#and Dewdrop pretends he doesn't know who Aether is. Start flirting with him and telling him that they better not get caught by
ghcstcd · 1 year
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if she approached you at the bar, don't buy her a drink. That's Dew and he will drink you under the table.
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iamthecomet · 1 year
Dewdrop is beautiful, we all know that, he knows that, his pack members know that and above all others see that.
And now imagine that the ghouls go to a bar together after a very successful ritual and dew, handsome as he is, is standing at the bar (alone) and some guy suddenly comes up to him, slaps him on the ass and starts flirting with him. What would a very protective Swiss do in that situation? Of course he would go up to him and slap the shit out of this guy's face.
And the others would just watch from a distance, Rain and Mountain just shake their heads with a slight grin, the girls just watch the spectacle silently and sip their drinks and Phantom/Aeon watches the action with big adoring eyes because swiss is some kind of role model for him.
Apart from the fact that Dew could have done it very well on his own, I like to imagine the situation exactly like that.
Do you think he would get in trouble for it afterwards? From Copia or sister?
I think a few things happen after this scenario plays out.
The first is that Dew would make fun of Swiss for his reaction. Dew can absolutely handle himself (he's a demon from hell!). And he thinks it's hysterical that Swiss lost his cool about it. He's not going to tell Swiss that he also thought him being possessive was kind of hot--he'll keep that secret locked up tight. But Dew isn't going to let Swiss get away with it. Definitely not going to thank him for it. He'll make fun of him for slapping the guy instead of punching him. Make fun of him for reacting at all. Feign irritation that Swiss thought Dew needed help. And, worse of all, he'll look at Swiss, eyes crinkling at the corners and say "how do you know I didn't want him? Maybe I wanted to fuck him and you fucked it all up!" It doesn't matter that it's a lie. And that Dew actually appreciates Swiss putting himself between the guy and Dew. The truth is less fun, and Dew doesn't particularly want to dwell on those parts. Secondly, when Copia hears about it he mostly just rolls his eyes in annoyance. He could discipline Swiss--but it really won't make any difference. And Dew's done a good enough job at that by the time Copia even finds out. Dew's never, ever going to let Swiss live this one down. So Copia sort of feels like he can just let it go and hope it doesn't end up all over the internet. And Imperator? Well, no one tells her about it. Copia keeps his mouth shut--of course it's his job to tell Sister when the ghouls misbehave, but it usually reflects back on him when he does. She'll lecture him--not the ghouls. Tell him it's his job to keep them in line when they're on the road. That he his in charge of them, their handler, they should be listening to every single word he says. And that he needs to toughen up if they aren't. She'll tell him he's too nice to them--has too much of a soft spot.
Frankly, he doesn't want to listen to it. So he pretends it didn't happen. And honestly, so does everyone else. Except for Rain. Who definitely has a video of it on his phone and only uses it for malicious purposes. (Like making Dew admit he thought it was hot as fuck, or humiliating Swiss when he needs to be taken down a peg). Aether also has a copy of the video, because Rain sent it to him seconds after it happened. He watches it when he needs a good chuckle.
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