s tongue. 
Florian stood with her in his arms, her legs wrapped tightly around his waist before placing her gently on the chaise, kissing from her ankle up to her inner thigh.
Blake sucked in her stomach, trying to control her giggles as he kissed and licked around her belly button ring. She held her breath as he untied her bikini bottoms, putting her glistening pussy lips on display. He swiped his fingers against her folds, spreading her arousal around as he took her clit into his mouth.
Blake arched her back as Florian flicked his tongue against her swollen clit at lightning speed. She ran her nails over his scalp, letting her moans fill the air as he switched between sucks and licks to her sensitive nub.
He moved her bikini top exposing her hardened nipples to the cool air. His large hands kept her legs propped open as he lapped up her juices, humming into her treasure.  
She squeezed her breasts as she tossed her head back. When she finally looked down to watch him, he was staring back at her with those green eyes. He took his mouth away from her sensitive clit to rub it in circular motions. Her legs began to shake as she whimpered in pleasure.
Florian kept her legs in place with his forearms as he began playing with her pierced nipples, rubbing and pinching them as his mouth returned to her overly sensitive core. Blake dug her manicured claws into his arms. The chains around his neck dragged across her thighs as he buried his face in her pleasure zone. 
His mouth, his hands, the cold necklaces rubbing against her thighs was all becoming too much, but she was loving every minute of it. 
Florian greedily slurped up her pussy as he played with her sensitive nipples with one hand before inserting his middle finger between her dripping folds with the other. Blake bucked her hips and arched her back as her walls contracted around Flo’s fingers as he added another one. 
“Oh my God, I’m gonna cum! I’m about to cum!” She moaned and panted as she bucked her hips against his hand as she squirted all over his face and chest. 
He removed his fingers to lap up her juices before slapping her pussy and rubbing her clit in circular motions. He left a trail of kisses on her thighs, stomach, and breasts before planting his lips against hers. 
Blake held his face in her hands as she tasted herself on his lips and tongue. She bit her lip in satisfaction as she admired his beard coated in her juices.
She took her place back in his lap, running her nails down his chest and abs. 
“Maybe we could do this again at your place?”
Florian nodded as he squeezed her juicy ass.
“I’d like that.”  
Part 2 or no? Let me know! ☺️
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twistedrunes · 6 years
Shirts: John
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This is the fourth of the short stories I am writing based on the prompt above.
1. Arthur 2. Tommy 3. Michael 5. Alfie
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/15478248
Warnings: Smut, angst and language (NSFW)
“I just need an hour to myself.” You reply to your husband’s query if you were alright, your voice muffled by the table you have your face pressed against.
“Right.” Your husband, John, replies rubbing his hand tenderly between your shoulder blades and working his way down to your lower back. You don’t lift your head as you listen to the sound of his footsteps going into the hall. “Alright, everyone in the backyard!” He calls to the children, who all barrel through the kitchen and into the backyard. You hear John walk up the stairs. You groan expecting a child’s cry at any moment. But it’s John who interrupts you first. “Come on love, upstairs I’ve run you a bath.” You sigh and allow him to help you upstairs. He kisses you gently and rubs your stomach fondly before closing the door and leaving you to it.
You grunt with the effort of lowering yourself into the bath. Sighing as the warm water takes your weight. You rest your feet on the edge of the tub, sinking down, so the water is up to your neck. You let your eyes close. The knock on the door makes you curse under your breath.
“Sweetheart?” John says.
“Yeah, I’m coming.” You say grabbing the sides of the bath.
“No, no, love you stay there. I’m just taking the kids to Pol’s for a bit. When you’re finished there, just pop into bed and have a relax ‘ey? Put your feet up. I’ll be back soon.”
“Thanks.” You call, before sinking back into the bath, your eyes closing as you enjoy the warmth and the quiet.
