#and I'm currently on my sunlit porch
dyke-a-saur ยท 3 years
Cottagecore Butch
Be the Cottagecore Butch you wish to see in the world.
Grab your biggest jeans and most comfy tank. Remove your combat boots and set them aside with your cares.
Follow your love, or yourself out into your garden, porch, front/backyard.
Play some music or sing to yourself.
Sip tea, or coffee, or any type of beverage.
Let the stress wilt away and your boots be overgrown with the weeds and flowers of creativity and peace.
Let dirt streak your jeans and pollen settle on your fingertips (bring your Claritin).
Feel the sun caress your face and call you handsome in it's rays.
Here you are soft, safe, and every bit as masculine as you always are.
Be the Cottagecore Butch you wish to see in the world.
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