#and I'm trying to explain the history of musical theater and the amount of crew who
badsalmonella · 11 months
I feel like now would be a good time to confess to you all that I never actually read Once and Future King, I accidentally listened to an abridged radio play adaptation that I put on because I thought it was the audiobook but realized once I was in too deep, and too invested that it was NOT an audiobook. Two things that I forget are not ACTUALLY products of the book:
-Arthur gets turned into an ant and the ants communicate via RADIO WALKIE TALKIE STYLE. I like listening to audiobooks while I'm working. I spaced out for like a second then when I checked back in I was like "???? Is this still the medieval times????"
-Merlin at the end is like "Don't worry Arthur. The people won't forget you. Lerner and Lowe are gonna write you a great musical" and Arthur's like "dude what the fuck are you talking about?"
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