Starting to feel a chill as the water cools you heave yourself out of the tub and dry yourself off. You take the robe John has left for you behind the door, you sigh as it only just meets around your middle. You waddle into the bedroom to find John waiting for you. “Jeez, you look amazing.” He says wrapping his arms around you and pulling you in for a kiss.”
“Yeah, for an elephant.” You moan sinking down onto the bed.
“No darling, just amazing.” He says earnestly opening up the wardrobe and pulling out a dress for you. “Come on, get dressed. Pol’s gonna look after the kids for a couple of days, and we’re going to London. Just the two of us for a bit ‘ey.”
“But,” You begin.
“No. No arguments. I’ve packed for you, and everything's sorted, so just put ya dress on and then we can go. I’ve even made a booking for dinner at Bianchi’s.” He says shooting you a cocky look.
You start to well up, “Really? But why?”
“Yes really.” John drops down next to you on the bed, taking your face in his hands. “Because I love you. Because, you’re having my baby. Because, you love my other babies like they’re your own. Because, you’re amazing. Because, I think you’re the most beautiful woman in the world, and I want to show you off. That’s why.” He says kissing the tip of your nose.
“Thank you for a lovely evening.” You say to John as you stand in your hotel room overlooking Hyde Park. He’s standing behind you, chin resting on your shoulder arms wrapped around you, one hand stroking your belly.
“The night is still young.” He says kissing your neck gently, his hand rising to your breast and squeezing gently. “Fuck.” He hums, grazing his teeth over your earlobe as your nipple hardens in his palm. You can’t help but smile. He’d been ‘accidentally’ brushing against your breasts all evening knowing how sensitive you were at the moment. 
You’ve been flirting all night. You, pressing your toes between his legs during dinner and caressing him. Him, pushing you against a wall on the way home and kissing you like a dying man.
John rolls his hips, pressing the bulge in his pants against your ass. You push back slightly and sway your hips from side to side. John groans, sucking on the delicate skin below your ear and pulling you back hard against him. His thumb rubs against your nipple hardening it further, causing you to arch your back and moan softly. Your palm slams against the glass above your head for support. “Fuck baby, you know what that does to me.” John groans in your ear.
“Mm-hmm.” You hum “Do you wanna frisk me?” you tease arching your back further so trying to get the pressure of John’s cock where you want it most. You slide your hands up, so both arms are fully extended above you, leaning your forehead against the cold glass.
John slips around the front of you, pulling your face to his and kissing you needfully. “Yes.” He swallows hard. You nod, slipping your shoes off and digging your toes into the carpet. He holds your eye, his hunger apparent.
“Well come on then,” you tease, arching your eyebrow as you part your legs slightly. John presses his lips to yours again quickly before slipping back under your arm and behind you. He presses himself up hard against you, his hands over yours before dragging them down your arms. Reaching your shoulders, he continues up your neck his fingers gripping your hair. He tugs gently opening your neck up to him. He sucks hard where your neck meets the top of your shoulder. You stand on your tiptoes and bite your lip with the pleasure of it. His hands resume their investigation, sliding over shoulders and down your back. Reaching your ass, he drops to one knee, his hands sliding down your legs. Before they glide back up the inside of your thighs, you moan softly as his fingertips brush against the edge of your panties.
John stands again, his hands skimming over your hips before ; I up your sides and to your breasts. You lean back against John as he kneads your breasts, whispering in your ear how amazing they feel. His hands slide down to your stomach, using long, languid strokes to caress you. He kisses his way up your neck, telling you how beautiful he finds you and how turned on he is between each kiss. His lips brush against your ear “I’m sorry ma’am, but the search was inconclusive we’ll need to do a full strip search.” He says firmly.
