#and IMO there's a lot more recent evidence of him distancing himself from russia and russian politics
idontlikeem · 1 year
I don't know what to think of the quote from Geno that was published today and is trending on twitter. Is it actually a real quote? Because if it is and was translated within context, oooh boy I'm gonna be pissed!
sigh ok i was hoping this wouldn't happen.
this is the only time i'll be addressing this.
that quote was from 2019. whatever the twitter account that posted a snippet of it is, it was clearly attempting to imply it was said today. it was not. i have proof!
is it the best quote ever? no. however, let's remember the context here: he's talking to a russian news outlet. what's he gonna say?
additionally, when you add in all the rest of his commentary, it's significantly less inflammatory.
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