You turn your head towards him, biting your lip as you nod. John takes a step back and undoes the zip of your dress. You shiver slightly at his delicate touch. Moving closer again he guides one hand down from the glass and out of the sleeve and repeats the process on the other arm. Your dress falls to your ankles. John presses behind you, his hands pushing yours back against the glass firmly. “Look down there,” he says hoarsely “all those people down there, if they’d only look up, they would see how perfect you are. Poor sods don’t know what they’re missing.”  His hands travel down your arms, faster this time, down your back, over your ass to your hips. John kneels again hands roaming further this time as he explores your legs. You jump a little when his fingers brush over the satin of your panties. “Do you want these off too?” He asks teeth grazing your ass.
“Please.” You sigh.
John’s fingers hook into the fabric at your hips yanking the underwear down in one swift movement. You gasp at the sensation, fingers squeaking against the glass as you try to hold on. John presses his lips to your lower back. He guides your leg up, removing it from both dress and underwear before repeating the process on the other leg. He bundles the dress and lingerie in a ball and shoves them behind him, kicking it further away with his foot.  
“Fuck” you cry as you feel his lips press against you. Your forearms pressing against the glass to steady yourself.
“Fuck babe; you taste so good.” You hear John moan.
You can’t help but giggle at the fact that you can’t see him under your belly. Happily, John ignores you and continues to caress you with his tongue. His hands roam over your thighs, alternating between barely there and grasping handfuls of you and pulling you closer. John’s tongue finds your clit, and he flicks it gently. “Fuck.” You groan again feeling your knees weaken. John chuckles against you and sucks on you gently. You can’t help but rock your hips against him. You reach down desperately tugging at his hair. “Please babe, I need you to fuck me.”
John hums against you in agreement and is standing behind you again in a moment. He tugs at your hips gently, bending you over to gain easier access to you. Taking himself in hand, he positions himself at your entrance. You push back against him, sighing in satisfaction as he pushes himself into you. John wraps his arm around your waist straightening you up as he thrusts up into you. Your cheek is pressed up against the window, your rapid breath causing condensation to bloom across the glass. John’s hand slides from your stomach down between your legs, his deft fingers quickly finding their target.
As soon as the pads of his fingers come in contact with your clit you feel the beginnings of your orgasm “John,” you moan.
“I know babe, come on, cum for me.” He encourages, fingers working faster as he thrusts into you. He tips you over the edge when he catches your nipple between his fingers and squeezes. His strong arms hold you as you shudder. “So good.” He whispers as he reaches his climax, hips bucking. You sag against him as you both relax. John turns you, pushing your back up against the window, his thigh between your legs for support, as he kisses you fervently, brushing the hair from your face. “I love you.” He says between each kiss. You drape your arms around his shoulders, using him to support you, your legs still shaky. “You gone all weak at the knees 'ey love?” John asks, a cocky smirk plastered on his face. You roll your eyes. John cocks his eyebrow and sweeps you up, carrying you to the bed. Once there he tucks you in, grabbing extra pillows from the cupboard to tuck between your knees and under your belly. When he’s satisfied you’re settled he climbs in and snuggles up behind you.    
You wake aware that John is missing from the bed. You open your eyes and see him tugging on his jacket. Seeing you awake he smiles and comes and kisses you. “Sorry babe, I didn’t mean to wake you. I’m just gonna go get some cigars and a paper, you want anything?” He asks his hand sweeping over your hip.
“Mm, strawberries.”
“Anything for you right. I’ll be back soon, you just relax.” He says pulling the comforter up over your shoulders.
Not even ten minutes after he has left you groan, realising you need to pee, again dragging yourself out of bed you waddle to the bathroom. Once up you decide you can’t be bothered lying down just to get up again. You open the suitcase and start unpacking your clothes. You sit to put on your clean panties, unable to balance sufficiently to do so standing up and put on your bra. You try all three dresses John has packed, but none of them is big enough, they are all pre-pregnancy dresses. You look for your dress from last night, but it’s under the settee, and you can’t reach it. Lip trembling you snatch up John’s discarded shirt from yesterday, which is still hanging off the back of the chair. You sniff it deeply before slipping your arms into the sleeves and attempt to button it up. You start to properly cry when you can’t get the bottom four buttons to close.
“Is that my shirt?” YJohn asks, the excitement evident in his voice as he comes in the door finding you, in his shirt, sitting on the edge of the bed, facing away from him. “Fuck I love it when you wear my shirts.” He continues. You can hear him dropping his packages on the table. Coming to stand in front of you he frowns seeing your tear-stained face. “Hey, hey what’s the matter?”
“I’m too fat, and nothing fits me so I’m going to have to stay inside all day or I’ll be arrested for gross indecency.” You sob. John stands in front of you, tongue stuck between his lips, eyebrows raised. “What are you staring at?” You snap.
John rubs his hand over his hair to the back of his neck. “Fuck babe, you go out like that, and I’ll be the one arrested.” He says, reaching his fingers out and brushing them over your naked stomach.
“Don’t tease me.” You say.
“Seriously love, you’re the one doing the teasing. I’m in grave danger of passing out here.” John says, palming his cock through his pants.
“John, don’t make fun of me.” You say burying your face in your hands.
John doesn’t say anything for a little while. Finally, his hand comes to your cheek, “Babe, look at me.” You shake your head. John gently pulls your hands from your face. You’re greeted by the sight of him stark bollocks naked with an absolutely raging hard-on.
“What are you doing?” You ask with a laugh.
“Best lie detector in the world this.” He nods to his waist. “Can’t fake it. You are so fucking hot, always. But in my shirt, with your belly full of my baby. Fuck.” He flops down on the bed next to you. “Come here, have a cuddle.” 
“You do not want a cuddle.” You reply.
“No” He laughs “but it’s a good start.” Pulling you down to him and wrapping his arms around you. He kisses your cheeks, wiping the tears away. “I love you.” He says burying his face in your neck, nipping at the skin. You moan softly. “Starting to feel better?” John teases gently pushing his knee gently between yours and pulling his leg up, so his thigh is pressed up high between your legs.
“Mm,” You agree, rubbing your hand down his chest as you start to grind against his thigh.
John’s hands slip into your underwear pushing them over your butt, you pull your knees up, and John removes them, tossing them aside. You begin to undo the buttons on your shirt. “Leave it on,” John growls softly. His hands coming to your hips and guiding you on top of him.
“I’ll squash you.” You say quietly.
“No babe, you won’t, plus I want to see you.” He reassures you, his hands rocking your hips, so you’re grinding on his thigh. You rest your hands on the firmness of his chest for support as your breathing becoming deeper. You adjust yourself again, so you’re straddling his hips, trapping his cock between you. You moan as one as your slickness coats him, and he bumps against your clit.
“Fuck.” You hiss as Johns hands roam up your thighs to your stomach and then your breasts. “John,” you pant lifting yourself up. John knows what you need and takes himself in hand again, guiding himself into you as you lower yourself down again. Once you’re settled, he takes your hands in his, supporting you. You can’t help but admire the definition in his arms and shoulders as he flexes.
“God, you look beautiful.” John sighs, his eyes roaming over your hungrily.
You start to lose yourself as you slide up and down his cock, moaning as you get closer to your release. You guide John’s hand between your legs, he immediately rubs his thumb over your clit. “Fuck.” You cry, leaning back, your hands on John’s thighs for support as his thumb and cock both hit the perfect spots. “Oh Fuck!” You cry again as your orgasm rocks you. John watches you, bottom lip caught between his teeth. He waits until the storm has passed before grabbing your hips and thrusting against you wildly, reaching his release moments later.
You rest your forehead against John’s chest while you catch your breath, he strokes you hair and back. Exhausted you roll to your side. John quickly positions pillows around you, before spooning himself in behind you. John continues to kiss you and stroke you tenderly. “I’ll go buy you a new dress in a bit.” He says soothingly. “Then we can come back here, and you can wear my shirt again.” He says kissing the back of your neck.
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